When to Use XSLT

Using XSLT is entirely appropriate when you need to present XML data in a different format. For example, you may be providing a web site that needs to communicate with a variety of devices. Some devices may speak HTML, some may speak WAP, and some may understand some totally unrelated language, such as PDF, EDIFACT, or Minitel. XSLT can transform your XML source documents into the different formats required for diverse clients.

Another appropriate use for XSLT is when you need a common intermediate format for disparate XML data formats. If you can write XML, it can be transformed into any standard or proprietary XML schema for use in another computing environment. For example, you may wish to convert a proprietary XML format into another company’s published XML format.

Pull templates make up another category of good use for XSLT. For example, you can use XSLT with a pull template to create summary documents.

In short, you should use XSLT whenever you need to place the content of an XML document into a different structure.

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