Chapter 1. START

"Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749–1832

German philosopher and one of the most influential contributors to Western culture.

1: Begin it now

Take your idea – the one that's been running around in your head, the one you've been telling your friends about – and do something, anything to get it started. Write a description, sketch a prototype, search for similar ideas online or just pick up the phone and call someone to make it happen.

Imagine how the world might be if everyone put their ideas into action. It would be wonderful, exciting and very different from today.

The more you do, the more real your idea becomes. If you talk and act like an entrepreneur, this is what you become.

"Work grows out of other work, and there are very few eureka moments."

Anish Kapoor, 1954–

Turner Prize-winning Indian sculptor and philosopher.

2: Find your eureka moment

The much talked-about eureka moment is not a moment at all: it's a length of time that begins with learning and experiences that can be drawn on to realize logical conclusions.

The more you do, the more likely you are to stumble on that elusive intersection between two or more unique experiences.

Everything starts with an idea. Sometimes imagination is more important than knowledge.

Eureka means 'I have found it'. In order to find something you need to be looking for it in the first place. Don't wait around for the light bulb to come on: go and find the switch.

"The best reason to start an organization is to make meaning – to create a product or service to make the world a better place."

Guy Kawasaki, 1954–

One of the original employees at Apple, writer and venture capitalist.

3: Discover your purpose

When you put your heart and real emotion into a venture, the process becomes all the more powerful.

Try to hold back someone dedicated to a cause, be it a business idea or a political course of action – it's almost impossible! These people show an unstoppable attitude that far outstrips their need for financial gain. They have emotion on their side, and an emotional link is the strongest kind.

Innovate with passion and the rewards will come. Be completely involved with your own adventure and see where it takes you.

"Art is making something out of nothing and selling it."

Frank Zappa, 1940–93

American composer, electric guitarist, record producer and film director.

4: Learn to sell the concept

The ability to sell intangible ideas is necessary for all innovators. You may have ideas that are not yet commercially available, so when you are in front of a buyer or investor, sell the concept.

If you have a true innovation, buyers and customers will forgive the imperfections of the prototype. Ask prospective customers to help you create a better product. Companies invest in innovation and early-release products where they can see real competitive advantage.

The opportunity must seem real for the buyer, so take the risk out of the proposition in any way you can.

"Some people dream of great accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them."


5: Use your time wisely

Time management is a mislabelled skill. What you need to manage is your activity during the time you have. Defining outcomes and physical actions is the core process required to manage what you do.

A simple tool for effective activity management is to prioritize. Ensure you are making the best use of your time right now by doing those things that help the opportunity to grow.

Find the hardest things involved with starting your business and complete them first – then the easier items become even simpler.

"I work with wonderful people who support me. And, my beliefs are that the business needs to serve the family rather than the family serve the business."

Kathy Ireland, 1963–

American model, actress, businesswoman and CEO of her own brand marketing company.

6: Involve family and friends wisely

During the start-up phase your family and friends will be your closest supporters.

But family and friends are not always the best people to approach for views on your business strategy. They really want to be on your side and this may cloud their business judgement.

If you do involve your friends and family, make sure that you use them as a sounding board to help you prepare for meetings. Show them the research you're doing and get them involved in helping you with day-to-day activities.

Look to family and friends for financial and emotional support, but remember to listen to their advice objectively.

"We can never be certain about the future and therefore we must continue to be flexible and adaptable so that we can react quickly to the needs of our clients and our market place."

Talal Abu-Ghazaleh, 1938–

Called the godfather of Arab accounting, founder of the international Jordan-based professional services organization TAG-org.

7: Be agile

Implement change quickly to take advantage of new opportunities.

Large organizations have lengthy sign-off procedures when implementing new products and services. When starting a business, you have a competitive edge because you can make those top-level decisions now.

Yakult created a new category of healthy, one-shot, dairy-based drinks. Danone entered the market with the Actimel range and is now the market leader. I'm sure the founders of Yakult are happy with the 10 per cent they now enjoy of the much larger market created by the entry of a blue-chip organization.

"All people are entrepreneurs, but many don't have the opportunity to find that out."

Muhammad Yunus, 1940–

Nobel Peace Prize-winning Bangladeshi economist, founder of Grameen Bank, which provides microcredit loans to developing-country entrepreneurs.

8: Step out of your career

Are you happy as an employee, making money for other people? Could you take your existing clients and start on your own? Are you ready to find out what life could be if you step into the unknown?

Ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly. If you aren't yet ready for a leap of faith, stay in employment and work hard to earn your salary. Operate your own business in your spare time until you are ready to take it on as a full-time, income-generating job.

"A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life."

Suze Orman, 1951–

American financial adviser, writer and television personality. The most successful fundraiser in the history of US television and named by Time magazine as one of the most influential people in the world.

9: Find start-up capital

'Financial bootstrapping' describes methods of self-financing for your project without external investment. Many entrepreneurs turn to credit cards, bank loans and friends and family to manage their cash flow during start up. Others begin one business to make them enough money to invest in bigger opportunities later.

Some very successful companies were founded on the bootstrapping ethic. Michael Dell started his company with $1000 in capital and grew it into Dell Inc. with the help of $300,000 in loans from close family. In the first year of trading the company grossed $73m by selling customer-tailored PCs through magazine advertising.

What could you start with $1000?

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Mark Twain, 1835–1910

American humourist, satirist, lecturer and writer, often referred to as the father of American literature.

10: Start today

What could be more satisfying than being in charge of your own destiny and answering only to yourself, your employees, suppliers and customers?

You need faith in your abilities and product differentiated in the market. With hard work, tenacity and a little luck, you have the chance to forge your own future.

It's never too late to start implementing your ideas – and it's never too early. You could lay the foundations of a growth business tomorrow, but why not do it today? Someone else could have the same idea and make it happen before you get the chance. It's up to you to start!

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