
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, t indicate tables, and b indicate boxes.


Affiliation network 37
Aggregate network metrics 40, 79, 82
Analyzing Big Complex Data (ABCD) network 
Graph Metrics dialog 80, 80f
overall graph metrics 
average geodesic distance 48
connected components 31, 81f
edges with duplicates 31
graph density 48
graph type 31
key properties 80, 80f
maximum edges in connected component 48
maximum geodesic distance 48
maximum vertices in connected component 48
modularity metric 48
NodeXL version 49
reciprocated edge ratio 31
reciprocated vertex pair ratio 31
self-loops 31
single-vertex connected components 31
total edges 31
unique edges 31
vertices 31
Application Programming Interface (API) 33, 153
Article talk pages 211
Asynchronous threaded conversation 19t See also Threaded conversation
discussion forums 18–20
email lists 18
email messaging 18
filter bubbles 20
Q&A sites 20
reply graph 18
reply network 18
Attribute data 67
Autofill columns 70b, 70f, 121–123, 195, 198, 199f


Betweenness centrality 41, 83, 168–169, 182–183, 200
Bimodal network 37
Blogging 19t
blogosphere 22
description 22
extension bloggers 22
livestreams 23
microblogs 22–23
multimedia blogs 23
podcasts 23
textual content 22
Boolean search 162
Bulletin board systems (BBS) 151
Burt's theory 168, 185–186
Business applications 44


Centrality metrics.  See Vertex-specific network metrics
Citizen-generated YouTube videos 8
Clauset-Newman-Moore algorithm 119, 171
Cleaning data, email 
duplicate addresses removal 136–137, 136f
duplicate edges, count and merge 137–138, 137b, 137–138f
self-referring loops 136, 138b
Closeness centrality 41, 83
Clustering coefficient 41
Clusters/communities 170–173, 171f
Co-editing behavior 211
Collaborative authoring 19t, 22
Common-interest group 158
Community conversations 151–152
Community email collections 132
Community structure algorithms 106
Computer information networks 4
Computer-mediated communications 5–6
Content networks 188
Content-related metrics 175–177, 176f
Corporate email list 153–154
Corporate email network 96
Co-word analysis 123, 124f
CSCW 2018 Twitter network 102f See also Twitter
connected component, grouping and visualizing 103, 104f
duplicate edges, count and merge 102b, 103f
filtering 95
dynamic filters 103–105, 104f
self-loops filtering 101–102
vertex metrics 105, 105f
visibility column 105, 106f
Group by Motif 109, 109f
group layout and labels 107–109, 108f
group properties and metrics 107, 108f
network clustering algorithms 106, 106b, 107f
subgraph images 109, 110f


Degree centrality 40, 83
Design framework, social media 
control of basic elements 15–16, 16t
directed ties 17
explicit connections 16
genre of basic elements 14–15
implicit connections 16–17
mutual connection 17
pace of interaction 14
retention of content 17–18
size of producer and consumer population 13–14, 13t
undirected connection 17
weighted connections 17
Digital culture 17
Dunbar number 43–44
Dynamic filters 98–99, 99f, 103–105, 104f, 198


eBay 14–15
Edge filtering technique 143
Edge lists 35, 35t
Egocentric networks 36, 122f, 123, 210
Eigenvector centrality 41, 83–84
Email 134b
asynchronous 131
broadcast 131
collection types 132, 133t
community email collections 132
components 133–134
database format 134
data cleaning 
duplicate addresses removal 136–137, 136f
duplicate edges, count and merge 137–138, 137b, 137–138f
self-referring loops 136, 138b
deduplication 134
definition 130–131
Enron email 
content networks 146–147
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 146
entity chunking 134
entity extraction 134
entity identification 134
entity resolution 134
expertise network email graph 141, 142f
content 135–136
features combination 136
folders and labels 136
sender and receiver(s) 135
goals and process 132–133, 133t
history 130–131
identity resolution 134
information sharing 130
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) 134
list 151
medical patients support 129
message confidentiality 130
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) format 134
named-entity recognition 134
network visualizations 130
NodeXL, import data 135, 135f
organizational email collections 132
corporate directory system 142
corporate email network data 142
multiple information systems 142
network questions 133
TechABC  See TechABC email network
organizational networks 130
personal email collections 132
data cleaning 138
data filtering 138–139
graph analysis 140
graph metrics computation 139
network questions 133
NodeXL, import data 138
sent and received messages 139b
visualization 138–139, 140f
Post Office Protocol (POP) 134
preparation 134
push technology 131
Python library Dedupe 134
services 130–131
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 134
social media tools 129
technical characteristics 131
threaded conversation 131
Encyclopedia of Life project 7–8
Enron email 
content networks 146–147
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 146
Enterprise social networks 5–6
EU Information Society and Economy and Public Services 8
Eye makeup tutorial network 202, 202f


Facebook 15, 25
API limits 180
interaction modes 179
interlocking networks 179
network datasets 179
network visualization 179
organizational networks, fan pages 179
cluster-level analysis 183–184
data collection 180–181, 181f
data collection preparation 180
Edges spreadsheet 181, 182f
issue-based community 182
NodeXL importer 181
vertex-level analysis 182–183
Vertex spreadsheet 182, 182f
visualization 184–185, 184–185f
public page 180
sample datasets 185–186
seed page hyperlink network 214, 215–216f
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) lobbying coalition network 109–111, 111f
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) 146
Filtering data, email 
content 135–136
features combination 136
folders and labels 136
sender and receiver(s) 135
Flickr 24
Fruchterman-Reingold algorithm 111


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation 8
GoodReads 24
Google 21–22
Google Hangouts 14
Group options 101, 101f, 121–123
Groups worksheet 183
Group Vertices spreadsheet 183


Harel-Koren Fast Multiscale algorithm 58, 58f, 60f, 68–69, 214
Hashtag 161–162
HITS algorithm 45
Homophily 183
Hubs 170–171


Idea generation tools 26
In-degree centrality 166–167, 182
Information analysis tools 4
Information sharing 130
Instant messaging 14–15
Interlocking social networks 43
International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA) 43
International Whaling Commission (IWC) 213
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) 134
Internet Movie Database (IMDB) 14
Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network 20
Internet service providers (ISPs) 151
Iowa Electronic Market 25–26
iStockphoto 24


Jacob Moreno's early social network diagram 38, 39f


Kaggle 14
Kickstarter 25–26
Kiva 25–26


attribute data viewing 68, 68f
autofill columns 70b, 70f
edge labels 67, 71
excel formulas 69b
Label Options dialog 70, 71f
tool tips 68–70
truncate labels 68
vertex labels 67–69, 69f
Vertex Shape to Label option setting 70–71, 72f
Language-specific Wikipedia communities 213
LinkedIn 25
Livestreams 23
Location and augmented reality apps and games 27
Location-based groups 158


“Makeup” video network 
Autofill columns 198, 199f
betweenness centrality 200
count and merge duplicate edges 197, 198f
dynamic filters 198
eye makeup tutorial network 202, 202f
import from 197
Isolates group 199
Layout Options 198–199
network clusters 199, 200f
network graphs 202
raw graph 197, 198f
Show Graph button 197
statistical data 201
top viewed videos 201, 201f
Wakita-Tsurumi clustering algorithm 199
Marvel cinematic universe network 
logarithmic mapping 40, 88f
transformation to unimodal networks 38b
visualizing and interpreting metrics 39–42, 85f, 87f
Marvel Comics Database 206
Massively multiplayer online games (MMOs) 27
Mathematical sociology 42
MediaWiki 14–15
Meetup group 158
Mobile short messaging service (SMS) 21
Multimedia blogs 23
Multimodal network 36
Multiplex networks 37
Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) format 134


National priorities, social media 7–8
Network analysis 96, 96f
affiliation network 37
bimodal network 37
computer-mediated social relationships 40
computing resources 45
data collection 47
data representations 34–35, 35f, 35t
directed edges 34
egocentric networks 36
graphs/sociograms 31–32
machine-readable network datasets 47
maps of transportation networks 32
multimodal network 36
multiplex networks 37
multi-terabyte databases 47
network datasets 45
network metrics 
aggregate network metrics 40
centrality measures 39
clustering 41–42
community detection algorithms 41–42
density 39
distinctive network patterns 42
grouping 41–42
patterns of connections 42
social roles 42
vertex-specific network metrics 40–41
node-link diagrams 48, 49f
org-chart 32
participation metrics 48
renaissance of network research and data 42–44
research and practitioner landscape 37–38
science of networks 44–45
tools for 47–48
Twitter network 33, 33f
undirected edges 34
unimodal networks 36
unweighted edge 34
vertices 34
visualizing and analyzing 44–45
web of interconnections 32–33
weighted edge 34
Network metrics 
aggregate network metrics 40, 79, 82
centrality measures 39, 82–84
clustering 41–42
community detection algorithms 41–42
CSCW 2018 conference Twitter network 
directed network metrics 89–91, 90–91f
Edges worksheet 89
self-loop 89
text analysis 92b
Time Series metrics 92, 92f
Top Items metrics 91–92, 91f
density 39
distinctive network patterns 42
grouping 41–42
Marvel cinematic universe network 
logarithmic mapping 40, 88f
transformation to unimodal networks 38b
visualizing and interpreting metrics 39–42, 85f, 87f
patterns of connections 42
person-level metrics 79
social roles 42
vertex-specific network metrics 40–41
Niche networks 25
NodeXL files 
adjusting Fruchterman-Reingold settings 60–61, 60f
automatic layout 58f, 59–60, 60f
download and installation 56
features 55
goal 55
Graph Options dialog 61, 63f
graph pane updation 61, 62f
layout columns 61, 62f
manual layout 59
NodeXL Basic 56
NodeXL Pro 56
edge/vertex highlight 57f, 58
entering data manually 56, 57f
existing NodeXL file opening 63
Export menu 63
graph gallery 63, 65f
graph pane, resizing and moving 58
importing data 56–58
menu ribbon 56, 56f
new NodeXL file 56
opening a NodeXL file created on another computer 63
saving NodeXL files 63
showing the graph 58, 58f
spreadsheet and graph pane 56, 57f
trusted location 64
readable network layout heuristics 59, 60f
undirected and directed graph type 62–63, 64f
NodeXL Graph Gallery 177
NodeXL social media network diagram 33, 33f
Norwegian wiki community 214


Online markets and production 19t
financial transactions 25–26
review sites 26
user-generated products 26
Organizational email collections 132
corporate directory system 142
corporate email network data 142
multiple information systems 142
network questions 133
TechABC  See TechABC email network
Organizational Network Analysis (ONA) 5
Organizational networks, Facebook fan pages 179
cluster-level analysis 183–184
data collection 180–181, 181f
data collection preparation 180
Edges spreadsheet 181, 182f
issue-based community 182
NodeXL importer 181
vertex-level analysis 182–183
vertex spreadsheet 182, 182f
visualization 184–185, 184–185f
Org-charts 5, 32
Out-degree centrality 166–167


PageRank algorithm 21–22, 41, 45
PageRank centrality 41, 83–84
Personal email collections 132
data cleaning 138
data filtering 138–139
graph analysis 140
graph metrics computation 139
network questions 133
NodeXL, import data 138
sent and received messages 139b
visualization 138–139, 140f
Person-level metrics 79
Pinterest 24
Podcasts 23
Polinode 63
Post Office Protocol (POP) 134
Private conversations 150
Public conversations 150
Push technology 131
Python library Dedupe 134


Question and Answer (Q&A) sites 20, 154–155, 156f, 205–206


bi-modal network graph 158, 159f
common-interest group 158
location-based groups 158
meetup group 158
visual properties 158
Real-time collaborative neighborhood watch and reporting 7
Reciprocated edge ratio 31
Reciprocated vertex pair ratio 31
Reciprocity measures 183
Reddit 14
Relational data 12
Reply network 
answer people 154
cascading style sheets (CSS) 154
CSS-D community 154–155, 156f, 157
discussion people 154
eigenvector centrality 157
graph 152, 152f
Harel-Koren Fast Multiscale layout 154, 155f
online community 154
Q&A network 154–155, 156f
social network analysis 154
social role metrics 157, 157b, 157t


Scale free networks 45–46
Selective Exposure theoretical framework 177–178
Semantic networks 
text-based dataset 115
Twitter Gardasil HPV word pair network  See Twitter Search Network
user-generated content 115
Semi-public conversations 150
Shared documents 22
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) 134
Six Degrees of Separation 42–44
SnapChat 17–18
Social media 
applications 5
definition 12
Social Media Research Foundation 55
Social networking services 19t
niche networks 25
professional 25
social and dating 25
Social sharing 19t
bookmarks, news, and books 24
description 23
music 24
photo, images, and art sharing 24
video and TV 23–24
Sociotechnical infrastructure 11–12
Stack Overflow 15–16
Strava 47
Sunbelt 43
Synchronous conversation 19t
audio and video conferencing 21
chat 20
instant messaging 20
text chat 21
UNIX talk messaging 20


TechABC email network 
bridge-spanning units 146
communication patterns 143–145
edge filtering technique 143
edge list 143
Enron Corporation's network 143, 147f
high-traffic connections 143, 144f
interdisciplinary projects 146
Microsoft Excel's Search function 145
research and non-research units 143, 145f
self-loops 143
Threaded conversation 131
Application Programming Interface (API) 153
bimodal networks 153
community conversations 151–152
corporate email list 153–154
definition 149–150
duplicate email addresses 153–154
history, public online 151
Internet service providers (ISPs) 151
limitations 154
navigation 150
permanence 150
post-and-reply threaded message structure 149
private conversations 150
properties 149–150, 150f
public conversations 150
Ravelry  See Ravelry
reply network 
answer people 154
cascading style sheets (CSS) 154
CSS-D community 154–155, 156f, 157
discussion people 154
eigenvector centrality 157
graph 152, 152f
Harel-Koren Fast Multiscale layout 154, 155f
online community 154
Q&A network 154–155, 156f
social network analysis 154
social role metrics 157, 157b, 157t
semi-public conversations 150
single authored 150
statistics and ratings 149
threads 150
thread-to-thread network 153
topics 150
Top-Level Reply network 152, 153f
user-to-user network 153
Thread-to-thread network 153
Tool tips 68–70
Top-Level Reply network 152, 153f
Boolean search 162
content-related metrics 175–177, 176f
conversations 162
data collection 
data import sources 162, 163f
NodeXL Twitter data import feature 162–163, 164f
search string 162–163
groups 171f
Clauset-Newman-Moore algorithm 171
clusters/communities 170–171, 171f
Edges worksheet 172
Groups worksheet 171–172, 172f
hubs 170–171
identification 172
Vertices worksheet 172
hashtag 161–162
issue-specific designated collections 161–162
network-level metrics 
Connected Components 170
connectivity-related characteristics 169–170
edges with duplicates 170
graph density 170
graph reciprocity 170
self loops 170
single-vertex connected components 170
total edges 170
unique edges 170
vertices 170
NodeXL Graph Gallery 177
raw data layout 
Edges worksheet 163–164, 165f
Vertices worksheet 163–166, 166f
retweet 161
Selective Exposure theoretical framework 177–178
social interaction patterns 161–162
vertex-level metrics 
betweenness centrality 168–169
degree centrality metrics 166–168, 167–168f
metrics array 166
user reciprocity 169, 169f
cluster-level layout and visual properties 174–175, 174–175f
clusters 172–173
Graph Pane 172–173, 173f
user-level visual properties 173–174, 173–174f
vertices 172–173
Twitter Search Network 
Gardasil HPV word pair network 
American English language terms 116
Count and Salience columns 117, 119f
Decrease Decimal feature 117
Edges worksheet 117, 118f
HPV vaccines 115
search term 115
Sentiment word lists 117
Skip these words section 117
stopwords 116
unicode languages 116
Vertices worksheet 116–117
vlookup formula 118b
word and word pair metrics 116, 116f
Word Pairs worksheet 117, 117f
Words worksheet 116–117
word networks analysis 
Clauset-Newman-Moore algorithm 119
Edges worksheet 121
Group by Cluster feature 119
with groups 119, 120f
network clusters 120
Overall Metrics worksheet 119
social media messages 120
sub-groups 120
undirected network metrics 119
vertex and edge metrics 119–120
Vertex Group 120–121, 121f
visualization 121–123, 122f, 124f


Unimodal networks 36
Usenet network 15–16
User-article network 211–212
User talk pages 208–209, 210f, 211
User-user network 153, 211
U.S. Senate voting analysis 
co-voting network 96, 97f
dynamic filters 98–99, 99f
filtering edges 96–98
original data files 96
Senate115.xlsx source file 96
vertex attribute 
Group Option dialog 101, 101f
Group Vertice worksheet 99, 100f
Vertex Color 101
Vertex ID 99
Vertex Shape 101
Vertices worksheet 96
visibility column options 97b, 98f


Vertex data 67
Vertex-specific network metrics 82
betweenness centrality 41, 83
closeness centrality 41, 83
clustering coefficient 41, 84
degree centrality 40, 83
eigenvector 41, 83–84
PageRank centrality 41, 84
Video sharing systems 187–188
Viral videos 188
Virtual reality worlds 26–27
Visual properties 
best practices 70b
edges worksheet 75, 75–76f
graph images saving 76, 77f
graph legend 76, 77f
graph options 76–77
vertices worksheet 72, 72f
color 72–73, 73f
opacity 75
shape 73–74
size 74, 74f
visibility 75
vlookup 118b


Wakita-Tsurumi clustering algorithm 106, 107f, 199
Wiki document 13
Wiki networks, culture and collaboration 15, 22
communities 205
data sources 206
direct link 222
edit activity 
article talk pages 211
attributes 211
co-editing behavior 211
edge 210–211
ego-centric network 210
user talk pages 211
vertex 210
encyclopedic information online 205
exploratory methods 206
history 207–208, 208f
namespaces 207–208, 209f
user accounts 207, 209
“User talk” page 208–209, 210f
Whale page 207, 207f
language-specific Wikipedia communities 206
NodeXL MediaWiki page network importer 212f
article-article network 212
article trajectory 211
feature 211
user-article network 211–212
user-user network 211
page modification 205
page-to-page connections 
data collection and processing 213–214, 213t, 214f
Dynamic Filter dialog box 216, 216f
Eigenvector centrality 217, 217f
embedded nodes 216, 218f
graph metrics 216
Harel-Koran Fast Multiscale 214
International Whaling Commission (IWC) 213
language-specific Wikipedia communities 213
map networks 217
MediaWiki importer 206, 212
Norwegian wiki community 214
“relevance” policy 213
seed page hyperlink network 214, 215–216f
Subgraph Images tool 217
question-and-answer (Q&A) communities 205–206
sampling frame 222
social network analysis 206
structure, discussion page interaction 
mapping networks 219–220, 219–221f
talk page community 220–221, 222f
time and resources 222
Word networks analysis, Twitter Gardasil HPV word pair network 
Clauset-Newman-Moore algorithm 119
Edges worksheet 121
Group by Cluster feature 119
with groups 119, 120f
network clusters 120
Overall Metrics worksheet 119
sub-groups 120
undirected network metrics 119
vertex and edge metrics 119–120
Vertex Group 120–121, 121f
Autofill Columns 121–123
co-word analysis 123, 124f
ego-network 122f, 123
filtered view, word pairs 121, 122f
Proquest Thesis and Dissertation dataset 123
Word Pairs 93
World Wide Web (WWW) 19t, 21–22


YouTube 179
content networks 188
data importing 
NodeXL network file 191–192
pre-prepared data 193b
privacy preferences 193
problems 193
user data 192–193, 192f
video data 192, 192f
Google tools 188
“makeup” video network 
Autofill columns 198, 199f
betweenness centrality 200
count and merge duplicate edges 197, 198f
dynamic filters 198
eye makeup tutorial network 202, 202f
import from 197
Isolates group 199
Layout Options 198–199
network clusters 199, 200f
network graphs 202
raw graph 197, 198f
Show Graph button 197
statistical data 201
top viewed videos 201, 201f
Wakita-Tsurumi clustering algorithm 199
metadata 188
users’ networks 190, 191f
video networks 189–190
online communities 188
preparation 193–194
services 188
social affinity networks 188
social network analysis 
data collection and analysis 190
user networks 191
video networks 190–191
social structures 187–188
social tools 188
features 189
network analysis 189
user channel 189
videos 189
user’s network analysis 
Autofill columns 195, 196f
customized visualization 195–197, 196f
edges spreadsheet 194, 194f
egocentric networks 194
GameGrumps 194–197
Graph options 195, 196f
vertices spreadsheet 194, 195f
video content production 194
video content, advantages 187
video networks analysis 197
video sharing systems 187–188
viral videos 188
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