Lesson 2. Java Basics

In this lesson you will:

• use the numeric type int to count the number of students

• use the Java collection class java.util.ArrayList to store many students

• understand default constructors

• learn how to use the J2SE API documentation to understand how to use java.util.ArrayList

• restrict the java.util.ArrayList collection to contain only Student objects

• create a TestSuite to test more than one class

• learn about packages and the import statement

• understand how to define and use class constants

• use date and calendar classes from the system library

• learn the various types of comments that Java allows

• generate API documentation for your code with javadoc



Schools have courses, such as Math 101 and Engl 200, that are taught every semester. Basic course information, such as the department, the number, the number of credits, and the description of the course, generally remains the same from semester to semester.


A course session represents a specific occurrence of a course. A course session stores the dates it will be held and the person teaching it, among other things. It also must retain an enrollment, or list of students, for the course.

You will define a CourseSession class that captures both the basic course information and the enrollment in the session. As long as you only need to work with the CourseSession objects for a single semester, no two CourseSessions should need to refer to the same course. Once two CourseSession objects must exist for the same course, having the basic course information stored in both CourseSession objects is redundant. For now, multiple sessions is not a consideration; later you will clean up the design to support multiple sessions for a single course.

Create CourseSessionTest.java. Within it, write a test named testCreate. Like the testCreate method in StudentTest, this test method will demonstrate how you create CourseSession objects. A creation test is always a good place to get a handle on what an object looks like just after it's been created.

public class CourseSessionTest extends junit.framework.TestCase {
   public void testCreate() {
      CourseSession session = new CourseSession("ENGL", "101");
      assertEquals("ENGL", session.getDepartment());
      assertEquals("101", session.getNumber());

The test shows that a CourseSession can be created with a course department and number. The test also ensures that the department and number are stored correctly in the CourseSession object.

To get the test to pass, code CourseSession like this:

class CourseSession {
   private String department;
   private String number;

   CourseSession(String department, String number) {
      this.department = department;
      this.number = number;

   String getDepartment() {
      return department;

   String getNumber() {
      return number;

So far you've created a Student class that stores student data and a Course-Session class that stores course data. Both classes provide “getter” methods to allow other objects to retrieve the data.

However, data classes such as Student and CourseSession aren't terribly interesting. If all there was to object-oriented development was storing data and retrieving it, systems wouldn't be very useful. They also wouldn't be object-oriented. Remember that object-oriented systems are about modeling behavior. That behavior is effected by sending messages to objects to get them to do something—not to ask them for data.

But, you've got to start somewhere! Plus, you wouldn't be able to write assertions in your test if you weren't able to ask objects what they look like.

Enrolling Students


Courses don't earn any revenue for the school unless students enroll in them. Much of the student information system will require you to be able to work with more than one student at a time. You will want to store groups, or collections, of students and later execute operations against the students in these collections.

CourseSession will need to store a new attribute—a collection of Student objects. You will want to bolster your CourseSession creation test so that it says something about this new attribute. If you have just created a new course session, you haven't yet enrolled any students in it. What can you assert against an empty course session?

Modify testCreate so that it contains the bolded assertion:

public void testCreate() {
   CourseSession session = new CourseSession("ENGL", "101");
   assertEquals("ENGL", session.getDepartment());
   assertEquals("101", session.getNumber());
   assertEquals(0, session.getNumberOfStudents());


The new assertion verifies that the number of students enrolled in a brand-new session should be 0 (zero). The symbol 0 is a numeric literal that represents the integer zero. Specifically, it is an integer literal, known in Java as an int.

Add the method getNumberOfStudents to CourseSession as follows:

class CourseSession {
   int getNumberOfStudents() {
      return 0;

(The ellipses represent the instance variables, constructor code, and getter methods that you have already coded.) The return type of getNumberOfStudents is specified as int. The value returned from a method must match the return type, and in this method it does—getNumberOfStudents returns an int. The int type allows variables to be created that store integer values from –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647.

Numbers in Java are not objects like String literals are. You cannot send messages to numbers, although numbers can be passed as parameters along with messages just like Strings can. Basic arithmetic support in Java is provided syntactically; for many other operations, support is provided by system libraries. You will learn about similar non-object types later in Agile Java. As a whole, these non-object types are known as primitive types.

You have proved that a new CourseSession object is initialized properly, but you haven't shown that the class can enroll students properly. Create a second test method testEnrollStudents that enrolls two students. For each, create a new Student object, enroll the student, and ensure that the CourseSession object reports the correct number of students.


How do you know that you need a method named enroll, and that it should take a Student object as a parameter? Part of what you are doing in a test method is designing the public interface into a class—how developers will interact with the class. Your goal is to design the class such that the needs of developers who want use it are met in as simple a fashion as possible.

The simplest way of getting the second assertion (that the number of students is two) to pass would be to return 2 from the getNumberOfStudents method. However, that would break the first assertion. So you must somehow track the number of students inside of CourseSession. To do this, you will again introduce a field. Any time you know you need information to be stored, you will likely use fields to represent object state. Change the CourseSession class to look like this:


The field to track the student count is named numberOfStudents, it is private per good practice, and it is of the type int. It is also assigned an initial value of 0. When a CourseSession object is instantiated, field initializers such as this initialization of numberOfStudents are executed. Field initializers are executed prior to the invocation of code in the constructor.

The method getNumberOfStudents now returns the field numberOfStudents, instead of the int literal 0.

Each time the enroll method is called, you should increment the number of students by one. The single line of code in the enroll method accomplishes this:

numberOfStudents = numberOfStudents + 1;

The + sign and many other mathematical operators are available for working with variables of the int type (as well as other numeric types to be discussed later). The expression on the right hand side of the = sign takes whatever value is currently stored in numberOfStudents and adds 1 to it. Since the numberOfStudents field appears to the left of the = sign, the resultant value of the right-hand side expression is assigned back into it. Bumping up a variable's value by one, as in this example, is a common operation known as incrementing the variable. There are other ways to increment a variable that will be discussed later.

It may seem odd that numberOfStudents appears on both sides of the assignment operator. Remember that the Java VM always executes the right hand side of an assignment statement first. It calculates a result using the expression to the right, and assigns this result to the variable on the left.

Note that the enroll method has a return type void, meaning that it returns nothing to the message sender.

The class diagram in Figure 2.1 shows the existing structure of your system so far.

Figure 2.1. CourseSession and Student Class Diagram


Conceptually, a course session should be able to hold several students. In reality—in the code—the course session holds references to no student objects. It only holds a count of students. Later, when you modify the CourseSession class to actually store Student references, the UML diagram will be modified to show that there is a one-to-many relationship between CourseSession and Student.

CourseSession depends on Student, since the enroll method can take a Student object as a parameter. In other words, you would not be able to compile the CourseSession class if the Student class did not exist.

Figure 2.1 will be the last class diagram where I show every test class. Since you are doing test-driven development, future diagrams will imply the existence of a test class for each production class, unless otherwise noted.


In the last section, you introduced the numberOfStudents field and initialized it to 0. This initialization is technically not required—int fields are initialized to 0 by default. Explicitly initializing a field in this manner, while unnecessary, is useful to help explain the intent of the code.

For now, you have two ways to initialize fields: You can initialize at the field level or you can initialize in a constructor. You could have initialized numberOfStudents in the CourseSession constructor:


There is no hard-and-fast rule about where to initialize. I prefer initializing at the field level when possible—having the initialization and declaration in one place makes it easier to follow the code. Also, as you will learn later in this lesson, you can have more than one constructor; initializing at the field level saves you from duplicate initialization code in each constructor.

You will encounter situations where you cannot initialize code at the field level. Initializing in the constructor may be your only alternative.

Default Constructors

You may have noted that neither of the test classes, StudentTest and Course-SessionTest, contains a constructor. Often you will not need to explicitly initialize anything, so the Java compiler does not require you to define a constructor. If you do not define any constructors in a class,1 Java provides a default, no-argument constructor. For StudentTest, as an example, it is as if you had coded an empty constructor:

1 The Java compiler does allow you to define multiple constructors in a single class; this will be discussed later.


The use of default constructors also implies that Java views constructors as essential elements to a class. A constructor is required in order for Java to initialize a class, even if the constructor contains no additional initialization code. If you don't supply a constructor, the Java compiler puts it there for you.


In the last section, you introduced a second test class, CourseSessionTest. Going forward, you could decide to run JUnit against either CourseSessionTest or StudentTest, depending on which corresponding production class you changed. Unfortunately, it is very possible for you to make a change in the Student class that breaks a test in CourseSessionTest, yet all the tests in StudentTest run successfully.

You could run the tests in CourseSessionTest and then run the tests in StudentTest, either by restarting JUnit each time or by retyping the test class name in JUnit or even by keeping multiple JUnit windows open. None of these solutions is scalable: As you add more classes, things will quickly become unmanageable.

Instead, JUnit allows you to build suites, or collections of tests. Suites can also contain other suites. You can run a suite in the JUnit test runner just like any test class.

Create a new class called AllTests with the following code:


If you start JUnit with the class name AllTests, it will run all of the tests in both CourseSessionTest and StudentTest combined. From now on, run AllTests instead of any of the individual class tests.

The job of the suite method in AllTests is to build the suite of classes to be tested and return it. An object of the type junit.framework.TestSuite manages this suite. You add tests to the suite by sending it the message addTestSuite. The parameter you send with the message is a class literal. A class literal is comprised of the name of the class followed by .class. It uniquely identifies the class, and lets the class definition itself be treated much like any other object.

Each time you add a new test class, you will need to remember to add it to the suite built by AllTests. This is an error-prone technique, as it's easy to forget to update the suite. In Lesson 12, you'll build a better solution: a tool that generates and executes the suite for you.

The code in AllTests also introduces the concept of static methods, something you will learn about in Lesson 4. For now, understand that you must declare the suite method as static in order for JUnit to recognize it.

The SDK and java.util.ArrayList

Your CourseSession class tracks the count of students just fine. However, you and I both know that it's just maintaining a counter and not holding onto the students that are being enrolled. For the testEnrollStudents method to be complete, it will need to prove that the CourseSession object is retaining the actual student objects.

One possible solution is to ask the CourseSession for a list of all the enrolled students, then check the list to ensure that it contains the expected students. Modify your test to include the lines shown below in bold.


The first line of newly added test code:

java.util.ArrayList<Student> allStudents = session.getAllStudents();

says that there will be a method on CourseSession named getAllStudents. The method will have to return an object of the type java.util.ArrayList<Student>, since that's the type of the variable to which the result of getAllStudents is to be assigned. A type appearing in this form—a class name followed by a parameter type within angle brackets (< and >) is known as a parameterized type. In the example, the parameter Student of java.util.ArrayList indicates that the java.util.ArrayList is bound such that it can only contain Student objects.

The class java.util.ArrayList is one of thousands available as part of the Java SDK class library. You should have downloaded and installed the SDK documentation so that it is available on your machine. You can also browse the documentation online at Sun's Java site. My preference is to have the documentation available locally for speed and accessibility reasons.

Pull up the documentation and navigate to the Java 2 Platform API Specification. You should see something like Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2. Java 2 Platform API Specification


The Java API documentation will be your best friend, unless you're doing pair programming,2 in which case it will be your second-best friend. It is divided into three frames. The upper left frame lists all the packages that are available in the library. A package is a group of related classes.

2 A technique whereby members of a development team work in dynamic pairs of developers who jointly construct code.

The lower left frame defaults to showing all the classes in the library. Once a package is selected, the lower left frame shows only the classes contained within that package. The frame to the right that represents the remainder of the page shows detailed information on the currently selected package or class.

Scroll the package frame until you see the package named java.util and select it. The lower left pane should now show a list of interfaces, classes, and exceptions. I will explain interfaces and exceptions later. For now, scroll down until you see the class named ArrayList and select it.

The package java.util contains several utility classes that you will use often in the course of Java development. The bulk of the classes in the package support something called the Collections Framework. The Collections Framework is a consistent sublibrary of code used to support standard data structures such as lists, linked lists, sets, and hash tables. You will use collections over and over again in Java to work with groupings of related objects.

The main pane (to the right) shows all of the detailed information on the class java.util.ArrayList. Scroll down until you see the Method Summary. The Method Summary shows the methods implemented in the java.util.ArrayList class. Take a few minutes to read through the methods available. Each of the method names can be clicked on for detailed information regarding the method.

You will use three of the java.util.ArrayList methods as part of the current exercise: add, get, and size. One of them, size, is already referenced by the test. The following line of code asserts that there is one object in the java.util.ArrayList object.

assertEquals(1, allStudents.size());

The next line of new code asserts that the first element in allStudents is equal to the student that was enrolled.

assertEquals(student, allStudents.get(0));

According to the API documentation, the get method returns the element at an arbitrary position in the list. This position is passed to the get method as an index. Indexes are zero-based, so get(0) returns the first element in the list.

Adding Objects

The add method is documented in the Java SDK API as taking an Object as parameter. If you click on the parameter Object in the API docs, you will see that it is actually java.lang.Object.

You might have heard that Java is a “pure” object-oriented language, where “everything is an object.”3 The class java.lang.Object is the mother of all classes defined in the Java system class library, as well as of any class that you define, including Student and StudentTest. Every class inherits from java.lang.Object, either directly or indirectly. StudentTest inherits from junit.framework.TestCase, and junit.framework.TestCase inherits from java.lang.Object.

3 A significant part of the language is not object-oriented. This will be discussed shortly.

This inheritance from java.lang.Object is important: You'll learn about several core language features that depend on java.lang.Object. For now, you need to understand that String inherits from java.lang.Object, as does Student, as does any other class you define. This inheritance means that String objects and Student objects are also java.lang.Object objects. The benefit is that String and Student objects can be passed as parameters to any method that takes a java.lang.Object as a parameter. As mentioned, the add method takes an instance of java.lang.Object as a parameter.

Even though you can pass any type of object to a java.util.ArrayList via its add method, you don't usually want to do that. In the CourseSession object, you know that you only want to be able to enroll Students. Hence the parameterized type declaration. One of the benefits to restricting the java.util.ArrayList via a parameterized type is that it protects other types of objects from inadvertently being added to the list.

Suppose someone is allowed to add, say, a String object to the list of students. Subsequently, your code asks for the list of students using getAllStudents and retrieves the String object from the list using the get method. When you attempt to assign this object to a Student reference, the Java VM will choke, generating an error condition. Java is a strongly typed language, and it will not allow you to assign a String to a Student reference.

The following changes to CourseSession (appearing in bold) will make the test pass:


A new field, students, is used to store the list of all students. It is initialized to an empty java.util.ArrayList object that is bound to contain only Student objects.4 The enroll method adds the student to this list, and the getAllStudents method simply returns the list.

4 Due to width restrictions, I've broken the students field declaration into two lines. You can type this as a single line if you choose.is dependent upon zero to many students is shown by the * at the end of the association between CourseSession and Student.

Figure 2.3 shows how CourseSession is now dependent upon the parameterized type java.util.ArrayList<Student>. Also, the fact that CourseSession

Figure 2.3. Class Diagram with Parameterized Type


The class diagram in Figure 2.3 is not normal—it really shows the same information twice, in a different fashion. The parameterized type declaration suggests that a single CourseSession has a relationship to a number of Student objects stored in an ArrayList. The association from CourseSession to Student similarly shows a one-to-many relationship.

Incremental Refactoring

Since java.util.ArrayList provides a size method, you can just ask the students ArrayList object for its size instead of tracking numberOfStudents separately.

int getNumberOfStudents() {
   return students.size();

Make this small refactoring, then recompile and rerun the test. Having the test gives you the confidence to change the code with impunity—if the change doesn't work, you simply undo it and try something different.

Since you no longer return numberOfStudents from getNumberOfStudents, you can stop incrementing it in the enroll method. This also means you can delete the numberOfStudents field entirely.

While you could scan the CourseSession class for uses of numberOfStudents, removing each individually, you can also use the compiler as a tool. Delete the field declaration, then recompile. The compiler will generate errors on all the locations where the field is still referenced. You can use this information to navigate directly to the code you need to delete.

The final version of the class should look like the following code:


Objects in Memory

In testEnrollStudents, you send the getAllStudents message to session and store the result in a java.util.ArrayList reference that is bound to the Student class—it can only contain Student objects. Later in the test, after enrolling the second student, allStudents now contains both students—you don't need to ask the session object for it again.


The reason is illustrated in Figure 2.4. The CourseSession object holds on to the students field as an attribute. This means that the students field is available throughout the lifetime of the Course-Session object. Each time the getNumberOfStudents message is sent to the session, a reference to the very same students field is returned. This reference is a memory address, meaning that any code using the reference ends up at the same memory location at which the students field is stored.

Figure 2.4. Memory Diagram


Packages and the import Statement

Up until now, you have been using the fully qualified name of the class java.util.ArrayList. The fully qualified name of a class includes its package name (java.util in this example) followed by the class name (ArrayList).

Packages provide a way for developers to group related classes. They can serve several needs: First, grouping classes into packages can make it considerably easier on developers, saving them from having to navigate dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of classes at a time. Second, classes can be grouped into packages for distribution purposes, perhaps to allow easier reuse of modules or subsystems of code.

Third, packages provide namespaces in Java. Suppose you have built a class called Student and you purchase a third-party API to handle billing students for tuition. If the third-party software contains a class also named Student, any references to Student will be ambiguous. Packages provide a way to give a class a more unique name, minimizing the potential for class name conflicts. Your class might have a fully qualified name of com.mycompany.studentinfosystem.Student, and the third-party API might use the name com.thirdpartyco.expensivepackage.Student.

I will usually refer to the Java system classes without the package name unless the package is not clear from the class name. For example, I will use ArrayList in place of java.util.ArrayList, and Object instead of java.lang.Object.

Typing java.util.ArrayList throughout code can begin to get tedious, and it clutters the code as well. Java provides a keyword—import—that allows identification of fully qualified class names and/or packages at the source file level. Use of import statements allows you to specify simple class names throughout the remainder of the source file.

Update CourseSessionTest to include import statements as the very first lines in the source file. You can now shorten the phrase extends junit.framework.TestCase to extends TestCase. You can change the reference defined as java.util.ArrayList<Student> to ArrayList<Student>.


(Make sure your tests still run! I'll keep reminding you for a while.)

Update AllTests, StudentTest, and CourseSession to use import statements. Your code will look so much cleaner!

The java.lang Package

The String class is also part of the system class library. It belongs to the package named java.lang. So why haven't you had to either use its fully qualified class name (java.lang.String) or provide an import statement?

The Java library contains classes so fundamental to Java programming that they are needed in many, if not all, classes. The classes String and Object are two such classes. The ubiquitous nature of these classes is such that the designers of Java wanted to save you from the nuisance of having to specify an import statement for them everywhere.

If you refer to the String class, then the statement:

import java.lang.String;

is implicit in each and every Java source file.

When you learn about inheritance (Lesson 6), you will find that every class implicitly extends from the class java.lang.Object. In other words, if a class declaration does not contain an extends keyword, it is as if you coded:

class ClassName extends java.lang.Object

This is another shortcut provided by the Java compiler.

The Default Package and the package Statement

None of the classes you have built—AllTests, StudentTest, Student, CourseSessionTest, and CourseSession—specify a package. This means that they go into something called the default package. The default package is fine for sample or academic programs. But for any real software development you do, all of your classes should belong to some package other than the default package. In fact, if you place classes in the default package, you will not be able to reference these classes from other packages.

If you are working in a modern IDE, moving a class into a package can be as easy as dragging the class name onto a package name. If you are not working in an IDE, setting up packages and understanding related classpath issues can be somewhat complex. Even if you are working in an IDE, it is important to understand the relationship between packages and the underlying file system directory structure.

Let's try moving your classes into a package named studentinfo. Note that package names are by convention comprised of lowercase letters. While you should still avoid abbreviations, package names can get unwieldy fairly quickly. The judicious use of abbreviations might help keep the package name from being unmanageable.

You should also not start your package names with java or javax, both of which should be used exclusively by Sun.

If your IDE supports moving classes into packages as a simple operation, go ahead and take advantage of it. However, make sure you understand how the classes relate to a package structure, as this will be important when you construct deployable libraries. Consider copying the source files into a different directory structure and following the exercise anyway.

From the directory in which your class files are located, create a new subdirectory called studentinfo. Case is important—ensure that you name this subdirectory using all lowercase letters. If your source files are currently located in c:source, then you should now have a directory named c:sourcestudentinfo. Starting with a Unix directory named /usr/src, you should have a directory named /usr/src/studentinfo.

First carefully delete all of the class files that have been generated. Class files, remember, end with a .class extension. Don't lose all of your hard work—back up your directory if you are unsure about this step. Under Windows, the command:

del *.class

will suffice. Under Unix, the equivalent command is:

rm *.class

After deleting the class files, move the five source files (AllTests.java, StudentTest.java, Student.java, CourseSessionTest.java, and CourseSesson.java) into the studentinfo directory. You need to store classes in a directory structure that corresponds to the package name.

Edit each of the five Java source files. Add a package statement to each that identifies the class as belonging to the studentinfo package. The package statement must be the very first statement within a Java class file.

package studentinfo;

class Student {

You should be able to compile the classes from within the studentinfo sub-directory.

However, two things will have to change when you run JUnit against AllTests. First, the full name of the class will have to be passed into the TestRunner, otherwise JUnit will not find it. Second, if you are in the studentinfo directory, the TestRunner will not be able to find studentinfo.AllTests. You must either go back to the parent directory or, better yet, alter the classpath to explicitly point to the parent directory. The following command shows the altered classpath and the fully qualified test class name.

java -cp c:source;c:junit3.8.1junit.jar junit.awtui.TestRunner studentinfo.AllTests

In fact, if you explicitly point to c:source in the classpath, you can be in any directory when you execute the java command. You will also want to use a similar classpath in javac compilations:

javac -classpath c:source;c:junit3.8.1junit.jar studentinfo*.java

Another way to look at this: The classpath specifies the starting, or “root,” directory in which to find any classes that you will use. The class files must be located in the subdirectory of one of the roots that corresponds to the package name. For example, if the classpath is c:source and you want to include the class com.mycompany.Bogus, then the file Bogus.class must appear in c:sourcecommycompany.

A package-naming standard is something that your development team will want to agree upon. Most companies name their packages starting with the reverse of their web domain name. For example, software produced by a company named Minderbinder Enterprises might use package names starting with com.minderbinder.

The setUp Method

The test code in CourseSessionTest needs a bit of cleanup work. Note that both tests, testCreate and testEnrollStudents, instantiate a new CourseSession object and store a reference to it in a local variable named session.

JUnit provides you with a means to eliminate this duplication—a setUp method. If you provide code in this setUp method, JUnit will execute that code prior to executing each and every test method. You should put common test initialization code in this method.


In CourseSessionTest, you add the instance variable session and assign to it a new CourseSession instance created in the setUp method. The test methods testCreate and testEnrollStudents no longer need this initialization line. Both test methods get their own separate CourseSession instance.

Even though you could create a constructor and supply common initialization code in it, doing so is considered bad practice. The preferred idiom for test initialization in JUnit is to use the setUp method.

More Refactoring

The method testEnrollStudents is a bit longer than necessary. It contains a few too many assertions that track the number of students. Overall, the method is somewhat difficult to follow.

Instead of exposing the entire list of students to client code (i.e., other code that works with CourseSession objects), you can instead ask the Course-Session to return the Student object at a specific index. You currently have no need for the entire list of students as a whole, so you can eliminate the getAllStudents method. This also means that you no longer have to test the size of the ArrayList returned by getAllStudents. The test method can be simplified to this:


Add the get method to CourseSession and remove the method getAllStudents. This refactoring shows how you can move common code from the test class directly into the production class in order to remove duplication.


Another significant benefit of this refactoring is that you have hidden a detail of CourseSession that was unnecessarily exposed. You have encapsulated the students collection, only selectively allowing the get, add, and size operations to be performed on it.

This encapsulation provides two significant benefits: First, you currently store the list of in an ArrayList. An ArrayList is one specific kind of data structure with certain use and performance characteristics. If you expose this list directly to client code, their code now depends upon the fact that the students are available as an ArrayList. This dependency means that later you cannot easily change the representation of how students are stored. Second, exposing the entire collection means that other classes can manipulate that collection—add new Student objects, remove Student objects, and so on—without your CourseSession class being aware of these changes. The integrity of your CourseSession object could be violated!

Class Constants

It is never a good idea to embed literals directly in code, as mentioned earlier. Declaring a local variable as final, which prevents other code from reassigning its value, is a good idea. The final keyword tells other developers that “I don't intend for you to be able to change the value of this variable.”

Frequently you will need more than one class to use the same literal. In fact, if you are doing test-driven development properly, any time you create a literal in code, it is there by virtue of some assertion in a test method against that same literal. A test might say, “assert that these conditions produce an error and that the error message is such-and-such a message.” Once this test is written, you then write the production code that produces such-and-such an error message under the right conditions. Now you have code duplication—“such-and-such an error message” appears in both the test and the production code.

While a few duplicated strings here and there may seem innocuous, overlooking the need to refactor out this duplication may prove costly in the future. One possibility is related to the growth of your software. Initially you may only deploy your system to local customers. Later, as your software achieves more success, the business may decide that it needs to deploy the software in another country. You will then need to internationalize your software, by deploying it with support for other languages and with consideration for other cultures.

Many software developers have encountered this problem. The software they worked on for months or years has hundreds or thousands of literal Strings strewn throughout the code. It is a major effort to retrofit internationalization support into this software.

As a craftsman of Java code, it is your job to stay vigilant and ensure that duplication is eliminated as soon as you recognize it.5

5 For the problem of duplicated strings, a more robust solution involving resource bundles is more appropriate. See Additional Lesson III for a brief discussion of resource bundles.


Replace common literals with class constants.

A class constant is a field that is declared with the static and final keywords. As a reminder, the final keyword indicates that the field reference cannot be changed to point to a different value. The static keyword means that the field is available for use without having to first construct an instance of the class in which it is declared. It also means that there is one and only one field in memory instead of one field for each object created. The following example declares a class constant:

class ChessBoard {
   static final int SQUARES_PER_SIDE = 8;

By convention, class constants appear in uppercase letters. When all letters are uppercase, camel notation is not possible, so the standard is to use underscores to separate words.

You can refer to the class constant by first specifying the class name, followed by the dot (.) operator, followed by the name of the constant.


You will use class constants already defined in the Java class library in the next section on Dates. Shortly thereafter you will define your own class constant in the CourseSession code.


If you browse through the J2SE API documentation for the package java.util, you will see several classes that are related to times and dates, including Calendar, GregorianCalendar, Date, TimeZone, and SimpleTimeZone. The Date class provides a simple timestamp mechanism. The other, related classes work together with Date to provide exhaustive support for internationalized dates and for working with components of a timestamp.

Initial versions of Java shipped with the Date class as the sole provider of support for dates and times. The Date class was designed to provide most of the functionality needed. It is a simple implementation: Internally, a date is represented by the number of milliseconds (thousandths of a second) since January 1, 1970 GMT at 00:00:00 (known as the “epoch”).

Overloaded Constructors

The Date class provides a handful of constructors. It is possible and often desirable to provide a developer with more than one way to construct new objects of a class type. You will learn how to create multiple constructors for your class in this lesson.

In the Date class, three of the constructors allow you to specify time parts (year, month, day, hour, minute, or second) in order to build a Date object for a specific date and time. A fourth constructor allows you to construct a date from an input String. A fifth constructor allows you to construct a date using the number milliseconds since the epoch. A final constructor, one that takes no parameters, constructs a timestamp that represents “now,” the time at which the Date object was created.

There are also many methods that allow getting and setting of fields on the Date, such as setHour, setMinutes, getDate, and getSeconds.

The Date class was not designed to provide support for internationalized dates, however, so the designers of Java introduced the Calendar classes in J2SE 1.1. The intent was for the Calendar classes to supplement the Date class. The Calendar class provides the ability to work with dates by their constituent parts. This meant that the constructors and getters/setters in the Date class were no longer needed as of J2SE 1.1. The cleanest approach would have been for Sun to simply remove the offending constructors and methods.

However, if Sun were to have changed the Date class, large numbers of existing applications would have had to have been recoded, recompiled, retested, and redeployed. Sun chose to avoid this unhappy circumstance by instead deprecating the constructors and methods in Date. This means that the methods and constructors are still available for use, but the API developers are warning you that they will remove the deprecated code from the next major release of Java. If you browse the Date class in the API documentation, you will see that Sun has clearly marked the deprecated methods and constructors.

In this exercise, you will actually use the deprecated methods. You'll see that their use generates warnings from the compiler. Warnings are for the most part bad—they indicate that you're doing something in code that you probably should not be. There's always a better way that does not generate a warning. As the exercise progresses, you will eliminate the warnings using an improved solution.


In the student information system, course sessions need to have a start and end date, marking the first and last days of class. You could provide both start and end dates to a CourseSession constructor, but you have been told that sessions are always 16 weeks (15 weeks of class, with a one-week break after week 7). With this information, you decide to design the CourseSession class so that users of the class need only supply the start date—your class will calculate the end date.

Here's the test to be added to CourseSessionTest.


You will need an import statement at the top of CourseSessionTest:

import java.util.Date;

This code uses one of the deprecated constructors for Date. Also of note are the odd-looking parameter values being passed to the Date constructor. Year 103? Month 0?

The API documentation, which should be your first reference for understanding a system library class, explains what to pass in for the parameters. Specifically, documentation for the Date constructor says that the first parameter represents “the year minus 1900,” the second parameter represents “the month between 0 and 11,” and the third parameter represents “the day of the month between 1-31.” So new Date(103, 0, 6) would create a Date representation for January 6, 2003. Lovely.

Since the start date is so critical to the definition of a course session, you want the constructor to require the start date. The test method constructs a new CourseSession object, passing in a newly constructed Date object in addition to the department and course number. You will want to change the instantiation of CourseSession in the setUp method to use this modified constructor. But as an interim, incremental approach, you can instead supply an additional, overloaded constructor.

The test finally asserts that the session end date, returned by getEndDate, is April 25, 2003.

You will need to make the following changes to CourseSession in order to get the test to pass:

• Add import statements for java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar, and java.util.GregorianCalendar;

• add a getEndDate method that calculates and returns the appropriate session end date; and

• add a new constructor that takes a starting date as a parameter.

The corresponding production code:


As I describe what getEndDate does, try to follow along in the J2SE API documentation for the classes GregorianCalendar and Calendar.

In getEndDate, you first construct a GregorianCalendar object. You then use the setTime6 method to store the object representing the session start date in the calendar. Next, you create the local variable numberOfDays to represent the number of days to be added to the start date in order to come up with the end date. The appropriate number is calculated by multiplying 16 weeks by 7 days per week, then subtracting 3 days (since the last day of the session is on the Friday of the 16th week).

6 Don't use this as a good example of method naming!

The next line:

calendar.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, numberOfDays);

sends the add message to the calendar object. The add method in GregorianCalendar takes a field and an amount. You will have to look at the J2SE API documentation for Calendar—in addition to the documentation for Gregorian-Calendar—to fully understand how to use the add method. Gregorian-Calendar is a subclass of Calendar, which means that the way it works is tied tightly to Calendar. The field that represents the first parameter tells the calendar object what you are adding to. In this case, you want to add a number to the day of year. The Calendar class defines DAY_OF_YEAR as well as several other class constants that represent date parts, such as YEAR.

The calendar now contains a date that represents the end date of the course session. You extract this date from the calendar using the getTime method and finally return the end date of the course session as the result of the method.

You might wonder if the getEndDate method will work, then, when the start date is close to the end of the year. If that can possibly happen, it's time to write a test for it. However, the student information system you are writing is for a university that has been around for 200 years. No semester has ever begun in one year and ended in the next, and it will never happen. In short, you're not going to need to worry about it . . . yet.

The second constructor will be short-lived, but it served the purpose of allowing you to quickly get your new test to pass. You now want to remove the older constructor, since it doesn't initialize the session start date. To do so, you will need to modify the setUp method and testCourseDates. You should also amend the creation test to verify that the start date is getting stored properly.


You can now remove the older constructor from CourseSession. You'll also need to add the getStartDate method to CourseSession:


Deprecation Warnings

The above code will compile and pass the tests, but you will see a warning or note in the compilation output. If you are using an IDE, you might not see the warnings. Find out how to turn on the warnings—you don't want to hide them.


Eliminate all warnings.

Ignoring a compiler warning is like ignoring a sore tooth—you'll pay for it sooner or later, and it may end up costing you dearly to ignore it for too long.7

7 He writes, as he sits here with a corrupt molar . . .

Note: CourseSessionTest.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

If you are compiling from the command line, you should do just what the message says: Enter the compilation command again, but modify it to include the compilation switch -Xlint:deprecation option.

javac -classpath c:junit3.8.1junit.jar -Xlint:deprecation *.java

The new compile output should look something like this:


If you are running in an IDE, it will have a setting somewhere to allow you to turn warnings on or off. You might already have seen similar deprecation messages, since warnings are usually “on” by default. In any case, the warnings should be disturbing to your craftsperson sensibilities. May they nag at you incessantly. You will soon learn a different way to construct dates that does not result in the warnings.

The test should run just fine. But you have lots of little ugliness in the code that can be cleaned up.


A quick improvement is to remove the unnecessary local variable, endDate, that appears at the end of the method getEndDate in CourseSession. Declaring the temporary variable aided in your understanding of the Calendar class:

Date endDate = calendar.getTime();
return endDate;

A more concise form is to simply return the Date object returned by the call to getTime.

return calendar.getTime();

Import Refactorings

The CourseSession class now must import four different classes from the package java.util:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Calendar;

This is still reasonable, but you can see that the list could quickly get out of hand as more system library classes are used. It is also a form of duplication—the package name is duplicated in each import statement. Remember that your primary refactoring job is to eliminate as much duplication as possible.

Java provides a shortcut version of the import statement to declare that you are importing all classes from a specified package:

import java.util.*;

This form of import is known as a package import. The asterisk (*) acts as a wildcard character.

After making this change, you can use any additional classes from the java.util package without having to modify or add to the import statements. Note that there is no runtime penalty for using either this form or the singular class form of the import statement. An import statement merely declares that classes might be used in the class file. An import statement does not guarantee that any classes from a package are used in the class file.

There is no consensus about which form is more proper. Most shops use the * form of the import statement either all the time or when the number of import statements begins to get unwieldy. Some shops insist that all classes must be explicitly named in the import statements, which makes it easier to determine the package a class comes from. Modern Java IDEs can enforce the import convention your shop decides on and even switch back and forth between the various forms. An IDE makes the choice of which form to use less significant.

It is possible to import a class or package but not use the class or any classes from the package within your source code. The Java compiler will not warn you about these unnecessary import statements. Most modern IDEs have optimizing facilities that will help you remove them.

Improving Understanding with a Factory Method

The getEndDate method in CourseSession is the most complex method you've written yet. It's about as long as you want your methods to get. Most of the methods you write should be between one and half a dozen lines. Some methods might be between half a dozen and a dozen or so lines. If your methods are regularly this length or even longer, you should work on refactoring them. The primary goal is to ensure that methods can be rapidly understood and maintained.

If your methods are short enough, it will be easy to provide a meaningful, concise name for them. If you are finding it difficult to name a method, consider breaking it up into smaller methods, each of which does only one succinctly nameable thing.

Another bit of duplication and lack of clarity that you should be unhappy with lies in the test method. For the time being, you are using the deprecated Date constructors, a technique that is considerably simpler than using the Calendar class. However, the code is somewhat confusing because the year has to be specified as relative to 1900, and the months have been numbered from 0 through 11 instead of 1 through 12.

In CourseSessionTest, code a new method called createDate that takes more sensible inputs.


This will allow you to create dates using a 4-digit year and a number from 1 through 12 for the month.

You can now refactor setUp and testCourseDates to use this utility method. With the introduction of the utility method, defining the local variables year, month, and date adds little to the understanding of the code, since the factory method8 createDate encapsulates some of the confusion. You can eliminate the local variables and embed them directly as parameters in the message send to createDate:

8 A method responsible for creating and returning objects. Another, perhaps more concise term, is “creation method.”


Some of you may be shaking your head at this point. You have done a lot of work, such as introducing local variables, and then you have undone much of that same work shortly thereafter.

Part of crafting software is understanding that code is a very malleable form. The best thing you can do is get into the mindset that you are a sculptor of code, shaping and molding it into a better form at all times. Once in a while, you'll add a flourish to make something in the code stand out. Later, you may find that the modification is really sticking out like a sore thumb, asking for someone to soothe it with a better solution. You will learn to recognize these trouble spots in your code (“code smells,” as Martin Fowler calls them.)9

9 [Wiki2004].

You will also learn that it is cheaper to fix code problems now rather than wait until the code is too intertwined with the rest of the system. It doesn't take long!


Keep your code clean at all times!

Creating Dates with Calendar

You still receive deprecation warnings each time you compile. Bad, bad. You should get rid of the warnings before someone complains. The benefit of having moved the date creation into a separate method, createDate, is that now you will only have to make a change in one place in your code, instead of two, to eliminate the warnings.

Instead of creating a Date object using the deprecated constructor, you will use the GregorianCalendar class. You can build a date or timestamp from its constituent parts by using the set method defined in Calendar. The API documentation for Calendar lists the various date parts that you can set. The createDate method builds a date by supplying a year, a month, and a day of the month.


The GregorianCalendar is a bit more sensible than Date in that a year is a year. If the real year is 2005, you can pass 2005 to the calendar object instead of 105.

You will need to modify the import statements in CourseSessionTest in order to compile and test these changes. The simplest way is to import everything from the java.util package:

import java.util.*;

Compile and test. Congratulations—no more embarrassing deprecation warnings!


One part of the getEndDate method that could use clarification is the calculation for the number of days to add to the session start date.

int numberOfDays = 16 * 7 - 3;

To another developer that has to maintain this method, the mathematical expression is not immediately obvious. While the maintainer can probably figure it out in a few minutes, it's far less expensive for you as the original developer to explain what you were thinking.

Java allows you to add free-form explanatory text within the source file in the form of comments. The compiler ignores and discards comments encountered when it reads the source file. It is up to you to decide where and when comments are appropriate.

You can add a single-line comment to the numberOfDays calculation. A single-line comment begins with two forward slashes (//) and continues to the end of the current source line. Anything from the first slash to the end of the line is ignored by the compiler.

int numberOfDays = 16 * 7 - 3;  // weeks * days per week - 3 days

You can place single-line comments on a separate line:

// weeks * days per week - 3 days
int numberOfDays = 16 * 7 - 3;

However, comments are notorious for being incorrect or misleading. The above comment is a perfect example of an unnecessary comment. A better solution is to figure out a clearer way to express the code.


Replace comments with more expressive code.

One possible solution:

final int sessionLength = 16;
final int daysInWeek = 7;
final int daysFromFridayToMonday = 3;
int numberOfDays =
   sessionLength * daysInWeek - daysFromFridayToMonday;

Hmmm. Well, it's more expressive, but I'm not sure that daysFromFridayToMonday expresses exactly what's going on. This should demonstrate that there's not always a perfect solution. Refactoring is not an exact science. That shouldn't stop you from trying, however. Most changes do improve the code, and someone (maybe you) can always come along after you and figure out an even better way. For now, it's your call.

Java supplies another form of comment known as a multiline comment. A multiline comment starts with the two characters /* and ends with the two characters */. Everything from the beginning slash through to the ending slash is ignored by the compiler.

Note that while multiline comments can nest single line comments, multiline comments cannot nest other multiline comments.

As an example, the Java compiler allows the following:

int a = 1;
/*  int b = 2;
//  int c = 3;

while the following code will not compile:

int a = 1;
/*  int b = 2;
/*  int c = 3;  */

You should prefer single-line comments for the few places that you need to annotate the code. The multiline comment form can then be used for rapidly “commenting out” (turning off the code so that it is not read by the compiler) large blocks of code.

Javadoc Comments

Another use for multiline comments is to provide formatted code documentation that can later be used for automated generation of nicely formatted API documentation. These comments are known as javadoc comments, since there is a javadoc tool that will read your source files, look for javadoc comments, and extract them along with other necessary information in order to build documentation web pages. Sun's documentation for the Java APIs themselves was produced using javadoc.

A javadoc comment is a multiline comment. The distinction is that a javadoc comment starts with /** instead of /*. To the javac compiler, there is no difference between the two, since both start with /* and end with */. The javadoc tool understands the difference, however.

Javadoc comments appear directly before the Java element they are documenting. Javadoc comments can appear before fields, but most typically they are used to document classes and methods. There are rules for how a javadoc comment must be formatted in order to be parsed correctly by the javadoc compiler.

The primary reason for producing javadoc web pages is to document your code for external consumption by other project teams or for public distribution. While you can code javadoc comments for every Java element (fields, methods, classes, etc.), you should only expend the time to produce javadoc comments for things you want to expose. Javadoc comments are intended for telling a client developer how to work with a class.

In a team doing test-driven development, Javadoc comments are of lesser value. If done properly, the tests you produce using test-driven development provide far better documentation on the capabilities of a class. Practices such as pair programming and collective code ownership, where developers work on all parts of the system, also minimize the need for producing javadoc comments.

If you code concise, well-named methods, with well-named parameters, the amount of additional text that you should have to write in a Javadoc comment should be minimal. In the absence of text, the Javadoc compiler does a fine job of extracting and presenting the names you chose.

As a brief exercise, provide a Javadoc comment for the CourseSession class—the single-argument constructor—and for one of the methods within the class.

Here are the Javadoc comments I came up with:


Take particular note of the @ keywords in the javadoc comments. When you look at the web pages produced by the Javadoc command, it will be apparent what the Javadoc compiler does with the tagged comments. The Javadoc keywords that you will want to use most frequently are @param, to describe a parameter, and @return, to describe what a method returns.

There are lots of rules and many additional @ keywords in Javadoc. Refer to the Javadoc documentation for further information. The Javadoc documentation can be found in the API documentation for the Java SDK (either online or downloaded), under the tool docs for your platform.

Once you've added these or similar comments to your code, go to the command line. (If you are using an IDE, you may be able to generate the documentation from within the IDE.) You will want to create a new empty directory in which to store the generated docs, so that you can easily delete it when you regenerate the Javadoc. Navigate to this empty directory10 and enter the following command:

10 Instead of navigating to the empty directory, you can also redirect the output from the javadoc command using its -d switch.

javadoc -package -classpath c:source;c:junit3.8.1junit.jar studentinfo

The javadoc program will produce a number of .html files and a stylesheet (.css) file. Open the file index.html in a web browser and take a few minutes to see what this simple command has produced (Figure 2.5). Fairly impressive, no?

Figure 2.5. Your Own API Pages


Well, yes and no. I'm embarrassed by the comments I had you put in for the methods. They really added nothing that the code didn't already state. The @param keyword simply restates information that can be gleaned from the parameter type and name. The @return keyword restates information that can be derived from the method name and return type. If you find a need for @return and @param keywords, try to rename the parameters and the method to eliminate this need.

Remove the comments for the constructor and the methods completely, but leave the comment for the class—it does provide a bit more value to the reader. Then rerun the javadoc command, bring up the web pages again, and see if you feel any useful information was lost. Your opinion may differ.


  1. Add a test to TestPawn that creates a pawn without a color. Why does this generate a compile error? (Hint: Think about default constructors.) Fix the compiler error by adding a second constructor that constructs a white pawn by default.
  2. Make the constants for the two colors static and move them onto the Pawn class.
  3. Pawns aren't very useful without a board. Use a test to define a Board class. Assert that the board starts with zero pieces on it. Follow the TDD sequence: Write the smallest test possible. Prove failure with a red bar or a compile error. Incrementally add small bits of code to obtain a clean compile or green bar.
  4. Develop code to allow pawns to be added to the board. In a test, add a black and white pawn to the board. Each time you add a pawn, assert that the piece count is correct. Also, each time you add a pawn, obtain a list of pieces from the board and ensure that it contains the expected pawn objects.
  5. Write javadoc for each of the production classes and methods you have created so far. Be careful in doing so: Do not duplicate information that your methods already impart! The javadoc should be supplementary information.
  6. Move the four tests and classes you have created into a package of their own. Name this package chess. Resolve compilation failures and get to a green bar again. Also, replace fully qualified class names for List and ArrayList by using an import statement.
  7. Move TestPawn and Pawn into a package named pieces and resolve any problems discovered along the way.
  8. Ensure that nothing other than a Pawn can be added to the board. Try adding a new Integer("7") to the list of pawns and see the resulting compiler error.
  9. Create a test suite that runs each test class.
  10. Look through the code you have written so far. Ensure there is no duplication anywhere in the code. Remember that the test code is code as well. Use the setUp method if appropriate.
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