
First Time Chicken Keeping provides simple, accessible step-by-step instruction for absolute beginning chicken keepers who might not have prior experience and/or feel overwhelmed by a more comprehensive overview.

Table of Contents

  1. 1 Power to the Poultry: The Growing Urban Chicken Movement
  2. 2 Henology: Know thy Hen for She is Great
  3. 3 Backyard Outlaws: Are Chickens Allowed where you Live? what should you do if they Aren’t?
  4. 4 Prep Work: Getting your Home and Yard Ready
  5. 5 Incubation: So you’re Egg-Specting?
  6. 6 The Art of Brooding: Preparing the Nursery for your New Arrivals
  7. 7 Home Sweet Home: Coops and Runs
  8. 8 Safe and Sound: Protecting your Flock from Predators
  9. 9 Nutrition: Common Management Questions and Suggestions
  10. 10 Illness and Ailments: Prevention and Treatment
  11. Glossary
  12. Resources
  13. Photographer Credits
  14. About the Authors
  15. Acknowledgments
  16. Index