Challenge: Polishing Your App Some More

With your search feature now working, you might notice little defects or shortcomings of your implementation. Modern, high-quality apps do many subtle things to improve the user experience when searching for content. See if you can implement a few of these changes:

  • As soon as a query is submitted, hide the soft keyboard.

  • While the network request is executing, display a loading indicator (indeterminate progress bar).

  • Your current search implementation has a slight problem: If you start typing a new query while a search is ongoing, it will be reset when the search finishes. Let the user start typing in a new query (or disable text input on the SearchView entirely) while a query is executing.

  • Many apps show search suggestions or previous searches to help users enter queries faster. Keep track of queries that have been submitted previously, and show them onscreen when the user is typing into the SearchView. (You will need a second RecyclerView) to show search suggestions which will appear in place of the gallery when the search field is active.)

Some of these tasks can be accomplished on their own. Others might require you to make changes to the state of your UI and how you represent that data.

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