The vision

If we're going to demonstrate the key features of ASP.NET Core and Angular in a practical way such as committing ourselves into a full-stack SPA project and bringing it to life, we definitely need to go for a project where they can shine the most.

That's why we can't really take into consideration most presentation-oriented websites such as demos, product galleries, corporate or marketing showcases, photo/video/media reels, blogs, and the likes; we need something that can make better use of the asynchronous and parallel request processing capabilities of both frameworks, bringing them both toward their full extent; in order to fulfill these expectations, we would rather think about something similar to a CMS engine, a community-driven wiki, or even better, an interactive web application featuring some strong client-server interactions such as auth tokens, RESTful data transfer, and push notifications.

The latter seems to be the most appropriate, as it will mean going through a number of not-so-trivial implementation challenges while keeping the expected amount of source code small enough to fit into this book.

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