Chapter 6. Your Pal the Pointer

He’s the one

Who likes all our pretty songs

And he likes to sing along

And he likes to shoot his gun

But he don’t know what it means.

Nirvana, “In Bloom”

Like a song about music, or a movie about Hollywood, a pointer is data describing other data. It’s certainly easy to get overwhelmed: all at once, you have to deal with getting lost in references to references, aliases, memory management, and malloc. But our outrageous fortune breaks down into separate components. For example, we can use pointers as aliases without bothering with malloc, which doesn’t have to appear nearly as often as the textbooks from the ’90s told us it did. On the one hand, C’s syntax can be confusing with its use of stars; on the other hand, C’s syntax provides us with tools for dealing with especially complicated setups like pointers to functions.

The topics in this chapter address common errors and common points of confusion. If you’ve been writing in C for a long time, these points will seem like second nature to you, and you might want to skip or quickly skim this chapter. It is intended for all those people (and their numbers are legion) who feel a little uneasy when working with pointers.

Automatic, Static, and Manual Memory

C provides three basic models of memory management, which is two more than most languages and two more than you really want to care about. And as a bonus for you, the reader, I’ll even throw in two more memory models later on (thread-local in “Thread Local” and mmaped in “Using mmap for Gigantic Data Sets”).


You declare a variable on first use, and it is removed when it goes out of scope. Without the static keyword, any variable inside a function is automatic. Your typical programming language has only automatic-type data.


Static variables exist in the same place throughout the life of the program. Array sizes are fixed at startup, but values can change (so it’s not entirely static). Data is initialized before main starts, and thus any initializations have to be done with constants that require no calculations. Variables declared outside of functions (in file scope) and inside functions with the static keyword are static. If you forget to initialize a static variable, it is initialized to all zeros (or NULL).


The manual type involves malloc and free, and is where most of your segfaults happen.9 This memory model is why Jesus weeps when he has to code in C. Also, this is the only type of memory where arrays can be resized after declaration.

Table 6-1 shows the differences in the three places you could put data. I discuss most of these points at length over the next few chapters.

Table 6-1. Three types of memory; three bundles of features
  Static Auto Manual

Set to zero on startup





Can set values on init


Can set nonconstant values on init



sizeof measures array size


Persists across function calls


Can be global


Array size can be set at runtime


Can be resized



Jesus weeps



Some of these are features that we are looking for in a variable, such as resizing or convenient initialization. Some of these things, such as whether you get to set values on initialization, are technical consequences of the memory system. So if you want a different feature, such as being able to resize at runtime, suddenly you have to care about malloc and the pointer heap. If we could bomb it all out and start over, we wouldn’t tie together three sets of features with three sets of technical annoyances. But here we are.

All of this is about where you put your data in memory. This is distinct from the variables themselves, which can make for another level of fun:

  1. If you declared your struct, char, int, double, or other variable either outside of a function or inside a function with the static keyword, then it’s static; otherwise, it’s automatic.

  2. If you declared a pointer, the pointer itself has a memory type, probably auto or static as per rule 1. But the pointer could be pointing to any of the three types of data: static pointer to malloced data, automatic pointer to static data—all the combinations are possible.

Rule 2 means that you can’t identify the memory model by the typography. On the one hand, it’s nice that we don’t have to deal with one notation for auto arrays and a different notation for manual arrays; on the other hand, you still have to be aware of which you have, so you don’t get tripped up resizing an automatic array or not freeing a manual array.

The distinction between pointer-to-manual and pointer-to-automatic clarifies one of the famous points of confusion among C beginners: what is the difference between int an_array[] and int *a_pointer?

When a program runs across this declaration in your code:

int an_array[32];

the program will:

  • set aside a space on the stack big enough for 32 integers,

  • declare that an_array is a pointer, and

  • bind that pointer to point to the newly allocated space.

The space set aside is automatically allocated, meaning that you cannot resize the space or retain the space after it is automatically destroyed at the end of scope. As an additional restriction, you can not reassign an_array to point elsewhere. Because the variable an_array can not be divorced from the 32-integer space allocated for it, K&R and the C standard say that an_array is the array.

Despite the restrictions, an_array is a pointer to a place in memory, and the usual rules of dereferencing a pointer (discussed in more detail below) apply to it.

When a program runs across this declaration in your code:

int *a_pointer;

the program will only do one of the above steps:

  • declare that an_array is a pointer

This pointer is not bound to any specific location in memory, and so is free to be assigned to point to anywhere. Valid uses include:

//manually allocating a new block; pointing a_pointer to it:
a_pointer = malloc(32*sizeof(int));

//pointing the pointer to an_array, as declared above.
a_pointer = an_array;

So the distinction between writing int an_array[] and int *a_pointer in a declaration has a real effect. But in other cases, such as in a typedef declaration (such as for a new struct) or a function call, there is less distinction to be made. For example, given a function declared via

int f(int *a_pointer, int an_array[]);

a_pointer and an_array behave identically. No memory is being allocated, so the pointer-to-manual versus pointer-to-automatic distinction is moot. A C function receives a copy of the input arguments, not the originals, and a copy of a pointer-to-automatic doesn’t have the binding restrictions that the original array has. So as an argument to a function, there is no distinction at all, and C99 § and C11 § state that “A declaration of a parameter as ‘array of type’ shall be adjusted to ‘qualified pointer to type’” (the qualifiers, const, restrict, volatile, or _Atomic, are retained in the conversion from array-of-type to pointer-to-type). The example above had no array size, but this pointer decay occurs even for a form like int g(int an_array[32]).

I have grown the habit of always using the *a_pointer form in-function headers and typedefs, because it is one less thing to think about and preserves the rule of reading complex declarations from right to left (see “Noun-Adjective Form”).

Persistent State Variables

This chapter is mostly about the interaction of automatic memory, manual memory, and pointers, which leaves static variables somewhat out of the narrative. But it’s worth pausing to consider the good work static variables can do for us.

Static variables can have local scope. That is, you can have variables that exist only in one function, but when the function exits, the variable retains its value. This is great for having an internal counter or a reusable scratch space. Because a static variable never moves, a pointer to a static variable will remain valid after a function exits.

Example 6-1 presents a traditional textbook example: the Fibonacci sequence. We declare the first two elements to be 0 and 1, and each element after those is the sum of the two prior elements.

Example 6-1. The Fibonacci sequence generated by a state machine (fibo.c)
#include <stdio.h>

long long int fibonacci(){
    static long long int first = 0;
    static long long int second = 1;
    long long int out = first+second;
    return out;

int main(){
    for (int i=0; i< 50; i++)
", fibonacci());

Check out how insignificant main is. The fibonacci function is a little machine that runs itself; main just has to bump the function and it spits out another value. That is, the function is a simple state machine, and static variables are the key tool for implementing state machines via C.

 How can we use these static state machines in a world where every function has to be thread-safe? The ISO C committee saw us coming, and C11 includes a _Thread_local memory type. Just put that into your declarations:

static _Thread_local int counter;

and you’ve got a distinct counter for each thread. I discuss this in greater detail in “Thread Local”.

Pointers Without malloc

  When I tell my computer set A to B, I could mean one of two things:

  • Copy the value of B into A. When I increment A with A++, then B doesn’t change.

  • Let A be an alias for B. Then A++ also increments B.

Every time your code says set A to B, you need to know whether you are making a copy or an alias. This is in no way C-specific.

For C, you are always making a copy, but if you are copying the address of the data you care about, a copy of the pointer is a new alias for the data. That’s a fine implementation of aliasing.

  Other languages have different customs: LISP family languages lean heavily on aliasing and have set commands to copy; Python generally copies scalars but aliases lists (unless you use copy or deepcopy). Again, knowing which to expect will clear up a whole lot of bugs all at once.

The GNU Scientific Library includes vector and matrix objects, which both have a data element, which is itself an array of doubles. Let us say that we have some vector/matrix pairs, via a typedef, and an array of these pairs:

typedef struct {
    gsl_vector* vector;
    gsl_matrix* matrix;
} datapair;
datapair your_data[100];

Say we have been dealing with this structure for a while, and are frequently dealing with the first element of the first matrix:


If you are familiar with how the blocks fit together, this is easy to follow, but is it ever annoying to type. Let’s alias it:

double *elmt1 = your_data[0].matrix->data;

Among the two types of assignment shown, the equals sign here is the aliasing type: only a pointer gets copied, and if we change *elmt1, then the data point buried in your_data gets modified as well.

Aliasing is a malloc-free experience, and demonstrates that we can get mileage out of pointers without fretting about memory management.

To give another example where malloc sometimes needlessly turns up, you may have a function that takes in a pointer as input:

void increment(int *i){

Users of the function who too closely associate pointers with malloc might think that this means that they have to allocate memory to pass in to the function:

int *i = malloc(sizeof(int)); //so much effort, wasted
*i = 12;

Rather, the easiest use is to let automatic memory allocation do the work:

int i=12;

Structures Get Copied, Arrays Get Aliased

 As in Example 6-2, copying the contents of a structure is a one-line operation.

Example 6-2. No, you don’t need to copy the elements of a struct element by element (copystructs.c)
#include <assert.h>

typedef struct{
    int a, b;
    double c, d;
    int *efg;
} demo_s;

int main(){
    demo_s d1 = {.b=1, .c=2, .d=3, .efg=(int[]){4,5,6}};
    demo_s d2 = d1;

    d1.b=14;            1

    assert(d2.a==0);    2

Let’s change d1 and see if d2 changed.


These assertions will all pass.

As before, you should always know whether your assignment is a copy of the data or a new alias, so which is it here? We changed d1.b d1.b, and d1.c and d2 didn’t change, so this is a copy. But a copy of a pointer still points to the original data, so when we change d1.efg[0], the change also affects the copy of a pointer d2.efg. This advises that if you need a deep copy where pointer contents are copied, you will need a struct copying function, and if you don’t have any pointers to trace through, then a copy function is overkill and an equals sign will do.

For arrays, the equals sign will copy an alias, not the data itself. In Example 6-3, let’s try the same test of making a copy, changing the original, and checking the copy’s value.

Example 6-3. Structs get copied, but setting one array to the other creates an alias (copystructs2.c)
#include <assert.h>

int main(){
    int abc[] = {0, 1, 2};
    int *copy = abc;

    copy[0] = 3;
    assert(abc[0]==3); 1

Passes: the original changed when the copy did.

Example 6-4 is a slow buildup to a train wreck. It is mostly two functions that automatically allocate two blocks: the first allocates a struct and the second allocates a short array. Being automatic memory, we know that at the end of each function, the respective blobs of memory will be freed.

A function that ends in return x will return the value of x to the calling function [C99 and C11 §]. Seems simple enough, but that value has to be copied out to the calling function, whose frame is about to be destroyed. As previously, for a struct, a number, or even a pointer, the calling function will get a copy of the returned value; for an array, the calling function will get a pointer to the array, not a copy of the data in the array.

That last one is a nasty trap, because the pointer returned may be pointing to an automatically allocated array of data, which is destroyed on function exit. A pointer to a block of memory that has already been automatically freed is worse than useless.

Example 6-4. You can return a struct from a function, but not an array (automem.c)
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct powers {
    double base, square, cube;
} powers;

powers get_power(double in){
    powers out = {.base   = in,                                  1
                  .square = in*in,
                  .cube   = in*in*in};
    return out;                                                  2

int *get_even(int count){
    int out[count];
    for (int i=0; i< count; i++)
        out[i] = 2*i;
    return out;   //bad.                                         3

int main(){
    powers threes = get_power(3);
    int *evens = get_even(3);
    printf("threes: %g	%g	%g
", threes.base, threes.square, threes.cube);
    printf("evens: %i	%i	%i
", evens[0], evens[1], evens[2]); 4

The initialization is via designated initializers. If you’ve never met them, hold tight for a few chapters.


This is valid. On exit, a copy of the local, automatically allocated out is made, then the local copy is destroyed.


This is invalid. Here, arrays really are treated like pointers, so on exit, a copy of the pointer to out gets made. But once the autoallocated memory is destroyed, the pointer is now pointing to bad data. If your compiler is on the ball, it will warn you of this.


Back in the function that called get_even, evens is a valid pointer-to-int, but it is pointing to already freed data. This may segfault, print garbage, or get lucky and print the correct values (this time).

If you need a copy of an array, you can still do it on one line, but we’re back to memory-twiddling syntax, as in Example 6-5.

Example 6-5. Copying an array requires memmove—it’s antediluvian, but it works (memmove.c)
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h> //memmove

int main(){
    int abc[] = {0, 1, 2};
    int *copy1, copy2[3];

    copy1 = abc;
    memmove(copy2, abc, sizeof(int)*3);

    abc[0] = 3;

malloc and Memory-Twiddling

Now for the memory part, in which we deal with addresses in memory directly. These will often be allocated manually via malloc.

The easiest way to avoid bugs related to malloc is not to use malloc. Historically (in the 1980s and 1990s), we needed malloc for all sorts of string manipulations; Chapter 9 gives full coverage of strings without explicitly calling malloc once. We needed malloc to deal with arrays for which length had to be set at runtime, which is pretty common; as per “Set Array Size at Runtime”, that is also largely obsolete.

Here is my roughly comprehensive list of reasons left for using malloc:

  1. Resizing an already extant array requires realloc, which only makes sense on blocks of memory initially allocated via malloc.

  2. As explained earlier, you can’t return an array from a function.

  3. Some objects should persist long after their initialization function. Though, Chapter 11 will present several examples that wrap the memory management for such objects into new/copy/free functions so that they don’t sully our procedures.

  4. Automatic memory is allocated on the stack of function frames, which may be restricted to a few megabytes (or less). Therefore, large chunks of data (i.e., anything measured in megabytes) should be allocated on the heap, not the stack. Again, you probably have a function to store your data in an object of some sort, so this will in practice be a call to an object_new function rather than to malloc itself.

  5. Now and then, you will find function forms that require that a pointer be returned. For example, in “Pthreads”, the template requires that we write a function that returns a void *. We dodge that bullet by just returning NULL, but now and then, we hit a form where we’re stuck. Note also that “Return Multiple Items from a Function” discusses returning structs from a function, so we can send back relatively complex return values without memory allocation, obviating another common use of allocations within a function.

I wrote this list to show you that it’s not all that long—and item 5 is a rarity, and item 4 is often a special case of item 3, because giant data sets tend to get put into object-like data structures. Production code tends to have few uses of malloc, typically wrapped in new/copy/free functions so the main code doesn’t have to deal further with memory management.

The Fault Is in Our Stars

 OK, so we’re clear that pointers and memory allocation are separate concepts, but dealing with pointers themselves can still be a problem, because, well, all those stars are just confusing.

The ostensible rationale for the pointer declaration syntax is that the use and the declaration look alike. What they mean by this is that when you declare:

int *i;

*i is an integer, so it’s only natural that we’d declare that *i is an integer via int *i.

So that’s all well and good, and if it helps you, great. I’m not sure that I could invent a less ambiguous way of doing it.

Here’s a common design rule, espoused throughout The Design of Everyday Things, for example: things that have drastically different functions should not look similar (Norman, 2002). That book gives the example of airplane controls, where two identical-looking levers often do entirely different things. In a crisis situation, that’s an invitation for human error.

Here, C syntax crashes and burns, because *i in a declaration and *i outside of a declaration do very different things. For example:

int *i = malloc(sizeof(int)); //right
*i = 23;                      //right
int *i = 23;                  //wrong

I’ve thrown the rule that declaration looks like usage out of my brain. Here’s the rule I use, which has served me well: when used for a declaration, a star indicates a pointer; when not used as a declaration, a star indicates the value of the pointer.

Here is a valid snippet:

int i = 13;
int *j = &i;
int *k = j;
*j = 12;

Using the rule given, you can see that on the second line, the initialization is correct, because *j is a declaration, and so a pointer. On the third line, *k is also the declaration of a pointer, so it makes sense to assign to it j, also a pointer. On the last line, *j is not in a declaration, so it indicates a plain integer, and so we can assign 12 to it (and i will change as a result).

So there’s your first tip: bear in mind that when you see *i on a declaration line, it is a pointer to something; when you see *i on a nondeclaration line, it is the pointed-to value.

After some pointer arithmetic, I’ll come back with another tip for dealing with weird pointer declaration syntax.

All the Pointer Arithmetic You Need to Know

An element of an array can be expressed as being at some offset from the base of the array. You could declare a pointer double *p; then that’s your base, and you can use the offsets from that base as an array: at the base itself, you will find the contents of the first element, p[0]; go one step from the base and you have the contents of the second, p[1]; et cetera. So if you give me a pointer and the distance from one element to the next, I’ve got an array.

You could just write the base plus offset directly and literally, via a form like (p+1). As your textbooks will tell you, p[1] is exactly equivalent to *(p+1), which explains why the first element in an array is p[0] == *(p+0). K & R spend about six pages on this stuff [2nd ed., sections 5.4 and 5.5].

The theory implies a few rules for notating arrays and their elements in practice:

  • Declare arrays either via the explicit pointer form, double *p or the static/automatic form, double p[100].

  • In either case, the nth array item is p[n]. Don’t forget that the first item is zero, not one; it can be referred to with the special form p[0] == *p.

  • If you need the address of the nth element (not its actual value), use the ampersand: &p[n]. Of course, the zeroth pointer is just &p[0] == p.

Example 6-6 shows some of these rules in use.

Example 6-6. Some simple pointer arithmetic (arithmetic.c)
#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    int evens[5] = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8};
    printf("The first even number is, of course, %i
", *evens);         1
    int *positive_evens = &evens[1];                                     2
    printf("The first positive even number is %i
", positive_evens[0]); 3

Writing evens[0] using the special form *evens


The address of element 1, assigned to a new pointer


The usual way of referring to the first element of an array

I’ll throw in one nice trick, based on the pointer arithmetic rule that p+1 is the address of the next point in an array (that is, &p[1]). With this rule, you don’t need an index for for loops that step through an array. Example 6-7 uses a spare pointer that starts at the head of a list, and then steps through the array with p++ until it hits the NULL marker at the end. The next pointer declaration tip will make this much more legible.

Example 6-7. We can use the fact that p++ means “step to the next pointer” to streamline for loops (pointer_arithmetic1.c)
#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    char *list[] = {"first", "second", "third", NULL};
    for (char **p=list; *p != NULL; p++){
", p[0]);

Base-plus-offset thinking doesn’t give us much payoff in terms of cute syntactic tricks, but it does explain a lot about how C works. In fact, consider the struct. Given:

typedef struct{
    int a, b;
    double c, d;
} abcd_s;
abcd_s list[3];

As a mental model, you can think of list as our base, and list[0].b is just far enough past that to refer to b. That is, given that the location of list is the integer (size_t)&list, b might be located at (size_t)&list + sizeof(int); and so list[2].d would be at the position (size_t)&list + 6*sizeof(int) + 5*sizeof(double). Under this thinking, a struct is much like an array, except the elements have names instead of numbers and are of different types and sizes.

It’s not quite correct, because of alignment: the system may decide that the data needs to be in chunks of a certain size, so fields may have extra space at the end so that the next field begins at the right point, and the struct may have padding at its end so that a list of structs is appropriately aligned [C99 and C11 § and (17)]. The header stddef.h defines the offsetof macro, which makes the base-plus-offset thinking accurate again: list[2].d really is at (size_t)&list + 2*sizeof(abcd_s) + offsetof(abcd_s, d).

By the way, there can’t be padding at the beginning of a struct, so list[2].a is at (size_t)&list+ 2*sizeof(abcd_s).

Here is a silly function to recursively count the number of elements in a list until we hit a zero-valued element. Let us say (and this is a bad idea) that we’d like to be able to use this function for any type of list where a zero value makes sense, so it will take in a void pointer.

int f(void *in){
    if (*(char*)in==0) return 1;
    else return 1 + f(&(in[1]));  //This won't work.

The base-plus-offset rule explains why this won’t work. To refer to a_list[1], the compiler needs to know the exact length of a_list[0], so it knows how far to offset from the base. But without a type attached, it can’t calculate that size.

Typedef as a teaching tool

 Any time you find yourself putting together a complex type, which frequently means a pointer-to-pointer-to-pointer sort of situation, ask yourself whether a typedef could clarify things.

For example, this popular definition:

typedef char* string;

reduces the visual clutter around arrays of strings and clarifies their intent. In the preceding pointer-arithmetic p++ example, did the declarations communicate to you that char *list[] is a list of strings, and that *p is a string? Example 6-8 shows a rewrite of the for loop of Example 6-7, replacing char * with string.

Example 6-8. Adding a typedef makes awkward code a little more legible (pointer_arithmetic2.c)
#include <stdio.h>
typedef char* string;

int main(){
    string list[] = {"first", "second", "third", NULL};
    for (string *p=list; *p != NULL; p++){
", *p);

The declaration line for list is now as easy as C gets and clearly indicates that it is a list of strings, and the snippet string *p should indicate to you that p is a pointer-to-string, so *p is a string.

In the end, you’ll still have to remember that a string is a pointer-to-char; for example, NULL is a valid value.

One could even take this further, such as declaring a 2D array of strings using the typedef above plus typedef stringlist string*. Sometimes this helps; sometimes it’s just more notation to memorize.

Typedefs save the day when dealing with pointers to functions. If you have a function with a header like:

double a_fn(int, int); //a declaration

then just add a star (and parens to resolve precedence) to describe a pointer to this type of function:

double (*a_fn_type)(int, int);   //a type: pointer-to-function

Then put typedef in front of that to define a type:

typedef double (*a_fn_type)(int, int); //a typedef for a pointer to function

Now you can use it as a type like any other, such as to declare a function that takes another function as input:

double apply_a_fn(a_fn_type f, int first_in, int second_in){
    return f(first_in, second_in);

Being able to define specific pointer-to-function types takes writing functions that take other functions as inputs from being a daunting test of star placement to being kind of trivial.

In the end, dealing with pointers can be much simpler than the textbooks make it out to be, because it really is just a location or an alias—it’s not about the different types of memory management at all. Complex constructs like pointers-to-pointers-to-strings are always confusing, because our hunter-gatherer ancestors never had a need to evolve skills to handle them. With the typedef, C at least gives us a tool to deal with them.

9 C99 and C11 §6.2.4 refer to malloced memory as allocated memory, but I chose to use a term that better distinguishes this type of storage from storage allocated on the stack.

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