
Book Description

Good overall health always starts with a foundation of good nutrition. However, being bombarded by conflicting nutritional reports, ever-changing confusing nutritional findings, and the latest diets can make it hard to understand how to achieve your optimum nutrition. Idiot's Guides: Optimum Nutrition gives you everything you need to know about nutrients, understanding how they react in your body, and the best way to achieve nutritional benefits. This book covers:
* The fundamental basics of nutrition.
* Definitions of good/bad fats, good/bad carbs, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and phytonutrients, and how they are used in your body.
* The mind/brain/body connection and how nutrition is linked to mental health.
* The truth about controversial foods and conflicting nutritional information.
* How to understand food labels and nutritional terms, key grocery marketing terms, and genetically modified foods.
* Making wise food choices when eating at home or out.
* Inclusion of water, fiber, grains, supplements, and super foods.
* Popular diets and how they work (low carb, paleo, plant-based, Mediterranean, glycemic index, raw food)
* Food allergies versus food intolerances and how to eat with them.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Introduction
  5. Part 1: Nutrition and Wellness: An Overview
    1. 1 What Is Good Nutrition?
      1. How to Get Healthy
        1. Eat Good Foods
        2. Get Moving
        3. Manage Your Stress
      2. Is Your Health at Risk?
      3. The Keys to Good Nutrition
        1. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans
        2. Finding a Nutrition Expert and Support
    2. 2 You Are What You Eat
      1. The Road to Good Health
      2. Eating Hazards and Solutions for Health Issues
        1. Obesity
        2. Heart Disease
        3. Type 2 Diabetes
        4. Hypertension
        5. Cancer
        6. Inflammation
        7. Acid Reflux
      3. Lifestyle
        1. Exercise
        2. Sleep
        3. De-Stress
      4. Genetics
    3. 3 The Mind/Body Connection
      1. Mind Control
        1. Mindless Eating
        2. Intuitive Eating
        3. Gut Microbes
      2. Food and Mood
        1. Food Frenzy
        2. All Systems Go
      3. The Sleep Connection
        1. Sleep and Hormones
        2. Diet in Shift Workers
      4. Connection Between Food and Mood Disorders
        1. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
        2. Depression
        3. Cognitive Decline
        4. Serotonin Sensitive Disorders
  6. Part 2: The Basics of Nutrition
    1. 4 Digestion 101
      1. Where Does It Begin?
        1. The Mouth
        2. The Stomach
        3. The Small Intestine
        4. The Large Intestine (Colon)
      2. When Digestion Goes Wrong
        1. Heartburn, Acid Reflux, and GERD
        2. Celiac Disease
        3. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
        4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
        5. Leaky Gut Syndrome
        6. Malabsorption Syndrome
      3. Gut Support with Probiotics
      4. Water: An Essential Nutrient
        1. Can You Drink Too Much Water?
    2. 5 The Calorie
      1. The Origin of the Calorie
        1. How to Calculate Your Calories
        2. Basal Metabolism Rate (BMR)
      2. Cutting Calories for Weight Loss
      3. What Is an Empty Calorie?
      4. How Healthy Is Your Body Weight?
      5. Body Mass Index (BMI)
      6. Long-Term Weight Management
      7. Eating More for Weight Gain
      8. Eating Disorders
        1. Anorexia Nervosa
        2. Bulimia
        3. Binge-Eating Disorder (BED)
        4. Orthorexia
      9. Tracking Your Calories
    3. 6 Carbohydrates
      1. Fuel for Your Body
      2. How Carbohydrates Are Broken Down by the Body
      3. The Many Faces of Carbohydrates
        1. Simple Carbohydrates
        2. The Glycemic Response to Carbohydrates
        3. Sugar Alcohols
        4. Sugar Substitutes
        5. Complex Carbohydrates
      4. Dietary Fiber
        1. Soluble Fiber
        2. Insoluble Fiber
        3. Functional Fiber
        4. How Much Fiber Do I Need?
        5. Discovering High-Fiber Foods
        6. More Is Not Always Better
      5. High-Fiber Recipe
    4. 7 Protein
      1. The Building Blocks of the Body
      2. How Proteins Are Broken Down
      3. Where to Find Protein
        1. Animal-Based Protein
        2. Plant-Based Protein
      4. How Much Do I Need?
      5. What If I Can’t Get Enough?
      6. Is More Protein Better?
      7. Errors in Protein Metabolism
      8. High-Protein Recipe
    5. 8 Fats and Cholesterol
      1. The Many Types of Fats
        1. How Fats Are Broken Down
        2. Saturated Fat
        3. Trans Fats
        4. Monounsaturated Fats
        5. Polyunsaturated Fats
        6. Omega-3s
        7. Omega-6s
        8. Triglycerides
      2. Cholesterol–the Good and the Bad
        1. High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL)
        2. Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL)
        3. Total Cholesterol
        4. Cholesterol Ratio
        5. How to Improve Your Numbers
      3. Discovering Healthy Fats in Foods
      4. Top Sources of Heart-Healthy Omega-3 Fats in Foods
      5. Healthy Fats Recipe
    6. 9 Vitamins
      1. What Is a Vitamin?
      2. How Vitamins Are Broken Down in the Body
      3. Water-Soluble Vitamins
      4. The B Vitamins
        1. Vitamin B12
        2. Vitamin B6
        3. Thiamin, Riboflavin, and Niacin
        4. Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, and Folate
      5. Vitamin C
      6. Fat-Soluble Vitamins
        1. Vitamin A
        2. Vitamin D
        3. Vitamin E
        4. Vitamin K
    7. 10 Minerals
      1. What Is a Mineral?
      2. How Minerals Are Broken Down in the Body
      3. Major Minerals
        1. Calcium
        2. Phosphorus
        3. Sulfate
        4. Potassium
        5. Sodium
        6. Chloride
        7. Magnesium
      4. Trace Minerals
        1. Iron
        2. Zinc
        3. Fluoride
        4. Iodine
        5. Chromium
        6. Molybdenum
        7. Selenium
        8. Copper
        9. Manganese
      5. Vitamin and Mineral Supplements
        1. What Makes a Supplement Good?
        2. Who Needs Supplements?
    8. 11 Phytonutrients
      1. What Is a Phytonutrient?
      2. The Benefits of Phytonutrients
      3. Carotenoids
        1. Beta-Carotene
        2. Lycopene
        3. Lutein and Zeaxanthin
      4. Flavonoids
        1. Anthocyanidins
        2. Catechins
        3. Isoflavones
      5. Resveratrol
      6. How Phytonutrients Are Broken Down
      7. Which Is the Best: Phytonutrient Pills or Whole Foods?
      8. Getting More Phytonutrients in Your Diet
        1. Phytonutrients in Foods
        2. Colorful Eating
      9. Phytonutrients Recipe
  7. Part 3: Making Your Best Food Choices
    1. 12 Understanding Your Foods
      1. What Should I Eat?
      2. The Basic Food Groups
        1. Whole Grains
        2. Protein
        3. Fruits and Vegetables
        4. Dairy
        5. Healthy Fats
      3. What If I Eliminate Food Groups?
        1. Dairy Alternatives
        2. Gluten-Free Alternatives
      4. Food Combining
      5. The Food Label
        1. Labeling
        2. The Serving Size
        3. What Is % Daily Value?
      6. Packaging Claims
        1. Nutrient Claims
        2. Health Claims
        3. Structure and Function Claims
    2. 13 Best Shopping Practices
      1. Safe Food Choices
        1. Supply Chain
        2. Keeping Food Safe
      2. Organic vs. Conventionally Grown
        1. Certification Process
        2. Natural Ingredients
        3. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
        4. Food Additives
      3. What Is a Sustainable Food System?
        1. Locally Grown
        2. Environmental Impact
      4. Fresh, Frozen, Canned, or Freeze-Dried?
      5. Truth in Labeling
    3. 14 Cooking Oil Basics
      1. Choosing the Right Cooking Oil
      2. The Best Monounsaturated Oils for Health
        1. Olive Oil
        2. Canola Oil
        3. Avocado Oil
        4. Safflower Oil
      3. Polyunsaturated Oils
        1. Omega-3
        2. Omega-6
        3. Soybean Oil
        4. Corn Oil
      4. The Negative Impact of Oils on Health
        1. Butter
        2. Lard
        3. Palm Oil
      5. Coconut Oil
      6. Trans Fat
        1. Vegetable Shortening
        2. Margarine
  8. Part 4: Your Healthy Diet
    1. 15 What Is a Healthy Diet?
      1. Meeting Your Body’s Needs
      2. Nutrients for Health
      3. Variety
      4. Portion Control
        1. Serving Size Tips and Techniques
        2. Gadgets
      5. Your Food Nemesis
      6. How to Cultivate New Food Habits
        1. The Plan
        2. Avoiding and Dealing with Cravings and Ruts
        3. Getting Sidetracked
    2. 16 Hunger
      1. Hunger Regulation in the Body
      2. The Physical Need for Food
      3. The Psychology of Hunger and Emotional Eating
        1. Disordered Eating Patterns
        2. Eating Disorders
        3. Where to Find Help
      4. Why Diets Don’t Work
      5. Breaking Free from Old Eating Patterns
        1. Clean Plate Club
        2. Be a Good Role Model
        3. I’m Not Hungry
        4. Eating on a Schedule
      6. Intuitive Eating
        1. Satisfying Foods
        2. Food Cravings
    3. 17 Food Allergies
      1. What Is a Food Allergy?
      2. What Is a Food Intolerance?
      3. What Is a Food Sensitivity?
      4. Lifestyle Eating and Performance
      5. The Top Eight Food Allergies
        1. Wheat
        2. Dairy
        3. Fish
        4. Shellfish
        5. Tree Nuts
        6. Peanuts
        7. Eggs
        8. Soy
      6. Fortifying Your Diet
        1. Dairy Alternatives
        2. Egg Substitutes
        3. Gluten-Free Foods
      7. Dining Out with a Food Allergy
        1. The Restaurant Selection Process
        2. It’s a Team Effort
    4. 18 Let’s Get Cooking
      1. Meal Planning Made Easy
        1. Think Seasonally
        2. Finding the Time to Cook
        3. Meal Solutions
      2. Kitchen Organization
      3. A Well-Stocked Pantry
      4. Creating Your Meal Plan
      5. Food Prep Made Easy
      6. What’s the Best Way to Cook?
        1. Sautéing
        2. Grilling
        3. Steaming
        4. Baking
        5. Frying
        6. Sous Vide
      7. Order’s Up
        1. Portion Sizes
        2. Leftovers
    5. 19 Eating Out
      1. Frequency of Meals Away from Home
      2. Selecting a Restaurant
      3. The Food Dialogue
        1. A Quick Guide to Meal Selection
        2. Words to Watch For
      4. Navigating the Menu for Good Health
        1. Appetizers
        2. Entrées
        3. Sides
        4. Desserts
        5. Cocktails
      5. Food on the Go
      6. Meals at the Grocery Store
  9. Part 5: What Science Says About Special Foods
    1. 20 Top Diets
      1. Plant-Based Diets
        1. The Mediterranean Diet
        2. The Flexitarian Diet
        3. The Vegetarian Diet
        4. The Vegan Diet
        5. The Raw Food Diet
        6. The Juicing Diet
      2. Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) Diet
      3. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet
      4. The Paleo Diet
      5. Commercial Diet Plans
        1. Weight Watchers
        2. Jenny Craig
        3. Atkins
        4. South Beach
    2. 21 Superfoods: Are They Real or Just Good Marketing Tactics?
      1. What Makes a Food Super?
      2. Superfoods and Their Benefits
        1. Longevity
        2. Mental Health
        3. Energy
        4. A Healthy Sex Drive
      3. Examples of Superfoods
        1. Dark Chocolate
        2. Berries
        3. Kale
        4. Chia Seeds
        5. Pomegranates
        6. Black Beans
        7. Salmon
        8. Turmeric
        9. Walnuts
        10. Avocados
      4. Sample Superfoods Recipe
    3. 22 Controversial Foods
      1. Why Certain Foods Are Considered Controversial
      2. Eggs
        1. The Hen House
        2. Cholesterol and Fat
        3. Classification of Eggs
      3. Meats
        1. Beef
        2. Pork
        3. Fish
        4. Endangered Species
        5. Fish Farming
        6. Mercury
      4. Coffee
        1. The Good News About Your Cup of Joe
        2. Caffeine and Coffee–the Dark Side
      5. Wine
        1. Health Benefits
        2. Breast Cancer Risk
      6. Beer
  10. Appendixes
    1. A Glossary
    2. B Online Resources