
Book Description

R packages are a great way to share and create code that you and others can use over and over again.

Why is it important?

Developing R code for inclusion in a package is different than simply writing R scripts.

What you'll learn—and how you can apply it

Learn best practices for writing R code for packages: organizing your functions, code style recommendations, understanding and planning for how code will be run. Plan for the "unknowns" once you release a package to the world. Also includes hints for submitting a package to CRAN.

This lesson is for you because…

  • You're an R developer and need to package code so that others can reuse it
  • You want to prepare a package to submit to CRAN


  • Some familiarity with the R language

Materials or downloads needed in advance

This lesson is taken from R Packages by Hadley Wickham.

Table of Contents

  1. Writing code for R packages
    1. R Code Workflow
    2. Organizing Your Functions
    3. Code Style
      1. Object Names
      2. Spacing
      3. Curly Braces
      4. Line Length
      5. Indentation
      6. Assignment
      7. Commenting Guidelines
    4. Top-Level Code
      1. Loading Code
      2. The R Landscape
      3. When You Do Need Side Effects
      4. S4 Classes, Generics, and Methods
    5. CRAN Notes