
Book Description

Rest Easy with Test Easy!

You're excited about your decision to pursue a career in nursing. And regardless of what type of nurse you plan to become--RN, LPN or LVN, CNS, nurse practitioner, or other specialization--you know that to get into the nursing program of your choice you'll have to do your absolute best on the entrance exams. Well, rest easy because Test Easy makes acing your exams a snap! In this book, you get:

- An overview of the NLN, PAX-RN/PN, HESI, TEAS, HOBET, and PSB Registered Nursing School Aptitude Exam
- Tips for boosting your grammar, vocabulary, and reading proficiency to pass the nursing exam verbal section
- Math essentials to get you comfortable with the arithmetic, algebra, and geometry nurses need to know
- Science tutorials for boning up on the essentials of life science, anatomy & physiology, chemistry, and physics
- Practice exams to test your progress, plus detailed answers to help you pass your exams with flying colors

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title page
  3. Contents
  4. How to use this Book
  5. Introduction
  6. Part 1: Decision Diagnosis
    1. 1 So, You Want to Be a Nurse?
      1. The Many Faces of Nursing
      2. Registered Nurse
      3. Licensed Practical Nurse/Licensed Vocational Nurse
      4. Advanced Practice Nurses
      5. Nurse Practitioners
      6. Clinical Nurse Specialists
      7. Nurse-Midwives
      8. Nurse Anesthetists
      9. Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
      10. Nurse Educator
      11. Education Options
      12. BSN
      13. ADN/AAS
      14. Diploma
      15. Admissions
      16. Licensure
    2. 2 Tests You Need to Make the Grade
      1. Many Paths to the Same Career
      2. National League for Nursing Pre-Admission Exam (NLN PAX)
      3. Scoring
      4. NLN PAX Vital Stats
      5. Health Education Systems Exam (HESI) A2
      6. Scoring
      7. HESI A2 Vital Stats
      8. ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (ATI TEAS)
      9. Scoring
      10. ATI TEAS Vital Stats
      11. Psychological Services Bureau Registered Nursing School Aptitude Exam
      12. Scoring
      13. PSB Vital Stats
      14. Types of Administration
      15. Paper-Based Tests (PBTs)
      16. Computer-Based Tests (CBTs)
      17. How to Use This Info
    3. 3 Positive Test Results—Stat!
      1. Practice Tests and Planning Strategies
      2. Aim High
      3. Play to Your Weaknesses
      4. Rethink Your General Approach
      5. Read Carefully
      6. Speak for Yourself
      7. Find the “Best” Answer
      8. Use Process of Elimination—Every Time
      9. The Guessing Game
      10. Test-Specific Strategies
      11. Practice Makes Perfect
      12. Timing Is Everything
      13. Study Strategically
      14. Study Smart
      15. Final Preparations
      16. The Week of the Test
      17. The Day of the Test
      18. After the Test
  7. Part 2: Say It Right: Verbal Review
    1. 4 Grammar: It’s How You Say It
      1. What to Expect
      2. Parts of Speech
      3. Nouns
      4. Pronouns
      5. Verbs
      6. Adjectives
      7. Adverbs
      8. Prepositions
      9. Common Errors
      10. Subject/Verb Agreement
      11. Ambiguous Pronoun
      12. Misplaced Modifier
      13. Commas in Compound Sentences
      14. Run-On Sentences
      15. Fragments
      16. Preposition Placement
      17. Spelling
      18. Commonly Confused Words
    2. 5 Mark Your Words
      1. What to Expect
      2. Synonym and Antonym Questions
      3. Get to the Root of the Problem
      4. What’s the Connotation?
      5. Determine Part of Speech
      6. Words in Context and Sentence Completion
      7. Look for Clues
      8. Swap It Out
      9. Analogies
      10. Build Your Vocabulary
      11. Word of the Day
      12. Hit the Books
      13. Memorize in Clusters
      14. Learn Your Roots
      15. Make Associations
    3. 6 Read, Comprehend, Conquer
      1. What to Expect
      2. Main Idea
      3. Purpose
      4. Tone
      5. Specific Details
      6. Vocab in Context
      7. Inference Questions
      8. Fact or Opinion
      9. Paragraph Breakdown
  8. Part 3: Math Matters
    1. 7 Basic Arithmetic
      1. What to Expect
      2. Arithmetic Review
      3. Order of Operations
      4. Positive and Negative Integers
      5. Multiples and Factors
      6. Prime Factorization
      7. Greatest Common Factor (GCF)
      8. Least Common Multiple (LCM)
      9. Fractions
      10. Simplification
      11. Addition
      12. Subtraction
      13. Multiplication
      14. Division
      15. Decimals
      16. Addition and Subtraction
      17. Multiplication
      18. Division
      19. Converting Decimals to Fractions
      20. Rounding
      21. Percent
      22. Ratios
      23. Proportions
      24. Rates
      25. Averages, Median, and Mode
      26. U.S. and Metric Measurements
      27. Graphs, Charts, and Tables
      28. Bar Graph
      29. Line Graphs
      30. Pie Chart
    2. 8 Algebra and Geometry
      1. What to Expect
      2. Steps for Panic-Free Success
      3. Algebra Review
      4. Equations
      5. Inequalities
      6. Exponents
      7. Roots
      8. Polynomials
      9. Simple Polynomial Factoring
      10. Quadratic Expressions
      11. Geometry Review
      12. Lines
      13. Angles
      14. Triangles
      15. Quadrilaterals
      16. Circles
      17. Solid Figures and Volume
  9. Part 4: Scientific Method
    1. 9 Science of Life
      1. What to Expect
      2. Life Science Review
      3. Cells
      4. Taxonomy
      5. Plants
      6. Ecology
      7. Evolution
      8. Earth Science Review
      9. The Earth
      10. Rocks
      11. Atmosphere
      12. The Moon and Stars
    2. 10 Bio Basics
      1. What to Expect
      2. What’s in a Cell?
      3. Moving In and Out of a Cell
      4. Diffusion
      5. Osmosis
      6. Cellular Respiration
      7. Cellular Reproduction
      8. Mitosis: Asexual Reproduction
      9. Meiosis: Sexual Reproduction
      10. Genetics
      11. DNA
      12. Mendel
    3. 11 Anatomy and Physiology Check-Up
      1. What to Expect
      2. Basic Terminology
      3. Circulatory System
      4. Blood
      5. Heart
      6. Blood Vessels
      7. Path of Blood
      8. Respiratory System
      9. Upper Respiratory System
      10. Lower Respiratory System
      11. Path of Air
      12. Nervous System
      13. Central Nervous System
      14. Peripheral Nervous System
      15. Endocrine System
      16. Digestive System
      17. Upper GI Tract
      18. Lower GI Tract
      19. Urinary System
      20. Reproductive System
      21. Male
      22. Female
      23. Muscular System
      24. Skeletal System
    4. 12 The Right Chemistry
      1. What to Expect
      2. Matter
      3. Breakdown of Matter
      4. Conversion of Matter
      5. Composition of Matter
      6. Density
      7. Atoms
      8. Subatomic Particles
      9. Working with Subatomic Particles
      10. Elements
      11. The Periodic Table
      12. Compounds
      13. Molecular Mass
      14. Moles
      15. Bonds
      16. Reactions
      17. Reaction Rates
      18. Balancing Equations
      19. Stoichiometry
      20. Solutions
      21. Determining Concentration
      22. Dilutions, Emulsifications, and Tinctures
      23. Acids and Bases
      24. Scientific Notation
    5. 13 Let’s Get Physical
      1. What to Expect
      2. Weight and Mass
      3. Energy and Work
      4. Potential Energy
      5. Kinetic Energy
      6. Work, Work, Work
      7. Motion
      8. Newton’s First Law
      9. Newton’s Second Law
      10. Newton’s Third Law
      11. Speed
      12. Acceleration
      13. Thermodynamics
      14. Pressure
      15. Temperature
      16. It’s Electric!
      17. Voltage and Ohm’s Law
      18. Circuits
      19. Waves
      20. Frequency
      21. Types of Waves
      22. How Waves Move
      23. Nuclear Physics
  10. Part 5: Strength Training: Test Your Skills
    1. Practice Test 1
      1. Practice Test 1: Answers and Explanations
    2. Practice Test 2
      1. Practice Test 2: Answers and Explanations
  11. Resources
  12. Acknowledgments
  13. Copyright