
This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes the IBM System z® Personal Development Tool (IBM zPDT®) Sysplex Extensions 2020, which is a package that consists of sample files and supporting documentation to help you get a functioning, data sharing sysplex up and running with minimal time and effort. This book is a significant revision of zPDT 2017 Sysplex Extensions, SG24-8386.

This package is designed and tested to be installed on top of a standard Application Developer Controlled Distribution (ADCD) environment. It provides the extra files that you need to create a two-way data sharing IBM z/OS® 2.4 sysplex that runs under IBM z/VM® in a zPDT environment.

This package differs from the zPDT sysplex package delivered in IBM zPDT Guide and Reference System z Personal Development Tool, SG24-8205, in that it provides working examples of more sysplex exploiters. It also is designed to adhere to IBM's sysplex best practice recommendations, in as far as is possible in a zPDT environment.

Although the package was not tested with IBM Z® Development and Test Environment (previously known as RD&T), it may be used to reduce the effort to create a fully functional sysplex under zD&T.

Conceptually, the package might also be restored and used as a template to create a sysplex environment that is running on a real IBM Z CPC.

The target audience for this document is system programmers who are responsible for designing, creating, and maintaining IBM Parallel Sysplex® environments. It can also be beneficial to developers who currently maintain their own ADCD environments and want to extend them to add sysplex functions.

Table of Contents

  1. Front cover
  2. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  3. Preface
    1. Authors
    2. Now you can become a published author, too!
    3. Comments welcome
    4. Stay connected to IBM Redbooks
  4. Summary of changes
    1. October 2020, Third Edition
    2. January 2018, Second Edition
  5. Chapter 1. Introduction
    1. 1.1 What is sysplex?
    2. 1.2 Base sysplex versus Parallel Sysplex
    3. 1.3 Why did we create this document?
    4. 1.4 Who is this deliverable aimed at?
    5. 1.5 Differences between Sysplex Extensions 2020 and previous versions
    6. 1.6 Contents of this document
  6. Chapter 2. System migration considerations
    1. 2.1 System layout recommendations
    2. 2.1.1 Avoiding updates to ADCD-provided volumes if possible
    3. 2.1.2 Catalogs
    4. 2.1.3 Minimizing changes to provided Parmlib members
    5. 2.1.4 Simplifying your system structure
    6. 2.1.5 Summary
  7. Chapter 3. Sysplex configurations
    1. 3.1 zPDT sysplex configurations
    2. 3.2 Running a sysplex under zPDT
    3. 3.2.1 High-level concepts
    4. 3.2.2 Planning for CFs under zPDT
    5. 3.2.3 Hardware
    6. 3.2.4 Performance
    7. 3.3 Sysplex goals
    8. 3.3.1 General system characteristics
    9. 3.3.2 z/VM-related sysplex limitations
    10. 3.4 System logger
    11. 3.4.1 Resource Recovery Services
    12. 3.4.2 LOGREC
    13. 3.4.3 OPERLOG
    14. 3.4.4 System Management Facilities
    15. 3.5 RACF sysplex usage
  8. Chapter 4. Installing the Sysplex Extensions 2020
    1. 4.1 Implementing a sysplex under zPDT
    2. 4.2 Implementation overview
    3. 4.3 Parallel Sysplex set up steps
    4. 4.3.1 Installing the base ADCD system
    5. 4.3.2 Installing z/VM
    6. 4.3.3 Downloading and creating volumes
    7. 4.3.4 Establishing a known restart point
    8. 4.3.5 Updating the devmap file to add new volumes
    9. 4.3.6 Configuring z/VM guests
    10. 4.3.7 Completing the IPL for the z/OS driver system
    11. 4.3.8 Importing user catalogs
    12. 4.3.9 Creating system-specific system data sets
    13. 4.3.10 Creating zFS file systems for system S0W2
    14. 4.3.11 Creating data sets for zFS started tasks
    15. 4.3.12 Creating Health Checker persistent data file for S0W2
    16. 4.3.13 Recataloging Master catalog data sets
    17. 4.3.14 Making the necessary SMS changes
    18. 4.3.15 Configuring the JES2 MAS
    19. 4.3.16 Creating Parmlib members
    20. 4.3.17 Network definitions
    21. 4.3.18 Creating PROCLIB members
    22. 4.3.19 Grant Access to MVS Route Command
    23. 4.3.20 Creating TCPPARMS
    24. 4.3.21 Creating VTAMLST members
    25. 4.3.22 Customization for Parallel Sysplex complete
    26. 4.4 Starting your Parallel Sysplex
    27. 4.4.1 Parallel Sysplex implementation checklist
    28. 4.5 Other steps to create a base sysplex under z/VM
    29. 4.5.1 Changes to z/VM directory
    30. 4.5.2 Changes in Parmlib
    31. 4.5.3 Bringing up your base sysplex
    32. 4.6 Implementing a base sysplex without z/VM
    33. 4.6.1 Setting up and starting STP
    34. 4.6.2 Defining CTCs for XCF communication
    35. 4.6.3 Sharing zPDT DASD across PCs
    36. 4.6.4 Required Parmlib changes
    37. 4.6.5 Loading the systems
    38. 4.7 Operating your sysplex
    39. 4.7.1 Managing your x3270 sessions
    40. 4.7.2 Post-IPL messages
    41. 4.7.3 SMF considerations
    42. 4.7.4 Sysplex policies
    43. 4.7.5 Shutdown
    44. 4.7.6 Useful commands
    45. 4.7.7 Defining new CDSs
    46. 4.7.8 Adding 3390 volumes in Parallel Sysplex
    47. 4.7.9 Adding 3270 terminals in Parallel Sysplex
    48. 4.7.10 Scaling up in Parallel Sysplex
  9. Chapter 5. Sample Db2 data sharing environment
    1. 5.1 Setting up the Sysplex Extensions 2020 Db2 data sharing environment
    2. 5.1.1 Overview of the Db2 environment
    3. 5.1.2 Implementation
    4. 5.2 Controlling the Db2 data sharing group
    5. 5.3 Maintaining the Db2 environment
    6. 5.4 Sample batch job to test Db2 data sharing
  10. Chapter 6. Sample CICSplex
    1. 6.1 CICSplex overview
    2. 6.2 Setting up the Sysplex Extensions 2020 CICSplex environment
    3. 6.2.1 SMS changes
    4. 6.2.2 Parmlib changes for CICS
    5. 6.2.3 Adding CICS definitions to VTAMLST
    6. 6.2.4 IMPORT CONNECT the CICS user catalog
    7. 6.2.5 Defining CICS model log streams
    8. 6.2.6 Copying CICS procs to USER.Z24B.PROCLIB
    9. 6.3 Controlling your CICSplex environment
    10. 6.4 Migration considerations
  11. Appendix A. Sample definitions
    1. Sample devmap file
    2. Sample z/VM Directory entries
    3. Devices that are defined in the ADCD-provided IODF
    4. Sample IEASYMxx member for sysplex
    5. Sample JCL to allocate system-specific data sets
    6. Job to create UNIX System Services data sets for second system
    7. zPDT Disk versioning sample script
  12. Appendix B. Sysplex couple data sets and policies
    1. ADCD CDSs
    2. Sysplex Extensions 2020 CDSs for Parallel Sysplex
    3. Job to create CDSs
    4. Sysplex Extensions 2020-provided policies
  13. Appendix C. Alternative disk configuration
    1. Overview
  14. Appendix D. Sample IPL flow for sysplex under z/VM
    1. Alternative configuration for a base sysplex
  15. Appendix E. Additional material
    1. Locating the Web material
    2. Using the Web material
  16. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Other publications
    3. Online resources
    4. Help from IBM
  17. Back cover