Chapter 17. AIR Application Distribution with the Browser API

After you create your AIR application, you will need a reliable means of distributing your application to its potential users. The AIR Browser API enables developers to distribute their applications via the browser so that the install process is as seamless as possible for the end user. When you use the Browser API, you can prevent a user from having to install AIR separately from your application. This means the user can install your application without ever leaving your site and in as few steps as possible.

In addition, the Browser API provides functionality beyond installation. For example, you can launch an AIR application from the browser. Additionally, you can determine valuable pieces of information about the user’s environment including whether the user has AIR installed, whether the user has your application installed, and what version of your application is installed.

Including the Browser API


You need to include the Browser API in a Flash movie to interact with an AIR application from the Web.


Include the Browser API SWF in your application to gain the needed functionality.


To utilize any of the Browser API functionality, it must first be included in your application. Adobe hosts the SWF for the Browser API at You can load this SWF into your Flash, Flex, or SWF-based AIR application to provide the Browser API functionality.

This snippet demonstrates how to include the Browser API SWF in your application:

private const BROWSERAPI_URL_BASE: String =

private var _loader:Loader;
private var _air:Object;

public function handleCreationComplete():void {
    _loader = new Loader();
    var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
    loaderContext.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
    _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onInit);
    _loader.load(new URLRequest(BROWSERAPI_URL_BASE + "/air.swf"), loaderContext);

private function onInit(e:Event):void {
    _air =;

Detecting the Installed Version of AIR


You need to determine which version of AIR is installed on the user’s computer.


Access the runtimeVersion property of the NativeApplication instance to determine which version of AIR is installed.


There are times when you want to determine which version of AIR is running on the user’s computer. While technically part of the Browser API, this can allow you to warn the user if the updated version of your application will require an update to the runtime as well. The NativeApplication class instance that is at NativeApplication.nativeApplication contains a property, runtimeVersion, that contains the current runtime on the user’s computers. In addition, there is also a property, runtimePatchLevel, that will return just the patch level for the current version. The runtimeVersion property contains both the major release version as well as the patch level.


In this example, a Flex application detects the version of AIR that is installed on the user’s computer:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx: Application

    <mx:Label text="Installed AIR Version: 
        fontWeight="bold" />

</mx: Application>


In this example, a JavaScript application detects the version of AIR that is installed on the user’s computer:

        <title>Application Sandbox sample</title>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="AIRAliases.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function getAIRVersion() {
                var version = document.getElementById("version");
                version.innerHTML = 
    <body onload="getAIRVersion()">
        <h3>AIR Version</h3>
        <div id="version"></div>

Launching an AIR Application from the Browser


You need to be able to launch an AIR application from your website.


Use the Browser API’s launchApplication method to launch an approved AIR application from the browser.


The Browser API gives you the ability to launch an AIR application from a web-based SWF, but this method has a few limitations. First, this functionality works only on AIR applications that allow it. If the allowBrowserInvocation setting in the application descriptor file (see Chapter 2) is set to true, then the application can be launched from the browser. If it is not set to true (it defaults to false), the invoked application will never launch. Second, the launching of the application must be triggered by a user gesture (in most cases a mouse click). This is a purposeful limitation that keeps SWFs from launching an AIR application without the user’s knowledge.

You can launch applications by using the Browser API’s launchApplication method. To use this approach, you will need two pieces of information: the application ID of the AIR application and the publisher ID of the AIR application.

Finding the Publisher ID

The publisher ID is defined only when an application is packaged and is always null when launching your application from adl. You can determine this value in two ways. You can check NativeApplication.nativeApplication.publisherID for the publisher ID at runtime; alternatively, any time after the application is installed, you can navigate to the installation directory and consult the META-INF/AIR/publisherid file, which contains the publisher ID.

This recipe’s examples use a sample AIR application. This application has no real UI or controls; rather, it just displays “Application Launched” when the application opens. For this sample, the application ID is, and the publisher ID is 9F542B7BA834BBBF0CA61BF006C9E4312C42DDE6.1. If you want to see the sample work with your application, be sure to modify these parameters accordingly.

Using the Browser API

To use the Browser API to launch an AIR application, you first have to load the Browser API into your application. Next, you need to call the launchApplication method, which takes three parameters: the application ID, the publisher ID, and an array of arguments. The first two parameters are required, but you are not obligated to pass in any arguments.

In this example, the user interface consists of a single button that launches the application. This button is enabled once the Browser API SWF is loaded.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""


            private const BROWSERAPI_URL_BASE: String = 

            private var _loader:Loader;
            private var _air:Object;

            public function handleCreationComplete():void {
                _loader = new Loader();
                var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
                loaderContext.applicationDomain = 
                _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onInit);
                _loader.load(new URLRequest(BROWSERAPI_URL_BASE + "/air.swf"), 

            private function onInit(e:Event):void {
                _air =;
                launchButton.enabled = true;

            private function handleClick( event:MouseEvent ):void {
                _air.launchApplication( "",
                            "9F542B7BA834BBBF0CA61BF006C9E4312C42DDE6.1" );


    <mx:Button id="launchButton" label="Launch Application" enabled="false" 
click="handleClick(event)" />


Here is the code to build a sample AIR application that offers its publisher ID for use in the previous example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application xmlns="">

The application code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="" layout="vertical">
 <mx:Text text="{NativeApplication.nativeApplication.publisherID}" />

Installing an AIR Application from the Browser


You want to implement a custom installation solution in the browser, such as a one-click install from an online Flash or Flex application.


Use the install method found in the Browser API to attach the installation of an AIR application to a Flex or Flash UI control.


The easiest means of installing an AIR application from the browser is using one of the install badges, which use the Browser API to perform the installation (for more information on the install badges, see Using the Included Seamless Install Badge). In cases where you want to customize the experience beyond the standard install badge, though, you can utilize the Browser API to provide similar functionality.

After you include the Browser API in your application, the three methods you need to use are getStatus to determine whether AIR is installed (or available for the operating system), getApplicationVersion to determine which (if any) version of the application is installed on the operating system, and installApplication to perform the actual installation.

The getStatus method returns a string that indicates the status of AIR on the user’s machine. It returns three possible values:

  • installed: Indicates that AIR is already installed on the user’s machine

  • available: Indicates that AIR is not installed on the user’s machine but it is available for the user’s platform

  • unavailable: Indicates that AIR is not installed on the user’s machine and there is not a current version of the runtime for the user’s platform

The installApplication method takes three parameters: the absolute URL for the packaged AIR file, the version of AIR that is required, and an array of arguments. The arguments are optional and are passed to the application’s install process if present. If the user does not have AIR installed, it will be installed with the AIR application. However, you will want to be sure that AIR is available for the user’s platform to prevent any unwanted errors from being displayed. It is best to call the getStatus method if you are planning to call the installApplication method.

The getApplicationVersion method takes three parameters. First, you pass in the application ID. Second, you pass in the publisher ID. Finally, you pass in a callback method that will be executed when the value is returned. The callback method will be passed the application version as a string.

In this example, a sample application is located at The application ID and publisher ID are also included in the code. The user interface for this example consists of a button that triggers the application installation and a label that indicates the status to the user. First, the Browser API is loaded. Then, upon initialization, the getStatus method is called. If the status (and, consequently, AIR) is installed or available, the install button is enabled. If the AIR status is installed, the application also calls the getApplicationVersion method to determine whether the application has already been installed.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""


            private const BROWSERAPI_URL_BASE: String = 

            private var _loader:Loader;
            private var _air:Object;

            public function handleCreationComplete():void {
                _loader = new Loader();
                var loaderContext:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
                loaderContext.applicationDomain = 
                _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onInit);
           _    loader.load(new URLRequest(BROWSERAPI_URL_BASE + "/air.swf"), 

            private function onInit(e:Event):void {
                _air =;
                var airStatus:String = _air.getStatus();
                switch( airStatus ) {
                    case "installed":
"", "9F542B7BA834BBBF0CA61BF006C9E4312C42DDE6.1", 
handleApplicationVersion );
                    case "available":
                        statusLabel.text = "AIR will need to be installed for 
this application";
                    case "unavailable":
                        statusLabel.text = "AIR is not available for your platform";

            private function handleApplicationVersion( version:String ):void
                if( version != null ) {
                    statusLabel.text = "Version Installed: " + version;
                    installButton.enabled = false;
                } else {
                    statusLabel.text = "Application Not Installed";
                    installButton.enabled = true;

            private function handleClick( event:MouseEvent ):void
"", "1.5" );


    <mx:Button id="installButton" label="Install Application" enabled="false" 
click="handleClick(event)" />

    <mx:Label id=" statusLabel " />


Remember that the installation must be triggered by a user gesture. In this case, you couldn’t call the installApplication method at any point; it has to be on the mouse click. This is a security feature baked into the Browser API that prevents you from launching or installing an application without the user’s knowledge or consent.

Using the Included Seamless Install Badge


You need a prebuilt and easy-to-implement way to install an AIR application from the browser.


Use the seamless install badge from Adobe.


An install badge allows any user with Flash Player version 9.0.115 or newer installed to install an AIR application from the Web. In addition, if the user does not have AIR installed, AIR automatically installs with the application. When paired with the Flash Player Express Install functionality, install badges enable users to upgrade Flash Player to the needed level before attempting to install the AIR application.


At the time this book was being written, Adobe had just released a new AIR application that simplifies the creation of a customized install badge. This application is called Badger, and more information can be found here:

The entire install badge process is outlined clearly at the Adobe AIR Developer Center. The article located at includes sample code that will be used in this entry. The code includes the badge items as well as the SWF files needed for the express installation process. To follow along, download the exercise files that are included with the article.


In addition to the install badge included with the Adobe AIR SDK, a second badge is available on the Adobe AIR Developer Center site at

Configuring the Install Badge

First, be sure you have downloaded the files from the Adobe AIR Developer Center article mentioned earlier. To insert the install badge into a page, you need to extract all the files from the expressInstallDirectory directory into the folder where your page will reside. One of the files in the expressInstallDirectory is a sample index.html file that, among other things, defines the settings for the install badge (see Figure 17-1). You can edit these settings, found at the top of the file, to be specific to your AIR application.

The badge allows you to define an image that will be displayed as a preview of your application. You must also define the URL of your application and the required version of AIR for your application.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Globals
// Major version of Flash required
var requiredMajorVersion = 9;
// Minor version of Flash required
var requiredMinorVersion = 0;
// Minor version of Flash required
var requiredRevision = 115;
// AIR Version Required
var airVersion = "1.5";
// AIR Application Name
var airApplicationName = "Sample Application";
// AIR Application URL
var airApplicationURL = "";
// AIR Application Image
var airApplicationImage = "sample.jpg";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -->
Exercise files in the expressInstallExample folder
Figure 17-1. Exercise files in the expressInstallExample folder

In addition, you will need to edit the index.html file’s noscript code block and update it with the values for your application:

<!-- Noscript Block for users with JavaScript Disabled -->
<table id="AIRDownloadMessageTable">
        Download <a 
Application</a> now.<br /><br />
        <span id="AIRDownloadMessageRuntime">
        This application requires the Adobe&#174;&nbsp;AIR&#8482; runtime to be 
installed for <a href="
AdobeAIR.dmg">Mac OS</a> or <a href="
Adobe AIR install badge
Figure 17-2. Adobe AIR install badge

Once this code is in place, the AIR badge (Figure 17-2) should now be properly configured for your application.

For reference, the following is the completed index.html file in its entirety. For this code to work properly, you must be sure the needed SWF and JavaScript files are included in the same directory as your index.html file.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Adobe AIR Application Installer Page</title>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Globals
// Major version of Flash required
var requiredMajorVersion = 9;
// Minor version of Flash required
var requiredMinorVersion = 0;
// Minor version of Flash required
var requiredRevision = 115;
// AIR Version Required
var airVersion = "1.5";
// AIR Application Name
var airApplicationName = "Sample Application";
// AIR Application URL
var airApplicationURL = "";
// AIR Application Image
var airApplicationImage = "sample.jpg";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -->
<div id="flashContent">

    <!-- Insert the Installer JavaScript -->
    <script src="AC_RunActiveContent.js" language="javascript"></script>

    <script src="InstallBadge.js" language="javascript"></script>

    <!-- Noscript Block for users with JavaScript Disabled -->
    <table id="AIRDownloadMessageTable">
            Download <a 
Application</a> now.<br /><br />
            <span id="AIRDownloadMessageRuntime">
            This application requires the Adobe&#174;&nbsp;AIR&#8482; runtime to 
be installed for <a href="
AdobeAIR.dmg">Mac OS</a> or <a href="

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