Network Access Through a Web Proxy

Another useful feature of the WebRequest class is its ability to read data through a web proxy. A web proxy is a server located on the network between your code and a web server. Its job is to intercept all traffic headed for the web server and attempt to fulfill as many requests as it can without contacting the web server. If a web proxy cannot fulfill a request itself, it forwards the request to the web server for processing.

Web proxies serve two primary purposes:

Improving performance

A proxy server can cache data locally to speed network performance. Rather than sending two identical requests from different clients to the same web resource, the results of the first request are saved, and sent back to any other clients requesting the same data. Typical web proxies have configurable parameters that control how long cached data is retained before new requests are sent on to the web server. The HTTP protocol can also specify this cache refresh period. Many large online services, such as America Online, use caching to improve their network performance.


A proxy server can be used to filter access to certain sites. Filtering is usually used by businesses to prevent employees from accessing web sites that have no business-related content, or by parents to prevent children from accessing web sites that may have material they believe is inappropriate. Filters can be as strict or loose as necessary, preventing access to entire IP subnets or to single URLs.

The .NET Framework provides the WebProxy class to help you incorporate the use of web proxy servers into your application. WebProxy is an implementation of IWebProxy, and can only be used to proxy HTTP and HTTPS (secure HTTP) requests. It’s important that you know the type of URL you are requesting data from: casting a FileWebRequest to an HttpWebRequest will cause an InvalidCastException to be thrown.

To make use of a proxy server that is already set up on your network, you first create the WebRequest just as before. You can then instantiate a WebProxy object, set the address of the proxy server, and set the Proxy( ) property of WebRequest to link the proxy server to the web server. The WebProxy constructor has many overloads for many different situations. In the following example, I’m using a constructor that lets me specify that the host name of the proxy server is Setting the constructor’s second parameter, BypassOnLocal, to true causes local network requests to be sent directly to the destination, circumventing the proxy server:

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create("");
request.Proxy = new WebProxy("",true);

Any data that goes through WebRequest to a destination external to the local network will now use the proxy server.

Why is this important? Imagine that you wish to read XML from an external web page, but your network administrator has installed a web proxy to speed general access and prevent access to some specific sites. Although the XmlTextReader has the ability to read an XML file directly from a URL, it does not have the built-in ability to access the web through a web proxy. Since XmlTextReader can read data from any Stream or TextReader, you now have the ability to access XML documents through the proxy. In the next section, I’ll tell you more about the XmlReader class.

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