
Book Description

A complete programmer's reference for X library functions, which is the lowest level of programming interface to X.

  • Reference pages for each Xlib function
  • A permuted index to the Xlib functions
  • reference pages for each event type
  • Description of macros
  • A listing of the standard color name database
  • Alphabetical index and description of structures
  • Alphabetical index and description of defined symbols
  • A list of keysyms and their meanings, including sample characters
  • A list and illustration of the standard cursor font
  • A list of standard fonts with illustration of each font
  • A function group index, for finding the right routine for a particular task
  • Single-page reference aids for the GC and window attributes

This reference manual provides reference pages for each Xlib function, a permuted index to the Xlib functions, reference pages for each event type, description of macros, a listing of the standard color database, an alphabetic index and description of structures and defined symbols, a list of keysyms and their meanings, a list and illustration of the standard cursor font, an illustrated list of the standard fonts, a function group index, for finding the right routine for a particular task, and single-page reference aids for the GC and window attributes.

Book Description

A complete programmer's reference for X library functions, which is the lowest level of programming interface to X.

  • Reference pages for each Xlib function
  • A permuted index to the Xlib functions
  • reference pages for each event type
  • Description of macros
  • A listing of the standard color name database
  • Alphabetical index and description of structures
  • Alphabetical index and description of defined symbols
  • A list of keysyms and their meanings, including sample characters
  • A list and illustration of the standard cursor font
  • A list of standard fonts with illustration of each font
  • A function group index, for finding the right routine for a particular task
  • Single-page reference aids for the GC and window attributes

This reference manual provides reference pages for each Xlib function, a permuted index to the Xlib functions, reference pages for each event type, description of macros, a listing of the standard color database, an alphabetic index and description of structures and defined symbols, a list of keysyms and their meanings, a list and illustration of the standard cursor font, an illustrated list of the standard fonts, a function group index, for finding the right routine for a particular task, and single-page reference aids for the GC and window attributes.

Table of Contents

  1. Front Cover
  2. Pages
  3. Back Cover