© Thomas Mailund 2017

Thomas Mailund, Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in R, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2919-4_6

6. S4 Classes

Thomas Mailund

(1)Aarhus N, Denmark

The S3 class system is the wild west of object-oriented programming. Class hierarchies only exist implicitly through the class attributes, and generic methods can be implemented or not by any class whatsoever, with no check that interfaces and class hierarchy designs are implemented correctly. Everything depends on conventions and it is entirely up to the programmer to ensure anything resembling consistency.

The S3 system is popular because it is very easy to use and to write new classes. In most cases, we would prefer simplicity over elaborate design, and in those cases, S3 is perfect for our needs. When we implement a new statistical model, we rarely need a complex class hierarchy. Most abstract data structures have only a few associated operations, and we have no problem remembering to implement them all when we write concrete versions of them. Once software reaches a certain level of complexity, however, more structure is needed. Rather than having the design exist only implicitly in programming conventions we want it explicitly stated in the code.

The S4 system provides a more structured object-oriented system. Here classes and class hierarchies are explicitly created; they are not merely strings in a class attribute. To obtain the added structure that S4 allows, a little more code is needed when creating classes and methods, but overall the system works very similar to S3. If you are comfortable with S3, then, learning S4 should not pose a problem.

Defining S4 Classes

In S4, classes are explicitly created. To create a new class, we use the function setClass from the methods package. This function takes arguments that specify which attributes the objects of the class should hold, what default values the attributes should have, how the class fits into a class hierarchy, and many other properties of the created class. All these properties have default values so we can create a new class just by specifying its name.

As an example, we consider the stack data structure we implemented in S3 earlier. To make an abstract stack class we can write:

Stack <- setClass("Stack")

This creates a new class called "Stack". We have not specified any attributes of the class, so S4 will assume that it is an abstract class that is not supposed to be instantiated and we will get an error if we try.

We can create the vector-based stack class like this:

VectorStack <- setClass("VectorStack",
                        slots = c(
                          elements = "vector"
                        contains = "Stack")

Here we use two arguments to setClass: slots and contains. The slots argument is a list of attributes that objects of the class should have. Here specify that it should contain a vector called elements. The contains argument specifies which superclasses the new class should have. We make VectorStack a subclass of Stack.

Since VectorStack has slots, it is not considered an abstract class (we can explicitly make it so by adding "VIRTUAL" to the contains argument, but we do want to be able to instantiate it). We can create objects of the class by calling VectorStack.

(vs <- VectorStack())
## An object of class "VectorStack"
## Slot "elements":
## logical(0)

We can specify the elements as a named argument to VectorStack.

(vs <- VectorStack(elements = 1:4))
## An object of class "VectorStack"
## Slot "elements":
## [1] 1 2 3 4

Positional arguments will not work here; it has to be a named argument.

Once we have an object of class VectorStack we can access the elements with this notation:

## [1] 1 2 3 4

In general, @ is used to access slots of S4 objects.

Capturing the result of setClass and using it as a function to construct objects is my preferred way of creating S4 constructors, but strictly speaking, it isn’t necessary. Once a class is built with setClass you can create objects just using the name of the class, using the function new.

new("VectorStack", elements = 1:4)
## An object of class "VectorStack"
## Slot "elements":
## [1] 1 2 3 4

Generic Functions

In the S3 system , we create generic functions just as normal functions that call UseMethod. In S4 we have to define generic functions explicitly using the setGeneric function. The first argument of setGeneric is the name of the generic function. If you have an existing function that you want to make generic, calling setGeneric with its name will create a generic function with the existing function as the default implementation. Typically, though, we use setGeneric to create a brand new generic function, and in that case, we need to provide a definition of the function as well. This we do through the parameter def. This function plays the role that the function definition in S3 has: it should simply call the function standardGeneric, which is S4’s analogue to UseMethod.

We can define the interface of the stack abstract data structure like this:

           def = function(stack) standardGeneric("top"))
           def = function(stack) standardGeneric("pop"))
           def = function(stack, element) standardGeneric("push"))
           def = function(stack) standardGeneric("is_empty"))

To provide implementations of generic functions we use the function setMethod. We need to provide the name of the generic function, the signature of the method (which is the type(s) used for dispatching the method), and the definition of the function.

When a generic function is called, the concrete implementation is chosen based on the type of the arguments to the function. This is what we call dynamic dispatch, and in S3 it is based on a single argument—typically the first—but in S4 we can dispatch based on more complex type information. To get behavior similar to S3 we just provide a signature that is a class name. This, then, makes S4 choose a given implementation based on the class of the first argument to the generic function.

We can implement the vector stack thus:

setMethod("top", signature = "VectorStack",
          definition = function(stack) stack@elements[1])
setMethod("pop", signature = "VectorStack",
          definition = function(stack) {
            VectorStack(elements = stack@elements[-1])
setMethod("push", signature = "VectorStack",
          definition = function(stack, element) {
            VectorStack(elements = c(element, stack@elements))
setMethod("is_empty", signature = "VectorStack",
          definition = function(stack) length(stack@elements) == 0)

The implementations are just variations of the functions we defined in the S3 implementation, and we can use the class just as before.

stack <- VectorStack()
stack <- push(stack, 1)
stack <- push(stack, 2)
stack <- push(stack, 3)
## An object of class "VectorStack"
## Slot "elements":
## [1] 3 2 1
while (!is_empty(stack)) {
  stack <- pop(stack)
## An object of class "VectorStack"
## Slot "elements":
## numeric(0)

Slot Prototypes

When you create an object, and you don’t provide values for the slots, you will get default values, which are often empty vectors or empty lists. For example, if we create a class for representing natural numbers, we can write the class like this:

NaturalNumber <- setClass("NaturalNumber",
                          slots = c(
                            n = "integer"

If we instantiate it without arguments the object will contain an empty vector for the natural number it is supposed to represent.

(n <- NaturalNumber())
## An object of class "NaturalNumber"
## Slot "n":
## integer(0)

If, instead, we want other default values, we can use the prototype argument to setClass. For example, we can state that the default natural number is zero.

NaturalNumber <- setClass("NaturalNumber",
                          slots = c(
                            n = "integer"
                          prototype = list(
                            n = as.integer(0)

Now, when we create an object, it will get the default value from the prototype.

(n <- NaturalNumber())
## An object of class "NaturalNumber"
## Slot "n":
## [1] 0

This, of course, doesn’t prevent us from specifying other values as arguments when we create an object.

(n <- NaturalNumber(n = as.integer(1)))
## An object of class "NaturalNumber"
## Slot "n":
## [1] 1

Object Validity

The type we give slots when we specify them puts type constraints on objects. When we declared that the n slot in NaturalNumber should be an integer, we constrained the values we can assign to that slot. If we try to assign a numeric instead, we will get an error.

For natural numbers, we do not want negative integers to be included, but since negative integers are still integers, there is no constraint to assigning such a value.

n@n <- as.integer(-1)

We can put further constraints on objects via the validity argument to setClass. This argument should be a function that tests if an object is valid. If it is, it should return TRUE. Otherwise, it should return FALSE.

NaturalNumber <- setClass("NaturalNumber",
                          slots = c(
                            n = "integer"
                          prototype = list(
                            n = as.integer(0)
                          validity = function(object) {
                            object@n >= 0

With this validity checking, attempting to write the following will result in an error:

n <- NaturalNumber(n = as.integer(-1))

The validity test is only done when creating objects, though. We can modify objects and put them in an invalid state.

n@n <- as.integer(-1)

This behavior is necessary since, when modifying an object, it is likely to be in an invalid state until we are done modifying it. At any point when you are done modifying an object, though, you can call the validObject function to check the validity again, using the following:


This would fail in this case, of course, since we just left n in an invalid state.

Generic Functions and Class Hierarchies

To see how S4 handles class hierarchies and generic functions , we return to the A, B, C example from earlier. We can construct the classes and the three objects thus:

A <- setClass("A", contains = "NULL")
B <- setClass("B", contains = "A")
C <- setClass("C", contains = "B")

x <- A()
y <- B()
z <- C()

Here I let A inherit from the pseudo-class "NULL" to make it non-abstract so that I can instantiate it even though it doesn’t have any slots.

We can define a generic function f and only implement it for class A, like so:

setGeneric("f", def = function(x) standardGeneric("f"))
setMethod("f", signature = "A",
          definition = function(x) print("A::f"))

If we do, then this version will be called when we call it on all three objects.

## [1] "A::f"
## [1] "A::f"
## [1] "A::f"

If we define another function, g, that we implement for both A and B, then calling it on x will call the A version. Calling it on y and z will invoke the B version since this is the most specialized form of the function for those two classes.

setGeneric("g", def = function(x) standardGeneric("g"))
setMethod("g", signature = "A",
          definition = function(x) print("A::g"))
setMethod("g", signature = "B",
          definition = function(x) print("B::g"))
## [1] "A::g"
## [1] "B::g"
## [1] "B::g"

If we define a function that we implement for all three classes, then calling it on x, y, and z will invoke the most specialized version in all three cases.

setGeneric("h", def = function(x) standardGeneric("h"))
setMethod("h", signature = "A",
          definition = function(x) print("A::h"))
setMethod("h", signature = "B",
          definition = function(x) print("B::h"))
setMethod("h", signature = "C",
          definition = function(x) print("C::h"))
## [1] "A::h"
## [1] "B::h"
## [1] "C::h"

The analogue of NextMethod in S4 is called callNextMethod and it works very similarly.

setMethod("h", signature = "A",
          definition = function(x) {
setMethod("h", signature = "B",
          definition = function(x) {
setMethod("h", signature = "C",
          definition = function(x) {
## [1] "A::h"
## [1] "B::h"
## [1] "A::h"
## [1] "C::h"
## [1] "B::h"
## [1] "A::h"

There is no .default version of methods as such, but we can use the setGeneric function to create one. If we define a plain old function and call setGeneric just with its name, that function will become the default function called when we do not have a more specialized version.

d <- function(x) print("default::d")
## [1] "default::d"
## [1] "default::d"
## [1] "default::d"

This, of course, also works when we specialize and use callNextMethod.

setMethod("d", signature = "A",
          definition = function(x) {
setMethod("d", signature = "B",
          definition = function(x) {
setMethod("d", signature = "C",
          definition = function(x) {
## [1] "A::d"
## [1] "default::d"
## [1] "B::d"
## [1] "A::d"
## [1] "default::d"
## [1] "C::d"
## [1] "B::d"
## [1] "A::d"
## [1] "default::d"

Requiring Methods

The abstract class Stack we defined earlier didn’t serve any purpose. It is an abstract class with no associated data or functions. All functions in the stack interface were implemented in VectorStack, and we didn’t gain anything from inheriting from Stack. In S4, however, we can formalize interfaces such as stacks and ensure that implementations of an interface actually implement all the functions in the interface.

It’s not much. There is very little type checking in R, and you won’t get much assistance from S4 either, but there is a way of at least making the error messages more informative when you invoke a generic function that hasn’t been implemented.

Let’s implement a non-functioning stack. We can make this class for the list-based stack . It inherits from Stack, but it doesn’t add any slots or any functionality.

ListStack <- setClass("ListStack", contains = "Stack")

Even without an implementation, we can create an object of type ListStack. The Stack class is abstract because we didn’t add any slots to it, but the ListStack is not interpreted as abstract, even though it doesn’t add any slots either because it contains a superclass. If we were to call pop on a ListStack, however, we would get an error, and rightly so. We would expect to get an error here, and in this case it probably isn’t hard to figure out, from the error message, what is wrong. The error would tell us that R was unable to find an inherited method for the function. But if either Stack implemented a version of pop, or we had set a default function, we would instead be calling that, which would be an error but might not invoke an error message.

We can specify that all sub-classes of Stack must implement the stack interface using the function requireMethods:

requireMethods(functions = c("top", "pop", "push", "is_empty"),
               signature = "Stack")

By doing this we ensure that calling any of these methods on ListStack will give us an error message.

## An object of class "VectorStack"
## Slot "elements":
## numeric(0)

It is not much of a safety check for the correct implementation of an interface, and I usually don’t see much use for it, but it is there if you want it.


You can provide values for slots when you create objects by providing them as named arguments, but you can also get more control over object initialization through the method initialize. This method works as a constructor, except that it doesn’t create an object; it is just responsible for setting attributes to leave it in a consistent state. If you define this function, it replaces the default constructor, and you are in charge of which arguments the constructor should take, how it should set slots, and whether it should call the constructor of its superclass.

A very simple example, where we have one superclass and one subclass, is shown below:

A <- setClass("A", slots = list(x = "numeric", y = "numeric"))
B <- setClass("B", contains = "A", slots = list(z = "numeric"))

setMethod("initialize", signature = "A",
          definition = function(.Object, x, y) {
            print("A initialize")
            .Object@x <- x
            .Object@y <- y
## [1] "initialize"
setMethod("initialize", signature = "B",
          definition = function(.Object, z) {
            .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, x = z, y = z)
            .Object@z <- z
## [1] "initialize"
(a <- A(x = 1:3, y = 4:6))
## [1] "A initialize"
## An object of class "A"
## Slot "x":
## [1] 1 2 3
## Slot "y":
## [1] 4 5 6
(b <- B(z = 6:9))
## [1] "A initialize"
## An object of class "B"
## Slot "z":
## [1] 6 7 8 9
## Slot "x":
## [1] 6 7 8 9
## Slot "y":
## [1] 6 7 8 9

Dispatching on Type-Signatures

The signatures we have used so far when defining specialized methods consisted of just a class name. If we use them this way, S4 methods work just as S3 generic functions, but the dispatch mechanism for S4 methods is more general than this and it is possible to dispatch based on the type of all a function’s arguments.

For example, we can define a function f of two arguments and refine it in different ways based on the type of the two arguments. We could have, say, one version when the arguments are numeric and another when they are logical.

setGeneric("f", def = function(x, y) standardGeneric("f"))
setMethod("f", signature = c("numeric", "numeric"),
          definition = function(x, y) x + y)
setMethod("f", signature = c("logical", "logical"),
          definition = function(x, y) x & y)

When calling f, the appropriate function is then selected based on the type of the arguments.

f(2, 3)
## [1] 5
## [1] FALSE

The type matching goes from most specific to most abstract, following class hierarchies for classes, and would match integer over numeric over complex for numerical values. So, if we define a version of f that matches integers for the first value, it will call that one when we give it an integer and the version defined above when we call it with numeric values.

setMethod("f", signature = c("integer", "complex"),
          definition = function(x, y) x - y)
f(2, 2)
## [1] 4
f(as.integer(2), 2)
## [1] 4

Here, the second argument would catch any complex number, but we can specialize it to match integers and numeric instead:

setMethod("f", signature = c("integer", "numeric"),
          definition = function(x, y) 2*x + y)
f(as.integer(2), 2)
## [1] 6

If we just give the signature a single string, as we did in the cases with classes earlier, it just dispatches on the type of the first argument.

setMethod("f", signature = "character",
          definition = function(x, y) x)
f("foo", "bar")
## [1] "foo"

In general, the signature list just matches types for a prefix of parameters if you do not provide types for all of them.

setGeneric("g", def = function(x, y, z) standardGeneric("g"))
setMethod("g", signature = "character",
          definition = function(x, y, z) "g(character)")
setMethod("g", signature = c("numeric", "character"),
          definition = function(x, y, z) "g(numeric, character)")
g("foo", NA, NA)
## [1] "g(character)"
g(12, "bar", NA)
## [1] "g(numeric, character)"

If you want to match any type whatsoever, you can use the type "ANY".

setMethod("f", signature = "ANY",
          definition = function(x, y) "any")
f(list(), NULL)
## [1] "any"

This can be used to define a catch-all default implementation for when no more specific implementation matches the arguments.

You can even match for cases when some arguments are not provided, using the type "missing".

setMethod("f", signature = c("ANY", "missing"),
          definition = function(x, y) "missing")
f(list(), NULL)
## [1] "any"
## [1] "missing"

Here, the first call matches the version that takes any arguments because the second argument is not missing, it is just NULL, while the other matches the more specific signature where the second argument is missing.

Operator Overloading

S4 also supports operator overloading and in much the same way as S3 does, just using the method mechanism for generic methods. We can try implementing the modulus class as an S4 class like this:

modulus <- setClass("modulus",
                    slots = c(
                      value = "numeric",
                      n = "numeric"

setMethod("show", signature = "modulus",
          definition = function(object) {
            cat("Modulus", object@n, "values: ")
(x <- modulus(value = 1:6, n = 3))
## Modulus 3 values:
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6

The show method we implemented here is the S4 equivalent of print and we use it to pretty-print modulus objects.

If we then want to implement a single operator, we can specialize the method for it, just as we did with generic functions for S3. But we can use the signature type matching to capture different combinations of arguments, instead of writing type-checking code at the beginning of the generic function as we had to for S3.

Below we handle the three cases we want for modulus arithmetic: the case where both operands are modulus objects and the two cases where one of them is a modulus object and the other is numeric.

setMethod("+", signature = c("modulus", "modulus"),
          definition = function(e1, e2) {
            if (e1@n != e2@n) stop("Incompatible modulus")
            modulus(value = e1@value + e2@value,
                    n = e1@n)
setMethod("+", signature = c("modulus", "numeric"),
          definition = function(e1, e2) {
            modulus(value = e1@value + e2,
                    n = e1@n)
setMethod("+", signature = c("numeric", "modulus"),
          definition = function(e1, e2) {
            modulus(value = e1 + e2@value,
                    n = e2@n)

Now we can combine numeric and modulus in addition, and we didn’t have to explicitly check the type in the functions since the type dispatch handled that for us.

x + 1:6
## Modulus 3 values:
## [1]  2  4  6  8 10 12
1:6 + x
## Modulus 3 values:
## [1]  2  4  6  8 10 12

We also handle the case with two modulus objects and check that their n slots are equal.

y <- modulus(value = 1:6, n = 2)
x + y
## Error in x + y: Incompatible modulus
y <- modulus(value = 1:6, n = 3)
x + y
## Modulus 3 values:
## [1]  2  4  6  8 10 12

We also have function group solutions in S4, and for defining arithmetic operations, we need the group Arith. This works much as the Ops generic function in S3 except that we, again, can use type matching instead of explicitly checking the type of the arguments inside the function(s).

          signature = c("modulus", "modulus"),
          definition = function(e1, e2) {
            if (e1@n != e2@n) stop("Incompatible modulus")
            modulus(value = callGeneric(e1@value, e2@value),
                    n = e1@n)
          signature = c("modulus", "numeric"),
          definition = function(e1, e2) {
            modulus(value = callGeneric(e1@value, e2),
                    n = e1@n)
          signature = c("numeric", "modulus"),
          definition = function(e1, e2) {
            modulus(value = callGeneric(e1, e2@value),
                    n = e2@n)
x * y
## Modulus 3 values:
## [1]  1  4  9 16 25 36
2 * x
## Modulus 3 values:
## [1]  2  4  6  8 10 12

Combining S3 and S4 Classes

You can, to a limited degree, combine S3 and S4. The two systems are different and trying to write software that connects S3 and S4 class-hierarchies intimately is not something I will recommend. It only leads to weeping and gnashing of teeth. But if you have existing S3 code and you want to write an extension in S4 you can do this.

Let’s say we have an S3 class, X, with generic functions foo and bar.

X <- function(x) {
  structure(list(x = x), class = "X")

foo <- function(x) UseMethod("foo")
bar <- function(x) UseMethod("bar")
foo.X <- function(x) "foo"
bar.X <- function(x) x$x

x <- X(5)
## [1] "foo"
## [1] 5

If we want to write a subclass of X, let’s call it Y, and we want to write Y in S4, we cannot use X in the contains option to setClass. Well, you can, but if you try to instantiate objects of the class you will get an error. The S4 system doesn’t know about any class called X so we first have to make it aware of it. We can do that using the function setOldClass.


This does two things: it lets S4 know about the class so we can inherit from it, and it makes any generic function defined for the class into functions we can specialize with setMethod. So after calling setOldClass we can make a sub-class of A as an S4 class.

Y <- setClass("Y", contains = "X")

Calling foo or bar on an object of type Y will also work with the dynamic dispatch system and will invoke foo.Y since there is no better matching foo.Y.

y <- Y()
## [1] "foo"

If we want to, we could make a specialized version of foo for Y objects by implementing foo.Y.

foo.Y <- function(x) "Y::foo"
## [1] "Y::foo"

Of course, this would be the S3 of refining generic functions, and since we are working with an S4 class now it is better to use setMethod.

Similar to foo, calling bar invokes bar.X. In this case it results in an error because, even though S4 knows about the X class, it doesn’t know about the constructor function or the representation of X objects it creates.

## Error in x$x: $ operator not defined for this S4 class

There is no formal definition of constructors or object representations in S3, only informal coding conventions, so no way for S4 to know about what the bar function expects to be able to get out of an X object. There is a limit to how well we can integrate S3 and S4 automatically, and some coding is needed to get the functionality of the S3 version to also match the S4 class.

Y <- setClass("Y", contains = "X", slots = c(x = "ANY"))
setMethod("bar", signature = "Y",
          definition = function(x) x@x)
y <- Y(x = 13)
## [1] 13

I don’t recommend mixing S3 and S4. If you have code written using the S3 system you are probably better off sticking with S3 rather than trying to combine the two systems, but if you are writing code using S4 and need to include a little functionality from S3 classes, this is the way to do it.

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