Packet-Filtering Basics

Packet filtering is comparing packets to a list of rules and accepting, rejecting, or altering them as those rules dictate. As a network administrator, you get to decide which packets are naughty and which are nice. When you filter packets for a single host, you can legitimately call that host hardened. (The word hardened means almost exactly what firewall means: nothing.) When you send all packets on your network through a single host that filters packets, you have a basic firewall.

A basic packet filter might allow you to filter based on only the TCP or UDP protocol number. Some don’t even allow you to filter by ICMP type or cannot cope with protocols other than those enumerated in the GUI. PF, however, can cope with almost anything you throw at it. If you need a machine to communicate with another over IP protocol 184, PF will support you. Many commercial firewalls won’t let you pass such traffic, or claim that they do but throw a tantrum if you actually try it.

Packet-Filtering Concepts

Chapter 11 described how TCP connections can be in a variety of states. A TCP connection that is just starting goes through a three-way handshake process. A client requests a connection by sending a synchronization request, or SYN, packet to the server. The server responds by sending the client an acknowledgment of the SYN, as well as its own SYN request, or a SYN+ACK packet. The client responds with its own ACK.

Every part of this three-way handshake must complete for any actual data to transfer between the two machines. Your packet-filtering rules must permit each part of the three-way handshake and the subsequent data transmission. PF automatically recognizes these three-way handshakes and tracks them through stateful inspection.

Stateful Inspection

PF maintains a list of permitted connections that have completed connection setup, which is called a state table. When a client sends out a SYN packet, PF records that packet in a table and waits for a corresponding SYN+ACK packet. If a SYN+ACK packet arrives at PF, but PF has no record of a corresponding SYN request, the SYN+ACK packet is rejected.

PF has a series of built-in timeouts that dictate how long idle connections remain in the state table, how long to wait for each stage of the three-way handshake, and so on. The state table is self-maintaining, and I’ve never had to adjust any of these timeouts. (On occasion, I have needed to increase the maximum size of the state table.)

UDP is technically stateless, but some applications expect a certain amount of state. When your system transmits a UDP packet, the application might well expect a UDP packet or 10 in response, or no packets, depending on the application.

DNS queries are a common example of UDP packets flowing back and forth, and while UDP has no state, DNS certainly does. (ICMP behaves similarly.) You can have PF either expect this back-and-forth or not, by adding these flows to the state table as your protocol dictates.


PF can also operate without stateful inspection, allowing traffic to and from hosts and ports based on individual packet characteristics. Stateless filtering is slower than stateful inspection, harder to correctly configure, and generally considered less secure and less useful than stateful inspection.

Packet Reassembly

Packets can be mangled during transit, usually by fragmentation. Part of a packet filter’s job is to sensibly reassemble those packets. PF can reassemble and rationalize packets in a variety of ways. (Old versions of PF called this scrubbing.)

Default Accept vs. Default Deny

One of the essential concepts in packet filtering is the question of default accept versus default deny:

  • A default accept stance means that you allow any type of connection except what you specifically deny. The default PF rules are an example of a default accept stance.

  • A default deny stance means that you allow only explicitly permitted connections. All other connections are refused.

Once you have chosen your default, you can adjust your rules to hide or reveal network services as needed. In today’s world, I recommend default deny on all systems, because this stance protects new services as they are added to a system. In most environments where I’ve seen a default accept stance used in the past decade, it’s because the system administrators did not understand the network protocol they were using. This is particularly common in VoIP installations (yes, you can packet filter VoIP servers!)

In addition to packet filtering and reassembly, PF offers several other important features, including NAT, connection redirection, and bandwidth management, to name a few. We’ll consider each separately. All are configured in pf.conf and managed with pfctl(8).

“My Network Can Do No Wrong”

Many network administrators who build a firewall carefully filter and restrict incoming traffic, but only apply minimal restrictions on outgoing traffic. While control of incoming traffic is among the most in-your-face issues of network management, control of outgoing traffic is also important.

Even if you trust your users, malware can convert a skilled engineer’s workstation into a garbage-spewing pest. Do not assume that your network can do no wrong. It can be malicious, and one day it will be, but careful traffic control can minimize the damage you inflict on your neighbors, clients, customers, and reputation.

Is there any reason for your staff desktops to connect to any random remote mail server? If not, block it, and even if a workstation is infected with a spambot, the rest of the world won’t blacklist you. Is there any reason for your users to connect to remote DNS servers, or should they use your company’s? Block outbound DNS, and prevent your users from becoming unwitting amplifiers of denial-of-service attacks. I strongly recommend a default deny stance for outbound as well as inbound traffic, and explicitly allowing desirable traffic.

Some networks might be exceptions, of course. If every system on your network runs OpenBSD, you’re pretty safe from routine malware, but already we see malware targeting televisions, Blu-ray, streaming media players, and other appliances with network connectivity. Protect yourself now.

Anytime that you catch yourself thinking that your network can do no wrong, stop and remind yourself that you are not as smart as the combination of every malware author in the world.

What Packet Filtering Doesn’t Do

Packet filtering controls network connections based entirely on TCP/IP protocols and related characteristics, such as port numbers. If you want to block all traffic from certain IP addresses, packet filtering is your friend. If you want to allow only connections to a particular TCP/IP port, packet filtering will work for you. If you want to allow entrance only to packets with the ECN flag set, but no other flags, PF will support you (even though that’s a pretty daft thing to do).

You can filter protocols that operate at a logical protocol layer such as IPsec, SKIP, VINES, and so on, but only on the network protocol. If it’s a different protocol layer, PF can’t help.


PF can even filter by MAC address. There’s special support for this specific media layer protocol via tags added on bridge(4) interfaces, as documented in ifconfig(4).

Similarly, PF doesn’t know anything about applications or application protocols. If you allow TCP/IP connections to port 25 on a server within your network, you might think that you’re allowing connections to the mail server on that host. Actually, you’re allowing connections to whatever daemon happens to be running on port 25 on that host! PF doesn’t recognize an SMTP data stream; it sees only that the connection goes to port 25. (I have a system that offers SSH on many ports commonly assigned to other services, just so I can saunter past whatever naïve packet filter I happen to be stuck behind.)

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