Aberrations, 115, 116119

and lens design, 123124

and wide-field lenses, 128

Accessories, 136145

Achromatic lenses, 122

Air bells, 66

Angle of view, 5051, 80, 8283

Aperture, 92

and coverage, 76

Aperture ring, 92

Apochromat lenses, 109, 127128

Architectural photography, 2, 29

Area array back, 112113

Aspect ratios, 82

Aspheric lens, 117

Astigmatism, 117, 123

Atget, Eugène, 76

Atmospheric effect, 47

Axial chromatic aberration, 119

Axis tilts, 54


area array, 112113

reducing, 145

scanning, 112

spring, 9, 10, 12

Back focus, 132

Back rise, 25

Back shift, 40

Back swing, 23, 3439

Back tilt, 22, 25, 2729, 31, 32

Bail lever, 12

Banquet camera, 101

Barrel distortion, 118

Base tilts, 54

Bellows, 9, 151, 153154

in camera development, 95

maintenance of, 162

Bellows extension factor, 5456, 57

Bellows extensions, extreme, 139140

Cable release, 17, 87, 140, 161

Callahan, Harry, 26, 27

Camera(s), 1, 95

accessories for, 136145

banquet, 101

categorization of, 6

electronic view, 111113

framing and focusing of, 1516

mounting of, 1415

optional parts for, 151, 153157

Polaroid, 146151

positioning of, 15

reflex, 15, 109111, 116

setup of, 5051

view, 1, 2 (see also View camera)

Camera obscura, 95, 121

Camera stands, 136140

Canham, K. B., 101

Cardinal points, 115

Cases, camera, 143

Charge-coupled device (CCD), 112

Chevalier, Charles, 122

Chiarenza, Carl, 2

Chromatic aberration, 119

Circle of coverage, 75, 77

Circle of good definition, 75

Circle of illumination, 75

Code notches, 62

Color separations, 108

Coma, 117

Compendium bellows, 143, 154

Connor, Linda, 4

Contact-printing frame, 72

Convergence, 29

horizontal, 36

vertical, 29, 32

Coverage, 40, 7580

Covering circle, 75, 77

Crane, Barbara, 129

Custom lab, 65

Cut film, 60

Daguerre, L. J. M., 95

Darkcloth, 15, 141142

Darkslide, 1617, 6162

Davidson, Bruce, 2

Daylight developing tanks, 7071

Depth of field, 4447

Developing film, 6571

Diaphragm, 92

Diffraction, 120

Digital image capture, 111112

Digital photographs, 3

Distortion, 118

Dow, Jim, 131

Edgerton, Harold, 90, 91

Electronic view camera, 111113

Enlarger, 97

Enlarging, 73

Exposure, 1617

Exposure compensations, 5457

Exposure index, 56

Fall, 20

front, 24

Field angle, 77

Field camera, 6, 100101

Field curvature, 118

Field illumination, 120121


developing of, 6571

exposure of, 64

Film holder, 16, 61, 144145

maintenance of, 161162

Film plane, 18, 19, 43

Film system, 5864

Filter holders, 142

Filters, 142

Flare, 119120

Flatbed camera, 6, 95, 9799

descendants of, 6, 100111

Focal length, and coverage, 79

Focus, plane of, 20, 4244, 5051, 52, 53

Focusing, 1516

Focus shift, 91, 117

Fogging, 16

Franking, 15

Front fall, 24

Front rise, 24, 25

Front (lens) shift, 25, 44

Front (lens) swing, 23, 43

Front (lens) tilt, 21, 25, 43, 51, 158

Gauss, K. F., 126

Giroux, Alphonse, 95

Glass, ground, 1213, 15, 154155

Goldbeck, E. O., 102

Gowin, Emmet, 78

Gowland, Peter, 111

Grafmatic film holders, 145

Graham, David, 47, 158

Grohe, Steve, 82, 156

Ground glass, 1213, 15, 154155

Halftones, 108

Hess, Allen, 103

Hester, Paul, 29

Höegh, Emil von, 124

Hoods, viewing, 142

Image distance, 79

and coverage, 80

Image plane, 115

Inverse square law, 5556

Jackson, William Henry, 96, 97, 98

Johnson, Stephen, 3

Juckes, Geoff, 153

Keystone effect, 26, 2729

Klett, Mark, 38, 39, 149

Land, Edwin, 146

Landscape lenses, 122

Lange, Dorothea, 110

Lateral color, 119

Law of reciprocity, 56

Left-handed photographer, 11

Lens, 13, 74

achromatic, 122

anatomy of, 114121

and angle of view, 80, 8283

and coverage, 7580

maintenance of, 159160

origin of term, 121122

and perspective, 8385

retrofocus, 116, 132

wide-field, 101, 125126, 128132

Lensboard(s), 13, 155

Lens design

and coverage, 77

history of, 121126

modern, 127132

Lens plane, 18, 19, 20

Lens (front) tilt, 21, 25, 43, 51, 158

Lighting, 47

Light meters, 140141

Light source, 73

Linear perspective, 47

Loupe, 1516, 155

Magnification ratio, 80

Meniscus lens, 122

Meyer, Hugo, 125, 126

Monorail view camera, 1, 613, 99

cases for, 143

tripod adapter for, 139140

Monostands, 137138

Movements, camera, 18

Negatives, storing of, 7172

Niépce, Joseph Nicéphore, 95

Nodal points, 115

rear, 79, 115116

Object distance, 16, 79

Object plane, 115

Optical axis, 18, 19

O’Sullivan, Timothy, 9, 38, 39

Packard shutter, 94

Panoramic view cameras, 101

Parker, Bart, 84

PC connector, 91

Perspective, 20, 2627, 47

control of, 20, 2642

demonstration of, 4849

and lens, 8385

Petrella, Joe, 105

Petzval, Josef, 99, 122123

Pielage, Hans, 116

Pin-cushion distortion, 118

Plane of focus, 20, 4244, 5051, 52, 53

Polaroid films, 16, 146151

Polaroid holders, 162

Popping, 73

Positioning of camera, 15

Press cameras, 6, 105106

Press-focus lever, 15, 88

Principal planes, 115

Printing, 7273

Process cameras, 108109

Purcell, Rosamond Wolff, 148

Quick-release adapter, 139

Radius of curvature, 115

Rail, 7

Ray tracing, 115

Rear nodal point, 79, 115116

Reciprocity failure, 5657

Reducing back, 145

Reflex camera, 15, 109111

lens on, 116

Refractive index, 115

Resolution, 75

Retarding mechanism, 87

Retrofocus lens, 116, 132

Reuter, John, 151

Richfield, Robert, 134

Rise, 20

back, 25

front, 24, 25

Roll-film adapter, 145

Rudolph, Paul, 125

Scanning, 111

Scanning backs, 112

Scheimpflug Principle, 4344, 45, 51

Schott, Otto, 123

Self-timer, 90

Service bureaus, 65

Setting up, 5051

Sheet film, 60

Sheet-film developing tanks, 68

Sheet-film hangers, 68

Shift, 20

back, 40

front (lens), 25, 44

vertical lens, 24

Shutter, 13, 8690

behind-the-lens, 9394

and diaphragm, 92

maintenance of, 160161

synchronization of, 9091

Spanner wrench, 160

Spherical aberration, 116, 117

Spheric section, 114

Sprayers, 159

Spring back, 9, 10, 12

Standards, 79

Stein, Geoff, 29

Steinberg, Robert J., 5

Stieglitz, Alfred, 109

Storing negatives, 7172

Strand, Paul, 109

Strobe light, 90

Sutton, Thomas, 109111

Swing, 20

back, 23, 3439

front (lens), 23, 43

Synch cable, 91

Tailboard camera, 98

Talbot, William Henry Fox, 95, 101

Taylor, Paul S., 110

Technical cameras, 6, 106107

Telephoto lens, 85, 116

Thall, Bob, 163

Tilt, 20

back, 22, 25, 2729, 31, 32

base vs. axis, 54

front (lens), 21, 25, 43, 51, 158

Transverse chromatic aberration, 119

Triplet lens, 125, 128

Tripod, 14, 136137

maintenance of, 162

Tripod adapters, 139140

Tripod head, 14, 138139

Vanishing point, 29

Vantage point, 26

Vertical convergence, 29, 32

Vertical lens shift, 24

View camera, 1, 2, 6

development of, 95111

film system of, 58

flatbed, 6, 95, 9799

lens and shutter of, 74

monorail, 1, 613, 99, 139140, 143

Viewing hoods, 142

Wagner, Catherine, 132

Waldvogel, Fred, 18

Waterhouse stops, 93

Watkins, Carleton, 97

“Weegee the Famous,” 104

White, Minor, 146

Wide-field lenses, 101, 125126, 128132

Wolf, Reinhart, 152, 153

Wollaston, William Hyde, 122

Wrench, spanner, 160

Zeiss, Carl, 124

Zero position, 15

Zone System, 58, 60, 93

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