
Book Description

A smarter framework for designing more effective workplace wellness programs

Workplace Wellness That Works provides a fresh perspective on how to promote employee well-being in the workplace. In addressing the interconnectivity between wellness and organizational culture, this book shows you how to integrate wellness into your existing employee development strategy in more creative, humane, and effective ways. Based on the latest research and backed by real-world examples and case studies, this guide provides employers with the tools they need to start making a difference in their employees' health and happiness, and promoting an overall culture of well-being throughout the organization. You'll find concrete, actionable advice for tackling the massive obstacle of behavioral change, and learn how to design and implement an approach that can most benefit your organization.

Promoting wellness is a good idea. Giving employees the inspiration and tools they need to make changes in their lifestyles is a great idea. But the billion-dollar question is: what do they want, what do they need, and how do we implement programs to help them without causing more harm than good? Workplace Wellness That Works shows you how to assess your organization's needs and craft a plan that actually benefits employees.

  • Build an effective platform for well-being

  • Empower employees to make better choices

  • Design and deliver the strategy that your organization needs

  • Drive quantifiable change through more creative implementation

  • Table of Contents

    1. Cover
    2. Title Page
    3. Copyright
    4. Dedication
    5. Preface
    6. Acknowledgments
    7. Introduction: An Overview of Workplace Wellness
      1. A Guide to Using This Book
      2. We Are Facing a Tidal Wave
      3. The Billion-Dollar Dilemma
      4. Change Is Hard
      5. The Issue Is Bigger Than the Individual
      6. The Classic Model for Workplace Wellness
      7. The Classic Model Is Not Working Well Enough
      8. The Factors That Make the Difference
      9. Widening the Lens
      10. Workplace Wellness That Works Is a Movement
    8. Section I: Start it (Workplace Wellness That Excites)
      1. Step 1: Shift Your Mind-Set from Expert to Agent of Change
        1. From Expert to Agent of Change
        2. Elements of Being an Agent of Change
        3. Get Ready for a Challenge
        4. Wellness Movements Can Start at the Top
        5. Wellness Movements Don't Always Start at the Top
        6. Making Your Case
        7. Spark “Mini-Movements”
        8. Final Thoughts
      2. Step 2: Imagine What's Possible
        1. Create the Vision for the Movement
        2. Early Pioneer in Imagining What's Possible
        3. Visualizing What's Possible
        4. Leverage Maslow to Move beyond “Health”
        5. Health Is More Than a Physical Checkup
        6. Keys to Living with Vitality
        7. A Look at the Different Elements of Well-Being
        8. Leveraging Maslow to Draw the Connections
        9. Final Thoughts
      3. Step 3: Uncover the Hidden Factors
        1. What Is Culture and Why Does It Matter?
        2. Companies That Invest in Culture
        3. Why You Need to Understand the Culture
        4. Culture Shapes Level of Engagement
        5. A Negative Culture Can Undermine Workplace Wellness
        6. Beginning to Uncover the Hidden Factors: Assess
        7. Tap into What You Already Have
        8. Draw Some Preliminary Conclusions
        9. Going Low-Tech
        10. Leverage Maslow to Assess the Culture
        11. The 5 “F” Factors
        12. Uncovering the Stories behind the Data
        13. Initiate a Dialogue with Leaders
        14. Final Thoughts
      4. Step 4: Start with What's Right
        1. The Strengths Revolution
        2. Workplace Wellness Usually Starts with What's Wrong
        3. Terror Tactics Don't Work
        4. Flipping Around the Negative Vortex
        5. The Happiness Advantage
        6. The Well-Being Advantage
        7. Identify the Bright Spots—Individual
        8. Identify the Bright Spots—Organization
        9. Reinventing How We Establish a Baseline
        10. Final Thoughts
    9. Section II: Build it (Workplace Wellness That Grows)
      1. Step 5: Take a da Vinci Approach to Change
        1. Da Vinci in Action
        2. Why a da Vinci Approach is Better
        3. Building Your Internal da Vinci Team
        4. Building Your External da Vinci Team
        5. The Unexpected Players on Your da Vinci Team
        6. Recruiting Leaders onto the da Vinci Team
        7. Creating the Engine for Your Movement
        8. Generating Ideas You Need to Build a Plan
        9. Final Thoughts
      2. Step 6: Go Stealth
        1. The Discovery
        2. The Difference
        3. The Research Behind Going Stealth
        4. What Leaders are Actually Focused On
        5. Stress in the Workplace
        6. What Employees are Actually Focused On
        7. Going Stealth Starts with Renaming
        8. The Master Spin Doctors
        9. Top Opportunities for Going Stealth
        10. Final Thoughts
    10. Section III: Make it Last (Workplace Wellness That Works)
      1. Step 7: Create Meaning
        1. Awareness Is Not Enough
        2. Moving beyond Awareness to Incentives
        3. Behavior Change: Easy to Start, Hard to Sustain
        4. What Is Your Why?
        5. Motivation Comes in Two Flavors
        6. Participation versus Engagement
        7. Theoretical Underpinnings of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
        8. More Carrots and Even More Sticks
        9. Money Can Get People in the Door—but It Won't Keep Them There
        10. Are Some Forms of Incentives Better Than Others?
        11. Should Incentives Be Used at All?
        12. A Minefield of Unintended Consequences
        13. So Now What?
        14. Keys to Lasting Motivation
        15. Competency
        16. Autonomy
        17. Relatedness
        18. Purpose
        19. Play
        20. Moving Forward
        21. Final Thoughts
      2. Step 8: Design Nudges and Cues
        1. What We Can Learn from Alice
        2. What Are Nudges and Cues?
        3. Nudges and Cues Make Behavior Change Easier
        4. Nudges and Cues in Action
        5. Early Pioneer of Nudges and Cues
        6. Nudges and Cues Reinforce Well-Being on a Daily Basis
        7. Examples of Real World Nudges
        8. Some Nudges Require an Investment
        9. Cues Are Important Cultural Prompts
        10. The Research behind Nudges and Cues
        11. Organizations Can Nudge and Cue People into Greater Well-Being—beyond Physical
        12. Taking Action to Increase the Number of Nudges and Cues
        13. Final Thoughts
      3. Step 9: Launch and Iterate
        1. The Iterative Advantage
        2. Scientific Thinking Meets Design Thinking
        3. The Research behind Launch and Iterate
        4. More Research That Calls for a Launch and Iterate Approach
        5. Launch and Iterate on an Individual Basis
        6. Launch and Iterate on a Program-by-Program Basis
        7. Launch and Iterate on an Organizational Level
        8. Final Thoughts
      4. Step 10: Go Global
        1. Changing Trends in Global Health
        2. The Rising Need for Well-Being
        3. Start, Build, and Make It Last
        4. The Bright Spots
        5. Crossing Borders to Share Best Practices
        6. Fostering an International Growth Mind-Set
        7. Getting Started on Going Global
        8. Every Workplace, Every Community
        9. Final Thoughts
    11. Pull It All Together
      1. Start It: Workplace Wellness That Excites
      2. Build It: Workplace Wellness That Grows
      3. Make It Last: Workplace Wellness That Works
      4. Final Thoughts
    12. About the Author
    13. Index
    14. End User License Agreement