7. Assessing Scale Reliability with Coefficient Alpha

Introduction: The Basics of Scale Reliability156
 Example of a Summated Rating Scale156
 True Scores and Measurement Error157
 Underlying Constructs versus Observed Variables157
 Reliability Defined157
 Test-Retest Reliability158
 Internal Consistency158
Coefficient Alpha159
 When Will Coefficient Alpha Be High?159
Assessing Coefficient Alpha with PROC CORR160
 General Form161
 A 4-Item Scale161
 A 3-Item Scale163
Summarizing the Results165
 Summarizing the Results in a Table165
 Preparing a Formal Description of the Results for a Paper165


This chapter shows how to use PROC CORR to compute the coefficient alpha reliability index for a multiple-item scale. It reviews basic issues regarding the assessment of reliability, and describes the circumstances under which a measure of internal consistency is likely to be high. Fictitious questionnaire data are analyzed to demonstrate how you can use the results of PROC CORR to perform an item analysis, thereby improving the reliability of scale responses.

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