Chapter 7. Filing Records

In the last chapter, we saw how to set up the File Plan for a Records Management system. In this chapter, we now turn to look at the many ways in which records can be filed into the plan.

In this chapter, we will describe:

  • How to file both electronic and non-electronic records from within Share
  • How to mount the File Plan as a drive that can be filed to directly from the desktop
  • How to file from within an e-mail client
  • How to bulk file large numbers of documents

At the end of this chapter, in a "How does it work?" section, we will look at Share internals to examine two different aspects of records filing: electronic file uploads and non-electronic record registrations.

The file upload process is streamlined by making use of the Flash upload control in the YUI library. We'll look at how this control works and see how it enables multi-file uploads from the browser to be as quick and easy as uploading a file from a thick client application.

The non-electronic record registration provides a good example of how Alfresco forms can be displayed as part of a dynamic pop-up dialog.

Filing — more than one way

Filing is the process of classifying records and then correctly placing records into the File Plan. While the Records Management site within Alfresco Share makes web client filing straightforward and easy, Alfresco provides numerous other ways for records to be filed into the records system.

The many different interfaces that Alfresco offers to interact with the repository can shrink the learning curve and accelerate acceptance of the system. For example, many users are enthusiastic to learn that they can continue to interact with the Alfresco repository just like it were a shared file server. Many users also spend much of their time using e-mail, and for those users, Alfresco features are built into their favorite e-mail clients, like IMAP folders and SMPT inbound e-mail, both of which can significantly streamline a user's access to the repository.

Alfresco provides tools for getting many records into the system quickly. Bulk import methods, like the client Flash upload dialog in the web client, integration with scanners, and command-line upload scripts, allow large numbers of records to be captured and filed very quickly.

In this chapter, we will look in detail at some of the many different ways to file into the Records Management system.


While there may be more than one way to file a record, all the different filing methods access the records repository in a consistent way based on the user's access rights. Different ways of filing allow different styles of working to be accommodated, making the system easier and more convenient to access. But this flexibility does not imply any inconsistency in terms of policies.

Consistency is a best practice for Records Management programs and it provides credibility to the program. Consistency means that the same policies and procedures are applied repeatedly without exception under a variety of conditions. No matter what the location, no matter what type of media, no matter which business group, records across all parts of the organization are treated in a similar manner.

In Chapter 1, we discussed a number of drivers that motivate organizations to adopt Records Management systems. Different motivators can mean that different groups within the organization may have different objectives or goals for what they would like to achieve with Records Management.

For example, Finance and Accounting business units may be particularly focused on financial records required to comply with regulations, while the Legal business unit may have a greater focus on the maintenance of corporate legal records. These different business units also often have different workflows and different ways of doing business.

Despite these differences in objectives, the organization is best served when all records are treated in the same way. Only by doing this can the organization demonstrate the legal credibility of their records program. The flexibility in the many ways that records can be filed in the Alfresco system means that it is easier for all business units to contribute to and interact with the records system while still being consistent with organization-wide record standards.

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