About the Author


Markus Gärtner works as an Agile tester, trainer, coach, and consultant with it-agile GmbH, Hamburg, Germany. Markus, a student of the work of Jerry Weinberg, founded the German Agile Testing and Exploratory workshop in 2011 and is one of the founders of the European chapter of Weekend Testing. He is a black-belt instructor in the Miagi-Do school of Software Testing and contributes to the Agile Alliance FTT-Patterns writing community, as well as the Software Crafts-manship movement. Markus regularly presents at Agile and testing conferences all over the globe, as well as dedicating himself to writing about testing, foremost in an Agile context. He maintains a personal blog at shino.de/blog. He teaches ATDD and context-driven testing to customers in the Agile world. He has taught ATDD to testers with a nontechnical background, as well as to several programmers.

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