Tracking Changes to a DataSet

When making changes to a DataSet, it is often useful to keep a record of the changes. That way you can make a set of related changes on the client machine, then transmit just the changes back to the server. This technique saves network time, because the changes are all transmitted at once, and it saves bandwidth, because only the changes are transmitted.

You could add another line of code to Example 11-8 to see that the DataSet maintains a “before” and “after” view of the data. Add this line before the Update( ) statement:

dataSet.WriteXml(Console.Out, XmlWriteMode.DiffGram);

And you’ll see the following output when you run the program:

<diffgr:diffgram xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" xmlns:diffgr=
    <coupons diffgr:id="coupons1" msdata:rowOrder="0" diffgr:hasChanges="modified">
      <coupon_code>077GH     </coupon_code>
    <coupons diffgr:id="coupons2" msdata:rowOrder="1">
      <coupon_code>665RQ     </coupon_code>
    <coupons diffgr:id="coupons3" msdata:rowOrder="2">
      <coupon_code>81BIN     </coupon_code>
    <coupons diffgr:id="coupons4" msdata:rowOrder="3">
      <coupon_code>99GGY     </coupon_code>
    <coupons diffgr:id="coupons1" msdata:rowOrder="0">
      <coupon_code>077GH     </coupon_code>

This is the DiffGram, and it shows the current state (“after”) of the data in the DataSet, as well as a “before” state in the diffgr:before element.

The DiffGram is an XML document that has three sections. The first, the current data instance, is represented by an XML element whose name matches the DataSet name; in this case, that’s the AngusHardware element. Under the data instance element, the current state of each row in each of the DataSet’s DataTables is serialized as a simple XML element.

The second section, diffgr:before, lists the values of any rows that have changed before the change. And the third section, diffgr:errors, shows any errors that occurred during the generation of the DiffGram.

Example 11-9 shows the general format of the DiffGram.

Example 11-9. The DiffGram format
<diffgr:diffgram xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" xmlns:diffgr=
    <DataTableName diffgr:id="DataTableName
1" msdata:rowOrder="0" diffgr:hasChanges="modified">
    <DataTableName diffgr:id="DataTableName
2" msdata:rowOrder="1">
    <DataTableName diffgr:id="DataTableName
n" msdata:rowOrder="DataRown">
    <DataTableName diffgr:id="DataTableName
n" diffgr:Error="ErrorText"/>

The following details the DiffGram elements, attributes, and content:


This is the root element of the DiffGram. It uses two namespaces, prefixed with msdata and diffgr, respectively.


This element’s name is the name of the DataSet. All the current values of each DataTable’s DataRows are included within this element.


This element’s name is the name of the DataTable, and the element represents an individual DataRow.


This element represents a DataColumn within a single DataRow. Its content is the current value of the column for that row.


This is the element that contains the previous values of any changed DataRows. Its content represents the previous value of a DataRow instance with the matching value of the DataTableName’s diffgr:id attribute.


This is the element that contains any error messages. Its diffgr:Error attribute contains the error message for the DataRow instance with the matching value of the DataTableName’s diffgr:id attribute.


This attribute represents a unique identifier for a DataRow. Its content is made up of the DataTable name and a sequential number. It is used to map the current value of a DataRow to the previous value in the diffgr:before section or to any errors in the diffgr:errors section.


This attribute indicates the order of the DataRow within the DataTable.


This attribute is used to indicate whether the current value of a DataRow represents any changes, in which case the previous values will be listed in the diffgr:before section. diffgr:hasChanges can have the value inserted, modified, or descent:


The value inserted identifies an element which has been added


The value modified identifies an element that has been modified


The value descent identifies an element where one or more children from a parent-child relationship have been modified


This attribute’s content is a textual error message describing an error that arose while attempting to change the data in a DataSet.

Although the DiffGram is used internally by .NET for remoting and web services, it can also be used by any external system that needs to communicate database changes to a .NET DataSet.

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