Accelerating DevSecOps on AWS


Accelerating DevSecOps on AWS

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To my father, Nagendra Ram.

I would have been a terrible software engineer if you had not bought me a desktop and taught me cut, copy, and paste in Windows 98.

– Nikit Swaraj


About the author

Nikit Swaraj is an experienced solution architect. He is well versed in the melding of development and operations to deliver efficient code. Nikit has expertise in designing, developing, and delivering enterprise-wide solutions that meet business requirements and enhance operational efficiency. As an AWS solution architect, he has plenty of experience in designing end-to-end IT solutions and leading and managing complete projects within time and budgetary constraints. He contributes to open source projects and has experience working with start-ups as well as enterprises including financial service industries and public and government sectors. He holds various professional certifications from AWS, Red Hat, CNCF, and HashiCorp. He loves to share his experience with the latest technologies at AWS meetups.

When he's not in front of his computer, you might find him playing badminton or golf or trying out new restaurants in town. He enjoys traveling to new places around the world and learning about various cultures.

I must begin my acknowledgment by thanking a couple of people who have had a significant effect on my profession. First and foremost, I want to thank my mentor and friend, Rahul Natarajan, who basically taught me AWS and continues to help me with architecture challenges whenever I get stuck. My former manager, Jason Carter, taught me a lot about application architecture and security. I'd also like to thank Stephen Brown and Gergely Varga for advancing my career by exposing me to AI and global reach. Finally I want to thank my girlfriend Lee Lee who has supported me in this journey.

About the reviewer

Julian Andres Forero is a DevOps consultant at Endava, with more than 7 years of experience in different private and public companies related to media, payments, education, and financial services. He holds a degree in systems engineering and other professional certifications as a Professional and Associate Solutions Architect on Amazon Web Services and as a Terraform Associate Engineer. He has broad experience with cloud architectures and enterprise DevOps frameworks and helps companies to embrace DevOps and site reliability engineering principles. He is the author of various academic articles and has spoken at multiple events on the IT scene. Outside of work, he is an amateur footballer and enjoys visiting new places around the world.

To my partner, for always being there for me, and supporting me when I need it the most. I really appreciate all the moments that we have shared together. I love you.

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