Creating Copies for Export

Viewing your photos in Carousel may be the primary way you view them, but there will also be times when you might want to email some copies to a friend, post a photo to your social network, or just save an edited version to your computer or iDevice for some other project. Whatever the reason, there are a number of ways of sending copies of your photos out of Carousel too.

A typical workflow would involve importing the photos into Carousel, developing or adjusting them using Carousel’s Develop tools, and then sending edited copies out from there. We’ll cover all the developing tools in Chapter 5, but for now I just want you to know how to access all of the export options. The export choices do vary somewhat in Carousel 1.0 based on whether you are using the Mac version or if you are on one of your mobile devices, so I’m going to discuss each version of Carousel separately.

Exporting from Your Mac

The export options are found along with duplicate and delete under the Actions icon in Loupe view. So, any type of export will start with clicking a photo to view it in Loupe. Once in Loupe view, click the Actions icon to view the options available (Figure 3.12). On your Mac you will find:

Figure 3.12 Options for sending copies out of Carousel on your Mac.


• Export Photo

• Export Original

• Copy Photo to Clipboard

You would use Export Photo when you want to save a copy outside of Carousel that includes all of the adjustments you made in Carousel. The exported copy will have the same pixel dimensions as the original photo you imported into Carousel (unless you cropped it in Carousel of course). Even all of the original metadata (such as camera settings) will be included in the exported copy. This is the choice you would use for most exports.

If you want to export a copy of the original photo you imported into Carousel without any of the develop adjustments you made in Carousel, then you would choose Export Original. This is handy if you need a copy of the original photo, but don’t want to revert the changes you made in Carousel.

Copy to clipboard is useful if you are working in a different application and want to paste in one of your photos. This could be used to paste a photo into an email (especially since there isn’t a specific export-to-email function on the Mac version), a keynote presentation, a word document, or anything else you can paste a photo into. The size of this copy is limited to 1440 pixels by 1024 pixels. If you need a larger version, you’ll need to use the Export Photo option.

Exporting from Your iDevice

You’ll find a slightly different set of options under the Actions icon on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch (Figure 3.13):

Figure 3.13 Options for sending copies out of Carousel on your iDevice.


• via Email

• via Facebook

• via Twitter

• via Tumblr

• Save to Camera Roll

To make your social-sharing life a little easier, Adobe integrated the exporting of copies out of Carousel with a few of the more popular social networks and the built-in email capabilities of your iDevice. With all of these types of exports, the exported copy is resized down to no more than 1440 pixels by 1024 pixels automatically (there are currently no options for controlling output size).


Since the Mac version of Carousel does not have the direct exports to various social networks at this time, you would use the Export Photo option to save a local copy and then switch to your web browser to upload to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or wherever else you wish.

If you tap the via Email option, you’ll see your photo attached to a new email message that is just waiting for you to complete and tap send. The Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr options will each require that you have an account on the respective network so that you can log in and post your photo. If you want to have a copy of your photo saved right to your device so that you can access it in one of your other apps, then you would choose Save to Camera Roll.

As you can see, the export functionality is very simple at this stage in Carousel’s development, but Adobe is looking for your feedback on what features and controls you’d like to see in the future. Take a few moments and let them know what you want to see:

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