
Book Description

The industry's leading resource for Internet routing solutions and scenarios

  • Explore the functions, attributes, and applications of BGP-4, the de facto interdomain routing protocol, through practical scenarios and configuration examples

  • Learn the contemporary Internet structure and understand how to evaluate a service provider in dealing with routing and connectivity issues

  • Master the addressing techniques--including Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR)--that are demanded today to facilitate the Internet's rapid and continuing growth

  • Develop optimal routing policies--redundancy, traffic balancing, symmetry, and stability--for your network

  • Learn how to seamlessly integrate your intradomain and interdomain routing and manage large and growing autonomous systems

  • Internet Routing Architectures, Second Edition, explores the ins and outs of interdomain routing network designs with emphasis on BGP-4 (Border Gateway Protocol Version 4)--the de facto interdomain routing protocol.

    Using a practical, example-oriented approach, this comprehensive resource provides you with real solutions for ISP connectivity issues. You will learn how to integrate your network on the global Internet and discover how to build large-scale autonomous systems. You will also learn to control expansion of interior routing protocols using BGP-4, design sound and stable networks, configure the required policies using Cisco IOS Software, and explore routing practices and rules on the Internet.


    Table of Contents

    1. Copyright
    2. About the Authors
    3. About the Technical Reviewers
    4. Acknowledgments
    5. Introduction
    6. The Contemporary Internet
      1. Evolution of the Internet
        1. Origins and Recent History of the Internet
        2. Network Access Points
        3. Routing Arbiter Project
        4. The Very High-Speed Backbone Network Service
        5. Transitioning the Regional Networks from the NSFNET
        6. NSF Solicits NIS Managers
        7. Other Internet Registries
        8. Internet Routing Registries
        9. The Once and Future Internet
        10. Looking Ahead
        11. Frequently Asked Questions
        12. References
      2. ISP Services and Characteristics
        1. ISP Services
        2. ISP Service Pricing, Service-Level Agreements, and Technical Characteristics
        3. Looking Ahead
        4. Frequently Asked Questions
      3. IP Addressing and Allocation Techniques
        1. History of Internet Addressing
        2. IP Address Space Depletion
        3. Looking Ahead
        4. Frequently Asked Questions
        5. References
    7. Routing Protocol Basics
      1. Interdomain Routing Basics
        1. Overview of Routers and Routing
        2. Routing Protocol Concepts
        3. Segregating the World into Autonomous Systems
        4. Looking Ahead
        5. Frequently Asked Questions
        6. References
      2. Border Gateway Protocol Version 4
        1. How BGP Works
        2. BGP Capabilities Negotiation
        3. Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP
        4. TCP MD5 Signature Option
        5. Looking Ahead
        6. Frequently Asked Questions
        7. References
    8. Effective Internet Routing Designs
      1. Tuning BGP Capabilities
        1. Building Peer Sessions
        2. Sources of Routing Updates
        3. Overlapping Protocols: Backdoors
        4. The Routing Process Simplified
        5. Controlling BGP Routes
        6. Route Filtering and Attribute Manipulation
        7. BGP-4 Aggregation
        8. Looking Ahead
        9. Frequently Asked Questions
        10. References
      2. Redundancy, Symmetry, and Load Balancing
        1. Redundancy
        2. Symmetry
        3. Load Balancing
        4. Specific Scenarios: Designing Redundancy, Symmetry, and Load Balancing
        5. Looking Ahead
        6. Frequently Asked Questions
        7. References
      3. Controlling Routing Inside the Autonomous System
        1. Interaction of Non-BGP Routers with BGP Routers
        2. BGP Policies Conflicting with Internal Defaults
        3. Policy Routing
        4. Looking Ahead
        5. Frequently Asked Questions
      4. Controlling Large-Scale Autonomous Systems
        1. Route Reflectors
        2. Confederations
        3. Controlling IGP Expansion
        4. Looking Ahead
        5. Frequently Asked Questions
        6. References
      5. Designing Stable Internets
        1. Route Instabilities on the Internet
        2. BGP Stability Features
        3. Looking Ahead
        4. Frequently Asked Questions
    9. Internet Routing Device Configuration
      1. Configuring Basic BGP Functions and Attributes
        1. Building Peering Sessions
        2. Route Filtering and Attribute Manipulation
        3. Peer Groups
        4. Sources of Routing Updates
        5. Overlapping Protocols: Backdoors
        6. BGP Attributes
        7. BGP-4 Aggregation
        8. Looking Ahead
      2. Configuring Effective Internet Routing Policies
        1. Redundancy, Symmetry, and Load Balancing
        2. Following Defaults Inside an AS
        3. Policy Routing
        4. Route Reflectors
        5. Confederations
        6. Controlling Route and Cache Invalidation
        7. BGP Outbound Request Filter Capability
        8. Route Dampening
        9. Looking Ahead
    10. Appendixes
      1. BGP Command Reference
      2. References for Further Study
        1. Interesting Organizations
        2. Research and Education
        3. Miscellaneous
        4. Books
        5. Internet Request For Comments
      3. BGP Outbound Route Filter (ORF)
        1. When to Use BGP ORF
        2. Configuration
        3. EXEC Commands
        4. Closing Remarks
      4. Multiprotocol BGP (MBGP)
        1. The Motivation Behind the New Command-Line Interface
        2. Organizing Command Groups in the New Configuration
        3. activate
        4. network
        5. Peer Groups
        6. Route Maps
        7. Redistribution
        8. Route Reflector
        9. Aggregation
        10. List of BGP Commands
        11. Upgrading to the AF Style
        12. References
    11. Index