Chapter 16. Backup, Recovery, DIT Maintenance, and Deleted Objects


The AD Directory Information Tree (DIT) is implemented as a transactional database using the Extensible Storage Engine (ESE). The primary database file is named ntds.dit and is stored in the %SystemRoot%NTDS folder by default, but it can be relocated during the initial promotion process or manually via ntdsutil (see Moving the DIT Files for more details).

Each database write transaction is initially stored in a logfile named edb.log, which is stored in the same directory as ntds.dit by default, though you can modify this either during or after the initial promotion process. That logfile can grow to 10 MB in size, after which additional logfiles are created (e.g., edb00001.log), each of which can also grow to up to 10 MB in size. After the transactions in the logfiles are committed to the database, the logfiles are purged, beginning with the log containing the oldest transactions. This process is referred to as circular logging. These logfiles are useful when a domain controller is shut down unexpectedly because when the DC comes back online, Active Directory can replay the logfiles and apply any transactions that might not have been written to disk before the DC shut down. The edb.chk file stores information about the last transaction that was actually committed to the database; AD uses this information to determine which transactions in the logfiles still need to be committed. Finally, two 10 MB files called edbres00001.jrs and edbres00002.jrs are used as placeholders in case the disk runs out of space; if this happens, these files are deleted to free up enough space to allow Active Directory to commit any final changes before the DC is shut down.

In order to recover portions of Active Directory, or the entire directory itself, you need to have a solid backup strategy in place. You can back up Active Directory while it is online, which means you do not need to worry about scheduling regular downtime simply to perform backups. Restoring Active Directory is also a relatively simple process. You can restore a single object, an entire subtree, or the entire database if necessary. For a detailed discussion on backing up and restoring Active Directory, see Active Directory, Fifth Edition, by Brian Desmond et al. (O’Reilly).

You also need to be familiar with how deleted objects are treated in Active Directory, which can affect your backup procedures. By default, the Active Directory Recycle Bin is not enabled. When the Active Directory Recycle Bin is not enabled and an object is requested to be deleted, it is actually marked as a tombstone and moved to the Deleted Objects container. This tombstone object has most of the original object’s attribute values removed to save space in the NTDS.DIT file. These objects are stored in the cn=Deleted Objects container in the naming context that the original object was located in. The deleted object is named using the following format: <OrigName>ADEL: <ObjectGUID>, where <OrigName> is the original RDN of the object, <ObjectGUID> is the GUID of the object, and A is a null-terminated character. For example, if you deleted the jsmith user object, its tombstone object would have a distinguished name similar to the following:


If the Active Directory Recycle Bin is enabled, a deleted object becomes logically deleted while the link-valued and non-link-valued attributes are maintained. Thus, during the deleted object lifetime, deleted objects can be restored to the exact state that they were in prior to the deletion. (This includes group membership information, too.) The restore process for deleted objects becomes much simpler and cleaner with the Active Directory Recycle Bin.

In Windows Server 2012, the AD DS service can be stopped to perform some (but not all) maintenance operations without needing to reboot the domain controller into DSRM. Some of the operations you can perform on a 2012 DC while the AD DS service is stopped include:

  • Performing an offline defragmentation.

  • Moving the AD database files.

  • Performing a nonauthoritative restore. However, performing an authoritative restore still requires a full reboot into DSRM.

You can stop the Active Directory Domain Services service using familiar interfaces such as the Services MMC snap-in, Server Manager, the net stop command-line utility, or the Stop-Service PowerShell cmdlet. Be aware that when you stop the Active Directory Domain Services service, one or more of the following dependent services will be stopped as well; you will need to take this into consideration when restarting the AD DS service so that all associated services are also restarted:

  • File Replication

  • Kerberos Key Distribution Center

  • Intersite Messaging

  • DNS Server (on DCs that are running the DNS Server service)

  • DFS Replication

After a period of time known as the tombstone lifetime (180 days is the default for Windows Server 2012), the tombstone object is finally removed from Active Directory. At that point, remnants of the former object do not exist in Active Directory.

Tombstone objects are important to understand with regard to your backup strategy because you should not keep backups longer than the tombstone lifetime. If you attempt to restore a backup that is older than the tombstone lifetime, it may introduce objects that were deleted but for which a tombstone object no longer exists. Under normal conditions, if you do a nonauthoritative restore from backup, objects that were valid when the backup was taken but that were subsequently deleted will be deleted during the first replication cycle after the DC is rebooted normally. If the tombstone object has already expired (e.g., the backup is older than 180 days), Active Directory has no way to determine whether the object was previously deleted and will read it. Reinjected deleted objects are referred to as lingering or zombie objects.

The tombstone lifetime value is stored in the tombstoneLifetime attribute on the following object: cn=Directory Service,cn=Windows NT,cn=Services,cn=Configuration, <ForestRootDN>.

The Anatomy of a Deleted Object

Deleted objects are generally stored in the respective Deleted Objects container of their naming context. You can view deleted objects by using the Active Directory Administrative Center and browsing to the Deleted Objects container. Table 16-1 contains some of the attributes that are stored with deleted objects.


The attributes that are preserved in tombstone objects are determined by attributeSchema objects that have bit 3 enabled (8 in decimal) in the searchFlags attribute.

Table 16-1. Useful attributes of deleted objects




The value for this attribute is TRUE for deleted objects.


The value for this attribute is TRUE for deleted objects that have had their deleted object lifetime expire.


Distinguished name of container the object was contained in.


RDN of the object’s current location.


This attribute is retained when the original object is deleted. This applies only to user and computer objects.


This attribute is retained when the original object is deleted. This applies only to user and computer objects.


This attribute is retained when the original object is deleted. This applies only to user and computer objects.


This attribute is retained when the original object is deleted. This applies only to user and computer objects.

To aid in Active Directory backup and recovery, Windows Server 2012 includes a snapshot feature that allows you to take point-in-time snapshots of the Active Directory database and then mount those snapshots to view the contents and compare them to the current contents of the AD database. Using scripts or third-party tools, you can even copy information from an Active Directory snapshot directly into the live AD database without needing to reboot the domain controller to perform a traditional restore operation.

Backing Up the Active Directory Database


You want to back up the Active Directory database.


Using a command-line interface

> wbadmin start systemstatebackup -backuptarget:"<BackupTarget>"

Using Windows PowerShell

The following PowerShell example will start a one-time System State backup, saving the backup data on the E: volume.

$wbPolicy = New-WBPolicy
Set-WBSchedule -Policy $wbPolicy -Schedule 23:59
Add-WBSystemState -Policy $wbPolicy
$wbTarget = New-WBBackupTarget -VolumePath E:
Add-WBBackupTarget -Policy $wbPolicy -Target $wbTarget
Start-WBBackup -Policy $wbPolicy


The wbadmin command can be used to create a System State backup of the Active Directory database. In addition, there is a Windows Server Backup GUI tool that can be used to perform the backup. Alternately, Windows PowerShell cmdlets are available to configure one-time and scheduled backup jobs. The steps in this recipe assume that you have installed the Windows Server Backup feature. To install the Windows Server Backup feature using PowerShell, run the following command.

Add-WindowsFeature Windows-Server-Backup -IncludeAllSubFeature

See Also

Creating an Active Directory Snapshot for information on creating Active Directory snapshots; Mounting an Active Directory Snapshot for more on mounting and using snapshots

Creating an Active Directory Snapshot


You want to create a snapshot of the Active Directory database.


Using a command-line interface

> ntdsutil
> activate instance ntds
> snapshot
> create


The Active Directory Domain Services snapshot feature leverages the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) to allow administrators to create “shadow copies” of the Active Directory database. Once a snapshot has been created, you can use the ntdsutil and dsamain command-line utilities to mount the snapshot as a read-only copy of the Active Directory database. Once the snapshot is mounted, you can view it using customary tools such as ADSI Edit and LDP, as well as using third-party tools to copy information from a snapshot into a live Active Directory database.

See Also

Mounting an Active Directory Snapshot for more on mounting and using snapshots

Mounting an Active Directory Snapshot


You want to mount a snapshot of the Active Directory database that you created previously using either ntdsutil or a System State backup.


Using a command-line interface

If you want to view a snapshot in ntdsutil, you must first mount the snapshot within ntdsutil as follows:

> ntdsutil
> activate instance ntds
> snapshot
> list all

The list all command generates a list of snapshots that have been created on the domain controller in question, each with a corresponding number. You will then issue the mount<Number> command to mount the snapshot that you want. Once the snapshot is mounted, ntdsutil will list the physical path that the database has been mounted to, such as C:$SNAP_200808011002_VOLUMEC$.

Once you have mounted the snapshot you want, you’ll use the dsamain command to expose the snapshot as an LDAP server. When using dsamain, you will need to provide an alternate LDAP port since 389 is in use by the live AD database. You can also specify an alternate LDAPS port, Global Catalog port, and secure Global Catalog port. Use the dsamain tool as follows:

> dsamain /dbpath "<Path to database file>" /ldapport <Port Number>

The mounted snapshot will be exposed as an LDAP server as long as the command window remains open. Use Ctrl-C to “switch off” the snapshot functionality.


The dsamain utility can be used to expose an Active Directory snapshot that has been created using ntdsutil, or it can use the contents of a System State backup that has been restored to an alternate location on the local hard drive. Network or UNC paths are not supported. Once a snapshot or restored backup is exposed using dsamain, it can be accessed in a read-only manner using Active Directory tools such as LDP or ADSI Edit, as well as scripts and PowerShell.

See Also

Creating an Active Directory Snapshot for more on creating snapshots; Accessing Active Directory Snapshot Data for more on accessing and manipulating information contained in a snapshot

Accessing Active Directory Snapshot Data


You want to access data contained within a snapshot of the Active Directory database that you created previously using either ntdsutil or a System State backup.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Launch LDP.exe and then connect to the server with a snapshot mounted, using the appropriate port number.

  2. Select Connection→Bind and then click OK.

  3. Click View→Tree. Select the Base DN you would like to view snapshot data from.

  4. Expand the snapshot tree to view the containers and objects available in the snapshot.

Using Windows PowerShell

Get-ADObject -Identity "<ObjectDN>" -Server <ServerName>:<PortNumber> -Properties * | FL


An Active Directory snapshot provides a read-only view of the Active Directory database as it existed at a particular point in time, whether the snapshot was created using ntdsutil or whether you are using dsamain to mount the ntds.dit contained in a System State backup. While Windows does not provide a method to perform a simple GUI “cut-and-paste” to insert values from a snapshot into a live Active Directory database, you can do so using scripting, PowerShell, or a third-party tool. You can also view the contents of a snapshot using tools such as ADSI Edit by simply indicating the alternate LDAP port number that you specified when you mounted the snapshot.

Restarting a Domain Controller in Directory Services Repair Mode


You want to restart a domain controller in DS Repair Mode.


To enter DS Repair Mode, press F8 after the power-on self-test (POST), which will bring up a menu, as shown in Figure 16-1. From the menu, select Directory Services Repair Mode.

Boot options

Figure 16-1. Boot options

Using a graphical user interface

  1. Run msconfig.exe and then select the Boot tab.

  2. Place a checkmark in the Safe Boot option and then select the Active Directory repair option.

  3. Click OK. You will be prompted to restart the server.

Using the command-line interface

You can also enable DSRM prior to rebooting a server by entering the following command:

> bcdedit /set safeboot dsrepair

Once you have completed the maintenance on the DC and wish to return to a normal startup mode, enter the following prior to rebooting:

> bcdedit /deletevalue safeboot


The Active Directory database is live and locked by the system whenever a domain controller is booted into normal mode. In DS Repair Mode, Active Directory does not start up and the database files (e.g., ntds.dit) are not locked. The restartable AD DS service allows you to perform certain maintenance tasks, such as performing an offline defrag, without needing to reboot the domain controller into DSRM. However, certain critical operations, such as an authoritative restore, still need to be performed in Directory Services Repair Mode.

It is not always practical to be logged in to the console of the server when you need to reboot it into DS Repair Mode. You can use Remote Desktop Connection to log on to the machine remotely while it is in DSRM mode.


Directory Services Repair Mode was referred to as Directory Services Restore Mode in previous versions of Windows.

Resetting the Directory Services Repair Mode Administrator Password


You want to reset the DS Repair Mode administrator password. This password is set individually (i.e., not replicated) on each domain controller and is initially configured when you promote a server to a domain controller.


Using a command-line interface

Using ntdsutil, you can change the DS Repair Mode administrator password of a domain controller while it is live (i.e., not in DS Repair Mode). Another benefit of this option is that you can run it against a remote domain controller. Use the following command sequence to reset the password on a domain controller named DC1:

> ntdsutil
> set dsrm password
> reset password on server DC1

However, if you are already in DSRM and would like to change the password, the ntdsutil option is not available. To change the DSRM password once you are already logged in, use the following command:

net user Administrator "<Password>"


You may be thinking that having a separate DS Repair Mode administrator password can be quite a pain. Yet another thing you have to maintain and update on a regular basis, right? But if you think about it, you’ll see that it is quite necessary.

Generally, you boot a domain controller into DS Repair Mode when you need to perform some type of maintenance on the Active Directory database. To do this, the database needs to be offline. But if the database is offline, then there is no way to authenticate against it. Because of this, the system has to use another authentication repository, so it reverts back to the legacy SAM database. The DS Repair Mode administrator account and password are stored in the SAM database, just as with standalone Windows servers.

The one disadvantage to the solutions presented in this recipe is that you have to reset the DSRM password on one machine at a time. To automate this process on all domain controllers, the following PowerShell command will synchronize the DSRM password with the current password of the domain Administrator account:

Get-ADDomainController -Filter * | ForEach-Object {Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_.Name -ScriptBlock {ntdsutil "set dsrm password" "sync from domain account Administrator" "Q" "Q"}}

Performing a Nonauthoritative Restore


You want to perform a nonauthoritative restore of a domain controller. This can be useful if you want to quickly restore a domain controller that failed due to a hardware problem.


Using a command-line interface

To perform a system state recovery, you will need to know the date and timestamp of the system state backup that you want to recover from. You can perform a nonauthoritative restore by rebooting the DC into DSRM or by stopping the Active Directory Domain Services service; you can stop this service from the Services MMC snap-in, from Server Manager, or by using the net stop command-line utility. The following command syntax performs a system state recovery:

> wbadmin start systemstaterecovery -version:<BackupDate>-<BackupTime>


If you encounter a failed domain controller that you cannot bring back up (e.g., multiple hard disks fail), you have two options for restoring it. One option is to remove the domain controller completely from Active Directory (as outlined in Removing an Unsuccessfully Demoted Domain Controller) and then promote it back in. This is known as the restore from replication method, because you are essentially bringing up a brand-new domain controller and letting replication restore all the data on the server. After performing the steps described in Removing an Unsuccessfully Demoted Domain Controller, you can also use the Install From Media option described in Promoting a Server to a Windows Server 2012 Domain Controller from Media to expedite this process.

The other option is described in this recipe’s solution. You can restore the domain controller from a good backup. This method involves restoring the System State and any necessary system drive(s) and then rebooting. As long as the domain controller comes up clean, it should start participating in Active Directory replication once again and replicate any changes that have occurred since the backup was taken. This method is generally the fastest for restoring a domain controller, particularly if the server is the only DC located in a remote site.

For a detailed discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each option, see Active Directory, Fifth Edition, by Brian Desmond et al. (O’Reilly).

See Also

Restarting a Domain Controller in Directory Services Repair Mode for getting into Directory Services Repair Mode

Performing an Authoritative Restore of an Object or Subtree


You want to perform an authoritative restore of one or more objects, but not the entire Active Directory database. For the GUI solution, this recipe assumes that the Active Directory Recycle Bin was enabled prior to the deletion. If you have not enabled the AD Recycle Bin, you can do so from the Tasks pane in the Active Directory Administrative Center.


Using a graphical user interface (steps specific to Windows Server 2012)

  1. Launch Active Directory Administrative Center.

  2. Select the domain and navigate to the Deleted Objects container.

  3. Locate the deleted object in the container.

  4. Right-click the object and select Restore.

Using a command-line interface

To restore a single object, run the following commands:

> ntdsutil
> activate instance ntds
> auth restore
> restore object cn=jsmith,ou=Sales,dc=adatum,dc=com
> q

To restore an entire subtree, run the following commands:

> ntdsutil
> activate instance ntds
> auth restore
> restore subtree ou=Sales,dc=adatum,dc=com
> q

Restart the computer.

There are some issues related to restoring user, group, computer, and trust objects that you should be aware of. See MS KB 216243 and MS KB 280079 for more information.

Using PowerShell

Get-ADObject -Filter {isDeleted -eq $true} -IncludeDeletedObjects | Where-Object {$_.DistinguishedName -match "<GroupName>"} | Restore-ADObject


If an administrator or user accidentally deletes an important object or entire subtree from Active Directory, you can restore it. Fortunately, the process isn’t very painful. The key is to have a good backup that contains the objects you want to restore.

Using a command-line interface

To restore one or more objects, you need to follow the same steps as when performing a nonauthoritative restore. The only difference is that after you do the restore, you need to use ntdsutil to mark the objects in question as authoritative on the restored domain controller. After you reboot the domain controller, it will then receive information from its replication partners and process updates for any objects that have been changed since the backup that was restored on the machine, except for the objects or subtrees that were marked as authoritative. For those objects, Active Directory modifies the restored objects in such a way that they will become authoritative and replicate out to the other domain controllers.


Performing an authoritative restore of user or group objects will require additional considerations, as detailed in MS KB 280079. (Authoritative restore of groups can result in inconsistent membership information across domain controllers.)

You can also use ntdsutil without first doing a restore in situations where an object has accidentally been deleted, but the change has not yet replicated to all domain controllers. The trick here is that you need to find a domain controller that has not had the deletion replicated yet, and either stop it from replicating or make the object authoritative before it sends its replication updates. Take a look at Enabling and Disabling Replication for more information on controlling inbound and outbound replication on a domain controller.

Using PowerShell

If the Active Directory Recycle Bin is not enabled, then the PowerShell solution will restore the object without the link-valued and some of the non-link-valued attributes. However, if the Active Directory Recycle Bin was enabled prior to the object deletion, then the PowerShell solution will restore the object to its original state, which includes the link-valued and the non-link-valued attributes.

See Also

Restarting a Domain Controller in Directory Services Repair Mode for booting into Directory Services Repair Mode; Undeleting a Single Object for restoring a deleted object; MS KB 216243 (Authoritative Restore of Active Directory and Impact on Trusts and Computer Accounts); MS KB 280079 (Authoritative Restore of Groups Can Result in Inconsistent Membership Information Across Domain Controllers)

Performing a Complete Authoritative Restore


You want to perform a complete authoritative restore of the Active Directory database because a significant failure has occurred.


First, reboot into Directory Services Repair Mode (DSRM)—see Restarting a Domain Controller in Directory Services Repair Mode for more information. Then, once in DSRM, run the following command to restore the entire database:

> wbadmin start systemstaterecovery -version:<BackupDate>-<BackupTime> -authsysvol

For example, to restore a backup from 02/14/2013 at 08:56pm, run the following command:

> wbadmin start systemstaterecovery -version:02/14/2013-20:56 -authsysvol > activate instance ntds

Restart the computer.


In a production environment, you should never have to perform an authoritative restore of the entire Active Directory database unless you have encountered a drastic situation such as a forest recovery scenario. It is a drastic measure, and you will almost inevitably lose data as a result. Before you even attempt such a restore, you may want to contact Microsoft Support to make sure that all options have been exhausted. However, you should still test the authoritative restore process in a lab environment and make sure that you have the steps properly documented in case you ever do need to use it.

See Also

Restarting a Domain Controller in Directory Services Repair Mode for getting into Directory Services Repair Mode; MB KB 216243 (Authoritative Restore of Active Directory and Impact on Trusts and Computer Accounts); MS KB 280079 (Authoritative Restore of Groups Can Result in Inconsistent Membership Information Across Domain Controllers)

Checking the DIT File’s Integrity


You want to check the integrity and semantics of the DIT file to verify that there is no corruption or bad entries.


Using a command-line interface

This recipe can be performed while the Active Directory Domain Services service is in a stopped state; it is not necessary to reboot the DC into DSRM. To stop the AD DS service, use services.msc, or issue the net stop command.

Once the DC is prepared as needed, run the following commands:

> ntdsutil
> activate instance ntds
> files
> integrity
> quit
> semantic database analysis
> verbose on
> go
> quit
> quit


The Active Directory DIT file (ntds.dit) is implemented as a transactional database. Microsoft uses the ESE database (also called JET Blue) for Active Directory, which has been used for years in other products such as Microsoft Exchange.

Since the Active Directory DIT is ultimately a database, it can suffer from many of the same issues as traditional databases. The ntdsutil integrity command checks for any low-level database corruption and ensures that the database headers are correct and the tables are in a consistent state. It reads every byte of the database and can take quite a while to complete, depending on how large the DIT file is.

Whereas the ntdsutil integrity command verifies the overall structure and health of the database files, the ntdsutil semantics command looks at the contents of the database. It will verify, among other things, reference counts, replication metadata, and security descriptors. If any errors are reported back, you can run go fixup to attempt to correct them. You should have a recent backup handy before doing this and perform this step only as a troubleshooting option, preferably under the direction of a Microsoft PSS engineer, since in the worst case the corruption cannot be fixed or the state of your AD database may even become worse after the go fixup command completes.

See Also

Restarting a Domain Controller in Directory Services Repair Mode for booting into Directory Services Repair Mode; MS KB 315136 (How to Complete a Semantic Database Analysis for the Active Directory Database by Using Ntdsutil.exe)

Moving the DIT Files


You want to move the Active Directory DIT files to a new drive to improve performance or capacity.


Using a command-line interface

This recipe can be performed while the Active Directory Domain Services service is in a stopped state; it is not necessary to reboot the DC into DSRM. Once the service is stopped, run the following commands, in which <DriveAndFolder> is the new location where you want to move the files (e.g., d:NTDS):

> ntdsutil
> activate instance ntds
> files
> move db to "<DriveAndFolder>"
> move logs to "<DriveAndFolder>"
> q
> q


You can move the Active Directory database file (ntds.dit) independently of the logfiles. The first command in the solution moves the database, and the second moves the logs. You may also want to consider running an integrity check against the database after you’ve moved it to ensure that nothing went wrong during the move. See Checking the DIT File’s Integrity for more details.

See Also

Restarting a Domain Controller in Directory Services Repair Mode for booting into Directory Services Repair Mode; Checking the DIT File’s Integrity for checking DIT file integrity

Repairing or Recovering the DIT


You need to repair or perform a soft recovery of the Active Directory DIT because a power failure or some other failure caused the domain controller to enter an unstable state.


Using a command-line interface

This recipe can be performed while the Active Directory Domain Services service is in a stopped state; it is not necessary to reboot the DC into DSRM. Once the service is stopped, run the following commands:

> ntdsutil
> activate instance ntds
> files
> recover
> q
> q

If the recover operation is successful, you should then check the integrity of the AD database (see Checking the DIT File’s Integrity).


Hopefully, you will never need to recover or repair your Active Directory database. However, a recovery may be needed after a domain controller unexpectedly shuts down, perhaps due to a power loss, and certain changes were never committed to the database. When it boots back up, a soft recovery is automatically done in an attempt to reapply any changes that were contained in the transaction logfiles. Since Active Directory does this automatically, it is unlikely that running the ntdsutil recover command will be of much help.

We recommend that you use extreme caution when performing a repair and you may wish to engage Microsoft Support first in case something goes wrong. If you try the repair, and it makes things worse, you should consider rebuilding the domain controller from scratch. See Removing an Unsuccessfully Demoted Domain Controller for forcibly removing a failed domain controller from your domain.

See Also

Checking the DIT File’s Integrity for checking the integrity of the DIT file

Performing an Online Defrag Manually


You want to initiate an online defragmentation to optimize the disk space that’s being used by the ntds.dit file.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open LDP.exe.

  2. From the menu, select Connection→Connect.

  3. For Server, enter the name of the target domain controller.

  4. For Port, enter 389.

  5. Click OK.

  6. From the menu, select Connection→Bind.

  7. Enter the credentials of an administrative user or accept the default and log on with the current user credentials.

  8. Click OK.

  9. From the menu, select Browse→Modify.

  10. Leave the Dn blank.

  11. For Attribute, enter DoOnlineDefrag.

  12. For Values, enter 180.

  13. For Operation, select Add.

  14. Click Enter.

  15. Click Run.

Using a command-line interface

Create an LDIF file called online_defrag.ldf with the following contents:

changetype: modify
DoOnlineDefrag: 180

Then run the following command:

> ldifde -v -i -f online_defrag.ldf

You can also perform an online defrag using AdMod:

> admod -b "" doOnlineDefrag::180

Using PowerShell

$rootDSE = [ADSI] "LDAP://<DomainControllerName>/RootDSE"
$rootDSE.put("DoOnlineDefrag", "180")


By default, the online defrag process runs every 12 hours on each domain controller after the garbage collection process completes. This process defrags the Active Directory database (ntds.dit) by combining whitespace generated from deleted objects but does not reduce the size of the database file.

To start an online defrag, simply write the DoOnlineDefrag attribute to the RootDSE with a value equal to the maximum time the defrag process should run (in seconds). You must be a member of the Domain Admins group in the domain controller’s domain in order to write to this attribute.

See Also

Performing an Offline Defrag to Reclaim Space for performing an offline defrag; MS KB 198793 (The Active Directory Database Garbage Collection Process)

Performing a Database Recovery


You want to perform a recovery of the Active Directory database when other methods have failed.


Using a command-line interface

This recipe can be performed while the Active Directory Domain Services service is in a stopped state; it is not necessary to reboot the DC into DSRM. Once the service is stopped, to perform an integrity check of the Active Directory database, enter the following:

> esentutl /g "<PathToNTDS.DIT>"/!10240 /8 /o

To perform a recovery of the AD database, enter the following:

> esentutl /r "<PathToNTDS.DIT>" /!10240 /8 /o

To perform a repair of the database, use the following syntax:

> esentutl /p "<PathToNTDS.DIT>" /!10240 /8 /o


When attempting to recover the ntds.dit database, you may occasionally encounter a situation where ntdsutil is unable to repair whatever damage has occurred. You may run into error messages similar to the following:

Operation failed because the database was inconsistent.

Initialize jet database failed; cannot access file.

Error while performing soft recovery.

Because the AD database is based on the ESE, you also have access to the esentutl database utility, which can perform a number of operations against the ntds.dit file, including defragmentation, database recovery or repair, and integrity checks. (For a complete description of each operation, type esentutl /? at the command line.)

If the ntdsutil recovery options listed elsewhere in this chapter fail, you can attempt to repair AD using this ESE utility. Many of the operations that you can perform with esentutl have the potential to exacerbate data loss, so be certain that you have a viable backup in place before attempting any of them. In fact, in some cases it may actually be easier and quicker to simply restore from a known good backup to get your domain or forest back online again.

See Also

MS KB 305500 (Cannot Repair the Active Directory Database by Using the Ntdsutil Tool); MS KB 280364 (How to Recover from Event ID 1168 and Event ID 1003 Error Messages)

Creating a Reserve File


You want to create another reserve file on the disk containing the ntds.dit file to guard against AD failures caused by running out of disk space.


Using a command-line interface

The following command will create an empty reserve file, 250 MB in size, in the same directory as the ntds.dit file:

> fsutil file createnew <PathToNTDS.DIT>
eservefile 256000000

For example, the following will create the reserve file in c:windows tds:

> fsutil file createnew c:windows
eservefile 256000000


By default, Active Directory creates two files called ebdres00001.jrs and edbres00002.jrs in the same directory as the ntds.dit database. Each of these files is 10 MB in size and is used to hold in reserve the last 20 MB of space on the drive hosting the AD database files. If a domain controller runs out of space on that drive, Active Directory will use the space being held by ebdres00001.jrs and edbres00002.jrs to commit any uncommitted transactions before shutting down so that no information is lost. If you wish to set aside more space than this, you can create a reserve file to set aside additional space; this reserve file can then be manually deleted to free up disk space. This can provide an additional safeguard against a user or administrator inadvertently filling up the drive that’s hosting the ntds.dit file, or guard against a virus or a malicious user performing a denial-of-service attack by intentionally filling up the drive.


To prevent accidental or malicious bloating of the ntds.dit file itself, you can also establish quotas to restrict the number of objects that can be created by a user.

See Also

Creating a Quota for more on creating Active Directory quotas; Changing How Tombstone Objects Count Against Quota Usage for configuring how tombstoned objects affect quotas

Determining How Much Whitespace Is in the DIT


You want to find the amount of whitespace in your DIT. A lot of whitespace in the DIT may mean that you could regain enough space on the disk to warrant performing an offline defrag.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Run regedit.exe from the command line or from Start→Run.

  2. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNTDSDiagnostics.

  3. In the right pane, double-click on 6 Garbage Collection.

  4. For Value data, enter 1.

  5. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

> reg add HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesNTDSDiagnostics /v "6 Garbage↵
Collection" /t REG_DWORD /d 1

Using Windows PowerShell

$strRegPath = "HKLM:SystemCurrentControlSetServicesNTDSParameters"
Set-ItemProperty -Path $strRegPath -Name "6 Garbage Collection" -value "1"


By setting the 6 Garbage Collection diagnostics logging option, event 1646 will get generated after the garbage collection process runs. Here is a sample 1646 event:

Event Type:         Information
Event Source:       NTDS Database
Event Category:     Garbage Collection
Event ID:           1646
Date:               11/25/2012
Time:               9:52:46 AM
Computer:           DC1
Internal event:     The Active Directory database has the following amount of↵
free hard disk space remaining.

Free hard disk space (megabytes): 100
Total allocated hard disk space (megabytes): 1024

This shows that domain controller Dc1 has a 1 GB DIT file with 100 MB that is free (i.e., whitespace).

See Also

Performing an Offline Defrag to Reclaim Space for performing an offline defrag

Performing an Offline Defrag to Reclaim Space


You want to perform an offline defrag of the Active Directory DIT to reclaim whitespace in the DIT file.


Using a command-line interface

This recipe can be performed while the Active Directory Domain Services service is in a stopped state; it is not necessary to reboot the DC into DSRM.

  1. Once the AD DS service is stopped, check the integrity of the DIT as outlined in Checking the DIT File’s Integrity.

  2. Now, you are ready to perform the defrag operation. Run the following command to create a compacted copy of the DIT file. You should check to make sure the drive on which you create the copy has plenty of space. A rule of thumb is that it should have at least 115 percent of the size of the current DIT available:

    > ntdsutil "activate instance ntds" files "compact to <TempDriveAndFolder>"↵
     q q
  3. Delete the transaction logfiles in the current NTDS directory:

    > del <CurrentDriveAndFolder>*.log
  4. You may want to keep a copy of the original DIT file for a short period of time to ensure that nothing catastrophic happens to the compacted DIT. This does not replace the need for a System State backup and a backup of the domain controller’s system drive; it is simply a temporary measure to provide a fallback if the move process itself goes wrong. If you are going to copy or move the original version, be sure you have enough space in its new location:

    > move <CurrentDriveAndFolder>
    tds.dit <TempDriveAndFolder>
    > move <TempDriveAndFolder>
    tds.dit <CurrentDriveAndFolder>
  5. Repeat the steps in Checking the DIT File’s Integrity to ensure that the new DIT file is not corrupted. If it is clean, reboot into normal mode and monitor the event log. If no errors are reported in the event log, make sure the domain controller is backed up as soon as possible.


Performing an offline defragmentation of your domain controllers can reclaim disk space if you’ve deleted a large number of objects from Active Directory. You should perform an offline defrag when (and if) this occurs only if you actively require the disk space back—for example, when following a spin-off in which you’ve migrated a large number of objects into a separate domain. The database will reuse whitespace and grow organically as required. Typically, the database grows year over year as more objects are added, so an offline defrag should seldom be required. An offline defrag always carries a small element of risk, so it should not be done unnecessarily.

The key thing to plan ahead of time is your disk space requirements. If you plan to create the compacted copy of the DIT on the same drive as the current DIT, you need to make sure that drive has 115 percent of the size of the DIT available. If you plan to store the original DIT on the same drive, you’ll need to make sure you have at least that much space available.

See Also

Checking the DIT File’s Integrity for checking the integrity of the DIT; MS KB 198793 (The Active Directory Database Garbage Collection Process); MS KB 229602 (Defragmentation of the Active Directory Database); MS KB 232122 (Performing Offline Defragmentation of the Active Directory Database)

Changing the Garbage Collection Interval


You want to change the default garbage collection interval.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open ADSI Edit.

  2. In the left pane, expand cn=Configurationcn=Servicescn=Windows NT.

  3. Right-click on cn=Directory Service and select Properties.

  4. Edit the garbageColPeriod attribute and set it to the interval in hours that the garbage collection process should run (the default is 12 hours).

  5. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

Create an LDIF file called change_garbage_period.ldf with the following contents:

dn: cn=Directory Service,cn=Windows NT,cn=Services,cn=Configuration,↵
changetype: modify
replace: garbageCollPeriod
garbageCollPeriod: <IntervalInHours>

Then run the following command:

> ldifde -v -i -f change_garbage_period.ldf

You can also modify the garbage collection period using AdMod:

> adfind -config -rb "cn=Directory Service,cn=Windows NT,cn=Services" -s base -dsq | admod garbageCollPeriod::<IntervalInHours>

Using Windows PowerShell

Set-ADObject "cn=Directory Service,cn=Windows NT,cn=Services,cn=Configuration, <ForestRootDN>" -Replace @{"garbageCollPeriod"="1"}


In an environment where the Active Directory Recycle Bin is not enabled, when an object is deleted from the Configuration naming context, a Domain naming context, or an application partition, the object is tombstoned by renaming the object, moving it to the Deleted Object container, and clearing the value of most of its attributes to save space in the ntds.dit file. This tombstone object remains in Active Directory for the duration of the tombstone lifetime (180 days for Windows Server 2012) before it gets completely removed. See Modifying the Tombstone Lifetime for a Domain for more information on the tombstone lifetime.

A garbage collection process runs on each domain controller that automatically removes expired tombstone objects. This process runs every 12 hours by default, but you can change it to run more or less frequently by setting the garbageCollPeriod attribute on the following object to the frequency in hours:

"cn=Directory Service,cn=Windows NT,cn=Services,cn=Configuration,<RootDomainDN>"

See Also

Logging the Number of Expired Tombstone Objects for logging the number of tombstones that get garbage-collected; Modifying the Tombstone Lifetime for a Domain for modifying the tombstone lifetime; MS KB 198793 (The Active Directory Database Garbage Collection Process)

Logging the Number of Expired Tombstone Objects


You want to log the number of expired tombstone objects that are removed from Active Directory during each garbage collection cycle.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Run regedit.exe from the command line or from Start→Run.

  2. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNTDSDiagnostics.

  3. In the right pane, double-click on 6 Garbage Collection.

  4. For Value data, enter 3.

  5. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

> reg add HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetServicesNTDSDiagnostics /v "6 GarbageCollection" /t REG_DWORD /d 3

Using PowerShell

$strRegPath = "HKLM:SystemCurrentControlSetServicesNTDSParameters"
Set-ItemProperty -Path $strRegPath -Name "6 Garbage Collection" -value "3"


Here is a sample event that is logged when the 6 Garbage Collection diagnostics logging level is set to 3 or higher:

Event Type:          Information
Event Source:        NTDS General
Event Category:      Garbage Collection
Event ID:            1006
Date:                11/24/2012
Time:                11:29:31 AM
Computer:            DC1
Internal event: Finished removing deleted objects that have expired (garbage
collection). Number of expired deleted objects that have been removed: 229.

See Also

Enabling Diagnostics Logging for more on diagnostics logging; Changing the Garbage Collection Interval for more on the garbage collection process

Determining the Size of the Active Directory Database


You want to determine the size of the Active Directory database.


Using a command-line interface

This recipe can be performed while the Active Directory Domain Services service is in a stopped state; it is not necessary to reboot the DC into DSRM. Once the service is stopped, you can display file information using the following syntax:

> ntdsutil
> activate instance ntds
> files
> info
> quit
> quit

When you are finished, don’t forget to restart the AD DS service, as well as any dependent services that halted when you stopped Active Directory Domain Services.


The size of the Active Directory database on a domain controller is the size of the ntds.dit file. This file can vary slightly in size between domain controllers, even within the same domain, due to unreplicated changes, differences with nonreplicated data, and whitespace from purged objects.

You should monitor the size of this file on one or more domain controllers in each of your domains to ensure that you have adequate disk space. Also, by knowing the average size of your DIT, you can quickly recognize if it spikes dramatically, perhaps due to a new application that is writing data to the directory.

If you find that you are running out of disk space, you have a couple of options. You could move the Active Directory files to a new drive with more capacity. Alternatively, you can perform an offline defragmentation if the DIT file contains a lot of whitespace.

See Also

Moving the DIT Files for moving the DIT files; Determining How Much Whitespace Is in the DIT for determining how much whitespace is in the DIT; Performing an Offline Defrag to Reclaim Space for performing an offline defragmentation of the Active Directory database

Searching for Deleted Objects


You want to search for deleted objects.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Launch the Active Directory Administrative Center.

  2. Select the domain and then navigate to the Deleted Objects container.

  3. Use the filter search bar to search through the deleted objects.

Using a command-line interface

To view all of the deleted objects in the current domain, use the following syntax:

> adfind -default -rb "cn=Deleted Objects" -showdel

You can also use the adrestore.exe utility from the Microsoft website by simply typing adrestore from the command line.

Using PowerShell

You view all of the deleted objects in the current domain, use the following PowerShell command:

Get-ADObject -Filter {isDeleted -eq $True} -IncludeDeletedObjects | FT Name,objectCLass


When an object is deleted in Active Directory, it is not really deleted, at least not immediately. The object is renamed, most of its attributes are cleared, and it is moved to the Deleted Objects container within the naming context that it was deleted from. See this chapter’s Introduction for more on tombstone objects.


Not all objects are moved to the Deleted Objects container. If you are unable to find a given deleted object, open the search scope to the whole naming context the object previously existed in.

Both the Deleted Objects container and tombstone objects themselves are hidden by default in tools such as ADUC and ADSI Edit. Only members of the administrator groups can perform searches for tombstone objects.

See Also

MSDN: Retrieving Deleted Objects

Undeleting a Single Object


You want to undelete an object that has been deleted from your Active Directory domain. This recipe assumes that the Active Directory Recycle Bin has been enabled. If you have not enabled the AD Recycle Bin, you can do so from the Tasks pane in the Active Directory Administrative Center.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Launch the AD Administrative Center.

  2. Select the domain and navigate to the Deleted Objects container.

  3. Locate the deleted object in the container.

  4. Right-click the object and select Restore.

Using Windows PowerShell

To restore all deleted user objects, run the following PowerShell command:

Get-ADObject -Filter {(isDeleted -eq $true) -and (ObjectClass -eq "user") -and (ObjectClass -ne "computer")} -IncludeDeletedObjects | Restore-ADObject

The filter option can be expanded to reduce the number of objects returned, or to return only specific objects.


Another option when restoring a single object is to perform a System State restore on a domain controller, and then to use ntdsutil to mark the individual object as authoritative. This has the downside of causing downtime on a domain controller, since you’ll need to reboot it into Directory Services Repair Mode to perform the restore.

Microsoft also offers the adrestore command-line utility that will enumerate the deleted objects in a domain and give you the option to undelete them.

See Also

“Step 2: Restore a Deleted Active Directory Object”; the other recipes in this chapter for more on AD backups, restores, snapshots, and disaster recovery

Undeleting a Container Object


You want to undelete a container object such as an OU that contained other objects when it was deleted.


Using a graphical user interface

Use the steps in Undeleting a Single Object to first undelete the container object. Then undelete each individual child object that was contained within the container, specifying the container’s DN in the restored object’s DN. Alternately, perform a System State restore and use ntdsutil to mark the restored OU as authoritative, as described in Performing an Authoritative Restore of an Object or Subtree.


Performing an authoritative restore of user or group objects will require additional considerations, as detailed in MS KB 280079 (Authoritative Restore of Groups Can Result in Inconsistent Membership Information Across Domain Controllers).

Using a command-line interface

> adfind -default -rb "cn=Deleted Objects" -f "(name=<ContainerRDN>*)"↵
 -showdel -dsq | admod -undel
> adfind -default -rb "cn=Deleted Objects" -f↵
("lastKnownParent=<ParentContainerDN>") -showdel -dsq | admod -undel

Using Windows PowerShell

To restore all child objects of an organizational unit named Accounts, use the following command:

Get-ADObject -Filter {(isDeleted -eq $True) -and (lastKnownParent -eq "ou=Accounts,dc=adatum,dc=com")} -IncludeDeletedObjects | Restore-ADObject


When you delete an Active Directory container object, it also deletes any child objects that are housed within that container. Restoring an OU and all of the child objects, for example, therefore requires you to restore both the container itself as well as all of the child objects contained within it. This is relatively simple to perform using Windows PowerShell since you can restrict your query to those objects that have the appropriate value listed in the lastKnownParent attribute.

See Also

MSDN: Restoring Deleted Object [Active Directory]

Modifying the Tombstone Lifetime for a Domain


You want to change the default tombstone lifetime for a domain.


Using a graphical user interface

  1. Open ADSI Edit.

  2. In the left pane, expand cn=Configurationcn=Servicescn=Windows NT.

  3. Right-click on cn=Directory Service and select Properties.

  4. Set the tombstoneLifetime attribute to the number of days that tombstone objects should remain in Active Directory before getting removed completely.

  5. Click OK.

Using a command-line interface

Create an LDIF file called change_tombstone_lifetime.ldf with the following contents:

dn: cn=Directory Service,cn=Windows NT,cn=Services,cn=Configuration,<ForestRootDN>
changetype: modify
replace: tombstoneLifetime
tombstoneLifetime: <NumberOfDays>

Then run the following command:

> ldifde -v -i -f change_tombstone_lifetime.ldf

You can also make this change using AdMod, as follows:

> admod -b "cn=Directory Service,cn=WindowsNT,cn=Services,cn=Configuration,<ForestRootDN>" tombstoneLifetime::<NumberOfDays>

Using PowerShell

Set-ADObject "cn=Directory Service,cn=Windows NT,cn=Services,cn=Configuration, <ForestRootDN>" -Replace @{"tombstoneLifetime"="<NumberOfDays>"}


The default tombstone lifetime for Windows 2008 and later is set to 180 days. It is not recommended that you decrease the tombstone lifetime unless you have a very good reason for doing so, since decreasing this value below the 180-day default also decreases the length of time a backup of Active Directory is good for. See this chapter’s Introduction and Searching for Deleted Objects for more information on tombstone (deleted) objects and the tombstone lifetime.

See Also

Changing the Garbage Collection Interval for more on the garbage collection process; MS KB 198793 (The Active Directory Database Garbage Collection Process); MS KB 314282 (Lingering Objects May Remain After You Bring an Out-of-Date Global Catalog Server Back Online)

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