Photo Credits

Page abbreviations are: (t) top, (c) center, (b) bottom, (l) left, (r) right. All works not otherwise credited are by the author.

Cover and Title Page photo: Mark Klett.

Preface. x: New Orleans Museum of Art, New Orleans, Louisiana, Museum Purchase

Chapter 1. 1: Sinar Bron, Inc.; 3: ©1994 by Stephen Johnson; 4: Linda Connor; 5: Robert J. Steinberg

Chapter 3. 18: Sinar Bron, Inc.; 26, 27: Copyright Harry Callahan, Courtesy Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York; 28: Geoff Stein; 29: Paul Hester; 38(t): Timothy O’Sullivan for the U.S. Geological Survey, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division; 38(b), 39: Mark Klett for the Rephotographic Survey Project; 44(b): Jim Henkel; 47: David Graham

Chapter 5. 74: Sinar Bron, Inc.; 76: Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University; 78: Emmet Gowin, Courtesy Pace/MacGill Gallery, New York; 82: Photo by Steve Grohe; 84, 85: Bart Parker; 90, 91: Harold Edgerton

Chapter 6. 96: Denver Public Library, Western History Collection, William Henry Jackson Z-55; 97: Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC; 100(bl): Richard Newman, Calumet Photographic; 102: Allen Hess; 103: Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas at Austin; 104: ©The Weegee Collection, International Center of Photography/Getty Images; 105: New York Daily News; 107(r): Toyo View c/o Mamiya America; 108(tl): K. B. Canham Cameras, Inc., Model DLC45; 108(b): Courtesy of nuArc Company, Inc.; 109(t): The Strand Archive; 110(t): Copyright The Oakland Museum, The City of Oakland, 1982; 111: Calumet Photographic; 112: Courtesy of Phase One United States, Inc.; 113(t): Sinar Bron, Inc.; 113(bl): Komamura Corporation; 113(br): Creo Leaf Volare digital camera back

Chapter 7. 116: Hans Pielage; 126(tr): Schneider Optics, Inc.; 129: Barbara Crane; 131: Jim Dow; 133: Catherine Wagner; 134–135: Copyright Robert Richfield

Chapter 8. 145: Sinar Bron, Inc.; 146: Reproduction courtesy the Minor White Archive, Princeton University Art Museum, and the Polaroid Collection. Copyright ©2004 by the Trustees of Princeton University. All Rights Reserved.; 148: Rosamond W. Purcell; 149: Mark Klett; 152: Reinhart Wolf; 153(t): Geoff Juckes for Reinhart Wolf; 156: Steve Grohe; 158: David Graham

Chapter 9. 163: Bob Thall; 164: Courtesy of the Wilgus Collection.


Courtesy of the Beverly and Jack Wilgus Collection

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