

This chapter introduces three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting technology starting by presenting a high-level perspective of tissue engineering and the game-changing role of 3D printing in tissue engineering through additive manufacturing of anatomically correct tissue scaffolds. It then introduces bioprinting or direct cell printing as an emerging technology that has great potential in creating de novo organs. There is a discussion of the components of bioprinting, including the hardware and software aspects as well as the bioink. The chapter then explains the history and evolution of bioprinting technologies, highlighting remarkable milestones during the last decade. Finally, bioprinting technologies are classified into three major groups including extrusion-, droplet- and laser-based bioprinting techniques.


3D bioprinting; 3D printing; Classification of bioprinting techniques; Evolution of bioprinting; Tissue engineering

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them

Galileo Galilei

1.1. Tissue Engineering

Since the first successful kidney transplant in 1954 was performed between two identical twins (Merrill et al., 1956), organ transplantation has become a life-saving procedure for many disease conditions that hitherto were considered incurable. In the United States of America (USA), an average of 79 people receive transplants every day; however, the number of donors is much less than the number of patients waiting for a transplant (Ozbolat and Chen, 2013). Moreover, infections and rejection of the tissue by the host often make the transplantation process more challenging (Desmet et al., 2008). The solution to this problem, as with the solutions to other grand engineering challenges, requires long-term solutions by building or manufacturing healthy living organs from a person’s own cells, which would relieve suffering and save lives.
Current medical procedures aim to restore tissue function to patients with diseased or damaged tissues through tissue transplantation and implants. Tissue engineering has grown as a multidisciplinary scientific field of biology, biomaterials, and engineering that has rapidly emerged and combines engineering principles with life sciences to replace damaged tissues or restore malfunctioning organs by mimicking native tissue (Langer and Vacanti, 1993). One of the common strategies in tissue engineering is to develop engineered scaffolds that provide an optimum environment or housing for cell attachment and growth, tissue regeneration, fluid movement, and structural integrity. The main reason for the scaffolding approach is the need to maintain the shape and mechanical properties of the mimicked tissue engineered, to assist in cell attachment, and to provide a substrate for cell proliferation into three-dimensional (3D) functioning tissues (Hutmacher et al., 2004). Developed 3D porous engineered constructs enable cell attachment, proliferation, and regeneration. Upon implantation, scaffold material starts degrading, and cells grow and proliferate through pores. Eventually, degraded sites constitute new tissue and restore the functionality of the diseased or damaged tissue.
Several traditional fabrication techniques have been used for tissue scaffolds, including phase separation, membrane lamination, melt molding, fiber bonding, molding, gas foaming, solvent casting, freeze drying, and particulate leaching (Leong et al., 2003). Most of the abovementioned techniques are, however, limited in terms of manufacturing reproducibility and flexibility. Building patient-specific anatomically correct shapes with well-controlled internal geometry, including pore size and pore distribution, is highly challenging. In addition, they include manual interventions and inconsistent and inflexible processing procedures with the use of toxic solvents and porogens that limits the inclusion of cell and protein impregnation. 3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, has been a game-changing technology in the rapid manufacturing of complex products and has been adopted in tissue engineering for biofabrication of 3D scaffolds (Hamid et al., 2011).

1.2. Three-Dimensional Printing in Tissue Engineering

3D printing opens a revolutionary era in medical product design and development and is widely used to fabricate 3D scaffolds by layer-by-layer deposition. In general, biomaterials are deposited through a dispensing unit to specific points on the space to create a scaffold with well-controlled geometry. Three-dimensional bioprinting has been extensively used for building tissue-engineered constructs due its repeatability and high accuracy in microscale fabrication resolution (Sachlos et al., 2003). 3D printing techniques such as fused deposition modeling, precision-extrusion deposition, selective laser sintering, three-dimensional printing, and stereolithography (SLA) have been used to fabricate biologically active tissue constructs by replacing the materials being processed with biocompatible materials such as synthetic and natural polymers, natural and inorganic ceramic materials, or recently developed biodegradable metals (Ozbolat and Hospodiuk, 2016). Adaptation of 3D printing into tissue engineering brings unique capabilities in rapid fabrication of tissue scaffolds with controlled porosity and internal architecture, tunable mechanical and structural properties, and the ability to load drug or protein molecules for enhanced cellular response and customized/multifunctional characteristics, which can guide the cellular environment for enhanced tissue regeneration. To achieve a truly interconnected internal architecture for cell growth and proliferation, an internal structure is formed by depositing cylindrical microfilaments parallel to each other in every layer using a certain lay-down pattern.
Despite its great benefits in the biofabrication of anatomically correct tissue scaffolds, 3D printing in tissue engineering faces several limitations in the generation of complex tissues and organs for transplantation or other uses. First of all, there is a lack of precision in cell placement due to manually driven seeding and placement of cells on the scaffold microarchitecture. It is highly challenging to manually seed, place, and pattern cells precisely in a scaffold construct; however, several cell type groups are organized and interact in very complex patterns in natural tissues and organs. In addition, seeding cells in high cell density is very limited because cells can only attach on the surface of the scaffold and cannot penetrate into the biomaterial in the scaffold. Scaffold biomaterials also occupy a significant volume of space in the scaffold, which do not let the cells grow into sufficient cell numbers. In addition, the need for a vascular network is essential to develop thick tissues and organs to facilitate an efficient exchange of media to keep the cells oxygenized, viable and functional, and it is very difficult to create such a network using 3D printing technologies alone. These difficulties have led many researchers toward the development of bioprinting technologies, where cells can be encapsulated in high cell density and printed and patterned into desired spaces to obtain anatomically correct tissue constructs with patterned cells interacting as in native tissue and organs.

1.3. Three-Dimensional Bioprinting

Three-dimensional bioprinting is an emerging field that makes a revolutionary impact on medical sciences. It has gained significant attention from numerous researchers from various academic disciplines as well as the general public. Bioprinting could be defined as a computer-aided transfer process for simultaneous writing of living cells and biomaterials with a prescribed layer-by-layer stacking organization to fabricate bioengineered constructs for tissue engineering, regenerative medicine, or other biological studies (Mironov et al., 2009; Ozbolat, 2015). The major difference between 3D printing for tissue engineering and 3D bioprinting is that bioprinting involves the printing of living cells and other biologics. It offers great precision on spatial placement of cells, proteins, DNA, drug particles, grow factors, and biologically active particles to better guide tissue generation and formation. This emerging technology appears to be more promising for advancing tissue engineering toward functional tissue and organ fabrication for transplantation, ultimately mitigating organ shortage and saving lives.
The 3D bioprinting process can be divided into three crucial technological steps: preprocessing, processing (actual printing), and postprocessing (Mironov et al., 2006). Preprocessing is a blueprint of tissue or organ design using imaging and computer-aided design (CAD) techniques. Accordingly, after the blueprint is designed, the actual printing is processed through a bioprinter. Fig. 1.1 shows a bioprinted cell-laden tissue construct printed rapidly, where cells are encapsulated inside the bioprinted construct. As the third step, the bioprinted construct must then undergo the process of cell proliferation, tissue remodeling, and maturation in a specially designed chamber “bioreactor” that accelerates tissue maturation. The bioreactor device is used when the printed tissue construct is grown in laboratory settings for different purposes, such as research studies or drug testing; however, the tissue construct is implanted in a living body if the ultimate goal is to regenerate the diseased or damaged tissue. The living body can still be considered as a bioreactor, where the abovementioned tissue remodeling and generation takes place.
Figure 1.1 Bioprinting of cell-laden porous tissue scaffolds (Courtesy of The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, USA).

1.3.1. Principles of Three-Dimensional Bioprinting and Its Components

Bioprinting or direct cell printing is an extension of tissue engineering, as it intends to create de novo organs. Bioprinting offers a controllable fabrication process, which allows precise placement of various biomaterial and/or cell types simultaneously according to the natural compartments of the target tissue or organs. A bioprinting system consists of three major components: (1) hardware system, (2) software system, and (3) the transferring medium to deliver the cells. The hardware system is made of a robotics printing system that can move in a minimum of three axes in the space and a deposition system to deliver cells to the printing stage. Both hardware components are controlled by a software system. Fig. 1.2 shows the Fabion bioprinter developed by Bioprinting Solutions (Moscow, Russia) with five deposition heads, where motion system and the deposition system are controlled in tandem to fabricate hybrid vascularized tissue constructs. Each deposition head is capable of bioprinting different cell types and has a different z-axis motion system to independently control the associated print head. The deposition on the three heads is mechanically controlled, and the rest are controlled numerically.
Figure 1.2 The Fabion bioprinter with a five-nozzle dispensing system enabling hybrid fabrication of tissue constructs (Courtesy of Bioprinting Solutions, Russia).
The software system uses the input data and control motion of a robotics system as well as the deposition of cells simultaneously to print and locate them at predefined positions in the space. The software system can use user-provided printing directions or generate these instructions directly through medical CAD models, which can be obtained via processing of medical images such as magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography scan data. These CAD models are further processed to generate a toolpath plan with deposition instructions to the robotic system. Deposition of cells is carried out in a medium using an external source of energy such as laser, mechanical, thermal, or pneumatic potential energy. The medium, which is called the bioink, enables the transfer of cells to the printing stage. The bioink is made of aqueous biocompatible materials that allow cells to grow and oxygenize sufficiently to keep them viable. Printing of cells in the transferring medium is performed using a robotics system, where the bioink (homocellular or heterocellular) is deposited, solidified, and stacked layer-by-layer in 3D.

1.3.2. Historical Evolution

For now, bioprinting of 3D fully functional solid organs for transplantation remains elusive; however, the field is moving forward. Currently, there is a plethora of research being done on bioprinting technology and its potential as a source for tissue grafts and organ transplants. A timeline for the evolution of bioprinting technology up to the current state of the art is illustrated in Table 1.1.
Bioprinting was first demonstrated by Klebe in 1998 as cytoscribing technology, a method of micropositioning cells and constructing two-dimensional (2D) synthetic tissues (Klebe, 1988). In that study, cytoscribing was carried out using a Hewlett Packard (HP) inkjet printer and a graphics plotter for high positioning of cells. With the first attempt of generating cartilage tissue in the shape of an ear on the dorsa of a mouse in 1996, Vacanti and Langer opened up a great venue, where tissue engineering started to emerge in generating tissues in 3D. Later attempts in 3D scaffolding technologies by several researchers in addition to cell sheet technology rely on manual interventions of the biomaterials in 3D with randomly controlled architecture. In 1999, printing of cells using laser-based bioprinting was demonstrated for the first time by Odde and Renn (1999), revealing that cells could be patterned in 3D to biomimetically develop tissue analogs with complex anatomy. In 2003, Boland and his coworkers started inkjet-based bioprinting by modifying an HP inkjet printer, and cells were successfully printed and patterned. Several researchers then attempted 3D printing of tissue scaffolds using extrusion-based techniques with or without cells (Ozbolat and Hospodiuk, 2016). In 2009, Forgacs and his coworkers demonstrated the first bioprinted tissue using the concept of tissue spheroids as building blocks without a need for a scaffold (Norotte et al., 2009); the technology later translated into the market, and the first bioprinter was commercialized. Next, an in situ bioprinting concept envisioned by Campbell and Weiss (2007)was attempted by researchers at the Wake Forest Regenerative Medicine Institute by inkjet bioprinting of skin on an animal model (Skardal et al., 2012). With the announcement of the first manufacturing institute in the United States in the area of 3D printing and additive manufacturing, 3D printing was boosted; enormous progress has been made in the last four years, which has affected bioprinting technology positively as well. Since then, bioprinting has been widely used in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine and has resulted in several spin-offs to commercialize breakthrough technologies worldwide. Recent approaches in hybrid vascularized tissue printing with next-generation bioprinters and perfusable vascularized tissue models will push the technology even further to create scale-up tissues toward organ printing (Ozbolat, 2015).

Table 1.1

A Timeline for the Evolution of Bioprinting Technology up to the Current State of the Art

19882D micropositioning of cells using cytoscribing technology
1996Observation that cells stick together and move together in clumps
1996First use of natural biomaterial in human for tissue regeneration
1998Invention of cell sheet technology
1999Laser direct write (LDW)
2001First tissue-engineered bladder (using synthetic scaffold seeded with patient’s own cells)
2002Bioprinting using inkjet technology is enabled
2003Inkjet printing generates viable cells
2004A modified inkjet printer dispenses cells
20043D tissue with only cells (no scaffold) is developed
20063D cellular assembly of bovine aortal is fabricated
2007Digital printing
2008Concept of tissue spheroids as building blocks
2009First commercial bioprinter (Novogen MMX)
2009Scaffold-free vascular constructs
2010Hepatocytes are patterned in collagen using LDW successfully
2012In situ skin printing
2012Application of inkjet printing to repair human articular cartilage
2012Bipolar wave-based drop-on-demand jetting
2012Engineering of an artificial liver using extrusion-based (syringe) bioprinting
2014Integration of tissue fabrication with printed vasculature using a multiarm bioprinter
2016Bioprinting of larger-scale perfusable tissue constructs

1.3.3. Classification of Bioprinting Techniques

The most promising technologies in bioprinting impose the self-assembly and self-organizing capabilities of cells delivered through the application of techniques that can be categorized into three major groups according to their working principles: extrusion-, droplet-, laser-based bioprinting. The reader is referred to Fig. 1.3 for detailed classification of currently existing bioprinting techniques.
Figure 1.3 Classification of bioprinting techniques.
Extrusion-based bioprinting utilizes the mechanical or pneumatic potential energy to extrude the bioink, overcome surface tension-driven droplet formation, and draw the bioink in the form of cylindrical filaments. According to its working mechanism, extrusion-based bioprinting can be categorized into (1) pneumatic, (2) mechanical, or (3) solenoid microextrusion.
Droplet-based bioprinting, on the other hand, utilizes thermal, acoustic, or electric energy to print cells encapsulated in small droplets of bioink that are deposited and assembled layer-by-layer. Droplet-based bioprinting can be grouped into four technologies: (1) inkjet bioprinting, (2) electrohydrodynamic jetting, (3) acoustic droplet election, and (4) microvalve bioprinting. Inkjet bioprinting can be subclassified into continuous or drop-on-demand inkjet bioprinting. Drop-on-demand inkjet bioprinting can be further grouped into thermal, piezoelectric, and electrostatic bioprinting.
Laser-based bioprinting utilizes laser energy to selectively print and precisely pattern cells onto a substrate. It can be classified into two major categories: (1) processes involving photopolymerization and (2) processes based on cell transfer. The former can be subclassified into SLA, dynamic optical projection SLA, and two-photon polymerization, and the latter can be subclassified into laser-guidance direct writing, matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation direct write, and laser-induced forward transfer.
Each bioprinting technique has unique features and possesses certain advantages and disadvantages with respect to printing capabilities, resolution, deposition speed, scalability, bioink and material compatibility, ease of use, printing speed and price, and commercial availability, as well as fundamental aspects of biocompatibility. All these aspects are presented in detail throughout the book, but background information on 3D bioprinting is presented in Box 1.1 for the reader.
Box 1.1Background Information on Three-Dimensional bioprinting
Definition of bioprinting: Bioprinting can be defined as the simultaneous positioning of biomaterials and living cells in a prescribed layer-by-layer stacking organization to fabricate engineered tissues and organs (Ozbolat, 2015).
Emergence of bioprinting: Bioprinting was first demonstrated by Klebe in 1988 as cytoscribing technology, a method of micropositioning cells and constructing 2D synthetic tissues. In that study, cytoscribing was carried out using a Hewlett Packard (HP) inkjet printer and a graphics plotter for high positioning of biologics (Klebe, 1988).
Advantages of bioprinting: As listed below, bioprinting has numerous advantages over the other biofabrication techniques.
• Bioprinting enables fabrication of anatomically correct tissue constructs according to the medical image data obtained from patients.
• Bioprinting allows fabrication of porous structures with controlled architecture.
• Bioprinting has the ability to coculture multiple cell types locally.
• Bioprinting facilitates precise patterning of cells and biologics.
• Bioprinting enables controlled deliver of growth factors and genes.
• Bioprinting allows fabrication of tissue models in high-throughput manner.
• Bioprinting has the ability to integrate vascularization within engineered tissues.
Bioink (Chapter 3): The biomaterial solution used in bioprinting of living cells is referred to as “bioink.” In bioprinting processes, there are four main types of bioink materials utilized including hydrogels, microcarriers, cell aggregates, and decellularized matrix components.
Modalities of bioprinting: Depending on their bioink deposition mechanism, bioprinting modalities can be classified into droplet-, extrusion-, and laser-based bioprinting.
Extrusion-based bioprinting (Chapter 4): It is a combination of a fluid dispensing and an automated robotic system for extrusion and bioprinting, respectively. During bioprinting, bioink is dispensed by a deposition system, under the control of a computer, resulting in precise deposition of cells encapsulated in cylindrical filaments of desired 3D custom-shaped structures.
Droplet-based bioprinting (Chapter 5): It is a bioprinting modality that allows patterning of living cells and other biologics using various energy sources such as sound, heat, and electric to generate droplets in a high-throughput manner. It offers greater advantages due to its simplicity and agility with precise control on deposition of biologics including cells, growth factors, genes, and drugs.
Laser-based bioprinting (Chapter 6): It is a modality of bioprinting allowing high-precision patterning of biologics or fabrication of tissue constructs using laser energy. It offers greater advantages due to its precise control on deposition of biologics including cells, growth factors, genes, drugs, and biomaterials.
Bioprinter (Chapter 7): The 3D printer used in deposition of bioink solutions for fabrication of tissue and organ construct is referred to as “bioprinter.” An ideal bioprinter has specific requirements including but not limited to the ability to dispense various biomaterials simultaneously, high resolution and accuracy, high-degree-of-freedom motion capability, sufficient motion speed, user-friendliness, full-automation capability, sterilibility, affordability, versatility, and compactness.
Application areas (Chapter 9): Bioprinting has a broad utility in various application areas such as tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, transplantation and clinics, drug screening and high-throughput assays, and cancer research. Bioprinting technology has been used for the fabrication of a wide variety of tissues including bone, brain, cancer, cardiac, cartilage, heart valve, liver, lung, neural, pancreas, retinal, skin, vascular, and composite tissues (Ozbolat et al., 2016).

1.4. The Organization of the Book

The specific aim of this book is to provide fundamentals, principles, physical interpretation, applications, and future perspectives of 3D bioprinting. The book instructs the reader from the basics of 3D bioprinting all the way to organ printing and future trends such as four-dimensional (4D) bioprinting and bioprinting new types of organs. It provides a thorough description of various bioprinting processes and technologies used in 3D bioprinting of tissues and organs using living cells and presents components of bioprinting in detail from the design phase to the tissue maturation and implantation phases.
The book is organized into 10 chapters: Introduction, Design for Bioprinting, The Bioink, Extrusion-Based Bioprinting, Droplet-Based Bioprinting, Laser-Based Bioprinting, Bioprinter Technologies, Roadmap to Organ Printing, Applications of 3D Bioprinting, and Future Trends.
This chapter covers tissue engineering and the use of 3D printing in tissue engineering, acquaints the reader with bioprinting and its principles and components, and presents historical evaluation and classification of bioprinting techniques.
Chapter 2, “Design for Bioprinting,” presents the design phase of bioprinting, covering the steps taken from medical imaging to the physical bioprinting process. The chapter covers design consideration for bioprinting, blueprint modeling, and toolpath planning.
Chapter 3, “The Bioink,” covers the bioink types and their processing and fabrication techniques and offers a comparison of bioink types, including hydrogel-based and hydrogel-free bioink materials such as cell aggregates in different forms, microcarriers or decellularized matrix components. A detailed comparison is presented on the bioprintability, mechanical integrity, ease of solidification and formability, affordability, abundance and commercial availability, appropriate regulatory for clinical use, and ability to facilitate engraftment with the endogenous tissue without generating an immune response.
Chapter 4, “Extrusion-Based Bioprinting,” provides the reader with the principles, components, and physics-based process modeling of extrusion-based bioprinting. It also discusses suitable bioink, cell types printed and major accomplishments achieved in the literature. It discusses current advancements in extrusion-based bioprinting technology and highlights future directions to transform the technology to generate viable end products for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
Chapter 5, “Droplet-Based Bioprinting,” discusses droplet-based bioprinting and its fundamentals, the main physical phenomenon behind it and its applications. The chapter covers four major droplet-based bioprinting techniques: inkjet bioprinting, electrohydrodynamic jetting, acoustic droplet ejection, and microvalve bioprinting. Current limitations and future directions are also presented for the reader.
Chapter 6, “Laser-Based Bioprinting,” presents currently existing laser-involved techniques in printing living cells, including processes involving photopolymerization and processes based on cell transfer. Fundamentals, physics of laser-induced forward transfer process, and up-to-date achievements are discussed, and limitations and future directions are provided to the reader.
Chapter 7, “Bioprinter Technologies,” highlights the existing bioprinter technologies classified under three major bioprinting modalities. A comparative evaluation is performed for commercially available bioprinters in the market, and a detailed discussion is made on pros and cons of bioprinter technologies in terms of the compactness, resolution, accuracy, high-degree-of-freedom motion capability and motion speed, commercial availability, full-automation capability, user-friendliness, sterilibility, affordability, and versatility of the bioprinters.
Chapter 8, “Roadmap to Organ Printing,” introduces the state of the art and provides a step-by-step roadmap for organ printing, spanning differentiation of stem cells to transplantation and in vivo safety, efficacy, and monitoring of organs. Special focus is given to bioprinting of an integrated vascular network via two means: direct and indirect vasculature printing.
Chapter 9, “Applications of 3D Bioprinting,” presents the current applications of bioprinting technology in areas such as basic research in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, transplantation and clinics, drug testing and high-throughput assays, and cancer research.
Finally, Chapter 10, “Future Trends,” presents future perspectives in bioprinting that will revolutionize medicine in the next couple of decades. The discussion includes biofabrication of fully functional organs for transplantation, going beyond just mimicking biology to making technologically improved humans through bioprinting new types of organs, bioprinting genes for guided-tissue response, and in situ and 4D bioprinting possibilities in the near future.

1.5. Summary

This chapter introduces 3D bioprinting technology for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, which has a great potential in biofabrication of de novo tissues and organs for transplantation or other biological uses. Although still in its infancy, this technology appears to be promising for advancing tissue engineering toward organ fabrication, ultimately mitigating organ shortage and saving lives. With the adoption of 3D printing technology in tissue engineering, anatomically correct tissue constructs have been started to be built by controlling the position of cells in the constructs and enabling patterning and better interactions. In this chapter, principles and elements of 3D bioprinting are discussed, and evaluation of the technology is presented along with remarkable achievements during the last decade. Finally, a classification of bioprinting technologies is made under three major groups: extrusion-, droplet-, and laser-based technologies.


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