
Book Description

This edition adds 3 chapters and covers features added in PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6. It is sure to be a useful study guide and a go-to reference for PHP programmers everywhere.

Book Description

This edition adds 3 chapters and covers features added in PHP 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6. It is sure to be a useful study guide and a go-to reference for PHP programmers everywhere.

Table of Contents

  1. Dedication
  2. Foreword
  3. How To Use This Book
  4. PHP Basics
    1. Syntax
    2. Anatomy of a PHP Script
    3. Data Types
    4. Variables
    5. Constants
    6. Operators
    7. Control Structures
    8. Namespaces
    9. Summary
  5. Functions
    1. Basic Syntax
    2. Returning Values
    3. Variable Scope
    4. Summary
  6. Strings and Patterns
    1. String Basics
    2. Working with Strings
    3. Comparing, Searching and Replacing Strings
    4. Formatting Strings
    5. Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
    6. Summary
  7. Arrays
    1. Array Basics
    2. Array Operations
    3. Array Iteration
    4. Sorting Arrays
    5. Arrays as Stacks, Queues and Sets
    6. Dereferencing Arrays
    7. Summary
  8. Web Programming
    1. Anatomy of a Web Page
    2. Forms and URLs
    3. HTTP Headers
    4. Sessions
    5. Built-in HTTP Server
    6. Summary
  9. Files, Streams, and Network Programming
    1. Accessing Files
    2. Accessing Network Resources
    3. PHP Archives (PHAR)
    4. Summary
  10. Database Programming
    1. An Introduction to Relational Databases and SQL
    2. SQL Joins
    3. Advanced Database Topics
    4. Working with Databases
    5. MySQL Native Driver
    6. Summary
  11. Data Formats and Types
    1. JSON
    2. Dates and Times
    3. Extensible Markup Language (XML)
    4. SimpleXML
    5. DOM
  12. Object-Oriented Programming in PHP
    1. OOP Fundamentals
    2. Class Methods and Properties
    3. Constants, Static Methods and Properties
    4. Interfaces and Abstract Classes
    5. Lazy Loading
    6. Reflection
    7. Summary
  13. Closures and Callbacks
    1. Closures
    2. Callbacks
    3. Summary
  14. Elements of Object-Oriented Design
    1. Designing Code
    2. Design Pattern Theory
    3. The Standard PHP Library
    4. Generators
    5. Summary
  15. Errors and Exceptions
    1. PHP Errors and Error Management
    2. Exceptions
  16. Security
    1. Concepts and Practices
    2. Password Security
    3. Website Security
    4. Database Security
    5. Session Security
    6. Filesystem Security
    7. Shared Hosting
    8. Summary
  17. Web Services
    1. REST
    2. SOAP
    3. Summary
  18. Appendix A: Array Functions
  19. Appendix B: Filter Extension Filters and Flags
    1. Validation Filters
    2. Sanitation Filters
    3. Flags
  20. Appendix C: phpdbg
    1. Installation
    2. Using phpdbg
    3. Remote Debugging
    4. Commands
  21. Credits