
Book Description

A complete programmer's reference for X library functions, which is the lowest level of programming interface to X.

  • Reference pages for each Xlib function

  • A permuted index to the Xlib functions

  • reference pages for each event type

  • Description of macros

  • A listing of the standard color name database

  • Alphabetical index and description of structures

  • Alphabetical index and description of defined symbols

  • A list of keysyms and their meanings, including sample characters

  • A list and illustration of the standard cursor font

  • A list of standard fonts with illustration of each font

  • A function group index, for finding the right routine for a particular task

  • Single-page reference aids for the GC and window attributes

  • This reference manual provides reference pages for each Xlib function, a permuted index to the Xlib functions, reference pages for each event type, description of macros, a listing of the standard color database, an alphabetic index and description of structures and defined symbols, a list of keysyms and their meanings, a list and illustration of the standard cursor font, an illustrated list of the standard fonts, a function group index, for finding the right routine for a particular task, and single-page reference aids for the GC and window attributes.

    Table of Contents

    1. Cover Page
    2. Title Page
    3. Copyright
    4. The X Window System Series
    5. Contents
    6. Preface
      1. About This Manual
      2. Summary of Contents
      3. How to Use This Manual
      4. Assumptions
      5. Font Conventions Used in This Manual
      6. Related Documents
      7. Requests For Comments
      8. Licensing Information
      9. Acknowledgements
    7. Permuted Index
      1. How to Use the Permuted Index
      2. The Permuted Index
    8. Xlib Function Reference
    9. A: Function Group Summary
      1. Group Listing with Brief Descriptions
      2. Alphabetical Listing of Routines
    10. B: Error Messages and Protocol Requests
    11. C: Macros
      1. Display Macros
      2. Image Format Macros
      3. Keysym Classification Macros
      4. Resource Manager Macros
    12. D: The Color Database
    13. E: Event Reference
      1. Meaning of Common Structure Elements
      2. ButtonPress, ButtonRelease
      3. CirculateNotify
      4. CirculateRequest
      5. ClientMessage
      6. ColormapNotify
      7. ConfigureNotify
      8. ConfigureRequest
      9. CreateNotify
      10. DestroyNotify
      11. EnterNotify, LeaveNotify
      12. Expose
      13. FocusIn, FocusOut
      14. GraphicsExpose, NoExpose
      15. GravityNotify
      16. KeymapNotify
      17. KeyPress, KeyRelease
      18. MapNotify, UnmapNotify
      19. MappingNotify
      20. MapRequest
      21. MotionNotify
      22. PropertyNotify
      23. ReparentNotify
      24. ResizeRequest
      25. SelectionClear
      26. SelectionNotify
      27. SelectionRequest
      28. VisibilityNotify
    14. F: Structure Reference
      1. Description of Contents
      2. Resource Types
      3. Structure Definitions
    15. G: Symbol Reference
    16. H: Keysyms
      1. Keysyms and Description
    17. I: The Cursor Font
    18. J: Fonts
    19. K: Xlib Release 3 Update
      1. New Routines
      2. Command Line Options
      3. Fonts
      4. Internal and Invisible Changes to Xlib
      5. Small Interface Changes
      6. Server Fixes
      7. The Xmu library
      8. Release 3 Protocol Clarifications
    20. Window Attributes at a Glance
    21. The GC at a glance
    22. About the Editor