Amazon API Gateway

As a developer, you have to work with APIs on a regular basis. Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed web service that helps to manage, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs for any workload running on EC2 instances, AWS Lambda, or any web application. You can use API Gateway to manage, authenticate, and secure hundreds of thousands of concurrent API calls. Management of APIs includes access control, traffic management, monitoring, and API version management. All the APIs that are built using API Gateway support data over HTTP protocols. You can also run multiple versions of the same REST API by cloning the existing API. Let us look at the following benefits of using Amazon API Gateway:

  • Low cost and efficient: You pay for the requests that are made to your API, for example, $3.5 per million API calls, along with the cost of data transfer out, in gigabytes. You also have the option to choose cache for your API, and that will incur charges on an hourly basis. Apart from these, there are no upfront commitments or minimum fees. It integrates with Amazon CloudFront, allowing you access to a global network of Edge locations to run your APIs, resulting in a lower latency of API requests and responses for your end users.
  • Flexible security controls: With API Gateway, you can use AWS Security and administration services, such as IAM and Cognito, for authorizing access to your APIs. Alternatively, you can also use a custom authorizer, such as Lambda functions, for authentication if you already have OAuth tokens or if you are using other authorization processes. It can also verify signed APIs using the same technology that is used by AWS to verify its own calls.
  • Run your APIs without servers: API Gateway allows you to run your APIs completely without using any servers through its integration with AWS Lambda. You can run your code entirely in AWS Lambda and use API Gateway to create REST APIs for your web and mobile applications. This allows you to focus on writing code instead of managing to compute resources for your application.
  • Monitor APIs: You can monitor all your APIs after they have been published and are in use through the API Gateway dashboard. It integrates with Amazon CloudWatch to give you near real-time visibility on the performance of your APIs through metrics, such as data latency, error rates, API calls, and so on. Once you enable detailed monitoring for API Gateway, you can use CloudWatch Logs to receive logs for every API method as well. You can also monitor API utilization by third-party developers through the API Gateway dashboard.
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