
Book Description

A compact certification guide to help you prepare for and pass the (70-506): TS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development exam with this book.

  • This book and e-book will provide all that you need to know to pass the Microsoft Silverlight 4 development (70-506) exam.
  • Includes a comprehensive set of test questions and answers.
  • The layout and content of the book matches that of the skills measured by the exam closely, which makes it easy to focus your learning and maximize your study time where you need improvement.

In Detail

Microsoft Silverlight is a powerful development platform for creating engaging, interactive applications for many screens across the Web, desktop, and mobile devices. Silverlight is also a great (and growing) Line-Of-Business platform and is increasingly being used to build data-driven business applications. Silverlight is based on familiar .NET languages such as C# which enables existing .NET developers to get started developing rich internet applications almost immediately.

"MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide" will show you how to prepare for and pass the (70-506): TS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development exam.

Packed with practical examples and Q&As, MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide starts by showing you how to lay out a user interface, enhance the user interface, implement application logic, work with data and interact with a host platform amongst others.

Book Description

A compact certification guide to help you prepare for and pass the (70-506): TS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development exam with this book.

  • This book and e-book will provide all that you need to know to pass the Microsoft Silverlight 4 development (70-506) exam.
  • Includes a comprehensive set of test questions and answers.
  • The layout and content of the book matches that of the skills measured by the exam closely, which makes it easy to focus your learning and maximize your study time where you need improvement.

In Detail

Microsoft Silverlight is a powerful development platform for creating engaging, interactive applications for many screens across the Web, desktop, and mobile devices. Silverlight is also a great (and growing) Line-Of-Business platform and is increasingly being used to build data-driven business applications. Silverlight is based on familiar .NET languages such as C# which enables existing .NET developers to get started developing rich internet applications almost immediately.

"MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide" will show you how to prepare for and pass the (70-506): TS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development exam.

Packed with practical examples and Q&As, MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide starts by showing you how to lay out a user interface, enhance the user interface, implement application logic, work with data and interact with a host platform amongst others.

Table of Contents

  1. MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide
    1. Table of Contents
    2. MCTS: Microsoft Silverlight 4 Development (70-506) Certification Guide
    3. Credits
    4. About the Author
    5. About the Reviewers
    6. www.PacktPub.com
      1. Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
        1. Why Subscribe?
        2. Free Access for Packt account holders
        3. Instant Updates on New Packt Books
    7. Preface
      1. What this book covers
      2. What you need for this book
      3. Who this book is for
      4. Conventions
      5. Reader feedback
      6. Customer support
        1. Downloading the example code
        2. Errata
        3. Piracy
        4. Questions
    8. 1. Overview of Silverlight
      1. What is Microsoft Silverlight
        1. Setting up your development environment
      2. Introducing XAML
        1. Content controls
        2. Namespaces
        3. Naming your objects
        4. Setting properties
      3. The Silverlight application model
      4. Integrating Silverlight with HTML
        1. Using the object tag
        2. Using the JavaScript helper files
      5. In and out-of-browser support
      6. Summary
    9. 2. Laying out Our User Interface
      1. Arranging content with panels
        1. Creating your first Silverlight application
          1. Grid
            1. Star sizing
            2. Absolute sizing
            3. Auto sizing
            4. Placing content into a grid
            5. Changing the grid layout dynamically
          2. StackPanel
          3. Canvas
            1. Setting the Canvas properties from code behind
          4. Border
          5. ScrollViewer
          6. ViewBox
          7. Controlling the visibility
      2. Using core and content controls
        1. Using core controls
          1. TextBox
          2. TextBlock
          3. Buttons
            1. Button
            2. HyperlinkButton
            3. ToggleButton
            4. CheckBox
            5. RadioButton
        2. Using content controls
      3. Creating user controls
        1. Creating your first user control
      4. The navigation framework
        1. Adding new pages
        2. Navigation events
        3. NavigationService
        4. The UriMapper class
        5. The journal
        6. Implementing caching
      5. Displaying a collection of items
        1. ItemsControl
        2. ListBox
        3. ComboBox
        4. TreeView
        5. DataGrid
          1. Displaying data in DataGrid
          2. DataGrid templating
          3. Sorting
      6. Playing media files
        1. The MediaElement control
        2. Digital Rights Management
        3. Working with audio files
          1. AudioStreamCount and AudioStreamIndex
          2. Balance
          3. Volume
          4. IsMuted
        4. Displaying closed captioning
      7. Test your knowledge
      8. Summary
    10. 3. Enhancing the User Interface
      1. Creating or modifying the control styles
        1. Styling at the element level
        2. Styling at the page level
          1. Explicit styling
          2. Implicit styling
          3. BasedOn styling
        3. Styling at the global level
        4. Styles hierarchy
      2. Creating control templates
        1. TemplateBinding
        2. Showing the content
          1. The ContentPresenter element
          2. The ItemPresenter element
        3. Attaching the style
      3. Creating or modifying data templates
        1. Creating your first data template
        2. DataForm templates
        3. Using UserControl as a data template
      4. Manipulating visuals
        1. Getting ready
        2. Skew transform
        3. Rotate transform
        4. Scale transform
        5. Translate transform
        6. Perspective transforms
        7. Grouping transformations together
        8. Pixel shaders
      5. Animating visuals
        1. Creating storyboards
        2. Controlling the storyboard
        3. Repeating and reversing storyboards
        4. Implementing easing functions
        5. Configuring bitmap caching
      6. Implementing behaviors
        1. Triggering storyboards by using behaviors
          1. Creating your own behavior
      7. Managing the visual state
      8. Test your knowledge
      9. Summary
    11. 4. Implementing Application Logic
      1. Handling events
        1. Adding events
        2. Handling routed events
          1. The AddHandler method
      2. Consuming services asynchronously
        1. Adding your first service reference
        2. Configuring service endpoint
        3. Handling timeouts
        4. Cross-domain networking
      3. Working with background threads
        1. Spawning a background thread to execute code
        2. Creating your first BackgroundWorker
        3. Using the Dispatcher object
        4. Working with the DispatcherTimer object
      4. Working with dependency properties
        1. The structure of dependency properties
        2. Creating your first dependency property
      5. Interacting with attached properties
      6. Implementing ICommand
        1. Building your first ICommand
      7. Test your knowledge
      8. Summary
    12. 5. Working with Data
      1. Implementing data binding
        1. Setting DataContext
        2. Binding data sets to controls
        3. Binding elements to other elements
        4. The INotifyPropertyChanged interface
        5. Setting a fallback value
      2. Formatting data
      3. Creating and consuming value converters
        1. Creating your first converter
        2. Passing parameters to the value converter
      4. Implementing data validation
        1. Using exception-based validation
        2. Implementing the IDataErrorInfo interface
        3. Implementing the INotifyDataErrorInfo interface
      5. Test your knowledge
      6. Summary
    13. 6. Interacting with the Host Platform
      1. Implementing the printing API
        1. Creating your first print job
        2. Printing multiple pages with page numbers
      2. Creating out-of-browser applications
        1. Creating your first out-of-browser application
        2. Checking network connectivity
        3. Displaying toast notifications
        4. Checking and updating application versions
        5. Displaying HTML content in an OOB application
      3. Accessing the isolated storage
        1. Increasing the isolated storage size
      4. Interacting with the DOM
        1. Accessing cookies and query strings
        2. Communication between JavaScript and Silverlight
        3. Manipulating the HTML DOM
        4. Silverlight to Silverlight communication
        5. Creating a local communication demo application
      5. Accessing the clipboard
      6. Reading from and writing to the host filesystem
      7. Handling alternative input methods
        1. Handling the mouse wheel
      8. Test your knowledge
      9. Summary
    14. 7. Structuring Applications
      1. Creating and consuming resource dictionaries
        1. Utilizing sample data for a item template
        2. Changing a property's type
        3. Selecting and merging resource dictionaries
        4. Merged resource dictionaries
      2. Implementing localization and globalization
        1. Working with resource files
        2. Forcing local
          1. Setting the culture using the Silverlight plugin HTML
          2. Setting the culture using a converter
      3. Handling application-level events
      4. Test your knowledge
      5. Summary
    15. 8. Deploying Applications
      1. Configuring the Silverlight plugin
        1. Passing initialization parameters
        2. Setting the plugin size
        3. windowless mode
        4. Setting a custom splash page
          1. Creating your own splash screen
      2. Dynamically loading application resources
        1. Using assembly caching
        2. Downloading and extracting content from ZIP files
      3. Creating a client access policy
      4. Test your knowledge
      5. Summary
    16. A. Test Your Knowledge — Answers
      1. Chapter 2: Laying out Our User Interface
      2. Chapter 3: Enhancing the User Interface
      3. Chapter 4: Implementing Application Logic
      4. Chapter 5: Working with Data
      5. Chapter 6: Interacting with the Host Platform
      6. Chapter 7: Structuring Applications
      7. Chapter 8: Deploying Applications
    17. Index