
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, “b” indicate boxes and “t” indicate tables.’
Acoustic bioprinting, 137–138, 137f
AD-P-8000, 216–222
Affordability, 72
Agarose, 49–57
Alginate, 50–52, 147–148
Alpha/omega bioprinters, 207, 207f
Amniotic fluidederived stem cells (AFSCs), 50–52
Applications, bioprinting technology
cancer research, 293–294, 295t–299t
clinics, 286–287
drug screening, 288–293
high-throughput assays, 288–293
limitations, 294–304
bone tissue fabrication, 294–300
cancer research, 304
cardiac tissue fabrication, 300
cartilage tissue fabrication, 300
composite tissue fabrication, 302–303
drug screening and high-throughput assays, 303–304
future directions, 304–305
heart valve fabrication, 300–301
liver tissue fabrication, 301
lung tissue fabrication, 301
nervous tissue fabrication, 301–302
pancreatic tissue fabrication, 302
skin tissue fabrication, 302
tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, 294–303
transplantation and clinics, 303
vascular tissue fabrication, 302
overview, 272–273, 272f
tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, 273–286
bone tissue, 274f–275f, 275–276
cardiac tissue, 276
cartilage tissue, 277–278
composite tissues, 284–285, 284f
heart valve, 278–279
liver tissue, 279–280
lung tissue, 280
neural tissue, 280–281
pancreas tissue, 281
skin tissue, 281–282
types, 285–286
vascular tissue, 283–284
transplantation, 286–287
Autodrop Compact, 216–222
Bioassemblybot, 207–208
Biobot, 208, 208f
Bio3D Explorer, 209
Bio3D SYNˆ, 209
Bio3D technologies, 209
Biofactory, 208–209
Bioink consideration, 147–149
Bioink materials, 43–68
comparative evaluation, 68–75, 69t–70t
affordability, 72
applications, 75
biomimicry, 72
bioprintability, 71
bioprinting and postbioprinting incubation time, 74
commercial availability, 74–75
compatibility, 71
degradability, 74
immunogenicity, 75
mechanical and structural integrity, 73–74
practicality, 73
resolution, 72
scalability, 73
future directions, 78–81
limitations, 75–77
overview, 42–43
scaffold-based bioink materials. See Scaffold-based bioink materials
scaffold-free bioink materials. See Scaffold-free bioink materials
Biomimicry, 72
3D bioplotter®, 206–207, 206f
Bioprintability, 71
Bioprinted cell-laden tissue, 3–4, 4f
Bioprinter technologies
components, 202–204, 203f
deoxyribonucleic acid, 331–332, 332f
droplet-based bioprinters (DBB), 217t–221t
AD-P-8000, 216–222
Autodrop Compact, 216–222
MicroFab jetlab®, 222, 222f
extrusion-based bioprinters (EBB), 204–212, 205t, 213t–214t
alpha and omega bioprinters, 207, 207f
Bioassemblybot, 207–208
Biobot, 208, 208f
Bio3D Explorer, 209
Bio3D SYNˆ, 209
Bio3D technologies, 209
Biofactory, 208–209
3D bioplotter®, 206–207, 206f
Fab@Home, 209
Inkredible, 210
NovoGen MMXTM, 210, 210f
nScrypt, 211–212, 212f
REGEMAT 3D company, 211, 211f
Regenovo, 211
four-dimensional bioprinting, 318–321, 320f
functional organ fabrication, 321–323
bioprinting mini-organs, 321
bioprinting scale-up tissues/organs, 321–323, 322f
future directions, 232–233
innovative developments, 315–318, 316f
laser-based bioprinters (LBB), 222–223, 224t–225t
limitations, 226–232
cartridge and nozzle design, 226–228
compatible bioink materials, 231
cost, 229–230
full automation, 229
limited clinical translation, 232
limited motion capabilities, 228–229
low process resolution, 230–231
research progress, 231–232
size and speed, 228
organs, 329–331
overview, 200–201, 313–315
regulatory issues, 332–333
requirements, 201
types, 204–223
in vitro to in situ, 323–329, 326f, 328b
Bioreactor, 3–4
Blueprint modeling, 20–26
computer-aided design (CAD)-based systems, 22–23, 24f
freeform systems, 24f, 25
image-based systems, 23–25, 24f
implicit surfaces design, 25–26
space-filling curves, 26, 27t
Boundary representation (B-Rep), 22–23
Bovine aortal endothelial cells (bECs), 130–132
Cartesian form, 28–29, 28f
Cell aggregates, 110–112, 111f
Cell transfer process, 174–182
droplet impingement, 181–182, 183t–185t
laser-guidance direct writing (LGDW), 174–182, 175f
laser-induced forward transfer, 178–182, 179f–180f
matrix-assisted pulsed-laser evaporation-direct write (MAPLE-DW), 175–178, 176f
Chemical crosslinking, 47–49
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, 168–169
Chitosan, 52–53
Collagen type I, 53, 148
Commercial availability, 74–75
Compatibility, 71
Computed tomography (CT), 14, 18–19
Computer-aided design (CAD) models, 3–5, 22–23, 24f, 42, 151
Constructive solid geometry (CSG), 22–23
Continuous inkjet bioprinting, 127–129, 128f
Cytoscribing, 42
Cytoscribing technology, 5–7
Decellularized extracellular matrix (dECM), 64, 95
Decellularized matrix components, 112, 112f
Degradability, 74
Design phase
blueprint modeling, 20–26
computer-aided design (CAD)-based systems, 22–23, 24f
freeform systems, 24f, 25
image-based systems, 23–25, 24f
implicit surfaces design, 25–26
space-filling curves, 26, 27t
factors affecting tissue construct properties, 16–17, 17t
future directions, 34–36
limitations, 30–34, 32f
medical imaging, 17–20
computed tomography (CT), 18–19
image segmentation, 20
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 18
other imaging modalities, 20, 21t
ultrasound imaging, 18–19
overview, 14–15
steps, 15f
three-dimensional bioprinting, 15–17
toolpath planning, 26–30
Cartesian form, 28–29, 28f
parametric form, 29–30, 30f
Digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM), 20
Digital micromirror device (DMD), 169–170
Droplet-based bioprinting (DBB), 16–17, 28–29, 94
achievements, 151–154, 152f
acoustic bioprinting, 137–138, 137f
biomaterials used, 147–150
alginate, 147–148
bioink consideration, 147–149
collagen type I, 148
fibrin, 148
methacrylated gelatin, 148
polyethylene glycol, 148–149
substrate consideration, 149–150
bioprinting techniques, 150–151
classification, 126, 127f
definition, 126
droplet-substrate interactions, 145–147, 146f
electrohydrodynamic jet bioprinting, 134–136, 135f
future directions, 155–156
inkjet bioprinting, 127–134
continuous inkjet bioprinting, 127–129, 128f
drop-on-demand inkjet bioprinting, 129–134, 130f
electrostatic bioprinting, 134
piezoelectric inkjet bioprinting, 132–134
thermal inkjet bioprinting, 130–132, 131f, 133f–134f
limitations, 154–155
microvalve bioprinting, 138–139, 138f, 140t–144t
Droplet-substrate interactions, 145–147, 146f
Drop-on-demand inkjet bioprinting, 129–134, 130f
electrostatic bioprinting, 134, 135f
piezoelectric inkjet bioprinting, 132–134
thermal inkjet bioprinting, 130–132, 131f, 133f–134f
Dynamic optical projection stereolithography (DOPsL), 46, 170–172
Electrohydrodynamic jet bioprinting, 134–136, 135f
Electrostatic bioprinting, 129–130, 134
Endothelial cells (ECs), 169–170
Enzymatically crosslinking hydrogels, 104–105, 105f, 106t–109t
Enzymatic crosslinking, 49
Extracellular matrix (ECM) production, 151
Extrusion-based bioprinting (EBB), 16–17, 26, 28–29, 44, 60, 61t–63t, 126
bioprinting techniques, 114
defined, 93–95
future directions, 117–118
limitations, 115–116
physical explanation, 98–100, 98f
process configurations, 100–113, 100f
cell aggregates nozzle configurations, 110–112, 111f
decellularized matrix components nozzle configurations, 112, 112f
enzymatically crosslinking hydrogels nozzle configurations, 104–105, 105f, 106t–109t
ionically crosslinking hydrogels nozzle configurations, 101–102, 101f
microcarriers nozzle configurations, 105–110
others, 112–113
thermally crosslinking hydrogels nozzle configurations, 103–104, 104f
ultraviolet-crosslinking hydrogels nozzle configurations, 102–103, 103f
working principle, 95–96, 97f
mechanical microextrusion systems, 96
pneumatic-based system, 96
solenoid microextrusion, 96
Fab@Home, 209
Fabion bioprinter, 4, 5f
Fibrin, 53–54, 148
Freeform systems, 24f, 25
Fused-deposition modeling (FDM)-based 3D printers, 22
Gelatin, 54–55
Hardware system, 4
Horseradish peroxidase (HRP), 54–55
Human adipose tissue–derived mesenchymal stem cells (hASCs), 95
Human microvascular endothelial cells (HMVECs), 53–54
Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), 53–54, 170–172
Hyaluronic acid, 55–56
bioprintability, 44–46, 45f
bioprinting, 49–60, 51f–52f
natural hydrogels, 49–57
synthetic hydrogels, 57–60
crosslinking mechanisms
chemical crosslinking, 47–49
enzymatic crosslinking, 49
physical crosslinking, 46–47
Image-based homogenization method, 16
Image-based systems, 23–25, 24f
Image segmentation, 20
Immunogenicity, 75
Implicit surfaces, 25–26
Inkjet bioprinting, 127–134
continuous inkjet bioprinting, 127–129, 128f
drop-on-demand inkjet bioprinting, 129–134, 130f
electrostatic bioprinting, 134
piezoelectric inkjet bioprinting, 132–134
thermal inkjet bioprinting, 130–132, 131f, 133f–134f
Inkredible, 210
Ionically crosslinking hydrogels, 101–102, 101f
Laser-based bioprinting (LBB), 16–17, 26, 28–29, 46, 60, 61t–63t, 94, 126
achievements, 187–188
bioprinting modalities, 186–187
classification, 167f
defined, 165–166
future directions, 191–192
limitations, 188–191, 189f
modalities, 167–182
cell transfer process. See Cell transfer process
photopolymerization process. See Photopolymerization process
multimaterial bioprinting, 182–186
Laser induced forward transfer (LIFT), 46
Liquid crystal display (LCD), 169–170
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 14, 18
MatrigelTM, 56–57
Matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation-direct write (MAPLE-DW), 46
Mechanical microextrusion systems, 96
Mechanical/structural integrity, 73–74
Medical imaging, 17–20
computed tomography (CT), 18–19
image segmentation, 20
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 18
other imaging modalities, 20, 21t
ultrasound imaging, 18–19
Methacrylated gelatin, 148
Methacrylated gelatin (GelMA), 48–49
Microcarriers, 105–110
MicroFab jetlab®, 222, 222f
Microvalve bioprinters, 139
Microvalve bioprinting, 138–139, 138f, 140t–144t
Multi-Arm BioPrinter, 202, 204, 228, 257–258, 277–278, 295t–299t, 325
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 17–18
Natural hydrogels
agarose, 49–57
alginate, 50–52
chitosan, 52–53
collagen type I, 53
fibrin, 53–54
gelatin, 54–55
hyaluronic acid, 55–56
MatrigelTM, 56–57
Nonuniform rational B-spline (NURBS), 25
NovoGen MMXTM, 210, 210f
nScrypt, 211–212, 212f
Optimum porosity, 16
Organ printing
examples, 246f
future directions, 265–266
limitations, 263–265
overview, 243–245, 244f
roadmap, 247–263, 248f
advanced bioreactor technologies, 258–260, 259f
bioink preparation, 251–252
blueprint modeling, 252–253
cell expansion, 250–251
efficacy, 261–263
immunosurveillance, 261–263
monitoring, 261–263
process planning, 253
remodeling and maturation, 260–261
stem cells isolation/differentiation, 249–250
transplantation, 261–263
vascularized organs, 253–258
in vivo safety, 261–263
state-of-the-art, 245–247
Organ printing stage, 249
Parametric form, 29–30, 30f
Photopolymerization, 48–49
Photopolymerization process
dynamic optical projection stereolithography, 169–172, 171f
stereolithography (SLA), 167–169, 168f
two-photon polymerization, 172–174, 173f
Physical crosslinking, 46–47
Piezoelectric inkjet (PIJ), 22, 129–130, 132–134
Pneumatic-based system, 96
Polycaprolactone (PCL), 247
Poly(ethylene glycol)-diacrylate (PEGDA), 168–169
Poly(ethylene glycol)-dimethacrylate (PEGDMA), 168–169
Polyethylene glycol, 148–149
Polyethylene glycol (PEG), 43–44
Polylactic acid (PLA), 64–65
Porcine vascular smooth muscle cells (PVSMCs), 136
Positron emission tomography (PET), 20
Postbioprinting incubation time, 74
Postorgan printing stage, 249
Practicality, 73
Preorgan printing stage, 248–249
Process parameters, 139
Protein kinase C (PKC) activator, 168–169
REGEMAT 3D company, 211, 211f
Regenovo, 211
Resolution, 72
Scaffold-based bioink materials, 43–65
decellularized matrix components, 64, 64f
hydrogels, 43–60
bioprintability, 44–46, 45f
crosslinking mechanisms, 46–49
microcarriers, 64–65, 65f
Scaffold-free bioink materials, 65–68
cell pellet, 67, 67f
tissue spheroids, 65–67, 66f
tissue strands, 67–68, 68f
Scalability, 73
Schiff base, 48
Self-assembly, 47
Single, photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), 20
Software system, 4–5
Solenoid microextrusion, 96
Space-filling curves, 26, 27t
Spatial occupancy enumeration (SOE), 22–23
Stereolithography, 2–3, 20–22
Synthetic hydrogels
methacrylated gelatin, 57–58
PEG, 59–60
Pluronic® F-127, 58–59
Synthetic peptides, 47
Thermal inkjet (TIJ), 129–132, 131f, 133f–134f
Thermally crosslinking hydrogels, 103–104, 104f
Tissue engineering
definition, 1–2
three-dimensional bioprinting, 3–9, 4f
classification, 7–9, 7f, 8b–9b
Fabion bioprinter, 4, 5f
historical evolution, 5–7, 6t
principles, 4–5
three-dimensional printing, 2–3
Toolpath planning, 26–30
Cartesian form, 28–29, 28f
parametric form, 29–30, 30f
Transferring medium, 4
Triply periodic minimum surfaces (TPMSs), 25–26
Two-photon polymerization (2PP), 46
Ultrasound imaging, 14, 18–19
Ultraviolet-crosslinking hydrogels, 102–103, 103f
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), 168–169
Vascularized organs
direct bioprinting, 254–257, 256f
indirect bioprinting, 254, 255f
parenchymal tissue integration, 257–258
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