Joachim Rossberg
Agile Project Management with Azure DevOpsConcepts, Templates, and Metrics
Joachim Rossberg
Kungsbacka, Sweden
ISBN 978-1-4842-4482-1e-ISBN 978-1-4842-4483-8
© Joachim Rossberg 2019
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To my kids, Amelie and Eddie.

Love you forever.


Throughout the years, many things have happened with Team Foundation Server (TFS) and the Visual Studio Team System. The product has gone through several names and is now called Azure DevOps and Azure DevOps Server. It’s kind of hard to keep track of them all.

This book is written with Agile leaders in mind, such as product owners, Scrum masters, Agile project/product managers, and the like. Members of Agile teams can benefit a lot as well.

In this book, I write about how we can use the features and functionality of Azure DevOps, and customize our work process. I cover Kanban board customizations in both Azure DevOps and Azure DevOps Server/TFS.

In Chapter 1 , we start with a brief introduction to a concept called application life cycle management , which, to this day, I still think describes the areas of DevOps well. After that, we look at DevOps (Chapter 2 ) and then at Agile concepts (Chapter 3 ) such as Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, and more. In Chapters 4 and 5 , I talk about the underlying logic of Azure DevOps. You will see what work items are and how we can customize them to fit our way of working. Chapter 6 covers Agile practices in Azure DevOps. We examine things like test-driven development, the Scaled Agile Framework, (SAFe) framework, and how we can use Azure DevOps to implement SAFe and more. Before we look at a fictional project implementation in Chapter 8 , Chapter 7 takes you through some Agile metrics that are good to monitor.

Table of Contents

Index 307

About the Author and About the Technical Reviewer

About the Author

Joachim Rossberg

is an expert in Agile project management, SAFe, DevOps processes, and Azure DevOps/TFS, working for Solidify in Sweden. An IT consultant for more than two decades, primarily in the role of product owner, Agile coach and trainer, and project manager, he has extensive experience as a system developer and designer and holds certifications in PSM I & II, SAFe SPC, PSPO I, PSD I, CSPO, and PAL I. He is the author of seven books.


About the Technical Reviewer

Gregor Suttie

lives near Glasgow, Scotland, and has been in the IT industry for 20-plus years. He started with Visual Basic 6 and Com +, along with Visual Interdev and the original Active Server Pages. After that period in his career, he moved on to .Net and has been developing with it since its original release. More recently, he has been concentrating on learning Azure, which he had never used until the end of 2018.

During the last quarter of 2018, Gregor sat for eight Azure beta exams and received most of his results by January 2019. He is a certified Azure developer and is one transition exam away from being a certified Azure architect. He is still waiting for the results of his Azure DevOps beta exam.

Gregor has a passion for learning, and you can access his blog at and on twitter at @gregor_suttie. He is enthusiastic about Azure and DevOps, and he has been using them daily at work and has learning more about Azure DevOps since its release. Every week he discovers something new. When the opportunity arose to be a technical reviewer for a book about Azure DevOps, he jumped at the chance!

The book covers a few different areas, but its guts cover Azure Boards and how to go about using this feature successfully. Gregor hopes you enjoy reading the book as much as he did reviewing it.

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