Chapter 7. Laying Out Site Navigation

Where does Ajax come into play with web site navigation? You can use it to get the list of data for a submenu, build a hierarchical list for use as breadcrumbs on the page, or create a navigation tree. In short, you can apply Ajax in many creative ways for web site navigation. I am sure that by the time this book hits the shelves, developers will be implementing a few more navigation techniques that use Ajax. That is part of the beauty of building Web 2.0 applications—they can always change.

An important part of an Ajax web application is the way the user gets from one place to another within its pages. This is site navigation in its simple terms, and it can take many forms, from plain navigation bars with text links to complicated file menus. Site navigation can also take the form of tabs separating content within the application, or links on the bottom of a page that take the user back to the top of the page. Whatever form it takes, site navigation must serve one purpose: to take the user somewhere else in the application.


One of the most popular navigation techniques is the menu, whether it is a navigation menu or a navigation bar. Menus are lists of links for use within the application that are put in some kind of logical grouping. The CSS that is applied to these menus determines how they will look. First, we will look at some simple navigation menus and bars and then we will discuss how to apply Ajax to them to make them more interactive.

Simple Navigation Bar

A simple navigation bar can have a variety of looks based on the CSS that is applied to it. The bar is built with lists to represent the menu. The old way of creating a menu looked like the following XHTML markup:

<a href="file/">File</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="edit/">Edit</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="view/">View</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="insert/">Insert</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="format/">Format</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="table/">Table</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="tools/">Tools</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="window/">Window</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href="help/">Help</a>

This old method of building a navigation bar was inflexible, and making it minimally presentable using style rules was difficult. Years ago, this is what developers used for menu bars, but today they use a much better method to create a navigation system. They use XHTML lists for the basic structure and then style them into whatever type of navigation bar they want. Figure 7-1 shows several examples of navigation bars with different CSS associated with them.

Examples of a simple navigation bar styled in a variety of ways

Figure 7-1. Examples of a simple navigation bar styled in a variety of ways

All of the navigation bars in Figure 7-1 use the same XHTML list; the difference in styles is in the CSS associated with each of them:

<div id="navigationMenu">
    <ul id="menuList">
        <li id="active">
            <a id="current" href="file/" accesskey="F" hreflang="en" tabindex="1">
            <a href="edit/" accesskey="F" hreflang="en" tabindex="2">
            <a href="view/" accesskey="E" hreflang="en" tabindex="3">
            <a href="insert/" accesskey="I" hreflang="en" tabindex="4">
            <a href="format/" accesskey="M" hreflang="en" tabindex="5">
            <a href="table/" accesskey="A" hreflang="en" tabindex="6">
            <a href="tools/" accesskey="T" hreflang="en" tabindex="7">
            <a href="window/" accesskey="W" hreflang="en" tabindex="8">
            <a href="help/" accesskey="H" hreflang="en" tabindex="9">


Adding the accesskey, hreflang, and tabindex in the <link> elements satisfies the following Web Accessibility Initiative-Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WAI-WCAG) 1.0 guidelines:

  • Priority 1 checkpoint 4.1: Clearly identify changes in the natural language of a document’s text and any text equivalents (e.g., captions).

  • Priority 3 checkpoint 9.4: Create a logical tab order through links, form controls, and objects.

  • Priority 3 checkpoint 9.5: Provide keyboard shortcuts to important links (including those in client-side image maps), form controls, and groups of form controls.

Menu #1 is styled with the following CSS rules:

#menuList {
    background-color: #396;
    color: #fff;
    list-style-type: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: .3em 0;
    text-align: center;

#menuList li {
    display: inline;
    padding: 0 .5em;

#menuList li a {
    background-color: transparent;
    color: #fff;
    padding: .1em .5em;
    text-decoration: none;

#menuList li a:hover {
    background-color: #0c0;
    color: #fff;

There is no real trick to making a navigation menu with lists. You will notice that the list-style-type of the <ul> element is set to none and the display of all <li> elements is set to inline. These are the two CSS rules that create the horizontal list, and everything else is styling the navigation menu to whatever look is desired.

Menu #2 is styled with the following CSS rules:[5]

#menuList {
    background-color: #396;
    border-top: 1px solid #063;
    color: #fff;
    list-style: none outside;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    text-align: center;

#menuList li {
    background-color: #000;
    bottom: .75em;
    color: #fff;
    display: inline;
    line-height: 1.2em;
    margin: 0 3px 0 0;
    padding: 4px 0;
    position: relative;

#menuList li a {
    background-color: #090;
    border: 1px solid #fff;
    bottom: 2px;
    color: #fff;
    display: inline;
    height: 1em;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 3px 5px;
    position: relative;
    right: 2px;
    text-decoration: none;

#menuList li a:hover {
    background-color: #0c0;
    bottom: 1px;
    color: #fff;
    position: relative;
    right: 1px;

#menuList li#active {
    background-color: #396;
    bottom: 13px;
    color: #fff;
    display: inline;
    margin: 0 4px;
    padding: 0;
    position: relative;

#menuList #active a {
    background-color: #396;
    border-bottom: none;
    border-left: 1px solid #063;
    border-right: 1px solid #063;
    border-top: 1px solid #063;
    bottom: 0;
    color: #fff;
    cursor: text;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 2px 7px 0 7px;
    position: relative;
    right: 0;

The second menu shows off some of what you can do with a little CSS and an XHTML list. The trick here is to move all of the <li> elements up from the baseline, which we achieved with these two rules: position: relative; and bottom: .75em;. We then offset the <a> elements from this <li> base to create the shadow effect using the right and bottom rules on #menuList li a.

Menu #3 is styled with the following CSS rules:[6]

#menuList {
    background-color: #396;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #063;
    border-top: 1px solid #063;
    color: #fff;
    list-style-type: none;
    margin-left: 0;
    padding: .3em 0;
    text-align: center;

#menuList li {
    border-top: 1px solid #ccc;
    display: inline;
    margin: 0;

#menuList li a {
    background-color: #ada;
    border-left: .5em solid #9b9;
    color: #000;
    padding: .1em .5em .1em .75em;
    text-decoration: none;

#menuList li a:hover {
    background-color: #0c0;
    color: #fff;
    border-color: #fff;

Like menu #1, this menu also has a simple design. We create the effect of having almost a pseudoindicator on each menu item via the simple use of a border: border-left: .5em solid #9b9;. The rest of the changes needed for styling this menu concern changing background colors like the other menu bars.


The good thing about creating a menu bar using CSS is that it will degrade nicely into a simple list of links for browsers that cannot handle the CSS—screen readers, Lynx, and so on. This is important from an accessibility point of view, and is something developers should strive for.

Menu #3 could (arguably) be more of a navigation bar with buttons, rather than a simple menu navigation bar. The variety of effects available to implement with CSS makes it hard to distinguish between a menu and a navigation bar, as you will see later in this chapter.

Button and Image Navigation

Navigation bars with buttons are similar to the simple navigation bars we discussed in the preceding section. The main difference is in the look of the individual navigation elements, or links. Buttons are not flat to the navigation bar. Instead, they will appear to be raised off of or sunk into the navigation bar. When CSS is not used, you can instead employ the method of using images that look like buttons.

You can use a single image to represent all of the buttons in your application by adding text on top of the image as part of the XHTML, or you can use a different image to represent each function in the application. Figure 7-2 shows examples of different types of button and image navigation bars. The first navigation bar shows all the images used as buttons for a good bit of functionality. The second navigation bar shows image buttons we are all familiar with—a browser’s navigation (in this case, Firefox). The third navigation bar shows some of the button navigation in Hotmail, which adds images as part of the buttons.

Button and image navigation bars

Figure 7-2. Button and image navigation bars

Advanced buttons

The simplest way to create buttons and not actually use the <input> element with type equal to button is to put stylized borders around the element that will provide the link. Normally, the easiest element to use is the <a> element, because you already have the navigation built into it. In other words, you do not have to use a JavaScript technique to navigate to the button’s destination.

For example, look at the following CSS rules:

#menuList li a {
    background-color: #4a7;
    border: 2px solid;
    border-color: #cec #464 #575 #dfd;
    color: #fff;
    padding: .1em .5em;
    text-decoration: none;

#menuList li a:hover {
    background-color: #396;
    color: #fff;
    border-color: #575 #dfd #cec #464;

Figure 7-3 shows what these CSS rules would produce on an <a> element.

A button (mouseout and mouseover) using CSS rules

Figure 7-3. A button (mouseout and mouseover) using CSS rules


Internet Explorer does not natively support :hover on any element other than <a>. It is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard that says that the :hover pseudoclass should be available to all XHTML elements, and :hover does work appropriately in all other modern browsers.

The trick is in the colors used for the button’s four borders. The desired effect is to create a beveled edge for the button. It would be just as easy to use the outset and inset values on a border-style rule. If I had done that, however, I would have no control over how the browser rendered the bevels. Internet Explorer, Mozilla, and other browsers render the inset and outset borders in different ways. This, of course, comes down to personal preferences. The following CSS may suit a developer:

#menuList li a {
    background-color: #4a7;
    border-style: outset;
    color: #fff;
    padding: .1em .5em;
    text-decoration: none;

#menuList li a:hover {
    background-color: #396;
    color: #fff;
    border-style: inset;

Figure 7-4 shows a final working navigation bar with buttons. This navigation bar uses the same XHTML list as the previous examples, and the following CSS rules:

#menuList {
    background-color: #396;
    color: #fff;
    list-style-type: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: .3em 0;
    text-align: center;

#menuList li {
    display: inline;
    padding: 0 .5em;

#menuList li a {
    background-color: #4a7;
    border: 2px solid;
    border-color: #cec #464 #575 #dfd;
    color: #fff;
    padding: .1em .5em;
    text-decoration: none;

#menuList li a:hover {
    background-color: #396;
    color: #fff;
    border-color: #575 #dfd #cec #464;
A navigation bar using buttons

Figure 7-4. A navigation bar using buttons

For a final touch to our CSS buttons, we will add images to them to better represent their functionality. Figure 7-5 shows what one of these buttons looks like.

An image built into a CSS button

Figure 7-5. An image built into a CSS button

We will build this button using the following CSS rule:

#menuList li a {
    background: no-repeat 3px 4px url('save.png'),
    background-color: #4a7;
    border: 2px solid;
    border-color: #cec #464 #575 #dfd;
    color: #fff;
    padding: .1em .5em .15em 1.5em;
    text-decoration: none;

The addition is background: no-repeat 3px 4px url(save.png);. In addition, we increased the padding of the <a> element to accommodate the image. All we need to do now is create a small image for each button on the navigation bar, and add the corresponding CSS. To do this, we need to give each button a unique id attribute to which to attach the proper image, as the following code illustrates:

#menuList li a {
    background-color: #4a7;
    border: 2px solid;
    border-color: #cec #464 #575 #dfd;
    color: #fff;
    padding: .1em .5em .15em 1.5em;
    text-decoration: none;

#menuList li a#save {
    background: no-repeat 3px 4px url('save.png'),

#menuList li a#saveAll {
    background: no-repeat 3px 4px url('saveall.png'),

#menuList li a#cancel {
    background: no-repeat 3px 4px url('cancel.png'),

Image rollovers the Ajax way

What if, instead of using CSS buttons, you wanted to have images represent your navigation bar’s buttons? Putting on an image is easy, but how do you make it change when the mouse moves over it to indicate to the user that the button is pressed?

The old way to do this was to use JavaScript to change the image when certain MouseEvents occur. Example 7-1 shows the JavaScript needed to accomplish this.

Example 7-1. rollover.js: JavaScript to handle image rollovers

 * Example 7-1, rollover.js: JavaScript to handle image rollovers.

/* Preload the images for a faster rollover */
if (document.images) {
    /* This represents the save image when active */
    var saveImg_on = new Image( );
    saveImg_on.src = 'saveImg_on.png';

    /* This represents the save image when inactive */
    var saveImg_off = new Image( );
    saveImg_off.src = 'saveImg_off.png';

 * This function, turnImageOn, is called when there is a mouseover event on the
 * affected element and sets the /src/ attribute to the "on" image.
 * @param {String} p_id The id attribute for the affected image.
function turnImageOn(p_id) {
    document.getElementById(p_id).src = eval(p_id + '_on.src'),

 * This function, turnImageOff, is called when there is a mouseout event on the
 * affected element and sets the /src/ attribute to the "off" image.
 * @param {String} p_id The id attribute for the affected image.
function turnImageOff(p_id) {
    document.getElementById(p_id).src = eval(p_id + '_off.src'),

The JavaScript function turnImageOn( ) is called on all mouseover events attached to an image button to change the image. The function turnImageOff( ) is called on all mouseout events attached to the image to return the button to the original image. All we need now are images named with the _on and _off extensions for the JavaScript to work. Here is an example:

<div id="navigationMenu">
    <ul id="menuList">
            <a href="save/" accesskey="S" hreflang="en" tabindex="1"
                <img id="saveImg" src="saveImg_off.png" alt="Save" title="Save" />
            <a href="saveall/" accesskey="A" hreflang="en" tabindex="2"
                <img id="saveAllImg" src="saveAllImg_off.png" alt="Save All"
                    title="Save All" />
            <a href="cancel/" accesskey="C" hreflang="en" tabindex="3"
                <img id="cancelImg" src="cancelImg_off.png" alt="Cancel"
                    title="Cancel" />

If JavaScript were turned off in the browser, the image buttons would simply not change on mouse movements, and the image link would take them to the destination.

By using CSS, however, you can still change the images for browsers that do not have scripting capabilities. The CSS for this technique is:

a div#saveImg {
    background: no-repeat url('saveImg_off.png'),
    height: 20px;
    width: 50px;

a div#saveImg:hover {
    background: no-repeat url('saveImg_on.png'),

a div#saveAllImg {
    background: no-repeat url('saveAllImg_off.png'),
    height: 20px;
    width: 80px;

a div#saveAllImg:hover {
    background: no-repeat url('saveAllImg_on.png'),

a div#cancelImg {
    background: no-repeat url('cancelImg_off.png'),
    height: 20px;
    width: 65px;

a div#cancelImg:hover {
    background: no-repeat url('cancelImg_on.png'),

The CSS rules apply to the following XHTML:

<div id="navigationMenu">
    <ul id="menuList">
            <a href="save/" accesskey="S" hreflang="en" tabindex="1">
                <div id="saveImg">&nbsp;</div>
            <a href="saveall/" accesskey="A" hreflang="en" tabindex="2">
                <div id="saveAllImg">&nbsp;</div>
            <a href="cancel/" accesskey="C" hreflang="en" tabindex="3">
                <div id="cancelImg">&nbsp;</div>

As mentioned earlier, Internet Explorer does not natively support :hover on elements other than <a>. For this reason, instead of using the CSS that will work for all other browsers, we must use this:

a div#saveDiv {
    height: 20px;
    width: 50px;

a#saveImg {
    background: no-repeat url('saveImg_off.png'),

a#saveImg:hover {
    background: no-repeat url('saveImg_on.png'),

a div#saveAllDiv {
    height: 20px;
    width: 80px;

a#saveAllImg {
    background: no-repeat url('saveAllImg_off.png'),

a#saveAllImg:hover {
    background: no-repeat url('saveAllImg_on.png'),
a div#cancelDiv {
    height: 20px;
    width: 65px;

a#cancelImg {
    background: no-repeat url('cancelImg_off.png'),

a#cancelImg:hover {
    background: no-repeat url('cancelImg_on.png'),

The workaround is to change the <a> element to suit our needs as an image. Specifically, it needs a <div> element to hold the size of the image that will be the <a> element’s background-image. Then :hover will work correctly and we’ll get the desired effect. Of course, our XHTML must change as well:

<div id="navigationMenu">
    <ul id="menuList">
            <a id="saveImg" href="save/" accesskey="S" hreflang="en" tabindex="1">
                <div id="saveDiv">&nbsp;</div>
            <a id="saveAllImg" href="saveall/" accesskey="A" hreflang="en"
                <div id="saveAllDiv">&nbsp;</div>
            <a id="cancelImg" href="cancel/" accesskey="C" hreflang="en"
                <div id="cancelDiv">&nbsp;</div>

You can read about a different workaround for this Internet Explorer issue in Peter Nederlof’s excellent article, “be gone evil scriplets!” ( This article discusses a hack to get Internet Explorer to behave as other browsers do with :hover.

Drop-Down Menus

It’s easy to create drop-down menus with a combination of CSS and JavaScript. But for this application, we want a drop-down menu that we can create with only CSS. This kind of menu would be faster, as it would require no parsing of scripting code, and it would also degrade the way we want it to.

First, let’s make our menu a little more complicated, because a drop-down menu should handle nested menus without a hitch, right? The new menu will be using id and class identifiers different from the other menus to enable the drop-down part of the menu:

<div id="navigationMenu">
    <ul id="topMenu">
        <li class="sub">
            <a href="file/" accesskey="F" hreflang="en" tabindex="1">File</a>
                <li><a href="open/" hreflang="en" tabindex="2">Open</a></li>
                <li><a href="save/" hreflang="en" tabindex="3">Save</a></li>
                <li><a href="saveall/" hreflang="en" tabindex="4">Save All</a></li>
                <li class="sub"><a href="export/" hreflang="en" tabindex="5">
                    <span class="rightArrow">&#9654;</span>Export</a>
                            <a href="text/" hreflang="en" tabindex="6">
                                Export as Text
                            <a href="html/" hreflang="en" tabindex="7">
                                Export as HTML
                    <a href="" accesskey="X" hreflang="en"
        <li class="sub">
            <a href="edit/" accesskey="E" hreflang="en" tabindex="9">Edit</a>
                <li><a href="copy/" tabindex="10">Copy</a></li>
                <li><a href="cut/" tabindex="11">Cut</a></li>
                <li><a href="paste/" tabindex="12">Paste</a></li>
        <li class="sub">
            <a href="file/" accesskey="N" hreflang="en" tabindex="13">

The menu still uses XHTML lists, which will degrade nicely in browsers that cannot support the CSS rules. Now we need our CSS for the drop-down menu. Example 7-2 shows the CSS required to give us a working drop-down menu.

Example 7-2. A CSS solution to drop-down menus

 * Example 7-2, A CSS solution to drop-down menus

ul#topMenu {
    background-color: #bbb;
    border: 2px solid;
    border-color: #ede #777 #888 #ddd;
    color: #000;
    font: 1em Arial, sans-serif;
    list-style-type: none;
    padding: 6px;
    text-align: left;

ul#topMenu li {
    display: inline;
    padding-right: 1em;
    position: relative;

ul#topMenu li a {
    background-color: transparent;
    border-color: 1px solid #bbb;
    color: #000;
    cursor: default;
    left: 0px;
    margin: 1px;
    padding: 2px 2px;
    position: relative;
    text-decoration: none;
    top: 0px;
    z-index: 1000000;

ul#topMenu li a:hover {
    background-color: #bbb;
    border-color: #888 #ddd #ede #777;
    color: #000;
    left: 0px;
    top: 0px;

ul#topMenu li:hover > ul {
    background-color: #bbb;
    border: 2px solid;
    border-color: #ede #777 #888 #ddd;
    color: #000;
    display: block;
    left: 1em;
    padding: 2px;
    position: absolute;
    width: 8em;
    z-index: 1000001;

ul#topMenu ul > li {
    display: block;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

ul#topMenu ul > li a {
    border: none;
    display: block;
    text-decoration: none;

ul#topMenu ul > li a:hover {
    background-color: #33a;
    color: #fff;

ul#topMenu li:hover > ul li:hover > ul {
    left: 100%;
    top: 0;
    z-index: 1000002;

ul#topMenu ul {
    display: none;
.rightArrow {
    float: right;

Now it’s time for the caveats. Yes, there are always caveats in the world of standards compliance. Example 7-2 will not work in Internet Explorer because Internet Explorer does not support the CSS2 rules that are used to make this work. The best solution for getting drop-down menu support that is fully cross-browser-compliant—other than lobbying the world to drop Internet Explorer—is to use CSS in combination with JavaScript.

The File Menu

XHTML lists are the best method for building a menu structure simply because browsers that do not support the CSS and JavaScript thrown at them can still use the underlying structure to present navigation to the user. We will use this principle throughout the rest of this book to make Ajax application controls, widgets, content, and so on a little bit more accessible. Example 7-3 shows the XHTML we can use to make the menu structure that we will enhance through CSS and JavaScript.

Example 7-3. filemenu.html: The basic structure for a file menu

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
            Example 7-3, filemenu.html: The basic structure for a file menu
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <meta name="author" content="Anthony T. Holdener, III (ath3)" />
        <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />
        <style type="text/css">
            body {
                background-color: #fff;
                color: #000;
                font: 1em Georgia, serif;
                font-size: 12px;
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="filemenu.css" />
        <!-- The Prototype library must be the first script to load, since it is
        used by the other scripts to be loaded -->
        <script type="text/javascript" src="prototype.js"> </script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="browser.js"> </script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="filemenu.js"> </script>
        <div id="bodyContent">
            <div id="fileMenu">
                <ul id="navMenu" class="fileMenuBar">
                        <a href="file/" class="fileMenuButton" accesskey="F"
                                hreflang="en" tabindex="1"
                                onclick="return menu.buttonClick(event, 'fileSub'),"
                        <ul id="fileSub" class="fileMenuChild"
                                <a href="file/open/" class="fileMenuItem"
                                        hreflang="en" tabindex="2"
                            <li><div class="fileMenuItemSep"></div></li>
                                <a href="file/save/" class="fileMenuItem"
                                        hreflang="en" tabindex="3"
                                <a href="file/saveall/" class="fileMenuItem"
                                        hreflang="en" tabindex="4"
                                    Save All
                            <li><div class="fileMenuItemSep"></div></li>
                                <a href="file/export/" class="fileMenuItem"
                                        hreflang="en" tabindex="5"
                                        onclick="return false;"
                                    <span class="fileMenuItemText">Export</span>
                                    <span class="fileMenuItemArrow">&#9654;</span>
                                <ul id="exportSubSub" class="fileMenuChild">
                                        <a href="file/export/text/"
                                                class="fileMenuItem" hreflang="en"
                                            Export as Text
                                        <a href="file/export/html/"
                                                class="fileMenuItem" hreflang="en"
                                            Export as HTML
                            <li><div class="fileMenuItemSep"></div></li>
                                <a href=""
                                        class="fileMenuItem" hreflang="en"
                        <a href="edit/" class="fileMenuButton" accesskey="E"
                                hreflang="en" tabindex="9"
                                onclick="return menu.buttonClick(event,
                                'editSub')," onmouseover=
                                "menu.buttonMouseover(event, 'editSub'),">
                        <ul id="editSub" class="fileMenuChild"
                                <a href="edit/copy/" class="fileMenuItem"
                                        hreflang="en" tabindex="10"
                                <a href="edit/cut/" class="fileMenuItem"
                                        hreflang="en" tabindex="11"
                                <a href="edit/paste/" class="fileMenuItem"
                                        hreflang="en" tabindex="12"
                        <a href="find/" class="fileMenuButton" accesskey="N"
                                hreflang="en" tabindex="13">
            <h1>This is a File Menu example</h1>

This structure is similar to the drop-down menu example from the preceding section. The differences are in the calling of methods from the menu object on the click, mouseover, and mouseout MouseEvents. We’ll discuss these methods in more detail in a minute, but first we must style the menu to look like a file menu instead of nested XHTML lists.

Example 7-4 provides the CSS rules for the file menu. These rules attempt to make a file menu that looks like the one you find in Windows applications. It is easy enough to change these rules to match your style needs.

Example 7-4. filemenu.css: The CSS styles for a Windows-like file menu

 * Example 7-4, filemenu.css: The CSS styles for a Windows-like file menu

 * This is the container for the menu itself, and it creates a little buffer space
 * under the menu to keep things from looking too crowded
#fileMenu {
    padding-bottom: 1em;

 * The file menu should have a standard sans-serif font for itself and all of
 * its children
ul.filemenuBar, ul.filemenuBar a.fileMenuButton, ul.fileMenuChild,
        ul.fileMenuChild a.fileMenuItem {
    font: 1em Arial, sans-serif;

 * This is the menu bar itself, with the colors and borders attempting to replicate
 * the theme from the default Windows environment
ul.fileMenuBar {
    background-color: #bbb;
    border: 2px solid;
    border-color: #ede #777 #888 #ddd;
    color: #000;
    list-style-type: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 6px;
    text-align: left;

ul.fileMenuBar li {
    display: inline;
    padding-right: 1em;

ul.fileMenuBar a.fileMenuButton {
    background-color: transparent;
    border: 1px solid #bbb;
    color: #000;
    cursor: default;
    left: 0px;
    margin: 1px;
    padding: 2px 2px;
    position: relative;
    text-decoration: none;
    top: 0px;
    z-index: 1000000;

/* Highlight the choice the mouse is over */
ul.fileMenuBar a.fileMenuButton:hover {
    background-color: transparent;
    border-color: #ede #777 #888 #ddd;
    color: #000;

 * Indent any choice that is selected or that the mouse is over if another
 * choice is selected
ul.fileMenuBar a.fileMenuButtonActive, ul.fileMenuBar a.fileMenuButtonActive:hover {
    background-color: #bbb;
    border-color: #888 #ddd #ede #777;
    color: #000;
    left: 0px;
    top: 0px;

/* Define all of the children of the menu bar */
ul.fileMenuChild {
    background-color: #bbb;
    border: 2px solid;
    border-color: #ede #777 #888 #ddd;
    color: #000;
    display: none;
    left: 0px;
    padding: 1px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 6px;
    z-index: 1000001;

 * Here is the one hack that was necessary simply because IE does not render
 * the drop-down menus with enough space, so a default width is set here.
 * This number can be anything the developer wants/needs for a width that will
 * accommodate all of the text lengths in the drop downs.
ul.fileMenuChild li {
    display: block;
    padding: 0;
    width: 10em;

 * IE will ignore this rule because it does not recognize the > in the rule.
 * This sets the width back to an auto value for other browsers.
ul.fileMenuChild > li {
    width: auto;

ul.fileMenuChild a.fileMenuItem {
    color: #000;
    cursor: default;
    display: block;
    padding: 1px 1em;
    text-decoration: none;
    white-space: nowrap;

/* Highlight the choices in the child menus */
ul.fileMenuChild a.fileMenuItem:hover, ul.fileMenuChild a.fileMenuItemHighlight {
    background-color: #000;
    color: #fff;

ul.fileMenuChild a.fileMenuItem span.fileMenuItemArrow {
    margin-right: -0.75em;

 * Create the separator bars in the menus.  Once again, IE does not render this
 * quite right, as it adds more margin underneath the bar than it should.
ul.fileMenuChild div.fileMenuItemSeperator {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd;
    border-top: 1px solid #777;
    margin: 2px;

There is nothing extraordinary about any of the CSS rules in the example, and this CSS should be 100 percent cross-browser-compliant. (I tried to avoid CSS2 rules whenever I could, but sometimes it is just necessary because of Internet Explorer.)


CSS2 is not implemented as completely in Internet Explorer as it is in other browsers. Because Internet Explorer currently has the largest market share among the available browsers, using too much of this standard could be problematic.

This file menu example uses the Prototype library as its base, as you saw in the script elements from Example 7-3. After the Prototype library is loaded, a file that contains code for browser detection is loaded. It is shown in Example 7-5.

Example 7-5. browser.js: Code for browser detection

 * @fileoverview Example 7-5, browser.js: Code for browser detection
 * This file, browser.js, contains the Browser object, which can be used for browser
 * detecting on the client.

 * This object, Browser, allows the developer to check the user's client against
 * specific browser clients.  Currently, the following checks are supported:
 *    - isIE (is the browser an Internet Explorer browser)
 *    - isMoz (is the browser a Mozilla-based browser)
 *    - isOpera (is the browser an Opera browser)
 *    - isSafari (is the browser a Safari browser)
 *    - isOther (is the browser an unknown browser)
var Browser = {
     * This variable stores the browser's agent.
     * @private
    _agent: navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase( ),
     * This variable stores the browser's version/
     * @private
    _version: navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase( ),
     * This variable stores whether the browser is an Internet Explorer browser
     * or not.
    isIE: false,
     * This variable stores whether the browser is a Mozilla-based browser or not.
    isMoz: false,
     * This variable stores whether the browser is an Opera browser or not.
    isOpera: false,
     * This variable stores whether the browser is a Safari browser or not.
    isSafari: false,
     * This variable stores whether the browser is some unknown browser or not.
    isOther: false,
     * This method, initialize, sets the boolean members of the class to their
     * appropriate values based on the values of the /_agent/ and /_version/ members.
     * @member Browser
     * @constructor
    initialize: function( ) {
        this.isOpera = (this._agent.indexOf('opera') != -1);
        this.isIE = ((this._agent.indexOf('mac') != -1) &&
            (this._version.indexOf('msie') != -1));
        this.isOther = (this._agent.indexOf('konqueror') != -1);
        this.isSafari = ((this._agent.indexOf('safari') != -1) &&
            (this_.agent.indexOf('mac') != -1));
        this.isIE = ((this._version.indexOf('msie') != -1) && !this.isOpera &&
            !(this._agent.indexOf('mac') != -1) && !this.isOther &&
        this.isMoz = (!this.isOther && !this.isSafari && navigator.product &&
            (navigator.product.toLowerCase( ) == 'gecko'));
        this.isOther = (!this.isIE && !this.isMoz && !this.isOpera &&

/* use Prototype's cross-browser event handling methods for ease of use. */
try {
     * Call the initialize method of the Browser object when the load event
     * fires in the document
    Event.observe(document, 'load', Browser.initialize, false);
} catch (ex) {}

Finally, there is the JavaScript for all of the menu manipulation, shown in Example 7-6.

Example 7-6. filemenu.js: Code for manipulating the file menu

 * @fileoverview Example 7-6, filemenu.js: Code for manipulating the file menu
 * This file, filemenu.js, contains the fileMenu object which is used to create
 * instances of a file menu on the page.

/* Create a new class using Prototype's Class object */
var fileMenu = Class.create( );
 * This object, fileMenu, creates the functionality for a file menu on the page.
fileMenu.prototype = {
     * This member, _menu, holds the id of this file menu.
     * @private
    _menu: null,
     * This member, _activeButton, holds the element that is currently active.
     * @private
    _activeButton: null,
     * This method, initialize, is the constructor for the class.  Any members
     * that need to be initialized should be here.
     * @member fileMenu
     * @constructor
     * @param {String} p_element The element that represents the file menu.
    initialize: function(p_element) {
         * Currently unused, but nice to have for multiple instances of
         * the object
        this._menu = p_element;
     * This member, pageMousedown, is called on every mousedown event on the page
     * and determines if the menu should be reset based on where the user clicks on
     * the page.
     * @member fileMenu
     * @param {Object} e The event that called the method.
     * @return Returns false so that no other event will be triggered.
     * @type Boolean
     * @see #getContainerWith
     * @see #resetButton
    pageMousedown: function(e) {
        var target = null;

        /* Is the file menu active? */
        if (!this._activeButton)
        /* Is the client Internet Explorer? */
        if (Browser.isIE)
            target = window.event.srcElement;
            target = ( ? :;
        /* Is the event target the active button? */
        if (this._activeButton == target)
        /* Is the target not part of the file menu? */
        if (!this.getContainerWith(target, 'UL', 'fileMenuChild')) {
            this._activeButton = null;
        return (false);
     * This method, buttonClick, is called when the user clicks on one of the
     * buttons that are on the main menu bar.  It determines if where the user
     * clicked on the menu bar is the active button, or if it is a different button
     * and another button's drop-down menus may need to be cleaned up and reset.
     * @member fileMenu
     * @param {Object} e The event that called the method.
     * @param {String} p_fileMenuId The id of the file menu that is being used.
     * @return Returns false so that no other event will be triggered.
     * @type Boolean
     * @see #fileMenuInit
     * @see #resetButton
     * @see #depressButton
     * @see #buttonMouseover
    buttonClick: function(e, p_fileMenuId) {
        var button = null;

        /* Is the client Internet Explorer? */
        if (Browser.isIE)
            button = window.event.srcElement;
            button = e.currentTarget;
        /* Blur the focus of the button here to remove the annoying outline */
        button.blur( );
        /* Is this button part of the file menu already? */
        if (!button.fileMenu) {
            button.fileMenu = $(p_fileMenuId);
            /* Is this button already initialized? */
            if (!button.fileMenu.isInitialized)
        /* Is there an active button already? */
        if (this._activeButton)
        /* Is the button already activated? */
        if (button != this._activeButton) {
            this._activeButton = button;
        } else
            this._activeButton = null;
        return (false);
     * This member, buttonMouseover, is called on a mouseover event on a button on
     * the main menu bar of the file menu.  If a different button was already active,
     * then activate the current one instead.
     * @member fileMenu
     * @param {Object} e The event that called the method.
     * @param {String} p_fileMenuId The id of the file menu that is being used.
     * @see #buttonClick
    buttonMouseover: function(e, p_fileMenuId) {
        var button = null;

        /* Is the client Internet Explorer? */
        if (Browser.isIE)
            button = window.event.srcElement;
            button = e.currentTarget;
        /* Should this button be activated? */
        if (this._activeButton && this._activeButton != button)
            this.buttonClick(e, p_fileMenuId);
     * This method, depressButton, is called on a buttonClick when a new drop-down
     * menu needs to be activated and positioned.
     * @member fileMenu
     * @param {Object} p_button The button that has been pressed.
     * @see #getPageOffsetLeft
     * @see #getPageOffsetTop
     * @see Element#addClassName
     * @seee Element#setStyle
     * @see #buttonClick
    depressButton: function(p_button) {
        var x, y;

         * Make the button look depressed (no, not sad) and show the drop down
         * associated with it
        /* Position any associated drop down under the button and display it */
        x = this.getPageOffsetLeft(p_button);
        y = this.getPageOffsetTop(p_button) + p_button.offsetHeight;
        /* Is the client Internet Explorer? */
        if (Browser.isIE) {
            x −= p_button.offsetWidth;
            y += p_button.offsetParent.clientTop;
            left: x + 'px',
            top: y + 'px',
            display: 'block'
     * This method, resetButton, does what it says; it resets the button, closing
     * all submenus.
     * @member fileMenu
     * @param {Object} p_button The button that has been pressed.
     * @see #closeSubFileMenu
     * @see Element#removeClassName
     * @see Element#setStyle
     * @see #pageMousedown
     * @see #buttonClick
    resetButton: function(p_button) {
        /* Does the button have a file menu? */
        if (p_button.fileMenu) {
            $(p_button).setStyle({ display: 'none' });
     * This method, fileMenuMouseover, is called on a mouseover MouseEvent over any
     * of the drop-down menus in the file menu bar.  Its main purpose is to close
     * submenus when they should no longer be active.
     * @member fileMenu
     * @param {Object} e The event that called the method.
     * @see #getContainerWith
     * @see #closeSubFileMenu
     * @see Element#hasClassName
    fileMenuMouseover: function(e) {
        var fileMenu;

        /* Is the client Internet Explorer? */
        if (Browser.isIE)
            fileMenu = this.getContainerWith(window.event.srcElement, 'UL',
            fileMenu = e.currentTarget;
        /* Does this menu have submenus? */
        if (fileMenu.activeItem &&
                ($(fileMenu.activeItem).hasClassName('fileMenuButton') &&
     * This method, fileMenuItemMouseover, is called when there is a mouseover event
     * on one of the menu items that has a submenu attached to it.  The method
     * calculates the position where the submenu should be placed in relation to the
     * menu item of the event.
     * @member fileMenu
     * @param {Object} e The event that called the method.
     * @param {String} p_fileMenuId The id of the file menu that is being used.
     * @see #getContainerWith
     * @see #closeSubFileMenu
     * @see #fileMenuInit
     * @see #getPageOffsetLeft
     * @see #getPageOffsetTop
     * @see Element#hasClassName
     * @see Element#addClassName
     * @see Element#setStyle
    fileMenuItemMouseover: function(e, p_fileMenuId) {
        var item, fileMenu, x, y;

        /* Is the client Internet Explorer? */
        if (Browser.isIE)
            item = this.getContainerWith(window.event.srcElement, 'A',
            item = e.currentTarget;
        fileMenu = this.getContainerWith(item, 'UL', 'fileMenuChild'),
        /* Does the file menu have an active item? */
        if (fileMenu.activeItem)
        /* Is there a file menu id? */
        if (p_fileMenuId) {
            fileMenu.activeItem = item;
            /* Does the class name already exist? */
            if (!$(item).hasClassName('fileMenuItemHighlight'))
            /* Has the sub file menu been attached already? */
            if (item.subFileMenu == null) {
                item.subFileMenu = $(p_fileMenuId);
                /* Has the sub file menu already been initialized? */
                if (!item.subFileMenu.isInitialized)
            /* Calculate the x and y positions where the submenu should be placed */
            x = this.getPageOffsetLeft(item) + item.offsetWidth;
            y = this.getPageOffsetTop(item);
            /* Is the client Opera? */
            if (Browser.isOpera) {
                x = item.offsetWidth;
                y = item.offsetTop;
            /* Is the client Internet Explorer? */
            if (Browser.isIE) {
                x -= (this._activeButton.offsetWidth * 2);
                y -= this._activeButton.offsetHeight;

            var maxX, maxY;

            /* Is the client Internet Explorer? */
            if (Browser.isIE) {
                maxX = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
                    document.body.scrollLeft) +
                    (document.documentElement.clientWidth != 0 ?
                    document.documentElement.clientWidth :
                maxY = Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollTop,
                    document.body.scrollTop) +
                   (document.documentElement.clientHeight != 0 ?
                    document.documentElement.clientHeight :
            /* Is the client Opera? */
            if (Browser.isOpera) {
                maxX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft + window.innerWidth;
                maxY = document.documentElement.scrollTop  + window.innerHeight;
            /* Is the client Mozilla? */
            if (Browser.isMoz) {
                maxX = window.scrollX + window.innerWidth;
                maxY = window.scrollY + window.innerHeight;
            maxX -= item.subFileMenu.offsetWidth;
            maxY -= item.subFileMenu.offsetHeight;
            /* Is the x coordinate bigger than the maximum it can be? */
            if (x > maxX)
                x = Math.max(0, x - item.offsetWidth -
                    item.subFileMenu.offsetWidth + (menu.offsetWidth -
            y = Math.max(0, Math.min(y, maxY));
            /* Show the submenu */
                left: x + 'px',
                top: y + 'px',
                display: 'block'
            /* Is the client Internet Explorer? */
            if (Browser.isIE)
                window.event.cancelBubble = true;
                e.stopPropagation( );
     * This method, closeSubFileMenu, hides the submenu from the user and then
     * turns off all references to the submenu and that it was active.
     * @member fileMenu
     * @param {Object} p_fileMenu The file menu that is to be closed.
     * @see #resetButton
     * @see #fileMenuMouseover
     * @see #fileMenuItemMouseover
    closeSubFileMenu: function(p_fileMenu) {
        /* Does the file menu not exist or is it not active? */
        if (!p_fileMenu || !p_fileMenu.activeItem)
        /* Does the file menu have an active sub file menu? */
        if (p_fileMenu.activeItem.subFileMenu) {
            $(p_fileMenu.activeItem.subFileMenu).setStyle({ display: none });
            p_fileMenu.activeItem.subFileMenu = null;
        p_fileMenu.activeItem = null;
     * This method, fileMenuInit, goes through a submenu and associates all of
     * the children to the menu as a part of the menu.  It also sets up the
     * offset sizes of the submenu for positioning of the menu.
     * @member fileMenu
     * @param {Object} p_fileMenu The file menu that is to be closed.
     * @see Element#setStyle
     * @see Element#hasClassName
     * @see #buttonClick
     * @see #fileMenuItemMouseover
    fileMenuInit: function(p_fileMenu) {
        var itemList, spanList, textElement, arrowElement, itemWidth, w, dw;

        /* Is the client Internet Explorer? */
        if (Browser.isIE) {
            $(p_fileMenu).setStyle({ lineHeight: '2.5ex' });
            spanList = p_fileMenu.getElementsByTagName('span'),
            /* Loop through the <span> elements */
            for (var i = 0, il = spanList.length; i < il; i++)
                /* Does the <span> element have the class name? */
                if ($(spanList[i]).hasClassName('fileMenuItemArrow')) {
                    $(spanList[i]).setStyle({ fontFamily: 'Webdings' });
                    spanList[i].firstChild.nodeValue = '4';
        itemList = p_fileMenu.getElementsByTagName('a'),
        /* Does the itemList have any <a> elements? */
        if (itemList.length > 0)
            itemWidth = itemList[0].offsetWidth;
        /* Loop through the <a> elements */
        for (var i = 0, il = itemList.length; i < il; i++) {
                spanList = itemList[i].getElementsByTagName('span'),
                textElement  = null;
                arrowElement = null;
                /* Loop through the <span> elements */
                for (var j = 0, jl = spanList.length; j < jl; j++) {
                    /* Does the <span> element have the class name? */
                    if ($(spanList[j]).hasClassName('fileMenuItemText'))
                        textElement = spanList[j];
                    /* Does the <span> element have the class name? */
                    if ($(spanList[j]).hasClassName('fileMenuItemArrow'))
                        arrowElement = spanList[j];
        /* Do the /textElement/ and /arrowElement/ exist? */
        if (textElement && arrowElement) {
                paddingRight: (itemWidth - (textElement.offsetWidth +
                    arrowElement.offsetWidth)) + 'px'
            /* Is the client Opera? */
            if (Browser.isOpera)
                $(arrowElement).setStyle({ marginRight: '0' });
        /* Is the client Internet Explorer? */
        if (Browser.isIE) {
            w = itemList[0].offsetWidth;
            $(itemList[0]).setStyle({ width: w + 'px' });
            dw = itemList[0].offsetWidth - w;
            w −= dw;
            $(itemList[0]).setStyle({ width: w + 'px' });
        p_fileMenu.isInitialized = true;
     * This method, getContainerWith, finds the element with a given tag and
     * class name and returns the discovered element or or null.
     * @member fileMenu
     * @param {Object} p_element The element to check.
     * @param {String} p_tagname The tag name to look for.
     * @param {String} p_className The class name to look for.
     * @return Returns the discovered element, if found, or null.
     * @type Object
     * @see Element#hasClassName
     * @see #pageMousedown
     * @see #fileMenuMouseover
     * @see #fileMenuItemMouseover
    getContainerWith: function(p_element, p_tagname, p_className) {
        /*  Traverse the element tree while there are elements */
        while (p_element) {
            /* Does the element have the correct tag name and class name? */
            if (p_element.tagName && p_element.tagName == p_tagname &&
                return (p_element);
            p_element = p_element.parentNode;
        return (p_element);
     * This method, getPageOffsetLeft, returns the left offset of the element
     * in relation to the page.
     * @member fileMenu
     * @param {Object} p_element The element to get the offset from.
     * @return Returns the left page offset of the element.
     * @type Integer
     * @see #getPageOffsetLeft
     * @see #depressButton
     * @see #fileMenuItemMouseover
     * @see #fileMenuItemMouseover
    getPageOffsetLeft: function(p_element) {
        var x;

        x = p_element.offsetLeft;
        /* Is the client not Mozilla and does the element have a parent offset? */
        if (!Browser.isMoz && p_element.offsetParent)
            x += this.getPageOffsetLeft(p_element.offsetParent);
        return (x);
     * This method, getPageOffsetTop, returns the top offset of the element in
     * relation to the page.
     * @member fileMenu
     * @param {Object} p_element The element to get the offset from.
     * @return Returns the left page offset of the element.
     * @type Integer
     * @see #getPageOffsetLeft
     * @see #depressButton
     * @see #fileMenuItemMouseover
     * @see #fileMenuItemMouseover
    getPageOffsetTop: function(p_element) {
        var y;

        y = p_element.offsetTop;
        /* Is the client not Mozilla and does the element have a parent offset? */
        if (!Browser.isMoz && p_element.offsetParent)
            y += this.getPageOffsetTop(p_element.offsetParent);
        return (y);

/* Create a new instance of the fileMenu class (this calls fileMenu.initialize( )) */
var menu = new fileMenu('fileMenu'),

try {
     * Set an event listener on the document for all mousedown events and
     * have the system call the /pageMousedown( )/ method, binding it to the menu
     * object that was just created.  This allows for the creation of multiple
     * file menus, if there is ever a need.
    Event.observe(document, 'mousedown', menu.pageMousedown.bind(menu), true);
} catch (ex) {}

I have checked the XHTML, CSS, and JavaScript for this file menu and they work with Opera 9.01+, Firefox 1.5+, and Internet Explorer 6+. Netscape Browser 8.1 has problems rendering submenus from the drop-down menus with the proper CSS rules applied to them. Figure 7-6 shows how this file menu would normally appear in the browser.

A file menu that emulates the Windows file menu

Figure 7-6. A file menu that emulates the Windows file menu

Creating a file menu that functions like those that most users are comfortable with in Windows applications is a good step toward providing a seamless transition from the desktop to Ajax web applications. But now we need some Ajax for the file menu, right? If this file menu was a bit more complicated, it would add some size to the page download, which adversely affects download times. Slowing down application speed is never a good thing.

Adding Ajax to the menu

A way to reduce this file size is to load only the main part of the menu, and load the other parts of the menu when the user clicks to activate them. Here is where we can use some Ajax. By adding additional event listeners to the click MouseEvent, we can grab the necessary drop-down and submenus that are requested. That way, once they have been loaded the first time, there is no need to load them again, providing the speed we want from our application.

First, we need to alter the XHTML page, filemenu.html, like this:

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
        <title>Alteration offilemenu.html</title>
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <meta name="author" content="Anthony T. Holdener, III (ath3)" />
        <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />
        <style type="text/css">
            body {
                background-color: #fff;
                color: #000;
                font: 1em Georgia, serif;
                font-size: 12px;
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="filemenu.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="prototype.js"> </script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="browser.js"> </script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="filemenu.js"> </script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="loadmenu.js"> </script>
        <div id="bodyContent">
            <div id="fileMenu">
                <ul id="navMenu" class="fileMenuBar">
                        <a href="file/" class="fileMenuButton" accesskey="F"
                                hreflang="en" tabindex="1"
                                return menu.buttonClick(event, 'fileSub'),"
                                menu.buttonMouseover(event, 'fileSub'),">
                        <ul id="fileSub" class="fileMenuChild"
                        <a href="edit/" class="fileMenuButton" accesskey="E"
                                hreflang="en" tabindex="9"
                                return menu.buttonClick(event, 'editSub'),"
                                menu.buttonMouseover(event, 'editSub'),">
                        <ul id="editSub" class="fileMenuChild"
                        <a href="find/" class="fileMenuButton" accesskey="N"
                                hreflang="en" tabindex="13">
            <h1>This is a File Menu example</h1>

All of the submenu data has been removed, making this download a little bit smaller. As I said, the benefits come when you have larger and more complex file menus in your application. Nothing changes with the CSS rules in filemenu.css, or in the filemenu.js JavaScript file. The other change, you may have noticed, is that we added another JavaScript file to handle the Ajax, shown here:

 * This function, loadMenu, calls the server via an /XMLHttpRequest/ for a new
 * menu if one has not already been called for with the passed /p_id/ parameter.
 * @param {String} p_id The id of the container to hold the menu.
function loadMenu(p_id) {
    /* Is the /innerHTML/ blank? */
    if ($(p_id).innerHTML == '')
        new Ajax.Request('get_sub_menu.php', {
            method: 'post',
            parameters: 'id=' + p_id,
            onSuccess: function(xhrResponse) {
                $(p_id).innerHTML = xhrResponse.responseText;
            onFailure: function(xhrResponse) {
                $(p_id).innerHTML = xhrResponse.statusText;

The only assumption this JavaScript makes is that the get_sub_menu.php file called on the server must return formatted XHTML that can be directly inserted into the innerHTML of the submenu. For example, the response for loadMenu('editSub'), would look like this:

    <a href="edit/copy/" class="fileMenuItem" hreflang="en" tabindex="10"
    <a href="edit/cut/" class="fileMenuItem" hreflang="en" tabindex="11"
    <a href="edit/paste/" class="fileMenuItem" hreflang="en" tabindex="12"

The other thing to notice with the loadMenu( ) function is that it first checks whether the submenu being requested has already been loaded. This keeps the application from repeatedly calling the Ajax function and bogging down the server with unwanted requests.

One last thought, and then we will be done with menus. To take the file menu example fully to the Web 2.0 level, we could set some CSS rules to make the submenus slightly less opaque. This will also enhance the idea that the web application can do everything (and sometimes more) than its desktop counterpart can do.


One good way to separate related content on your site is to use tabs. You can create tabs simply by using CSS to style an XHTML list, or you can make them with images. Images were always the way to create tabs in a classic web development environment, but I will show you a newer spin on the image tab technique. The goal of all tab navigation, as with menu navigation, is to allow the tabs to degrade with browsers that do not support the CSS techniques that are used.

CSS to the Rescue

The simplest way to build tabs is to add a little style to an XHTML list. Starting to notice a theme yet? By not using JavaScript, the developer makes his application more accessible to users. Obviously, once we throw Ajax into the mix, we will use JavaScript; however, even if the Ajax fails, the tabs might still work separately.

Figure 7-7 shows a few examples of what tabs can look like using CSS and XHTML lists. These tabs are no more complicated than the first menus I showed earlier in this chapter.

Sample CSS tabs using XHTML lists

Figure 7-7. Sample CSS tabs using XHTML lists

Both of the lists in Figure 7-7 use the following XHTML list as their underlying structure:

<div id="tabMenu">
    <ul id="tabList">
        <li id="active">
            <a href="xhtml/" id="current" accesskey="H" hreflang="en" tabindex="1">
            <a href="css/" accesskey="C" hreflang="en" tabindex="2">CSS</a>
            <a href="js/" accesskey="J" hreflang="en" tabindex="3">JavaScript</a>
            <a href="dom/" accesskey="D" hreflang="en" tabindex="4">DOM</a>
            <a href="xml/" accesskey="X" hreflang="en" tabindex="5">XML</a>

Tab #1 is created using the following CSS rules:

#tabList {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #787;
    font: bold 1em Arial, sans-serif;
    margin-left: 0;
    padding: 3px 0 3px 1em;

#tabList li {
    display: inline;
    list-style: none;
    margin: 0;

#tabList li a {
    background-color: #bfb;
    border: 1px solid #787;
    border-bottom: none;
    margin-left: 3px;
    padding: 3px .5em;
    text-decoration: none;

#tabList li a:link {
    color: #484;

#tabList li a:visited {
    color: #676;

#tabList li a:hover {
    background-color: #ada;
    border-color: #272;
    color: #000;

#tabList li a#current, #tabList li a#current:hover {
    background: white;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
    color: #000;
    cursor: default;

This first tab navigation is very simple in nature. The trick is in switching colors based on where the mouse is, and changing the borders along with it. Making the top border of #current white gives the illusion that it is part of the rest of the page, while the other tabs sit behind it.

Tab #2 uses the following CSS rules:[7]

#tabMenu {
    background: #7a7;
    border-top: 1px solid #333;
    height: 2.5em;
    padding: 0;

#tabList {
    display: block;
    font: 1em Arial, sans-serif;
    margin-top: -1px;
    padding: 0 0 0 1em;

#tabList li {
    float: left;
    list-style: none;

#tabList a {
    background-color: #cfc;
    border: 1px solid #aca;
    border-top: 1px solid #333;
    color: #000;
    display: block;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 1px 6px;
    text-decoration: none;

#tabList a:hover {
    background-color: #9b9;
    border: 1px solid #333;
    color: #333;
    padding: 1px 6px;

#tabList li a#current {
    background: #fff;
    border: 1px solid #333;
    border-top: 1px solid #fff;
    cursor: default;

#tabList li#active {
    border-bottom: 2px solid #777;
    border-right: 2px solid #777;

With this tab navigation, I wanted to give the illusion of depth by dropping a shadow on the active tab. To do this, I had to float the individual <li> elements to the left, and then shift the entire <ul> element up one pixel. I created the tabs in much the same way as I did in tab #1. I created the shadow by putting right and bottom borders on the #active li element. The floating nature of the <li> elements allowed the border of the #active element to be visible from underneath.

What’s frustrating when creating tabs using CSS is that all tabs are rectangular. Until CSS3 style rules become a recommendation and we can create curves using CSS, we have only one option: images.

Image Tabs

I told you before that we will not be able to use images for tabs in the same way we did in the earlier days of web design. One option is to use a technique similar to the one we used for our image navigation bar: creating multiple images and changing them using :hover in CSS. Primarily we want to avoid having to rely on JavaScript to change the images (the old rollover technique).

We will create all views of our tab in one image, and clip out everything but the part of the image we want for any given tab state. It sounds much more complicated than it is. Figure 7-8 shows an example of a tab with all states in one image.

A tab with multiple states in one image

Figure 7-8. A tab with multiple states in one image

First we need to set up our XHTML structure as follows:

<div id="tabMenu">
    <ul id="tabList">
            <a id="xhtml" class="selected" href="xhtml/" accesskey="H" hreflang="en"
            <a id="css" href="css/" accesskey="C" hreflang="en" tabindex="2">CSS</a>
            <a id="js" href="js/" accesskey="J" hreflang="en" tabindex="3">
            <a id="dom" href="dom/" accesskey="D" hreflang="en" tabindex="4">DOM</a>
            <a id="xml" href="xml/" accesskey="X" hreflang="en" tabindex="5">XML</a>

This is almost the same XHTML list as before, but this time the id attribute was added to each <a> element. To utilize our image correctly, we need to know the size of an individual tab state. In this case, it is 27 pixels high and 95 pixels wide. The CSS rules for this technique look like this:

#tabMenu {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #700;
    padding: 1em 1em 0 1em;
    margin: 0;

#tabList {
    height: 26px;
    margin: -1px;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 0px;

#tabList a {
    background: top left no-repeat url('tabs.png'),
    background-position: 0 -54px;
    color: #fff;
    float: left;
    margin-right: 5px;
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 6px 0px;
    text-align: center;
    text-decoration: none;
    width: 95px;

#tabList a:hover {
    background-position: 0 -27px;
    color: #ccc;

#tabList a:active, #tabList a.selected {
    background-position: 0 0px;
    color: #000;
    cursor: default;

The <ul> element #tabList is set to a height of 26 pixels (not 27 pixels, because we want the image to meet up with the bottom horizontal line). Then the links in the #tabList are set. The <a> element has its background set with the tab image, and then it is positioned down to the bottom of the three tabs. The width of the tab is set to 95 pixels here, and the other important rule is to set the overflow to hidden. Because we’re doing this, the user can view only one part of the image at any time.

For the a:hover, the background-position is shifted down 27 pixels, which is to the middle tab in the image. Finally, in the a:active and a.selected rules, the background-position is set to the top of the image. Everything but the top tab is hidden (clipped) from view. Figure 7-9 shows how these tabs would look.

Image tabs using CSS

Figure 7-9. Image tabs using CSS

Now, it is one thing to build tabbed navigation—or menu bars, for that matter—but they need to do something. Browsers that do not support the CSS to build the tabs can still follow the link to navigate the application. This is also the case for users who have JavaScript turned off. For the rest of us, we need these tabs to be more functional.

The Tab Content

I will refer to the area in which the data is placed or viewed as the tab content. These <div> elements contain everything the developer wants the user to see when the user selects one of the navigation tabs. Therefore, we need to change the display of the element in relation to the tab that the user clicks. But first things first; we need to construct the tab content. For example:

<div id="tabContents">
    <div id="xhtmlContent">
        <!-- more xhtml content here -->
    <div id="cssContent">
        <h1>Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)</h1>
        <!-- more css content here -->
    <div id="jsContent">
        <!-- more js content here -->
    <div id="domContent">
        <h1>The DOM</h1>
        <!-- more dom content here -->
    <div id="xmlContent">
        <!-- more xml content here -->

This structure part is easy enough, but next you need to have a CSS rule to hide all of the tab content sections from view. Something like this would work:

#tabContents div {
    display: none;

This hides all of the <div> elements that are contained in the #tabContents div. We will rely on JavaScript to highlight one of the tabs when the page loads. Example 7-7 shows this JavaScript code for making the tabs dynamically functional. This JavaScript requires the Prototype library to be loaded in order to work.

Example 7-7. tabs.js: The JavaScript for dynamic tab content

 * @fileoverview Example 7-7, tabs.js: The JavaScript for dynamic tab content.
 * This file, tabs.js, contains the tabNavigation object which is used to create
 * instances of a tab navigation system on the page.

/* Create a new class using Prototype's Class object */
var tabNavigation = Class.create( );
 * This object, tabNavigation, provides the developer with the means of
 * creating a tabbed navigation system on the page.
tabNavigation.prototype = {
     * This member, _tabs, holds the id of the tabbed navigation.
     * @private
    _tabs: null,
     * This member, _previousTab, holds the id of the last tab clicked by the user.
     * @private
    _previousTab: null,
     * This member, initialize, is the constructor for the class.  Any members that
     * need to be initialized are done here, as well as any other initial
     * housecleaning.
     * @member tabNavigation
     * @constructor
     * @param {String} p_id The id of the element that represents the tabbed
     *     navigation.
     * @param {String} p_startTab The id of the starting tab element.
     * @see #expandTab
    initialize: function(p_id, p_startTab) {
        this._tabs = p_id;

        /* Get a list of link elements found in the tab list */
        var tabLinks = $(this._tabs).getElementsByTagName('a'),
        /* Add a click event to all of the link elements */
        for (var i = tabLinks.length - 1; i >= 0;)
            tabLinks[i--].setAttribute('onclick', 'return tabs.expandTab(;'),
        /* Expand the starting tab */
     * This method, expandTab, is called on all click MouseEvents associated with
     * the tab navigation and hides the contents of the previous tab before showing
     * the contents of the current tab.
     * @member tabNavigation
     * @param {String} p_linkId The id of the tab to expand.
     * @return Returns false so that no other events fire after this one.
     * @type Boolean
     * @see #highlightTab
     * @see Element#setStyle
    expandTab: function(p_linkId) {
        var catId;

        /* Is there a previous tab selected */
        if (this._previousTab)
            $(this._previousTab).setStyle( { display: 'none' });
        catId = p_linkId + 'Content';
        $(catId).setStyle({ display: 'block' });
        this._previousTab = catId;
        return (false);
     * This member, highlightTab, is called from the expandTab method and removes the
     * CSS rule for highlighting on all of the tabs and then sets it on the current
     * tab.
     * @member tabNavigation
     * @param {String} p_linkId The id of the tab to expand.
    highlightTab: function(p_linkId) {
        var tabLinks = $(this._tabs).getElementsByTagName('a'),

        /* Loop through the list of <a> elements */
        for (var i = tabLinks.length - 1; i >= 0;)

var tabs;

try {
     * Set an event listener on the document for the load event and have the system
     * create a new instance of the tabNavigation class (this calls
     * tabNavigation.initialize( )).  This allows for the creation of multiple file
     * menus, if there is ever a need.
    Event.observe(window, 'load', function( ) {
        tabs = new tabNavigation('tabList', 'xhtml'),
    }, true);
} catch(ex) {}


Separating the content of the page into tabbed sections is a start to satisfying the following WAI-WCAG 1.0 guideline:

  • Priority 2 checkpoint 12.3: Divide large blocks of information into more manageable groups where natural and appropriate.

This exposes tab content that is associated with a tab in the navigation. For now, let’s just assume that the content was already there at page load. We will discuss Ajax solutions to this in Chapter 8.

Navigation Aids

We have discussed the major navigation aids—menus and tabs—but plenty of other navigational components can appear in a web application. Think of a site that you believe has good navigation, i.e., it’s easy to navigate and find things in it because it is organized and gives you the tools needed for navigation. Did you think of a site that used a tree of links or vertical links? Maybe the site broke a page into smaller chunks with page links, what I call paged navigation. More than likely, the site had some simple tools such as breadcrumbs and in-site links.

A good site will have some combination of navigational components to provide smooth and easy navigation. Users never want to feel lost in an application, and any visual cue (breadcrumbs, a tree of links) is welcomed.


Breadcrumbs are visual aids that help the user keep track of where he is and how he got there. Figure 7-10 shows an example of breadcrumbs found on

Breadcrumbs on

Figure 7-10. Breadcrumbs on

These breadcrumbs link back to the preceding sections relative to the user’s current location. In this case, the user is under the JavaScript section, and the links take him back to Scripting & Programming, Web Development, Computers & Internet, and Books.

Breadcrumbs are simple to create using XHTML lists and a little CSS. Consider the following:

<div id="breadContainer">
    <ul id="breadList">
        <li><a href="xhtml/" hreflang="en" tabindex="1">XHTML</a></li>
        <li><a href="css/" hreflang="en" tabindex="2">CSS</a></li>
        <li><a href="js/" hreflang="en" tabindex="3">JavaScript</a></li>
        <li><a href="dom/" hreflang="en" tabindex="4">DOM</a></li>
        <li><a href="xml/" hreflang="en" tabindex="5">XML</a></li>

We can style this list into a list of breadcrumbs, but that is not what we want to concentrate on. How is the list created? If the entire page is loaded, any server-side script can generate the correct XHTML list to display the breadcrumbs. What happens, however, when the entire page is not refreshed? This book is about Ajax, after all.

First, let’s be complete in our discussion of building breadcrumbs. You can style the preceding list into breadcrumbs using the following CSS rules:

#breadContainer {
    margin-left: 10px;

#breadList {
    list-style: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

#breadList li {
    display: inline;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

#breadList li:before {
    content: "0BB020";

#breadList li:first-child:before {
    content: "";

 * The following is an ugly IE hack that I wish I didn't have to do, but IE and
 * CSS don't mix well yet
/* This rule is for all IE browsers*/
* html #breadList li {
    border-left: 1px solid black;
    margin: 0 0.4em 0 -0.4em;
    padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;

/* Win IE browsers - hide from Mac IE*/
* html #breadList {
    height: 1%;

* html #breadList li {
    display: block;
    float: left;

/* End the hide from Mac*/
/* This rule is for Mac IE 5*/
* html #breadList li:first-child {
    border-left: 0;

Fat Erik 5 wrote this CSS, and you can find it on Listamatic ( The only problem with this CSS is that it does not work in Internet Explorer because IE does not support many pseudoselectors, and to be more specific, it does not support the :first-child pseudoselector. All we can do is hope that Internet Explorer 8 (or whatever the next fix/version of IE is called) fixes this dilemma.

As you can see from the preceding example, the cross-browser solution is to use a CSS hack to get Internet Explorer to produce something between the elements. The left border of the element does the trick in this case. It isn’t pretty, but then again, not much about Internet Explorer’s CSS2 support is pretty.

The other thing you might have noticed is that the solution to putting something between elements is to use the content property to include the characters 0BB020 before the <li> element. 0BB is the hexadecimal equivalent of the right-angle double-quote character >>, and 020 is a space. A good list of ASCII character codes and their decimal and hexadecimal values is available at

OK, now that we’ve styled the list, let’s get back to the Ajax part of this. The simplest solution is for the response from the server to supply the breadcrumbs needed for the page. Something like this will do:

        <ul id="breadList">
            <li><a href="xhtml/" hreflang="en" tabindex="1">CSS</a></li>
            <li><a href="css/" hreflang="en" tabindex="2">Rules</a></li>
            <li><a href="js/" hreflang="en" tabindex="3">Pseudoselectors</a></li>
            <li><a href="dom/" hreflang="en" tabindex="4">Properties</a></li>
            <li><a href="xml/" hreflang="en" tabindex="5">content</a></li>
        <h1>All about the content property</h1>
            <!-- content here -->

With this kind of response, our JavaScript simply needs to grab the different sections of code and put the contents where they need to go. There is one problem with this approach, though; Internet Explorer does not follow the Document Object Model (DOM) 2 core recommendations from the W3C. At least, Internet Explorer does not give a developer the means to import a node from one namespace into the hierarchy of another namespace. So, we first need to write a function that mimics the standard method that the other browsers use, importNode( ). Example 7-8 shows the function for Internet Explorer.

Example 7-8. An importNode( ) function for Internet Explorer that mimics what the standard importNode( ) method does

 * Example 7-8, An importNode( ) function for Internet Explorer that mimics what the
 * standard /importNode( )/ method does.

/* Can we use /importNode( )/? [if not, this must be an IE client] */
if (!document.importNode) {
     * Create a function that does what should already be part of IE's
     * implementation of the DOM.
     * This function, importNode, does what should already be part of IE's
     * implementation of the DOM.
     * @param {Object} p_element The element to be imported.
     * @param {Boolean} p_allChildren Variable to tell the function if all
     *     childNodes should also be imported.
     * @return The newly imported node.
     * @type Object
    function importNode(p_element, p_allChildren) {
        /* Find the element's type */
        switch (p_element.nodeType) {
            case 1: /* NODE_ELEMENT */
                var newNode = document.createElement(p_element.nodeName);
                /* Does the element have any attributes to add? */
                if (p_element.attributes && p_element.attributes.length > 0)
                    /* Loop through the element's attributes */
                    for (var i = 0, il = p_element.attributes.length; i < il;)
                /* Are we going after children too, and does the node have any? */
                if (p_allChildren && p_element.childNodes &&
                        p_element.childNodes.length > 0)
                    /* Loop through the element's childNodes */
                    for (var i = 0, il = p_element.childNodes.length; i < il;)
                return newNode;
            case 3: /* NODE_TEXT */
            case 4: /* NODE_CDATA_SECTION */
                return document.createTextNode(p_element.nodeValue);

Now that we have a way to import nodes for all browsers, let’s look at the code for dynamically creating our breadcrumbs and data:

new Ajax.Request('getData.php', {
    method: 'post',
    parameters: 'data=' + dataId,
    onSuccess: function(xhrResponse) {
        var response = xhrResponse.responseXML;
        var newNode;

        /* Is this browser not IE ? */
        if (!window.ActiveXObject) {
            newNode =
                'breadcrumbs')[0].childNodes[1], true);
            newNode =
                'page')[0].childNodes[1], true);
        } else {
            newNode =
                'breadcrumbs')[0].childNodes[0], true);
            newNode =
                'page')[0].childNodes[0], true);
    onFailure: function(xhrResponse) {
        $('page').innerHTML = xhrResponse.statusText;

You can put this XMLHttpRequest wherever it needs to go when the request for new data is made.

If this technique is not for you, you may want to consider this alternative. The data comes back via an XMLHttpRequest, and once it has been received, you launch a second XMLHttpRequest asking for the breadcrumbs to the data just loaded. This way, the data is sent in smaller chunks and can be less complicated. That means the client code will be faster and easier as well. Both methods achieve the same goal: dynamic breadcrumbs for the user.

Links at the Bottom

Another useful navigation aid is links found at the bottom of a page. Instead of forcing the user to scroll to the top of a page that may be a few screens long, the developer can allow the user to navigate from the bottom as well. These types of links are usually lists separated by a pipe character (|). A typical list looks like this:

<div id="linksContainer">
    <ul id="pipeList">
            <a id="xhtml" class="selected" href="xhtml/" hreflang="en"
        <li><a id="css" href="css/" hreflang="en" tabindex="21">CSS</a></li>
        <li><a id="js" href="js/" hreflang="en" tabindex=22">JavaScript</a></li>
        <li><a id="dom" href="dom/" hreflang="en" tabindex="23">DOM</a></li>
        <li><a id="xml" href="xml/" hreflang="en" tabindex="24">XML</a></li>

The CSS rules you can use to style a list like this are the same as the rules for breadcrumbs, except for what is displayed as content between the list elements and some other basic style changes. These are easy changes, as shown here:

# linksContainer  {
    margin-top: 2em;
    text-align: center;

# pipeList  {
    list-style: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

# pipeList  li {
    display: inline;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

# pipeList  li:before {
    content: "| ";

# pipeList  li:first-child:before {
    content: "";

 * The following is an ugly IE hack that I wish I didn't have to do, but IE
 * and CSS don't mix well yet.
/* This rule is for all IE browsers*/
* html # pipeList  li {
    border-left: 1px solid black;
    margin: 0 0.4em 0 -0.4em;
    padding: 0 0.4em 0 0.4em;

/* Win IE browsers - hide from Mac IE*/
* html # pipeList  {
    height: 1%;

* html # pipeList  li {
    display: block;
    float: left;

/* End the hide from Mac*/
/* This rule is for Mac IE 5*/
* html # pipeList  li:first-child {
    border-left: 0;

The JavaScript and Ajax portions of the code for creating dynamic lists at the bottom of a page are similar to the code for creating breadcrumbs. The only changes are where the different XHTML sections are placed in the application. In fact, you could add the bottom links to the feed that sends breadcrumbs and data so that you need to import only one more element.

It’s your choice how many XMLHttpRequest calls you want to make to the server, and how complicated you want the server scripting to be. Keep in mind that the server scripting must be more sophisticated if you make separate calls, and will have to extrapolate what it needs to send back multiple times—once for the data, once for the breadcrumbs, and once for the links at the bottom.

Paged Navigation

The premise behind paged navigation (as I like to call it) is that the user does not have to scroll through pages and pages of content. Rather, the content is broken up into pages, and navigation is given in the form of page numbers (usually) that allow the user to move through the information one page at a time. Of course, you could use other forms of navigation as well, but the point is that scrolling is minimized for easier reading. And everyone has seen and used this technique, maybe without realizing it—search engines use it for all of their search results.


Separating the page content into multiple navigable pages satisfies the following WAI-WCAG 1.0 guideline:

  • Priority 2 checkpoint 12.3: Divide large blocks of information into more manageable groups where natural and appropriate.

You can accomplish this kind of presentation and navigation using different methods. The methods I will discuss rely on a server-side script being able to split up the content for the client. It is easier for the server side of things to know where to split up text than it is for the client.

Perhaps the easiest way is to have a single page to dispense the information one chunk at a time based on the variable passed to it in the query string. This technique is applied in many places, especially on sites that specialize in articles, essays, and other such papers. An example would be a link that looks like this:

In this case, the variable is page, and the user has requested page 2. We’ll come back to this method in a second, but first we should talk about another method.

The second way you can achieve paged navigation is to have the page load with all the data at once, separating it by page into <div> elements. Then, using CSS and JavaScript, the client can hide and show the page that is requested. The advantage to this method is that once the data is on the client, hiding and showing pages is nearly instantaneous. The downside is that the user must wait until all the data is loaded before viewing it.

Let’s set this up for all the viewers at home. First, this is how part of the page will look when it is loaded:

<div id="article">
    <div id="page1">
        <p>This is page one.</p>
    <div id="page2">
        <p>This is page two.</p>
    <div id="page3">
        <p>This is page three.</p>
    <div id="page4">
        <p>This is page four.</p>
    <div id="page5">
        <p>This is page five.</p>
<div id="pagedNavContainer">
    <ul id="pagedNavList">
        <li id="l1">1</li>
        <li id="l2">
            <a href="/article.php?page=2" onclick="return turnPage(2);">2</a>
        <li id="l3">
            <a href="/article.php?page=3" onclick="return turnPage(3);">3</a>
        <li id="l4">
            <a href="/article.php?page=4" onclick="return turnPage(4);">4</a>
        <li id="l5">
            <a href="/article.php?page=5" onclick="return turnPage(5);">5</a>

The CSS code to make this navigation look correct is the same as what Fat Erik 5 used for the breadcrumbs example discussed earlier. Now we add the function turnPage( ):

 * This function, turnPage, changes the contents on the page to the desired "page"
 * number that is passed to it.
 * @param {Integer} p_number The number of the page to go to.
 * @return Returns false so that no other event is fired after this one.
 * @type Boolean
 * @see Element#setStyle
function turnPage(p_number) {
    var pages = $('article').getElementsByTagName('div'),

    /* Loop through the list of <div> elements */
    for (var i = 0, il = pages.length; i < il; i++) {
        $(pages[i]).setStyle({ display: 'none' });
        $('l' + (i + 1)).innerHTML = '<a href="/article.php?page=' + (i + 1) +
            '" onclick="return turnPage(' + (i + 1) + ')">' + (i + 1) + '</a>';
    $('l' + p_number).innerHTML = p_number;
    $('page' + p_number).setStyle({ display: 'block' });
    return (false);

This is an example of a paged navigation solution using DHTML techniques. The premise is to have everything on the page, and show only what the user asks for.

For an Ajax solution, a good approach is to combine the premise of both of these techniques. The trick is to combine the page request from our first example—passing the page number in the query string—with the idea of hiding all content but the requested page. For this to work, we need to alter the turnPage( ) function to call an XMLHttpRequest for the page information and then display it. The good news with this kind of technique is that there won’t be any blank pages or flickering, as something else will always be on the screen until the client has downloaded the new data. We should change the turnPage( ) function like this:

 * This function, turnPage, changes the contents on the page to the desired
 * "page" number that is passed to it.
 * @param {Integer} p_number The number of the page to go to.
 * @return Returns false so that no other event is fired after this one.
 * @type Boolean
 * @see Element#setStyle
 * @see Ajax#Request
function turnPage(p_number) {
    var pages = $('pagedNavList').getElementsByTagName('li'),

    /* Loop through the list of <li> elements */
    for (var i = 0, il = pages.length; i < il; i++) {
        $(pages[i]).setStyle({ display: 'none' });
        $('l' + (i + 1)).innerHTML = '<a href="/article.php?page=' + (i + 1) +
            '" onclick="return turnPage(' + (i + 1) + ')">' + (i + 1) + '</a>';
    /* Has this page already been fetched once? */
    if ($('page' + p_number).innerHTML == '') {
        new Ajax.Request('article.php', {
            method: 'post',
            parameters: { page: p_number },
            onSuccess: function(xhrResponse) {
                var response = xhrResponse.responseXML;
                var newNode;

                /* Is this browser not IE ? */
                if (!window.ActiveXObject) {
                    newNode =
                        'page')[0].childNodes[1], true);
                    $('page' + p_number).appendChild(newNode);
                } else {
                    newNode =
                        'page')[0].childNodes[0], true);
                    $('page' + p_number).appendChild(newNode);
                $('l' + p_number).innerHTML = p_number;
                $('page' + p_number).setStyle({ display: 'block' });
            onFailure: function(xhrResponse) {
                $('page').innerHTML = xhrResponse.statusText;
    } else {
        $('l' + p_number).innerHTML = p_number;
        $('page' + p_number).setStyle({ display: 'block' });
    return (false);

This function loads the different pages only when they are requested, and only once per request. This cuts down on the initial server download, speeding up the application as a whole. This also uses the importNode( ) function from earlier in cases where the browser is Internet Explorer. You will want to remember this function because it will pop up a lot throughout the rest of this book.

Navigation Boxes

There is one more popular navigational aid that I have seen on numerous web sites: navigation boxes, the boxes on the left or right side of a page that contain vertical lists or trees of links to aid in site navigation. The navigation boxes are usually easy to spot; in fact, the user’s eyes might be drawn to them based on how they are styled and placed in the application. These lists and trees are usually more detailed links to pages in the application that can be found at a lower level in the site hierarchy.

Trees, trees, trees

The first navigation box solution that I will discuss is the tree of lists. These trees usually function in the same manner that users are familiar with in the file explorers they use to navigate their operating systems. A hierarchy of lists is displayed, and a plus sign (+) and minus sign (-) are usually delineated to alert the user that part of the hierarchy can be shown or hidden. Figure 7-11 shows an example of a typical tree.

A typical tree of lists used to navigate an application

Figure 7-11. A typical tree of lists used to navigate an application

As with all of the other navigation aids we’ve looked at so far, the ideal way to build a tree is to use an XHTML list. This ensures that we have a degree of backward compatibility with browsers that can’t or don’t support JavaScript or CSS. The list for our tree looks like this:

<ul id="navTree">
            <li>menu.xml ...</li>
                                    <li>normal.css ...</li>
                            <li>home.png ...</li>
                    <li>oreilly.png ...</li>
                    <li>tabs.js ...</li>
                            <li>utils ...</li>
                    <li> ...</li>
            <li>about.php ...</li>

Trees can be complicated widgets to build. Going into the details of building a tree using CSS and JavaScript is beyond the scope of this book. Instead, I will focus on the Ajax part of dealing with trees, but first we must have a tree before we can build it dynamically. To this end, I have decided to use the Zapatec DHTML Tree ( as the basis for this example.

The Zapatec DHTML Tree uses an XHTML list for its structure, which simplifies tree creation and facilitates control of list item content (you can use any XHTML markup). Also, a variety of browsers support this software, and those that do not will at least view the list.

First, we must include the proper Zapatec header files on our page:

<!-- First the Zapatec utilities file needs to be loaded -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="zptree/utils/zapatec.js"> </script>
<!-- Then the tree support file needs to be loaded -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="zptree/src/tree.js"> </script>

<!-- This is the optional CSS file that adds lines in the tree; if you don't want
them, don't add this -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="zptree/themes/tree-lines.css" />

Also assume that the Prototype library was loaded before these files are introduced to the page. Then, once the page has loaded, the Zapatec.Tree object is created, and the tree will function on the page:

var navTree; /* hold the Zapatec.Tree object */

 * This function, bodyOnLoad, is called on the load event of the document and
 * creates a new instance of the Zapatec.Tree object.
 * @see Zapatec#Tree
function bodyOnload( ) {
    navTree = new Zapatec.Tree('navTree', { initLevel: 0 });

/* use Prototype's cross-browser event handling methods for ease of use. */
try {
    /* Call the bodyOnload function when the load event fires in the document */
    Event.observe(window, 'load', bodyOnload( ), false);
} catch(ex) {}

For a list of all the features and functions available with the Zapatec DHTML Tree, see the documentation that is on the web site and that accompanies the software download. This documentation describes how to programmatically manipulate the tree both at page load and during the lifetime of the application.


We are most interested in loading parts of our tree through an XMLHttpRequest object. As with our past navigational aids, by creating our subtrees only when they are requested, we dramatically reduce the tree load time. The technique for tree navigation with Ajax is just like that for file menu navigation. Every submenu in our tree will need to have a unique id for our code to work. Then we can use our same loadMenu( ) function from the file menu navigation to load the individual submenus. All we have to change is where the XMLHttpRequest call goes in the function.

There is only one downside to this Ajax technique. The root of the submenu (the link you click to open the submenu) can still contain a link to a different page within the application or outside on the Web only if the loadMenu( ) function does not return false. Otherwise, the function will inadvertently cancel the click event on the link.

Vertical lists

Vertical lists are basically trees with different style rules, though they are rarely more than two levels deep. You can also think of vertical lists as menu bars flipped on their sides. By changing the style rules on the Zapatec DHTML Tree, you can easily create a vertical list, as Figure 7-12 shows.

An example of a vertical list using the “wood” Zapatec theme

Figure 7-12. An example of a vertical list using the “wood” Zapatec theme

Even if the vertical list needs to be a little more complicated, such as with a more complex hierarchy, we can use the rules we applied to all our other navigation aids. Everything we did to create an Ajax-enabled tree also applies to a vertical list. This type of navigation is, in many ways, a smaller version of another type of page navigation: accordion navigation.

Accordion Navigation

Accordion navigation is much like paged navigation, but instead of numbers acting as the navigation aids, some kind of bar separates the content. That is the only real difference, though accordion navigation has a Web 2.0 feel that paged navigation does not. This is because some kinds of effects usually accompany the switching of content from one part to the next.

Accordions push content up and down as it is exposed and hidden, creating an effect that marginally resembles an accordion. To create this type of navigation—which is graphically more challenging (only because of the effects attached to it)—we will abandon the use of XHTML lists in favor of a more chunks-of-data type structure. The following markup shows what I mean by chunks-of-data structuring:

<div id="accordion">
    <div id="part1">
        <div id="nav1" onclick="new Effect.Accordion('content1'),">
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
        <div id="content1">
                Curabitur pharetra, nunc vitae pellentesque ultrices, ligula
                tortor mollis eros, et mattis sem diam ac orci. Aenean vestibulum
                aliquam enim. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et
                netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec accumsan, enim
                sit amet aliquet congue, massa ante iaculis sem, id dictum augue
                ligula sit amet elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer
                adipiscing elit. Sed sodales massa sit amet eros. Cum sociis
                natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
                ridiculus mus. Curabitur gravida. Vivamus mollis. Proin leo pede,
                tincidunt id, porttitor quis, pharetra sit amet, quam. Quisque a
                odio sed augue varius ultrices. Praesent odio. Mauris viverra
                nunc in lacus. Fusce in mi. Nullam urna sapien, porttitor sit amet,
                facilisis nec, congue quis, pede.
                Vestibulum nec pede. Fusce dui ipsum, imperdiet gravida, interdum
                eu, imperdiet a, nisl. Fusce in enim. Suspendisse non velit. Mauris
                rhoncus dictum quam. In mollis. Etiam eu erat in nisi luctus
                scelerisque. Nulla facilisi. Nam mattis auctor nulla. Aenean risus
                lacus, consequat eget, consequat sit amet, scelerisque vitae,
                turpis. Suspendisse tortor elit, pellentesque id, suscipit at,
                consequat ac, elit. Sed massa leo, molestie sed, fermentum non,
                dignissim ac, nisi. Sed tincidunt. Suspendisse tincidunt congue nisl.
    <div id="part2">
        <div id="nav2" onclick="new Effect.Accordion('content2'),">
            Vestibulum eget enim nec lorem
        <div id="content2">
                Nullam varius rhoncus urna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer pulvinar
                scelerisque purus. Sed euismod erat in mi. Nam dolor odio,
                ullamcorper nec, mattis eu, placerat a, ipsum. Curabitur ut quam.
                Fusce vitae neque. Donec nec mi eu orci auctor facilisis. Vivamus
                porta. Donec tincidunt. Sed varius, neque sed placerat egestas,
                arcu massa feugiat diam, nec ultricies elit diam sed lectus. In hac
                habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque id ante. Ut vulputate, magna a
                convallis tincidunt, leo eros ullamcorper turpis, lacinia lacinia
                urna erat quis pede. Fusce eleifend, tellus eu sollicitudin
                dapibus, eros tellus fringilla libero, sed facilisis lacus felis
                sit amet lacus. Integer ullamcorper turpis scelerisque massa
                pellentesque hendrerit. Donec dapibus lorem quis massa. Sed in
                ante non leo tristique suscipit. Cras eu magna elementum mauris
                venenatis sagittis. Nulla euismod justo sit amet elit.

This is the general idea, and there would obviously be more sections. The chunks I am referring to are the <div> elements that are labeled with the id attribute part1..partn. Each represents a chunk of data that can stand on its own, away from everything else.

The idea behind accordion navigation is that a header of some sort represents the section. In our example, the header is the <div> element with id attribute values that start with nav. These will be the only parts that are shown until they are clicked. Once they are clicked, the content of the section slides down to be displayed to the user. The accordion comes in when one section of content slides up and out of view as another section slides down and into view.

This first thing we need to do is to hide the content sections once the page has loaded. You must wait until after the page is loaded so that the browser knows the height of each section. Then you can hide them:

 * This function, bodyOnload, hides all of the content from the user.
 * @see Element#setStyle
function bodyOnload( ) {
    $('content1').setStyle({ display: 'none' });
    $('content2').setStyle({ display: 'none' });
    $('content3').setStyle({ display: 'none' });
    $('content4').setStyle({ display: 'none' });
    $('content5').setStyle({ display: 'none' });

You may have noticed that the structure has click MouseEvents attached to it, and these call the Effect object’s Accordion( ) method. The Effect object is part of the JavaScript library, which is based on the Prototype library. So, the first thing we must do is load the libraries:

<script type="text/javascript" src="prototype.js"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scriptaculous.js?load=effects"> </script>

With, we need only the effects features from the library, so that is all we load. Now we can write our Accordion( ) method, which is created as an addition to the Effect object, as shown in Example 7-9.

Example 7-9. An accordion object, Prototype style

 * Example 7-9. An accordion object, Prototype style.

/* Global scoped variable to hold the current object opened in the accordion */
var currentId = null;

Effect.Accordion = function(contentId) {
    var slideDown = 0.5; /* The speed at which the contents should slide down */
    var slideUp = 0.15; /* The speed at which the contents should slide up */

    /* Get the object associated with the passed contentId */
    contentId = $(contentId);
    /* Is the currentId object different from the passed contentId object? */
    if (currentId != contentId) {
        /* Is the currentId object null? */
        if (currentId == null)
            /* Nothing else is open, so open the passed object */
            new Effect.SlideDown(contentId, {duration: slideDown});
        else {
            /* Close the current object that is open and open the passed object */
            new Effect.SlideUp(currentId, {duration: slideUp});
            new Effect.SlideDown(contentId, {duration: slideDown});
        currentId = contentId; /* Set the passed object as the current object */
    } else {
        /* Close the current object, as it was clicked */
        new Effect.SlideUp(currentId, {duration: slideUp});
        currentId = null; /* Nothing is open now */

The speeds at which the content sections open and close vary according to the variables set. The smaller the number, the faster the effect occurs. This is how a traditional accordion navigation system works. Figure 7-13 shows how this accordion navigation would look.

An example of accordion navigation

Figure 7-13. An example of accordion navigation

Figure 7-13 shows the second section closing as the fourth section is opened and displayed. If you want more than one section to be open at any given time, you need to make some minor changes to the Effect.Accordion( ) method. Remove all references to the currentId, because it does not need to be checked, and modify the checks so that content sections are closed only when they are clicked twice. Here is the modified code:

Effect.Accordion = function(contentId) {
    var slideDown = 0.5; /* The speed at which the contents should slide down */
    var slideUp = 0.15; /* The speed at which the contents should slide up */

    /* Get the object associated with the passed contentId */
    contentId = $(contentId);
    /* Is the passed object already visible? */
    if (contentId.visible(contentId))
        new Effect.SlideUp(contentId, {duration: slideUp});
        new Effect.SlideDown(contentId, {duration: slideDown});

Setting up an accordion for use with Ajax is much tougher using this method because the Effect.SlideUp( ) and Effect.SlideDown( ) methods expect that the object passed to them will be of a fixed height. If the client has no prior knowledge of the contents in a section, it is hard to make the height fixed in size.

There are at least two possible solutions to this problem. One is to get the size dynamically once it has been loaded. This method requires that the accordion effect not move until the content has been fully loaded. Unfortunately, this means that the first time the content is requested, the accordion will hesitate. Another possible solution is to set all the content areas to a fixed height in the CSS rules, and force overflow to scroll within that size. Then the accordion can start its effect while the content is being loaded, and there will be no hesitation. This method is probably the preferred method for smoothness and simplicity.

Ajax and Page Loading

Because we were talking about application hesitations that may occur when Ajax is implemented, now is probably a good time to talk about Ajax loading. When the browser is loading a page, the client indicates to the user what it is doing. Usually some sort of icon or image is animated at the top-right corner of the client, an example of which appears in Figure 7-14. This tells the user that the client is working on something, and is not idle or frozen. The client also has some kind of loading indicator on its status bar (provided that the status bar can be viewed) letting the user know how much more of the page still needs to be loaded before it is complete, as shown in Figure 7-15.

Netscape’s animated browser icon, which lets the user know when the client is working

Figure 7-14. Netscape’s animated browser icon, which lets the user know when the client is working

Firefox’s status bar showing how much of the page still needs to load

Figure 7-15. Firefox’s status bar showing how much of the page still needs to load

The problem with Ajax is that the browser does not indicate to the user how much of the request still needs to load, or whether it is even working. That is good in one sense, because asynchronous jobs allow the user to do other things in the application, which they most likely will not do if the browser tells them it is working. But users are impatient in general, and will click the refresh (reload) button or the back button if nothing lets them know the browser responded to their actions.

All in all, something needs to indicate to the user that there is an Ajax action in the client. The easiest indicator is an icon or image that appears while the request is being processed and disappears when processing is complete. The best icons and images are hourglasses and basic clocks that let the user know something is processing. This icon should be off to the side somewhere so that the user knows she can perform other actions while processing occurs.

Even something as simple as displaying the words “Browser working . . . " can have the desired effect. In fact, a combination of the two works best, as the user’s eye is drawn to the icon and the words indicate what is happening.

So, how do we accomplish this? Look at this modified version of the turnPage( ) function from the “Paged Navigation” section, earlier in this chapter:

 * This function, turnPage, changes the contents on the page to the desired
 * "page" number that is passed to it.
 * @param {Integer} p_number The number of the page to go to.
 * @return Returns false so that no other event is fired after this one.
 * @type Boolean
 * @see Element#setStyle
 * @see Ajax#Request
function turnPage(p_number) {
    var pages = $('pagedNavList').getElementsByTagName('li'),

    /* Loop through the list of <li> elements */
    for (var i = 0, il = pages.length; i < il; i++) {
        $(pages[i]).setStyle({ display: 'none' });
        $('l' + (i + 1)).innerHTML = '<a href="/article.php?page=' + (i + 1) +
        '" onclick="return turnPage(' + (i + 1) + ')">' + (i + 1) + '</a>';
    /* Has this page already been fetched once? */
    if ($('page' + p_number).innerHTML == '') {
        new Ajax.Request('article.php', {
            method: 'post',
            parameters: { page: p_number },
            onCreate: function( ) {
            onComplete: function( ) {
            onSuccess: function(xhrResponse) {
                var response = xhrResponse.responseXML;
                var newNode;

                /* Is this browser not IE ? */
                if (!window.ActiveXObject) {
                    newNode =
                        'page')[0].childNodes[1], true);
                    $('page' + p_number).appendChild(newNode);
                } else {
                    newNode =
                        'page')[0].childNodes[0], true);
                    $('page' + p_number).appendChild(newNode);
                $('l' + p_number).innerHTML = number;
                $('page' + p_number).setStyle({ display: 'block' });
            onFailure: function(xhrResponse) {
                $('page').innerHTML = xhrResponse.statusText;
    } else {
        $('l' + p_number).innerHTML = number;
        $('page' + p_number).setStyle({ display: 'block' });
    return (false);

The ) method displays the element that is passed to it, while the Element.hide( ) method hides the element that is passed to it. Both methods are part of the Prototype library. Simply by creating <div> elements to encapsulate the icon image and loading text, you can use the ) and Element.hide( ) methods to show the <div> elements right when the XMLHttpRequest object is created, and hide the <div> elements after the request has completed. You use CSS rules to place the elements where you want within the application.

The other indicator I mentioned is a status bar. Status bars are slightly more difficult to implement because it is harder for the client to know how much of a request has been loaded to calculate a percentage. One way around this is to use the readyState from the XMLHttpRequest object and update a status bar at each state change. The Ajax.Request( ) method can take as parameters all of the different readyStates just as it does onSuccess or onFailure. There would be four readyState changes during the request, and the call would have something like this added to it:

var callStatus = new Status('statusBar'),
onLoading: function( ) { callStatus.increment( ); },
onLoaded: function( ) { callStatus.increment( ); },
onInteractive: function( ) { callStatus.increment( ); },
onComplete: function( ) { callStatus.increment( ); callStatus = null; }

Then you need to create a new Status object:

var Status = Class.create( );
 * This object, Status, is a rough skeleton for a status bar on a page.
Status.prototype = {
     * This member, _element, holds the id of this status bar.
     * @private
    _element: null,
     * This member, _percent, holds the current percent the status bar shows.
     * @private
    _percent: 0,
     * This method, initialize, is the constructor for the class.  Any members
     * that need to be initialized should be here.
     * @member Status
     * @constructor
     * @param {String} p_elementId The element id that represents the status bar.
     * @see Element#show
    initialize: function(p_elementId) {
        this._element = p_elementId;;
     * This member, increment, increments the status bar by a set increment and
     * changes the display of the status bar.
     * @member Status
     * @see Element#setStyle
    increment: function( ) {
        this._percent += 25;
        $(this._element).setStyle( { width: this._percent + '%' });

This is just a rough example, and it could be much more complex and creative, but it should give you an idea of how to create a simple status bar. A more complex (and more accurate) way to create a status bar requires a lot more processing on the client, and you should use this method only if a lot of data is coming back. With this method, you would have to set the Ajax.Request( ) to a variable such as xhr and then poll xhr.transport.responseText at a timed interval. The server would have to give you a full content length, and then you would have to calculate the size of what had been set at every interval and use that to calculate the percentage. As I said, it is not generally worth the trouble. Also, you must use responseText, as any XML sent would not be well formed until it was completely loaded.

The key is to make sure that any indicator displayed to the user is unobtrusive—not in the way of other navigation or functionality that the application provides. This will help with user impatience, and it will increase the user’s overall satisfaction with your application.

Problems with Ajax Navigation

As we have seen, using Ajax to enhance your application’s navigation has the advantages of speeding up page loads, potentially stopping page reloads, and giving the application a sleeker feel (more like Web 2.0). However, using Ajax can present some rather big issues as well. These have to do with how the client uses its functionality while interacting with the pages—namely using bookmarks and the browser’s back button.

Correcting problems caused by Ajax solutions is important for web accessibility, and not only so that all browser functionality remains unbroken. Go back through the code in this chapter, and you’ll notice how all links that have JavaScript events tied to them also have a hard link that can be followed when JavaScript does not work. I never really mentioned this fact, but it keeps the application accessibility-compliant, though it requires more work for the developer to code more pages. Another point I’m sure you noticed is that almost all our navigation techniques used XHTML lists—again, this enables browsers that cannot use CSS and JavaScript to still use the page.


The first problem to highlight is how a typical Ajax session completely thwarts the use of the browser’s bookmarks. This happens because the browser uses the link in its address bar for the value it saves as a bookmark to the page. This link is the unique URL to the page that the browser should bookmark.

The problem is that when Ajax enters into the mix, the URL in the address bar never changes as the page state changes. This “breaks” the functionality of bookmarks in the browser. If you do a Google search on this problem, you will see many different solutions. Take a look at the Unique URLs design pattern in Ajax Design Patterns by Michael Mahemoff (O’Reilly). This design pattern describes how to make a unique URL for every state of the page that the client interprets for requests to the server. It uses the idea of fragment identifiers creating a unique URL for the page. I think this is a very good solution.

A more straightforward solution to using bookmarks still relies on fragment identifiers to create a unique URL for the page. (That part is a must, it seems.) I also want to suggest an alternative that could still comply with XHTML 1.1 or even XHTML 1.0 Strict. The Unique URLs design pattern, along with the articles and spin-offs based on Mike Stenhouse’s article, “Fixing the Back Button and Enabling Bookmarking for Ajax Apps” (, unfortunately use iframe elements, which are not part of the two standards just mentioned. So, here is something different.

You still need to gather the page state from the URL on the page load event. The page must then parse the hash part of the URL and determine what state needs to be set. (The assumption here is that every bit of main content comes from an Ajax request, as well as other content changes on the page.) Consider the following example:

function bodyOnload( ) {
    initializeStateFromURL( );

function initializeStateFromURL( ) {
    var pageState = window.location.hash;
    var queryString = parseStateToQueryString(pageState);

function parseStateToQueryString(state) {
     * Parse the state according to how the fragment identifier is set up and
     * return a formatted querystring to send to a server page via an
     * XMLHttpRequest using POST.
    return queryString;

function configureApp(queryString) {
    new Ajax.Request('somURL', {
        parameters: queryString,
        onSuccess: function(xhrResponse) {
            window.location.hash = xhrResponse.responseXML.getElementsByTagName

I know this is still a bit roughed out, mainly because the complexity of the parseStateToQueryString( ) function could be extremely taxing depending on the application; therefore, one can only speculate what needs to happen in all subsequent functions. I can easily envision the parseStateToQueryString( ) function returning an array of individual query strings that need many XMLHttpRequest calls to the server to set up the client the necessary way for a given page state.

Whatever the solution you choose to implement, remember that the bookmark functionality in the client requires a unique URL to reference for any given page.

The Browser’s Back Button

The browser’s back button needs the same basic thing we just discussed with the browser’s bookmarks: a unique URL. This time, it is a URL stored in the browser’s history. The solution remains the same as far as navigating the application using fragment identifiers. For all XMLHttpRequest calls, you need to remember to push the old URL into history and change the window.location.hash to the new hash value coming from the server.

The problem is that a developer will have to rely on a timeout function that checks whether the hash changes, because setting the window.location.hash affects the history for the browser but changes nothing in terms of events on the page for the back and forward buttons. It is not a big deal, except that it will hurt performance. Whenever we notice a change with the fragment identifier, we should call our initializePageStateFromURL( ) function to set the application.

The biggest problem with these “hacks” is the processing hit the client will take in figuring out what should be displayed to the user. There is no truly clean way around these issues. As a developer, I can only hope browser makers will eventually recognize that the browser needs to be accountable for XMLHttpRequest requests as well as the requests that they currently keep track of. Anyone want to volunteer to code this into the browsers? Anyone?

General Layout

The main idea to take away from this chapter concerns an application’s general layout. It is best to provide navigation for the site’s main areas in several places throughout a single application page. For this reason, keeping the layout consistent is important so that the user does not become confused or impatient when he does not find what he expected. Break longer pieces of content into smaller chunks; these smaller chunks of data are easier to browse on the Web. Try to be as conscious of accessibility issues as possible, as most issues are easy to correct without any effort. Finally (and this is a very important point), if something in your application breaks the client’s normal functionality and there is no good workaround, let the user know.

In larger projects, site layout starts with the designer. The developer’s job is to remain as faithful to that initial design as possible without causing a major muck-up of the client. I hope this chapter will spur new ideas that can be put in another edition of the book! Seriously, though, you can develop pretty much any type of navigational aid with CSS and JavaScript at your disposal. This fact will not change as we move forward, but rather will continue to be reinforced.


This chapter discussed topics pertaining to navigation aids. In providing these aids, the developer satisfies the following WAI-WCAG 1.0 guideline:

  • Priority 3 checkpoint 13.5: Provide navigation bars to highlight and give access to the navigation mechanism.

Remember to design your layout for the modern browser. It is just as important to keep accessibility and client functionality stashed somewhere in the back of your mind while you do. With this plan of attack, your code should degrade cleanly in browsers that cannot handle the CSS, the JavaScript, or both. When this happens, layout is not all that important anyway, but is responsible for only the basic navigation.

[5] * The CSS rules for menu #2 style the menu bar to replicate the look of ZDNet (

[6] * The CSS rules for menu #3 come from Eric Meyer’s navigation bar, which he made in his “Minimal Markup, Surprising Style” presentation (

[7] * The CSS rules for tab #2 were originally from Copongcopong’s Under Tabs (

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