
Book Description

Written for the beginner DJ, this accessible book presents everything you need to know in order to create great dance floor moments that will take your sets to the next level and get you noticed as a DJ. Using Ableton’s industry-leading digital audio workstation, the reader will learn to achieve a professional sound by expertly manipulating Warping, pitching, editing, automation and plugin effects processing; also, avoiding mistakes such as key-clashing, jarring transitions, mismatched energies and more. The book’s companion website includes key-charts, musical scale diagrams, organisational templates for live sessions, and follow-along video demonstrations.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Table of Contents
  6. About the Author
  7. Acknowledgements
  8. Introduction
  9. 1 Why Mashups?
    1. What Is a Mashup?
    2. Why Would You Use One?
    3. Is It Difficult to Put a Mashup Together?
    4. An Important Concept about the Dance Music Audience
    5. How to Use This Book
  10. 2 The Components of a Mashup
    1. The Main Track
    2. Breakdown Tracks, Classics and Non-dance Songs
    3. Vocals
    4. Musical Riffs/Sections
    5. Added Drums and Effects
  11. 3 The Right Mix of Elements
  12. 4 Mashup Theory
    1. Key
    2. Figuring Out the Key of an Element
    3. Mixed In Key
    4. Finding the Key of a Song without Mixed In Key
    5. Deciding the Key of Your Mashup
    6. Tempo and Rhythm
    7. Time Signatures
    8. Music Loves Hanging Out in Bars
    9. Choosing the Tempo of Your Mashup
    10. Mashups that Change Tempo
    11. One More Note on Major/Minor Keys
  13. 5 What Will You Need?
    1. A Decent Listening Space
    2. Equipment
  14. 6 Ableton Live
    1. Audio Terminology
    2. Equalisation
    3. Getting Familiar with Live
    4. Importing Tracks
    5. Using Warp to Change the Tempo of a Clip
    6. Using Warp to Change the Pitch of a Clip
    7. Effects
    8. Automation
  15. 7 Preparing for Mashups
    1. Creating a Folder Structure to Keep Things Organised
    2. Creating a Mashup Key List
    3. Creating and Organising a Samples Folder
    4. Finding Pre-created Effects and Builds
    5. Creating an Ableton Live Template
    6. Label Your Current Tracks with Key Information
    7. Write Out a List and Find Your Best Mashup Combinations
  16. 8 Making Mashups—Part 1: Arrangement and Sourcing Audio
    1. Arrangement
    2. Laying Elements Together
    3. Basic Mashup Arrangements
    4. When Should I Bring This Bit in?
    5. Making Sure You Have All the Audio You Need
    6. ‘DIY’ Acapellas
    7. General Tips on Arrangement
    8. Editing Intros
  17. 9 Making Mashups—Part 2: Techniques
    1. Transitions
    2. Bringing in an Element
    3. High-pass Filtering during Transitions
    4. Added Effects, Sweeps and Drum Builds
    5. Treating Vocals
    6. Using Low-shelf EQ to Balance Bass
    7. Reverse Reverbs
    8. ‘Hinting’ and ‘Linking’ Sections
    9. Vocal Loops and Chops
    10. Side-chain Compression (or LFO Tool)
    11. Added Drum Loops
    12. Using Your Own Instruments
    13. Pitch Effects
    14. Arranging Tempo Changes
    15. Transitioning between 4/4 and 6/8 Time Signatures
    16. Using Multiband Compression to Make Room for Vocals
    17. General Ideas on Working Effectively
    18. Is It Finished?
    19. Exporting
  18. 10 House-Keeping
    1. Becoming Faster and More Efficient
    2. Quick Re-cap on Organisation
    3. Using Your Old Mashups as Inspiration
    4. Coming Back to Your Previous Ideas
    5. Intros and Set-breakers
  19. 11 Final Thoughts
    1. Keep Your Ears Open for Great Ideas
    2. Don’t Overdo It
    3. Legal Ramifications of Distributing Mashups
    4. More Resources
    5. Thank You
  20. Resources and Links
  21. Keyboard Shortcuts
  22. Glossary
  23. Index