Chapter 2. From Web Sites to Web Applications

Ajax web applications are here, and they are the future of the Web. The big question at this point is, how do we get there? How do we get from simple web sites to web applications? This seems easy on the surface, right?

Unfortunately, it’s not easy. Developing an application, whether it is on the desktop or on the Web, takes more forethought than the old model of web design did. Think for a minute about the old model. Sure, you could lay out your site and know what pages you wanted linked to other pages, or maybe you could draw a simple flow diagram, but that was usually as far as it went. Need to add another page? No problem: you’d create it and stick the link for it wherever it needed to be.

There is nothing wrong with this process, especially for small sites. Web sites in general are not inherently complicated, and they don’t need a more complex development model (though content management can be helpful). Application development, for the Web or otherwise, demands a more structured approach, however.


If you want to jump into implementation, skip ahead to Chapter 4. You can always come back to reflect on best practices for development.

The Transition

The art of computer science slowly begins to creep back into the Web as the application life cycle begins. Any software developer can describe the life cycle of a software application. If a programmer does not learn it as part of her curriculum in school, you can bet she finds out what it is very quickly on the job. Why is this so important? Because it is a process that is tried and true (though not necessarily followed consistently). Figure 2-1 shows a typical life cycle model.

The typical software development life cycle

Figure 2-1. The typical software development life cycle

Following are the phases of software application development.

Requirements analysis

Gathering the customer’s requirements and figuring out the appropriate way to proceed with each item. This phase usually produces a formal requirements document aimed at freezing all of the requirements so that the design phase may begin.


Designing the software based on the requirements document. Programmers lay out classes and their members and methods, and might create UML diagrams for documentation. This phase produces a formal design document that the developers will use as a reference when they implement the design.


The actual coding of the software. What is produced here is a working version of the software, maybe along with a user manual or some other software documentation.


Putting the software through a validation and verification process against the requirements document produced in the requirements analysis phase.


Packaging the software in a manner suitable for distribution to the public.


Fixing any new bugs that may be discovered once the software has been released, and producing patches.


Identifying a need for the software to be enhanced or upgraded in some manner. At this point, the life cycle process starts over.

This life cycle works, but it may be a little formal for most Ajax web development. Figure 2-2 shows a simpler Ajax web application life cycle.

The Ajax web application development life cycle

Figure 2-2. The Ajax web application development life cycle

Why simplify the process for the Web? A lot of applications on the Web are the product of a more rapid development process, and simplifying the model makes it easier to keep that quick pace. An Ajax application can also follow the traditional development life cycle, but the simpler cycle fits better with the rapid iteration development style often used for web work.

Rather than simply list the phases of the Ajax web application development life cycle, as I did with the software development life cycle, I will provide a more thorough examination. After all, each phase of the process works differently in web development than in typical software development.


Although it presents a stripped-down approach, the following description still applies to a relatively formal process for developing Ajax applications. Depending on your project’s needs (and especially depending on the number of people involved), you may need more or less formality.


The first step in Ajax web application development is to sit down and plan what needs to be done. I call this the planning phase, but just as in the software development life cycle, you should devote some time in this phase to gathering requirements as well. These requirements come from the client and the developers. Both groups have input here, because developers sometimes choose the programming languages, servers, and databases that will be used as long as the client does not object. Likewise, the client gives input regarding his wants, which should be discussed openly with the developers in terms of feasibility, difficulty, and so forth.

One of the first things to identify is the target audience, which I will discuss in more detail in the section “Application Environments,” later in this chapter. Then you should determine the hardware and software that are to be used. The hardware and software requirements play a major role in deciding how an Ajax application is designed. You should analyze the types of data that are to be collected or displayed so that appropriate database structures can be designed and implemented. At times, a web application is to be a part of a larger site, so you should think about how the application will fit in with the existing system.

After all of this is settled, you should write a formal requirements document. This helps both sides to remember what they agreed upon, and more important, it aids in the design phase.


The design phase of Ajax web application development is probably the most important phase in the life cycle. It involves more than simply organizing how the requirements set in the first phase fit together. Yes, it involves the flow diagram, but this is also when agreement must be made on many other design issues.

Foremost is what the application is going to look like. The target audience will have much clout when it comes to the application’s “look and feel,” but it will also determine accessibility needs. How majestically does the application degrade in older browsers? Must it meet guidelines set forth in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973? What priorities of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WGAC) should it meet? These are some questions you should answer based on the application’s target audience.

Then there is the specification of classes, methods, structures, and so forth that will be used as references during the implementation phase of development. The programming languages chosen during the planning phase play a major role here. How will the languages implement the features needed? Will a framework be used to implement the structure of the site?

Of course, a major decision that you should make here is whether to use open source software. You may not think it is a big deal, but this choice will shape how the application is written and implemented. The types of third-party software introduced to the application also involve decisions regarding licensing, support, and management peace of mind. With open source software, quite a few different licensing scenarios may be in effect, and it is very important that your application follows these licensing agreements. Also, open source software generally does not have the formal support structure that other types of software provide, which may cause problems when critical issues need to be addressed right away. And last but most important is the question of whether your decisions regarding third-party components sit well with management. Managers hold the purse strings, and they must be satisfied that your solution is the right one for them going forward.

Once everything has been designed, you should write formal design documents that include the site diagrams, UML diagrams, and possibly a prototype of the application. Developers will then have a better handle on how to implement the requirements, and with the use of a prototype the client can determine whether he likes the application’s design.


At this point, the developers put their heads down and begin to code like mad. Well, that is the client’s hope, at any rate. Implementing an Ajax web application can involve many different people, all of whom should have a basic idea of how navigation and design are to function. Graphic designers, database administrators, and web developers all have a hand in application development during implementation.

In the implementation phase of the life cycle, the developers should produce more than just the web application. They should also produce testing plans and technical documents; software is available to help them. Microsoft .NET has built-in documentation when C# documentation comments are used. Other inline documentation exists for PHP, Java™, and JavaScript as well.

Test and Release

When the developers have produced the testing plans and declare parts of the application as ready, testing can begin. Testing is not the same for Ajax web applications as it is for typical desktop applications. All web-based applications need intense scrutiny, as they are to function on a multitude of different environments.

Some common things to test are:

  • Cross-browser compatibility

  • Validation

  • Broken links

  • Load

  • Resolution

  • Stress

Environments can differ dramatically. However, a web application should be able to yield acceptable response times for both a user with a broadband connection and a user with a dial-up connection. It should work in all browsers targeted in the planning phase on all resolutions.

At this point, you also need to address patching and retesting for the general bugs that are typical in desktop and web applications alike. This includes things such as server-scripting errors and broken links on pages. If agreed upon in the planning phase, all pages should be validated against parsers such as the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Markup Validation Service at, and the W3C CSS Validation Service at


The W3C has open source validators for a number of quality assurance needs other than just HTML/XHTML and CSS. A link checker is available, as well as validators for RDF documents, feeds, Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) adherence, and XML schema. You can find links to all of these at

Other validators are freely available on the Web besides those of the W3C. The Web Design Group (WDG) maintains a good list of validators on its web site, at, as well as its own validators and others found in the tools section of the site (

When all parts of the application have been tested, the Ajax web application is released to the target audience. All that is left at this point is to patch bugs when they invariably crop up, and wait for the next upgrade to the site.

Basic Web and Ajax Design Patterns

Design patterns! Now, before anyone gets too excited, this isn’t going to be another book that talks about the general subject of design patterns. Erich Gamma et al. did a fine job of that in the book Design Patterns (Addison-Wesley). There is a time and place for further discussions, and this isn’t it. Instead, I want to take a look at the development of the overall design pattern that defines an Ajax web application.

The simplest definition of a design pattern is “the solution to a problem in generic terms.” I want to keep the discussion of an Ajax design pattern to that. Check out Ajax Design Patterns, by Michael Mahemoff (O’Reilly), for a vastly more detailed look at design patterns as they relate to specific Ajax problems and their solutions.

To begin our discussion of design patterns, we’ll study the classic model of an Internet site and see how it evolved into the design pattern used today in Ajax web applications.


When web sites were first being built and all of the content was static, the Web as a whole was built on client/server architecture. This architecture is basically predicated on the thought that many clients (web browsers in this case) connect to servers that host web pages, as shown in Figure 2-3. With this environment, the client is active, sending requests and waiting for replies from a server that is passive, waiting for requests and sending them when asked for.

The client/server model for the Web

Figure 2-3. The client/server model for the Web

This basic pattern was all that the Web needed until the introduction of forms and server-side scripting. This allowed servers to begin to deliver and process more dynamic data. Eventually, the use of simple databases entered the scene, and the design pattern of the Web changed.

Basic Three-Tier

With the introduction of databases and database servers to the architecture, the Web became a three-tier design pattern, as shown in Figure 2-4. Now, the client made a request to the server, which processed that request and could, in turn, request data from the database server.

The basic three-tier model for the Web

Figure 2-4. The basic three-tier model for the Web

This design pattern evolved over time as server scripting became more robust, and more could be done with browsers. The software architecture design pattern slowly crept into the picture, and instead of viewing the architecture in terms of clients and servers, it viewed the architecture in a more abstract manner.

In this pattern, three separate modules interact with one another: a user interface, a business or process logic, and a data access module. You could easily transform this type of pattern into a multitier architecture by adding modules to the design. The importance of this type of design pattern is that it allows you to modify one layer while having only a minimal effect on the other layers.


From here, more complex design patterns evolved from the three-tier pattern that related more to the web application itself. One of them is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, shown in Figure 2-5. This design pattern separates the user interface, control logic, and data model into three separate components. With MVC, the end user interacts with the user interface through the browser. The controller is in charge of input events from the user interface, and when it receives these events, it calls the model and updates a view according to the user’s action. The view creates a new user interface according to the data from the model, but the model never talks directly with the view. Then the user interface waits for new input from the user, and the pattern starts over again.

The Model-View-Controller design pattern

Figure 2-5. The Model-View-Controller design pattern

For web applications, the view module is in charge of building the XHTML whenever there is a user request. The controller is all of the navigation code that runs the application, and it can be both client- and server-side scripting. The model is the data access module for the design pattern, handling most data access requests and all business logic. I said most because if there is a user request for an XML response, for example, the view module alone may respond through an XML transformation or something similar.

Many of the server-side scripting languages now have frameworks that are based on the MVC design pattern, as you will see in Chapter 4.

Rich Internet Applications

Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) are Ajax web applications. They function like traditional desktop applications by changing the browser from a thin to a fat client, through the use of JavaScript. A truly robust RIA usually incorporates the MVC design pattern into its model for stability and reliability, as shown in Figure 2-6.

An RIA implementation on top of MVC

Figure 2-6. An RIA implementation on top of MVC

RIA applications are getting a bigger and bigger push, as more people realize that their traditional desktop applications can be ported to the Web. This way of thinking has many merits:

  • Ajax web applications require no installation, updating, or distribution, as everything is served up by a web server.

  • Ajax web applications are less prone to virus attacks (generally).

  • Ajax web applications can be accessed anywhere, and if they are built properly, you can run them on any operating system.

These merits are saving companies millions of dollars. But even if you aren’t a corporate mogul looking to save tons of cash, Ajax web applications are just plain cool to develop!

Application Environments

You can implement Ajax web applications in many environments. Each of them has special design considerations. Understanding the environment for which the application is to be built is as important as understanding for whom the application is to be built.


A lot of Ajax web applications the public will never see, because they are meant for company intranets. Intranets, unfortunately, come in different shapes and sizes, so to speak, and there is never a one-size-fits-all approach to them.

The first consideration for an intranet application is the browser environment in which you will be working. More often than not, a large corporation has standards dictating that all applications must be built for a certain browser. This makes your job easier. Smaller environments, which do not have such standards, are harder to develop for. Your goal should be to attempt to develop toward one browser, to reduce incompatibility issues, code size, and code complexity.

Speaking of company standards, the operating system that the client browser sits on is also an important consideration. Most large companies will have one operating system for all desktop applications to work in, and this is usually some flavor of Windows. A smaller company is more likely or willing to try an alternative to Windows that costs less money. This is an important consideration. If you intend for your Ajax web application to utilize a plug-in, you need to know whether the plug-in is supported in the operating system environment you are programming against.

Let’s not forget about existing applications. Companies may want your Ajax web application to integrate with an existing web site, or maybe even a desktop application. It is much less confusing for the end user if things appear to work seamlessly together.


A commercial Ajax web application is most likely the hardest environment in which to program. Why is this? Because in these situations, you must make absolutely sure that your application can function everywhere. It must work on every modern commercial browser, and it must work on every operating system. After all, this is why Ajax web applications are getting so much notice in the first place. Unlike desktop applications, it takes less code, programming, and money to roll out a commercial Ajax application.

This is the environment where you should hold nothing back. It will need to be flashier than your typical application, and it needs to have functionality people don’t expect from the browser. At the same time, you need to reach as many potential customers as possible. If people can’t use your application because of accessibility or compatibility reasons, they won’t choose your business!


The educational environment poses its own challenges not seen in other environments. If the environment is slanted more for mathematics or computer science, chances are slim that it’s using a Windows operating system. You must get a handle on the browsers that the target audience is using. Here, the target audience will care less about how flashy the application looks and more about the functionality it has. Furthermore, math-based pages generally need to be in an XHTML document so that MathML features can be used to their fullest.

Other educational environments may still have their own requirements, but you can likely treat them like any other intranet application.


Government environments have strict guidelines when it comes to putting an application on one of their servers. They will tell you what languages are acceptable and what standards need to be met. If your application is for any U.S. government agency, you are required by law under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act to make it accessible to all browsers. Other countries, such as Canada, Australia, and countries in the European Union, have similar laws.

Make sure you understand all the guidelines that have been set before you begin to implement your Ajax web application. Governments may be strict, but they also want to be on the forefront of technology. Ajax is finding a happy home in this environment.

Specific Content

When you build an application that has a target audience geared toward a specific technology, it is quite acceptable to expect the audience to have the tools necessary to use the technology. If you are building a site that’s all about the latest Flash programming techniques, you should expect your visitors to have Flash installed, right? In these situations, you can really focus on the application’s functionality without worrying whether everyone will be able to use it.

The Developer

At this point, you’ve had a little primer on Ajax web development life cycles, the basic design pattern of Ajax applications, and considerations for different environments in which your application could be used. What else do you need to know to move from building web sites to building web applications? An important bit of information to hold on to is that a web application is just that: an application. It is more complex to build, it takes more time, and it requires more skilled developers to build it right. It isn’t as simple as opening a text browser, writing some markup, and saving it with an .html extension.

A web application developer has to know XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, and the Document Object Model (DOM) at a minimum. Most developers also know Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT), and syndication techniques. And remember, this is just the client side of things. In Chapter 3, we will explore the other side of Ajax, which is the server side. A developer should also understand how the HTTP server works, one or more server-side scripting languages, and databases. Web applications require developers to know a wider variety of things than a desktop application developer would ever need to know. If people were mystified by how web sites worked before, what will they think about Ajax web applications now?

What Ajax Is Not

Ajax is not the be-all and end-all solution to every new application being built for the Web. It is not even something that should be considered as an upgrade to every existing product. Ajax is a great model for building more modern, faster Web 2.0 applications, but only when they are built correctly. Throwing Ajax at every application can create complications, such as accessibility issues, cross-browser compliance nightmares, and requiring more intricate and complex programming to perform simple tasks.

I want to make sure this is clear, before everyone gets all gung-ho and throws Ajax everywhere. Ajax is not for everything. Let me repeat that. Ajax is not for everything. Take a look at Appendix D for risks that Ajax can create.

I love the Ajax model of design; I think it brings web applications closer to the capabilities of desktop applications. I also know, somewhat from experience, that Ajax is not the best solution for every project, and that it can sometimes overcomplicate what could have been a simple solution. As you read the rest of this book and you see Ajax solutions that I present to common web design issues, ask yourself whether Ajax is right for you and what you are trying to accomplish. It could fit perfectly, but it could also be the wrong solution for you after all.

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