
Book Description

Controlling health when metabolism is out-of-control.

The thyroid is the body's energy center, working to set the metabolism. It can be underactive or work too fast. It is susceptible to cancer and other health issues, more often in women than men. And its symptoms are varying and hard to identify. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Thyroid Disease sifts through the vast amount of conflicting advice to help readers learn how to seek appropriate treatment for their individual situation.

? Covers Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism, as well as Goiter, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, Thyroid Cancer, and adrenal gland diseases

? Thyroid's role in PMS, infertility, and postpartum depression

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Introduction
  7. Part 1: Getting to Know Your Thyroid
    1. 1 Spotlighting Your Thyroid
      1. The Butterfly in Your Neck
      2. Your Energy Control Center
      3. Metabolism and Your Thyroid
      4. The Iodine Connection
      5. The “T” Factor
      6. When Thyroids Go Wrong
        1. Hypothyroidism
        2. Hyperthyroidism
        3. Thyroid Cancer
        4. Other Thyroid-Related Problems
      7. Why Thyroids Go Wrong
    2. 2 Sorting Through Symptoms
      1. Hearing Your Thyroid’s Messages
      2. Thyroid Disease Symptoms Checklist
      3. Weight and Energy Symptoms
        1. Gaining or Losing Weight
        2. Sluggishness or Exhaustion
      4. Mental Symptoms
        1. Depression and Anxiety
        2. Fogginess and/or Forgetfulness
        3. Nervousness and/or Irritability
        4. Having Trouble Sleeping
      5. Sex and Fertility Symptoms
      6. Irregularity Symptoms
      7. Hair, Skin, and Nail Symptoms
        1. Hair That’s Thin or Falling Out
        2. Rough, Itchy, and/or Thinning Skin
        3. Acne
        4. Puffy and/or Cold Skin
        5. Dry, Brittle Nails
      8. Other Symptoms
        1. Racing Heart
        2. Numb or Tingling Hands and Feet
        3. Weak Muscles
        4. Irregular Sweating
        5. Painful and/or Enlarged Eyes
        6. Enlarged Neck and/or Hoarse Voice
      9. When in Doubt, Get Tested
    3. 3 Thyroid Controversies
      1. Why the Thyroid Breeds Controversy
      2. Broda Barnes and Basal Temperature
      3. Wilson’s Syndrome
      4. Guy Abraham’s Iodine Project
      5. Desiccated vs. Synthetic Medication
      6. Brand Name vs. Generic Medication
      7. Standard vs. Compounded Medication
      8. Thyroid Medication Substitutes
      9. Other Over-the-Counter Remedies
    4. 4 Choosing the Right Doctor
      1. Initial Considerations
      2. Your Second Visit
      3. Considering Treatment Options
      4. Follow-Up Visits
      5. Beware Extremists
  8. Part 2: Hypothyroidism
    1. 5 Types of Hypothyroidism
      1. What Is Hypothyroidism?
      2. Hashimoto’s Disease
        1. Causes of Hashimoto’s Disease
        2. Effects of Hashimoto’s Disease
      3. Goitrous Hypothyroidism
      4. Pituitary Gland Disease
      5. Therapeutic Hypothyroidism
      6. Drug-Induced Hypothyroidism
      7. Toxin-Induced Hypothyroidism
      8. Iodine-Induced Hypothyroidism
    2. 6 Hypothyroidism Symptoms
      1. Acknowledging Symptoms
      2. Hypothyroidism Symptoms Checklist
      3. Hypothyroid Patient Stories
        1. Memory Problems
        2. Fatigue and Depression
        3. Fatigue and Brittle Nails
        4. Feeling Unusually Cold
        5. Hair Loss
        6. Infertility
        7. Muscle Weakness
      4. Similar and Overlapping Conditions
        1. Autoimmune Diseases
        2. Anemia
        3. Hypoglycemia
        4. PMS
        5. CFIDS
        6. Fibromyalgia Syndrome
        7. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
        8. Clinical Depression
        9. Adrenal Gland Disease
        10. Pituitary Gland Disease
    3. 7 Diagnosing Hypothyroidism
      1. Key Blood Tests for Hypothyroidism
        1. TSH
        2. Free T4 and Free T3
        3. Antibodies
        4. Other Testing
      2. Analyzing Your Test Results
      3. Why “Normal” Results Might Be Wrong
      4. Analyzing Patient Test Results
        1. Memory Problems
        2. Quest for Growth
        3. Weight Gain
        4. Depressed but “Normal”
        5. Headaches and Back Pain
    4. 8 Treating Hypothyroidism
      1. Desiccated Thyroid
      2. Synthetic T4
      3. Synthetic T3
      4. Combining T4 and T3
      5. Beyond Medication
    5. 9 Setting Your Dosage
      1. Finding Your Perfect Dosage
      2. Be Goldilocks
      3. Mixing and Switching Thyroid Medications
      4. Real Patient Dosage Stories
        1. Total Thyroid Hormone Replacement
        2. Underdose for Depression
        3. Overdose for Fatigue
        4. A Dog’s Tale
      5. Staying on Your Medication
  9. Part 3: Hyperthyroidism
    1. 10 Hyperthyroidism Symptoms
      1. Hyperthyroidism Symptoms Checklist
      2. Hyperthyroidism Dangers
      3. Graves’ Disease
      4. Goitrous Hyperthyroidism
      5. Hyperthyroid Eye Disease
      6. Plummer’s Disease
      7. Iodine-Induced Hyperthyroidism
      8. Painful Subacute Thyroiditis
      9. Hashitoxicosis
      10. Thyrotoxicosis Factitia
      11. TSH-Secreting Pituitary Adenoma
      12. Struma Ovarii
    2. 11 Diagnosing Hyperthyroidism
      1. Similar and Overlapping Conditions
        1. Autoimmune Diseases
        2. Anxiety
        3. Irregular Heartbeat
        4. Adrenal Overactivity
        5. Bipolar Disorder
        6. Stimulants and Medications
      2. Key Blood Tests for Hyperthyroidism
        1. TSH
        2. Free T4 and Free T3
        3. Antibodies
        4. Other Testing
      3. Analyzing Your Test Results
      4. Analyzing Patient Test Results
        1. Anxiety
        2. Lump in the Neck
        3. Keeping Her Baby Healthy
        4. Over-the-Counter
    3. 12 Treating Hyperthyroidism
      1. Low-Impact Remedies
        1. Fluoride
        2. L-Carnitine
        3. Goitrogens
        4. While You’re Waiting …
      2. Prescription Medications
        1. Tapazole vs. PTU
        2. Tapazole and PTU Side Effects
        3. Other Medications
        4. Block-and-Replace Therapy
      3. Radiation and Surgery
      4. Hyperthyroid Patient Stories
        1. Weary of Radiation
        2. Supermeds
        3. Block and Replace
  10. Part 4: Other Thyroid Diseases
    1. 13 Thyroid Cancer
      1. Noticing Nodules
      2. Taking an Initial Look
      3. Getting a Biopsy
      4. Selecting Surgery
      5. Types of Thyroid Cancer
        1. No Cancer
        2. Papillary Cancer
        3. Follicular Cancer
        4. Medullary Cancer
      6. Getting Radioactive
      7. Treatment for Life
      8. Julie’s Story
    2. 14 Adrenal Gland Diseases
      1. Spotlighting Your Adrenal Glands
      2. When a Good Thyroid Seems Bad
      3. Underactive Adrenals
        1. Identifying Underactivity
        2. Testing for Underactivity
        3. Treating Underactivity
      4. Overactive Adrenals
        1. Identifying Overactivity
        2. Testing for Overactivity
        3. Treating Overactivity
    3. 15 Other Thyroid-Related Diseases
      1. Parathyroid Disease
        1. Parathyroid Disease Causes
        2. Parathyroid Disease Symptoms
        3. Diagnosis and Treatment
      2. Thyroiditis
        1. Painful Subacute Thyroiditis
        2. Silent Thyroiditis
        3. Postpartum Thyroiditis
        4. Iodine-Induced Thyroiditis
      3. Thyroid Eye Disease
      4. MEN Syndrome
    4. 16 Emotions and Your Thyroid
      1. How Hormones Rule Us
      2. Diagnosing and Treating Depression
      3. Diagnosing and Treating Anxiety
      4. Other Mental Disorders
    5. 17 For Women Only
      1. PMS
        1. Understanding PMS
        2. Managing PMS
      2. Infertility
      3. Miscarriage
      4. Postpartum Problems
      5. Perimenopause and Menopause
  11. Part 5: Diet and Lifestyle
    1. 18 Eating Your Way to Health
      1. Choosing Natural vs. Processed Foods
      2. Avoiding Toxins in Produce
      3. Avoiding Toxins in Meat
      4. Foods Fitting Your Metabolism
      5. Helping Your Thyroid Work
    2. 19 Getting That Weight Off
      1. Focusing on Fiber
      2. Meal Replacements
      3. Food Logging
      4. Measuring Your Metabolism and LBM
      5. The T2 Factor
    3. 20 Shedding Fat with J. J. Virgin
      1. Don’t Settle for TOFI
      2. Optimize Your Eating Patterns
      3. Drinking Your Meal
      4. Managing Sweeteners
      5. Burst Training
      6. Strength Training
      7. Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
      8. Managing Food Sensitivity
      9. Managing Low Stomach Acid
      10. Managing Stress
      11. Managing Insulin Resistance
      12. Managing Sex Hormones
    4. 21 Planning Meals
      1. Fruits and Vegetables
      2. Proteins
      3. Carbohydrates
      4. Balancing Meals with J. J. Virgin
      5. Eating Out
      6. Embracing Goitrogens
    5. 22 Living Better
      1. Thyroid Threats
        1. Mercury
        2. Perchlorate
        3. Fluoride
      2. Cutting Down on Chemicals
      3. Shrinking Stress
      4. Embracing Exercise
  12. Appendixes
    1. A Glossary
    2. B Resources