FTP Publish Profile

If our web server can accept FTP (or FTPS) connections, the best way to publish our project is to create a FTP-based Publish Profile that will automatically upload our web project to our web server using the FTP/FTPS protocol. All we need to do is link the FTP destination folder to a new website project using IIS, and we'll be able to publish/update our website in a real-time fashion, as everything will be put online as soon as the publishing task will be done.

As we said earlier, we're doing all this assuming that we have a web server accessible through FTP, since it's one of the most common deployment scenarios. If that's not the case, we might as well skip this paragraph and configure a different publishing profile, such as the Folder one.

To set up the FTP publishing profile, select the IIS, FTP, etc icon, wait for the wizard-like modal window to appear, and then do the following:

  1. Publish method: Select FTP.
  2. Server: Specify the FTP server URL, such as ftp.your-ftp-server.com.
  3. Site path: Insert the target folder from the FTP server root, such as /TestMakerFree/. You can also avoid the slashes if you prefer, as the tool will automatically handle them.
  4. Passive Mode, Username, Password: Set these values according to our FTP server settings and given credentials. Activate Save Password if you want to let Visual Studio store it, so you won't have to write it upon each publishing attempt.
  5. Destination URL: This URL will be automatically launched as soon as the publishing task successfully ends using the default browser. It's often wise to set it to our web application's base domain, such as www.our-website-url.com, or to leave it empty.

Once done, click on the Validate connection button to check the preceding settings and ensure that we're able to reach the server through FTP. In case we don't, it might be wise to perform a full-scale network check looking for firewalls, proxies, antivirus, or other software that can prevent the FTP connection from being established.

Once done, the wizard's Connection tab should look just like the following screenshot:

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