Slices through the complexity of AWS using examples and visuals to cement knowledge in the minds of readers.
—From the foreword by Ben Whaley, AWS community hero and author
The authors’ ability to explain complex concepts is the real strength of the book.
—Antonio Pessolano, Consoft Sistemi
Useful examples, figures, and sources to help you learn efficiently.
Does a great job of explaining some of the key services in plain English so you have the knowledge necessary to dig deeper.
—Ryan Burrows, Rooster Park Consulting
This is a great book that covers all aspects of Amazon Web Services, from top to bottom.
—Ariel Gamino, Northwestern Medicine
A great way to learn AWS step by step, using the Free Tier.
—Jose San Leandro, DevOps,
A perfect journey to the world of Amazon Web Services.
—Jean-Pol Landrain, Agile Partner