
Book Description

Serverless is a hot topic. Many companies today are turning to this cloud-computing model as a way to avoid steep investments in DevOps while still reliably running production-grade systems. If you’re a developer with one of these organizations, this practical book helps you determine whether serverless is right for your use case. You’ll learn what’s required to build maintainable and scalable services using this model.

Author Jason Katzer, director of software engineering at Capital One, helps you examine the integration offerings of each cloud provider and shows you ways to avoid the pitfalls of their serverless platforms and toolsets. Pick up this book and discover how serverless frees you from the tedious task of setting up and maintaining systems in production.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Handle basic infrastructure, choose the right tools, and use serverless in production
  • Monitor, debug, and test your applications in this environment
  • Use serverless patterns and build applications with microservices

Table of Contents

  1. I. Introduction
  2. 1. Microservices
    1. Why do you want to use Microservices
      1. Improved Developer Velocity
      2. Increased Developer Freedom
    2. Issues with microservices
      1. Increased Complexity
      2. Proper Devops Practices and Resources Needed
      3. Challenges with Local Development and Testing
    3. How do you use microservices effectively?
      1. Consistent Interfaces
      2. Loosely Coupled
    4. How Micro is a Microservice?
    5. Choosing between monoliths and microservices
      1. When Should You Use a Monolith?
      2. When do you want to use Microservices?
    6. Conclusion
  3. 2. Serverless Architecture & Patterns
    1. The role of an architect
    2. What do you need to know to be an architect
    3. Making Decisions
      1. what kinds of decisions do we have to make
      2. why do we have to make them
      3. how do we make them
      4. when do we make them
    4. Cloud Provider Components
      1. Streams
      2. Queues
      3. Buckets
      4. Compute
      5. Data-stores
      6. Identity Service
      7. API Gateway
      8. GraphQL
      9. Networking
      10. State Machines
      11. Logging
      12. Monitoring and Alerting
    5. Events from your cloud provider
      1. Periodic Invocations
    6. Patterns
      1. Serverless Monolith
      2. Incoming webhook
      3. Using your cloud provider for user authentication
      4. Generic Background Task Pattern
      5. Streaming Extract Transform Load (ETL)
      6. Create your Own Integration
      7. Processing files and images
      8. Migration Service Pattern
      9. Fanning out
    7. Conclusion