
The authors would like to thank the many people who have made this document and the NodeXL project possible. First, the core members of the NodeXL design and development team include Harald Meier and Arber Ceni on whom we depend for their remarkable programming prowess, thoughtful discussions about features, and always courteous help to us and the NodeXL user community. In addition, Natasa Milic-Frayling from the University of Nottingham, Eduarda Mendes Rodrigues from the UK Mobile Phone company Giff Gaff, Cody Dunne at Northeastern University, Jana Diesner at University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, and Jure Leskovec at Stanford University all have made significant contributions to the NodeXL project. We are grateful also to Adam Perer from IBM Research for his intellectual contributions to our grand adventure. We remain in debt to Tony Capone for his software development work in the initial years of NodeXL.

We also thank Emily Mason, Chad Doran, and Rachel Collins, who collected datasets used in the book as part of their coursework and came up with compelling analyses of them. Special thanks to Chris Wilson of Slate Magazine for sharing the Senate 2007 voting data and Jared Stewart for creating a comparable datasets for more recent years.

The students of several classes who were assigned projects with NodeXL have been patient and forgiving as we refined the rough edges. Many hundreds of thousands of people have downloaded NodeXL, and many have created research and business results using the tool. We appreciate the time and attention our users give the tool and the project and hope they will continue to upgrade with us as the project grows. We are grateful to these and many other people for their efforts to make NodeXL an easy and useful tool for understanding complex networks.

Ai Addyson-Zhang, Stockton University

Hayan Ajjan, Elon University

Julie Albright, University of Southern California

Wasim Ahmed, University of Northumbria

Harith Alani, Open University

Nasir Asar, Highpoint University

Diana Asher, University of California, Los Angeles

Brandy Aven, Carnegie Mellon University

Vladimir Barash, Grafika

George Barnett, University of California at Davis

Daniel Bassill, TutorMentor

Sue Beckingham, Sheffield Hallym University

Steve Boland, Next in Non-Profits

Kirk D Borne, Booz Allen Hamilton

Katy Borner, Indiana University

Aras Bozkurt, Anadolu University

Marie Brugere, Social media expert

Julian Chin, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign

Diane Cline, George Washington University

Noshir Contractor, Northwestern University

James Cook, University of Maine, Augusta

Rob Cross, University of Virginia

Helen Darling, Sumfood

Wayne deFremery, Sogang University

Scott Dempwolf, University of Maryland

Daniel Erasmus, NewsConsole

Randy Farmer, online community expert

Liam Farrell, Author

Kyle Findlay, Kantar Analytics

Lise Getoor, University of California, Santa Cruz

Scott Golder, Capital One

Ian Griffin, Executive Communications

Jacob Groshek, Boston University

Libby Hemphill, University of Michigan

Bernie Hogan, Oxford University, Oxford Internet Institute

Bill Johnston, Structure3C

David Kaplan, Global Investigative Journalism Network

Brian Keegan, University of Colorado

John Kelly, Grafika

Gohar Khan, Waikato University

Leo Kim, Ars Praxia, Korea

Valdis Krebs, Orgnet

Cliff Lampe, University of Michigan

Jeremy Harris Lipschultz, University of Nebraska, Omaha

Graham Mackenzie, Scottish National Health Service Surgeon

Sorin Matei, Purdue University

Fil Menzcer, Indiana University

Anne Merick, The Bravo Group

Nasri Messarra, Saint Joseph University

Luisa Milic,

Aldo de Moor, Online Community Expert

Scott Moore, Online Community Expert

Miriam Notten, LaRed Consulting

Katherine Ognyanova, Rutgers University

Niall O Gribin, Digital Destiny Marketing

Mark Outhwaite, Outhentics: Healthcare research

Han Woo Park, Yeungnam University

Leysia Palen, University of Colorado

Katy Pearce, University of Washington

Ann Pegoraro, Laurentian University

Andrew Pitts, Polinode

Mike Quindazi, Price Waterhouse Coopers

Lee Rainie, Pew Research

Raquel Recuero, Universidade Federal de Pelotas

Howard Rheingold, online community author and teacher

Jason Schulman, Stockton University

Kate Starbird, University of Washington

Elisabeth Stedman, Smart Kiwis

Jeremy Teoh, Chinese University of Hong Kong

David Tindall, University of British Columbia

Leslie Tkach-Kawasaki, University of Tsukuba

Zeynep Tufekci, University of North Carolina

Rusty Tunard, Tufts University

Diana Turecek, Middle East Broadcast Network

Jeff Ubois, Macarthur Foundation

Glen Waddell, University of Nevada, Reno

Barry Wellman, University of Toronto

Brooke Foucault Wells, Northeastern University

James Witte, George Mason University

Kara Wood, Succinct Social Media

Scott Wright, University of Melbourne

Gi Woong Yun, University of Reno

Lyra Zeigler, Graphic Designer

Ton Zijlstra, Online Community Expert

In Memory

Walter Pike

Dana Rotman

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