Introducing W3C XML Schema

W3C XML Schema is a standard that provides additional control over the structure of XML documents. A formalized structure allows for the following tasks:


Ensuring that a document has all required elements and attributes, in the required order.


Informing users and developers what elements and attributes are required.


If you know the document’s structure, you can navigate it more efficiently.

data binding

When you know the document’s structure, you can mirror it in other data structures and transfer data back and forth between them more efficiently.


If you know the document structure, editing tools can provide guidance in creating and manipulating a document.

Simultaneously with the development of W3C XML Schema, other groups that saw the need for formalized XML document structure developed other schema languages. RELAX NG and Schematron are the results of some of these efforts; however, neither have the cachet of being an official W3C recommendation.

.NET supports W3C XML Schema version 1.0, Part 1 (XML Schemas for Structures) and Part 2 (XML Schemas for DataTypes). In addition, the XML Schema recommendation also includes Part 0, a primer. If you are interested in learning more about XML Schema than this book can provide, the Primer is a good place to start.


The official W3C recommendations for Part 0, Part 1, and Part 2 are available at,, and, respectively.

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