Solutions Manual

This Solutions Manual includes answers to all of the end of chapter problems found in this book (except for a few coding problems where the numerical answer is provided in the text).

Chapter 1: Exotic Derivatives

1.1 “Free” Option

  1. The option is not really free because we may end up at a loss at and above the strike price. (See Figure S.1.)
  2. The replicating portfolio would include selling x digital calls struck at K at price p and buying a vanilla call struck at K for the premium of m. In order for the portfolio to have zero cost we must have both01-math-0001.
  3. The cost of one digital call using the Black-Scholes model with the given parameters is $0.5398. The premium of the vanilla call from the Black-Scholes model is $7.97. Solving for x we get both01-math-0002.
A graph depicting steep rise of stock price. Strike price is indicated by K.

Figure S.1 “Free” option payoff.

1.2 Autocallable

Answer: both01-math-0003.

1.3 Geometric Asian Option

  1. From Ito-Doeblin we have both01-math-0004 where α = r − q − ½σ2. Substituting into the definition of AT we get:
  2. which yields the required expression for AT after simplifications.
  3. From Ito-Doeblin, we get both01-math-0006, which yields the required result after integration of both sides over [0, T]. The distribution of both01-math-0007 is thus normal with zero mean and variance both01-math-0008.
  4. Substituting both01-math-0009 and both01-math-0010 we need to show that ln AT is normally distributed with mean:
  5. and variance both01-math-0012. Indeed the mean matches the expression from question (a), and using question (b) we find that the variance of both01-math-0013 is both01-math-0014 as required.

1.4 Change of Measure

We have both01-math-0015 with both01-math-0016. Since both01-math-0017 we have after substitution:


But both01-math-0019 and thus both01-math-0020 both01-math-0021. Expanding the second squared bracket and cancelling terms we are left with both01-math-0022 as required.

1.6 Siegel's Paradox

  1. Straightforward application of Ito-Doeblin.
  2. The “risk-neutral” dynamics of 1/X from question (a) correspond to the dollar risk-neutral measure, in which 1/X is non tradable (number of euros per dollar). The paradox is resolved by introducing the euro risk-neutral measure where 1/X follows the process:

In the dollar risk-neutral measure, 1/X is the price of the dollar-euro exchange rate quanto dollar. Following the notations of Section 1.2.4 and defining S = 1/X, we have ρ = −1 and η = σ; thus the drift of S quanto dollar under the dollar risk-neutral measure is rr$ − ρση = rr$ + σ2 as required.

Chapter 2: The Implied Volatility Surface

2.1 No Call or Put Spread Arbitrage Condition

We know the upper bound is:


and we know that both01-math-0025 so after rearranging terms we get:


We know the lower bound is:


and we know that both01-math-0028 so we get


From put-call parity: both01-math-0030, and thus:

  • both01-math-0031
  • both01-math-0032

Putting them together we get:


Furthermore both01-math-0034 and both01-math-0035



as required.

2.2 No Butterfly Spread Arbitrage Condition

  1. Identities:
    • We have:

    Differentiating with respect to K:


    as required.

    Differentiating both01-math-0039 with respect to σ:


    Using the chain rule:




    Substituting both01-math-0043 and both01-math-0044:


    Using the fact that both01-math-0046, we get:

    • Differentiating both01-math-0048 with respect to σ:

    We have:




    Substituting back into both01-math-0052:


    Factoring by both01-math-0054 and recognizing d1 we obtain as required:

  2. First-order derivative: both01-math-0056. Second-order derivative:
  3. which yields the required result after noting that fxy = fyx by Schwarz's theorem.
  4. Applying the second-order chain rule:

    Substituting the identities from (a) we get the required result after further straightforward algebra.

  5. After simplifications both01-math-0059 is equivalent to:

2.3 Sticky True Delta Rule

  1. Applying the chain rule: both01-math-0061, whence the required result after substituting K = 1 and T = 1.
  2. If both01-math-0062 then both01-math-0063 and thus both01-math-0064 yielding the required result after appropriate substitutions.
  3. c. Because Δ′ > 0 (call delta goes up as S goes up) and b < 0 (volatility goes down as S and Δ go up) the sticky true delta rule would produce a lower delta than Black-Scholes.

Chapter 3: Implied Distributions

3.1 Overhedging Concave Payoffs

Assume f(K1) = 0 for simplicity. From left to right: start with f′(K1) calls struck at K1 so as to be tangential to the payoff; add both01-math-0065 calls struck at K2 such that the portfolio matches the payoff f(K3) at K3; then add both01-math-0066 calls struck at K3 so as to be tangential to the payoff after K3; and so on (see Figure S.2).

A stock price is steady till K1, and reaches 1.0 at K2 and 1.05 at K3. An upward smile from 0.3 to 1.5 passes close to a call spread at strikes K1 and K3.

Figure S.2 Over-hedging concave payoffs.

3.2 Perfect Hedging with Puts and Calls

From Section 3.2:


Splitting the integral at F and using terminal put-call parity both01-math-0068 we get:


But both01-math-0070, and:


After substitutions and simplifications we get:




because both01-math-0074.

3.3 Implied Distribution and Exotic Pricing

    • Answer: ≈ .1043
    • Answer: ≈ 1.0789
    • Answer: ≈ .2693
    • Answer: ≈ .0211. Vanilla overhedge with strikes 0.5, 0.9, 1, 1.1, 1.3, 1.7: Quantities are 0, 0, 0.0100, 0.1200, 0.6700, and 1.5200 (see Figure S.3).
    1. (i Answer: approximately $0.8965.
    2. (ii Answer: approximately $0.8626.
Figure S.3 A call spread and a smile intersect at 1.3 and 1.7 along a spot price axis. Both indicate an upward trend.

3.5 Path-Dependent Payoff

  1. For example: forward start option, Asian option.
  2. Pseudo-code:
    1. Loop for i = 1 to N:
      1. Generate and calculate both01-math-0075
      2. Generate both01-math-0076 and both01-math-0077 independently and calculate
      3. Calculate both01-math-0079
    2. Return both01-math-0080
  3. We only know the marginal distributions of both01-math-0081 but we are missing the conditional implied distribution of both01-math-0082.

3.6 Delta

From both01-math-0083 we get both01-math-0084 and thus:

atm_vol = SVI(1);
atm_vol1 = SVI(1/(1+epsilon));
price = 0;
for i=1:n
  normal = randn;
  x = exp(atm_vol*normal*sqrt(T) - 0.5*atm_vol∧2*T);
  x1 = (1+epsilon)*exp(atm_vol1*normal*sqrt(T) − 0.5*atm_vol1∧2*T);
  price = (i-1)/i*price + Payoff(x)*ImpDist(x) …
          / lognpdf(x,-0.5*atm_vol∧2*T,atm_vol*sqrt(T)) / i;
  price1 = (i-1)/i*price1 + Payoff(x1)*ImpDist(x1) …
          / lognpdf(x1,-0.5*atm_vol1∧2*T,atm_vol1*sqrt(T)) / i;
delta = price − price1

Chapter 4: Local Volatility and Beyond

4.1 From Implied to Local Volatility

  1. We rewrite Equation (4.1) by solving for both01-math-0086 after using the result from Problem 2.4.2(c) for both01-math-0087.

    Take both01-math-0089 and derive with respect to T:


    We are given both01-math-0091 and both01-math-0092 so:


    We then plug in both01-math-0094 and both01-math-0095 into Equation (4.1):


    By dividing both numerator and denominator by both01-math-0097, we obtain the desired Equation (4.2):

  2. Replace both01-math-0099 with both01-math-0100 so we now have:

    Now using the Hint:


    Thus both01-math-0103 = both01-math-0104 and by integration we find that:


    as required.

  3. To establish the hint, note that both01-math-0106 by linearity of σ*, and substitute both01-math-0107. Differentiating both01-math-0108 with respect to K we obtain:

    Near the money both denominators are close to 1; furthermore both01-math-0110 gives both01-math-0111. After substitution and simplification:


    whose leading term is both01-math-0113.

4.2 Market Price of Volatility Risk

  1. The delta-hedged portfolio Π is long one option and short both01-math-0114 units of S. Thus:
  2. which yields the required result after cancelling terms.
  3. We have:

    But both01-math-0117 which yields the required result after substitution and simplifications.

  4. Conditional expectation: both01-math-0118. Conditional standard deviation:

    Thus both01-math-0120, that is, at time t the risk-neutral expected return on the delta-hedged portfolio is the risk-free interest rate plus a positive or negative risk premium, which is proportional to the risk of the portfolio, with proportionality coefficient λ. This result applies to any option and λ is independent from the particular option chosen, which is why it is called the market price of volatility risk.

4.3 Local Volatility Pricing

  1. Figure S.4 shows a graph of the corresponding local volatility surface.
  2. Using Monte Carlo simulations:
    • “Capped quadratic” option: both01-math-0121; answer: 0.76949
    • Asian at-the-money-call: both01-math-0122; answer: 0.1242
    • Barrier call: both01-math-0123 if S always traded above 80 using 252 daily observations, 0 otherwise. Answer: 12.87577
A 3D volatility surface that is generally flat except a sharp upward peak at 1.5 on day 10.

Figure S.4 Local volatility surface.

Chapter 5: Volatility Derivatives

5.1 Delta-Hedging P&L Simulation

  1. Positive Path: See Figure S.5

    Negative Path: See Figure S.5

  2. Average P&L: −$11,663.80 (see Figure S.6)
Cumulative P&L lies between 0 and 10,000 with a few outliers. Curve remains flat at 8,000.

Figure S.5 Cumulative P&L: positive and negative paths.

A symmetric distribution, from −120,000 to 130,000, depicted using bar charts. The peak is 1,700 at 0.

Figure S.6 Distribution of final cumulative P&L.

5.2 Volatility Trading with Options

  1. (i) If σ is constant then both01-math-0124. For a vanilla call Γ > 0 and thus the cumulative P&L is always positive.

    (ii) We have both01-math-0125. By iterated expectations:

  2. The aggregate cumulative P&L is:

    As a sum of two independent normal distributions the aggregate distribution is normal with parameters:

    • Mean: q1m1 + q2m2
    • Standard deviation: both01-math-0128

    This result sheds light on the diversification effect obtained by delta-hedging several options within an option book: the expected income is the sum of individual delta-hedging P&Ls, but it is less risky than delta-hedging a single position.

5.4 Generalized Variance Swaps

  1. From Ito-Doeblin: both01-math-0129. But both01-math-0130; rearranging terms we get: both01-math-0131. Integrating over [0, T] yields the desired result.

    Thus generalized variance may be replicated by a combination of cash, two derivative contracts paying off g(ST) at maturity, and dynamically trading S to maintain a short position of 2g′(St) at all times. Taking expectations we find that the fair value is:


    since both01-math-0133(dWt) = 0.

  2. From Problem 3.4.2 we get: both01-math-0134 both01-math-0135 whence the required formula after substituting both01-math-0136 and annualizing.
  3. For the corridor varswap both01-math-0137

5.5 Call on Realized Variance

  1. Solving for vt we have: both01-math-0138 Thus vt is lognormally distributed with mean both01-math-0139 and standard deviation both01-math-0140. From Black's formula we have both01-math-0141 where both01-math-0142. At the money this simplifies to both01-math-0143 which yields the required formula because N(x) − N(−x) = 2N(x) − 1.
  2. For x ≈ 0 we have both01-math-0144.

Chapter 6: Introducing Correlation

6.1 Lower Bound for Average Correlation

  1. Substitute x = e in both01-math-0145.
  2. Because both01-math-0146 we have both01-math-0147. Define the Lagrangian both01-math-0148. The first-order condition yields both01-math-0149 that is, both01-math-0150. The constraint eTx = 1 then gives the value of λ and we get the required result after substitution and simplification.
  3. (i) By spectral decomposition: both01-math-0151. Furthermore, Parseval's identity states that both01-math-0152 for any x, and thus both01-math-0153. Scaling by appropriate constants we obtain the required result.

    (ii) Rewrite both01-math-0154 and make the approximation that for i = 1,…, n − 1:


    which is justified by the fact that αn ≈ 1 since vn and e are assumed to form a tight angle. Proceed similarly for H.

6.2 Geometric Basket Call

  1. We have:
  2. where both01-math-0157 is the annualized risk-neutral drift of S(i). As a sum of normal variables ln bT is normally distributed with mean both01-math-0158 and variance:
  3. both01-math-0160 where both01-math-0161. Using Black's formula: both01-math-0162 with both01-math-0163. Further simplifications are possible.

6.4 Continuously Monitored Correlation

After substitution, we have by Cauchy-Schwarz:


where both01-math-0165.

Chapter 7: Correlation Trading


  1. both01-math-0166 is positive because straddles always have a positive payoff and thus price. It must be less than 1 because of the triangle inequality: both01-math-0167
  2. Use the proxy both01-math-0168


  1. From the Black-Scholes PDE both01-math-0169. Applying Ito-Doeblin to Θ: both01-math-0170. Taking expectations we get:
  2. which vanishes because Greeks must also satisfy the Black-Scholes PDE.


At time 0 the portfolio value is both01-math-0172, and the vega of each component is both01-math-0173. Hence the portfolio vega is both01-math-0174.

Chapter 8: Local Correlation

8.1 Implied Correlation

Implied correlation is constant iff both01-math-0175, i.e., iff both01-math-0176, whence the required result after simplifications.

8.2 Dynamic Local Correlation I

When D = I and U = eeT Langnau's alpha is:


where both01-math-0178. Define both01-math-0179 and divide both the numerator and denominator of the above expression by B to get:


It is easy to verify that both01-math-0181.

Chapter 9: Stochastic Correlation


  1. The process clearly remains within [0,1] because it is continuous and its drift and volatility coefficients vanish at 0 and 1. Let us show that the bound 0 is nonattracting:

    Thus both01-math-0183 since both01-math-0184 diverges. A similar analysis shows that the bound 1 is also nonattracting.

  2. We want to find f(x), g(x) such that:

    Thus we must solve:


    Taking ratios we get both01-math-0187; dividing both numerator and denominator by g2 on the left-hand side we obtain both01-math-0188. Solving for p after substituting both01-math-0189 we find both01-math-0190, that is, both01-math-0191. Substituting in both01-math-0192 and simplifying we get both01-math-0193, and thus both01-math-0194.

  3. This model is not suitable for several reasons: it has only one parameter ω, which leaves little freedom for parameterization, and the volatility of basket variance f is lower than the volatility of constituent variance g, which is contrary to empirical observation.
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