
The time I have spent writing and researching this book has been a personally fulfilling experience as well as a professionally beneficial one. Not least because of the rich, deep, wonderful relationships worldwide that I have been lucky enough to develop and will cherish for the rest of my life. Over 100 interviewees are mentioned individually in the Contributors section at the back of this book. While there is not sufficient space to mention all of you again here, please collectively accept my heartfelt thanks for so generously sharing your insights with us. This includes those of you who, because of professional or cultural constraints, did not wish to be named. Quite honestly, this book could not have been written without you!

The same is true of the following people, each of whom have made significant contributions, if not directly to the content of this book, then certainly to my sanity.

First, I would like to thank my consulting co-author Dr. Liz Alexander who has been a coach, mentor, friend, guiding light, and true pleasure throughout this journey. During our lifetimes we meet special spirits who touch our lives deeply, and Dr. Liz is one of those life-transforming gurus for me. I am forever indebted.

I also remain extremely grateful to the support given by Cathy Hoover and Courtney Harris and the team at Regus.

Thank you, Jerald Wrightsil, for your generosity of spirit in introducing us to so many wonderful people within your extensive Asian networks. Liz and I can never thank you enough for always being there when we needed you.

Other people and organizations that I would like to single out for their contributions to this project are: Korena Garcia, director of Custom Intelligence Services, Stratfor; A. J. Gallerano and Bryan Campbell of DuBois, Bryant & Campbell, L.L.P.; Jamie Nanquil and the team at Social Media Delivered; Deborah Wallis of One-on-One Transcription; and Kathy Wood and her team at KatzTranscription—as well as Priya Kumar, who designed the beautiful maps that grace each of our country chapters.

Where would I be without my assistant Vaughn Bradley, researcher Kristen Eggers, and author's assistant Leah Haney all of whom have been pivotal in getting this book completed and in on time? You are all greatly appreciated, as is Kristen's mom, Julie Smith, whose phenomenal administrative services I cannot praise highly enough.

Deserving special mention, too, is everyone who has helped me at The University of Texas at Austin, with special mentions to Kevin Hegarty and Dr. Steve Leslie; The Ohio State University, with special thanks to Dr. William Brustein; and the leadership of the City of Austin.

Thank you to the team at John Wiley & Sons. This first-time author is honored to be published by such a well-respected name in the publishing industry; your support and guidance have left me feeling confident that my work could not have found a better home: Elizabeth Gildea, Brian Neill, Christine Moore, and Chaitanya Mella.

Finally, I am indebted to my friend Mary Scott Nabers; my supportive and loving family: my phenomenal parents, Ted and Lynn Schweitzer—it all started with you; my brothers and sisters; my amazing niece, Erica Schweitzer-Wirth; John Robinson III; and Deborah Schons.

Above all, I would like to express my huge gratitude to my brilliant, loving husband, John Robinson, and to Charm, the world's most beautiful golden retriever.

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