
Book Description

Customers today are picky, fickle, vocal, and “all about me” vain. With the reach and influence of the Internet, they are also powerful. If they receive poor or impersonal service, they talk back—with a single snarky video or damning review gone viral, they can bring down a company. To succeed in this new world, it is vital that customers are treated not as cash machines but as collaborators. Chip Bell and John Patterson analyze this service revolution and provide a tested formula for transforming today's edgy customers into eager partners. Using real-world examples, they detail compelling methods and pragmatic tools for bringing harmony and balance to a relationship that was out of whack even before the Internet.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Contents
  4. PART ONE: The Situation Welcome to Turbulent Times!
    1. Chapter 1 How the Service Covenant Became Corrupted
    2. Chapter 2 Picky: Why Today's Customers Are Finicky
    3. Chapter 3 Fickle: Why Today's Customers Are Capricious
    4. Chapter 4 Vocal: Why Today's Customers Are Noisy
    5. Chapter 5 Vain: Why Today's Customers Are Self-Centered
  5. PART TWO: The Resolution Manifesto: The Wired and Dangerous Link
    1. Chapter 6 How the Service Covenant Can Be Rebalanced
    2. Chapter 7 Grounding: How to Balance Yourself for Partnership
    3. Chapter 8 Connection: How to Help Customers Feel Like Partners
    4. Chapter 9 Bad Connections: How to Turn Angry Customers into Partners
    5. Chapter 10 Wireless Connections: How to Partner with Customers via the Internet
    6. Chapter 11 Congruence: How to Get the Service Setting in Balance
    7. Chapter 12 Acumen: How to Keep the Customer Relationship in Balance
  6. PART THREE: Suggestions for Partnering with Customers
    1. Flash Drive: Tools and Favorites
      1. Tools
        1. 1 For Calming Customer Crackpots, Bullies, and Militants
        2. 2 For Serving When Customer Pain Must Be Involved
        3. 3 For Giving Great Lateral Service
        4. 4 For Service Leadership in Turbulent Times
        5. 5 For Crafting a Really Cool Service Vision
        6. 6 For a Great Emotional Connection with Customers
        7. 7 For Conducting a Truly Focused Focus Group
        8. 8 For Serving as an Expert
        9. 9 For “Serving in the Dark” Like a Partner
        10. 10 For Firing a Customer
        11. 11 For Conducting Customer Forensics
        12. 12 For Determining If Your Service Process Is Unwell
        13. 13 For Adding Decoration to the Service Experience
        14. 14 For Designing a Survey Your Customers Will Actually Complete
      2. Favorites
        1. Best Books on Understanding the Wired and Dangerous Customer
        2. Best Websites for Understanding the Wired and Dangerous Customer
        3. Favorite Service Quotes
        4. Twenty Things Today’s Wired and Dangerous Customers Really Want
        5. Favorite Metaphor for Turning “Dangerous” Customers into Advocates
        6. A Poem on Customers as Partners
  7. Notes
  8. Bibliography
  9. Thanks
  10. Index
  11. About the Authors
  12. Footnote
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