Testing XmlPyxReader

You could have been using the ReadToConsole program to test your work as you were going along, and I certainly encourage that practice. Now that XmlPyxReader is done, though, you definitely should test it. Here’s the output I got when I ran it:

NodeType=Element Name="po" Value=""
NodeType=EndElement Name="date" Value=""
NodeType=Element Name="address" Value=""
NodeType=Element Name="name" Value=""
NodeType=Text Name="" Value="Frits Mendels"
NodeType=EndElement Name="name" Value=""
NodeType=Element Name="street" Value=""
NodeType=Text Name="" Value="152 Cherry St"
NodeType=EndElement Name="street" Value=""
NodeType=Element Name="city" Value=""
NodeType=Text Name="" Value="San Francisco"
NodeType=EndElement Name="city" Value=""
NodeType=Element Name="state" Value=""
NodeType=Text Name="" Value="CA"
NodeType=EndElement Name="state" Value=""
NodeType=Element Name="zip" Value=""
NodeType=Text Name="" Value="94045"
NodeType=EndElement Name="zip" Value=""
NodeType=EndElement Name="address" Value=""
NodeType=Element Name="address" Value=""
NodeType=Element Name="name" Value=""
NodeType=Text Name="" Value="Frits Mendels"
NodeType=EndElement Name="name" Value=""
NodeType=Element Name="street" Value=""
NodeType=Text Name="" Value="PO Box 6789"
NodeType=EndElement Name="street" Value=""
NodeType=Element Name="city" Value=""
NodeType=Text Name="" Value="San Francisco"
NodeType=EndElement Name="city" Value=""
NodeType=Element Name="state" Value=""
NodeType=Text Name="" Value="CA"
NodeType=EndElement Name="state" Value=""
NodeType=Element Name="zip" Value=""
NodeType=Text Name="" Value="94123-6798"
NodeType=EndElement Name="zip" Value=""
NodeType=EndElement Name="address" Value=""
NodeType=Element Name="items" Value=""
NodeType=EndElement Name="item" Value=""
NodeType=EndElement Name="item" Value=""
NodeType=EndElement Name="items" Value=""
NodeType=EndElement Name="po" Value=""

Except for the absence of the XML and document declarations (which don’t exist in PYX), this output looks just like the output using XmlTextReader. Since everything is working as expected, it’s time to use XmlPyxReader in a real application.

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