
  1. Which among the following supports origins outside of AWS?
    1. WAF
    2. CloudWatch
    3. CloudFront
    4. CloudTrail
  2. Web access control lists can be associated with one or multiple resources in your AWS environment such as _____.
    1. WAF
    2. CloudWatch
    3. ELB
    4. Application Load Balancers
  3. State whether the following statement is True or False: A set of rules combined together forms a web ACL.
  4. API requests sent to AWS should include a ______ that contains information about the requestor's identity.
    1. Digital signature
    2. IP address of the requestor
    3. Private key
    4. Public key
  5. Which among the following integrates with CloudTrail and CloudWatch so you can monitor Cognito metrics and log API activities in real time?
    1. AWS Management Console
    2. AWS SDK
    3. AWS CLI
    4. Amazon Cognito
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