Recording Audio in OneNote

OneNote has the ability to record audio as you type (or use the Tablet PC to write your notes). If you're a reporter, this can sometimes be an effective method of capturing information in an interview. Simply record the interview as you're taking notes. Doing this can ensure you don't miss any information. The audio files are stored in the same folder as your OneNote section files and can be accessed through a link within the OneNote page, as shown in Figure 2.16.

Figure 2.16. You can record audio while you're taking notes.

When the interview is complete, you can go back and have OneNote replay your audio. As the audio plays, OneNote can highlight the particular line you were typing or writing at the time the audio was recorded. Every few seconds, as the audio plays, OneNote will advance to the next line you wrote, as shown in Figure 2.17.

Figure 2.17. OneNote can replay your audio recording and highlight lines you were typing at the time.

For more information about recording audio in OneNote, see “It's Too Quiet in Here—Let's Add Some Sound,” Chapter 17.

When you're done summarizing the interview, you can publish the page in OneNote (by publishing it as an HTML page) or use the copy and paste functionality common to all Office programs and transfer your interview into Microsoft Word.


The ability to record audio can be useful in many situations. A student can record a lecture to add context to their written notes. An employee can record a meeting in order to provide accurate feedback at a later time. The possibilities are pretty limitless.

The Absolute Minimum

As you've seen in this chapter, OneNote can help you with a variety of note-taking tasks. Whether you're using OneNote for business, school, or pleasure, you can organize, search, and print your notes. You've seen

  • How OneNote can help you take notes for school

  • How OneNote can help you organize your meeting notes

  • How OneNote can be helpful for collaboration

  • How OneNote can be useful in organizing tasks and other information in your personal life

  • How OneNote's audio recording features can be helpful

The next chapter introduces you to the various components of OneNote. You'll get an in-depth look at OneNote's sections, pages, folders, and note containers.

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